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J. OrWrial to bity Cleric ORDINANCE 221984 ` COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. _/2 7V7 An ordinance amending Section 320.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code enacted April 6, 1949, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That Section 320.10 of the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code, enacted April 6, 1949, as amended, be and the same hereby is further amended in the following particulars. That said Section 320.10 reading as follows: Oil 320.10. Containers. The owner, occupant, or lessee of every building within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, inhabited, used or occupied as a tenement, dwelling house, lodging house, or hotel, or in which any restaurant or lunchroom is conducted, or in which any garbage is produced, shall maintain sufficient, proper and suitable containers for receiving, and holding garbage. Said containers shall be of galvanized iron or other metal which will not easily rust and which can be readily cleaned, shall be smaller in diameter at the bottom than at the top, shall be provided with a close, well- fitting lid of the same material, and shall be not less than ten gallons nor more than twenty -one gallons in capacity,, and be equipped with-suitable handles. If underground garbage containers of an approved type are used, they shall be kept accessible and'.free from-snow and ice in the winter time. Underground garbage containers may be used only under permit issued by'the Commissioner of Public Works ;" hereby is amended to read as follows: 320.10. Containers. The owner, occupant, or lessee of every building within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, inhabited, used or occupied as a tenement, dwelling house, lodging house, or hotel, or in,which any restaurants or lunchroom is conducted, or in which ariy garbage is produced, shall maintain sufficient, proper and suitable containers for receiving and holding garbage. Said containers shall be of galvanized iron or other metal which will not easily rust and which can be readily cleaned, shall be .smaller in, diameter at the bottom than Ft the top, shall be provided with a close, well- fitting lid of the same material, and shall be not less than ten gallons nor ,ore than twenty -one gallons in capacity, and be ,/ equipped with suitable handles; or, said containers Original to CITY Clerk �. 0 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO. Page 2. 221 -984 shall be constructed in two plies, 50 lb. basis weight paper of a wet strength nature, with a capacity of from 15 -to -35 gallons. This container to be suspended froma specially constructed stand of galvanized iron or other -metal which will not readily rust. If under- ground garbage containers of an approved type are used, they shall be kept accessible and free from snow and ice in the winter time. Underground garbage con- tainers may be used only under permit issued by the Commissioner of Public Works." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance:; rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety'. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. 0 r Yeas Counciljdn Nays Passed by the Council APR 20 19 ",--Holland �asD'lglish NaYs Re passed by th ' ouncil " Q 7 Loss � In Favor Mrnsvir= Meredith 1?eterson Peterson Against : Rosen Rosen APR 20 Mr. President (Vavoulis Mr.Preside t (Vavoulis ) Approved: Attest: ` Reapproved: 7;eei City Clerk or IM "2 zz UBLISHED MAY 15 Form approved Corporation Counsel By 3 I I PAPER BAD ABEAM £E, CBMAMM-S TR$AL PROORM 3AENT PAUL, FU SOTA c3v4 y -i'lD By HL9ILI u OF SmI a TION W- FA8's Ma OF PQtBL IC WO-MU AIM SAINT REGIS PAPER CMIP V WITiI ASSISTA= OF MI EMA M31111M MANU'AC°a°df M 00"I"AaNT • S��s6Ei�LS, 1969 ' v rm-amAny, 1955 C. A. TES723 Area of. Trial Program:: iL neoln Avenuo on the north; Panhill Road on the south;, ?ale Street on the eazt; and Lexington Varkmay on the west. (Approxiwately 40-square city blocks) Number of families involved: Approximately 400.• ;'ff�pe3 of area: Eomo lovbi and some hills. Majority alley collections, witI so= collections from fronts:. Wosather conditions: Ys311 (rainy season) through part Of Win`ui (GROW and sub -zoro temperatures). C Type oY bags: 2 -ply. SW strangth,; geotchban treated. Size of bags: Approuimately 30 gallons. hype of hangers: Upright mount; no animal guards except a few on raqueot. Cbst of bugs: v30.00 per. thousand. dort of hangars :. $7.50 teach. ,'mac of vehicle used im colletioR: Compactor•. 'Numbosl of collectors with track: 2. Typo o4•dis3posdl: Landfill. C&..Iec'tions per creek: 1. ¢t. ftu1 garbage-collection system: 1. rront pickups Isom street to back yard.. 2. Alloy from within 10 feet of alley lima.'• 3. no service charge - general revenue. 4. No rubbish permitted in garbage. 5. Ca bago wrapped in eovesxal thicknesses of nawbpapgr. G. W.'stsal. cans, 10—to 21- gallon papatity with tight - fittiing covers. Questionnaires: Approximately 350 mailed. Approximately 250 raturns. - 1 - � � o 7n June of 19040 repreSentaativaes of the St., kLgias Paper Company enr3 . the Minnesota MninZ and Manufacturing Company viaa3ted the Sanitation Euseaau office in the St. Paul City Unil. to explain to the Commi n siornes of ?aablic Woeks and tho Superintendent of Sanitation the oystem of papa" buZ garbage collection. `+ A6 entire idea, as was pointed out by the St. Regis people, was to of misna3te t`ae3 old typo metal garbage cans Zrom the St. Paul scene by the ume of paper bags. It was aagd ed by the Commissioner mad the Sup~rintendent that ,;he City of St. Paul mould cooperate in such a trial program foe• a pari.ad of from eight to ten 'seeks. 720 City agreed 'CO. spon1d up to $500.00 of City funds to dofray the cost of raga, with the St. Regis Papaexa Company to defray the cost of the hangers, the placing of tho con iinars and the mad tiling costs of all quastioninairess and letters. A portion of a regular garbage mute in the district commonly known as PtrocuO Eilli was chosen. for the trial area. 'solio area waP chosen be- cause there were Go-= alleys and sow Iront collections. Alsd ;theze -qes'ci peYas ©ns in the �incamo brAc%Qt' Gomm t In he ' uzediun I n ome bracket, and•s©na In Sloe lore Income bracket, as M2.1 as Sow Persons sin, pa;asion. °i%is, It ciao felt, would precent a fair craDp-= sectlon ,of the rQ side ntLts •of St. Pal Ps Tiell' as prepentt'?ng ravozage streat and alley ggLlditlans. ,,After the 6 nzdan<ies off: the aaa$oa wore determined, the St.. Veg$ss Paper Company was fur Ashed ^Yit h a llat of addresses os the homes which Vero serviced within those bqi nds3ries. The St. R_egio Paper Company 4i2 tans drafted aI letter, QzrPlaaining Q41 ofi the details of UP trinl pk0draam nand. ovor the zignat'tum. •O.f the, Lamm ssionor of Pubii le FcQr :s, mailed the letter to all. of the. inanssa8aglcaers Involved.: aivifng Jae people a few -Wczb%s i.M r1hich to receive thq letters s and di- geas 'heir contents, Site, S's. Regis Paper C3-alpany area M nnesota I fining . sett ���a rsent:atiilveA out to p ;zonmlly contact th.gsc pop pie. Vjx is Cave the people a chanoe' 2Q a3s question. p'ertwining ' �,o t- sy6tom, 'die eV @attaial cost:, aatad suig►thing else th^ty they ¢i n 11 t i3t�c�orsstaand. : Xt alight be tazon'ri on ad at this point that the UiniWasota fiWaI ng ,areal aeaufapturinpg Compaoy tqan'azr. �t'ras s: paiser tti`aatmeant paslied `° co'cehbaann Which' P?Dteots3 the bags grain oil, grease and water p.Talno.. feala is their interest in the paper bag sy+ste.m. Af'�er the let tars were. sent to the ho: oolzolders and before the bags and holders were delivered, the Sanitation Foacanen a pd cmllcctoz "s Wesv briefed .by tee. Superinteairient of Sanitation pia the propoacd plan and the part r+hlcb t3acy t1a�t�ld be squired to take in it. fey vier© all directed to continue collecting on the on ne dray of the rjeek as usual and in the same maroon.. as -usual. %Ihvy were as ?sod to start at the saatse starting point on the route, make the usual stops for co�:�eo Wxbaks or lunch, and not t� to hurry the xaouto or to masse unusual delays. Me Sanitation crews and Foremen cooperated completely during the entire trial period, and it Tias fa'om gloom tbaat a good deal ok irfo_mtti.on has been received. - 2 - r J r°h•P collectOrs feel that collection time is reduced considerably with V-1e Use of the paper •bag system 'uher3 collections aze made from the alleys. Wherc there arti ao n11eYs, hoviover•, and coulee 4ions r ubt- be x1u'f2e from bid^ .ciY`.�3G'°r.p t136' collection t?r^e MaY be increased. The roaaon f4v this is that in ,St. Paul tYhen garbaZe is collected Zrom the stroet rather 'dhasa the a13eg7, t3so en3gectoz rust Halls to 'i,F3t3 seas 'of 's;he Zo "d t© empty the* contalner; and when the metal Garbagre cans rise used, the collector uses a tote baskot. With this rsyste:a it is possible' 2or a collector to pick up at two or mo, 3 homes bofore setuzning to the truck. Wit the p4par bags, blip, largeo it is usually asecessary'for the col- t• ; tW to return to the trues with each Individual bag. gn marry Ei ties the coAgetion3 am made •'rom tie curb rlh3we no alloys gXist ; aAd this would bo similar to alley collec -loos. En other r;osds, c.he tim. saving elegy? MC r101nld bS the same as St. Lain has engeri'wsaced in alley collections. The trial prag-aut in 5tt. Paul has provod 1.-hat the tas pep baU' system in o7sceptionally sweat.; lt� eliminates i;ho complaints Of noisy cans, missing cowls s or ftm aged cans;` It can I= a ti= saver; ripa it redtares much of Ilse. heavy lifting for ikP collee tafs. Erg St. Paul it was found 4 hat the bags were to® large ior.' a once -a -week col? cct;io' n of garbage cply. Actually, they invi tot z e Lousaholders to dispose of much of s=dbbish in thcm along with the garbage; and $4318 is a vioiat:ioni of; the oa °dit?s►face in St. PAUIo N is practically impos sible to check the Bur=s for such viola "Mona .wlthaut deleatin one of the pica Posos of the', bag. gn 'mb der t© Check t4: Racently guestionna,iaess v,e�zo mailed to all of tho householders in Pt. Paul who had boon pa..srticips3tlag in tho trial program, Th-a question - naires v a. made ups by tho St. &? gio Paper Co. and the Superintendent of Uridataon and coves -ad the points vahich wazo most important to the City as wall a,; to the parvar compsa ly. Approgipatel.y 75900 of the ques3- tionnairv.s rre returned with all questions 'answcmd, 76% of the parsons: who softrame3d the qwstionnaires stated that the sacks were more sanitary than the mo"al cans. E3%, feat that the, operation was less noiny than with metal cans, 76% fcl t that the bags yarn durable enough to vithstmd the clinlate extrapaities. : 76;7,, TOlt that She' ll gngor Tlao sufftbiently Oprable, 70% felt there was a noticeable ,deduction in pillage asaund the receptacle. 68la felt the fly slid insect problem was less with paper bags. 23 � felt -the bags ,were too 7% said they rem too mall; and 6% said they Ves.-6 about the right sizes. 60% ®f 'n, e people thought that one bag would Fr2 sufficient to handle ©ne..9,- wah°z accumulation of gt;`&ba„ a and rubbish If it were combined. 54% thought tho a.ppsearance of the papor bag rind hs�gar was An imp rovament ovar ' hp. metaal. can. ,! Z said they. Farad: Rglp n problem attaching the bag to the hangar. 642; preferred, generally, the p apor bag container to the metal can. 35% ire willing pay a nominal costs each month for. 1- Ere pap-or bags. a5 favo--ead having Sao city adopt than use of p gppr ba& on a city -wide bae.:is. It would appo ar° that ma ny of the people who raturned the clues tionnaire5 were undecided as to hqq they actually folt or what they actually aianted, Hcwover, it iJ6 felt that an tine majority of Ci se•s the People mere in doubt as to thbQ • ppsslble cost to the llidivid *ual householder ouseholde, iS any changes viere t©;- be mado in'the3 col.lactioij system. : 7,aorp4brea many of the pe: sonsn ens 7r ,ring Sob quostic sires viere hesitance in revealing their tie feelings. $n Cwiz�{en, Axkansas, wh�eve a dibfesvnt paper company, Rond;iieted a trial p�gram * the ;asults tS ley ob aimed from the Que,'p a Lonn alaea ceezied more i ©ucluslve . �013e .bsaffs vere tested over a a- month• p ar iod in 550 homes, with a: twieo- a -wcek coll.ea t cirri' combined garlasagc �d aubbis;la. '�u, y See;aiVv ad 486 rettirus out of 550 rlue3ti ®naaaiaas, sand, troy report that 9 c i� thouf"Pht the bags were more sanitary th -can cans; 93% Lpqug Fat they [tlf.re less noisy; 100% apprpved of the appearance; 861�' th,qught they %,Oro viorth a slight additional •charV; and 857a of 'aFae paysons raithili the test area subscribed to the system on a Pamamexnt basis. h=a ovzorss in. Camgen purchased the hangers from the City, for $15.00 J cash, or 01.00 per month for a period of 16 r6onths. ilhe OeVvice change for colloc ion in Camden is $1.00 per month with the use of the metal crams. 9t is X1.05 pets month vikore the paper bags aze used, and the sanitation crews delivor• the necessary ba.ga to the subscribers of that typo of sewvlco. `Mis any cmcwer a problem in mnsay ether cities. St seems that 1:hw gzeatast problom Vith the paper bag system is the gi nancis?g •of the progr=. c cost of "bags to tho City Qf St. Pxatl is $90.00 per thousand, or roughly 100,. each. The coot of th3 hangers will ranga ism 07.50 each to approximately $15.00 anchp depending upon the sstylo and typo o2 ha3:gcr cawed. This creaat;er, a problem for any ci dy because, if tho city usnde Cakes to finance such a p-nagram with - out a service charge to the Ire upeholder, it would practically doubl© the coat o,- collection." As aaa examplo, the cost of garbage collection in St. Paul for the yeQ;ti of lMd was aappro'- amately. �600,000.00. $3 the city were to puzzolanse paplar bags for a12 the homes that are ser- •viced by the city garb�igo crews, tFao cost of g avbaga, collac tiona would Increase by oval, ^2G0,,0,QDj ©0 pea• yeses. This va,ld still not Include the coast of the hanger$;" This viould means that collection time on Uhe rpntos; could have to by roduced to such an exieant that at least 10 routes would have to ba eliminated in order to ofiset the 'cost of the . bags. Whis would not be impossible providing all front collections viore reside flora the curb .instead of the rear of p<mpartics3 and c©rtain other char es wens made do samo of the outlying, eaantes. Of course, cities which have se7rv�ge PInarges for garbage collection Pould solve the increase in cost: by adding baba additional 5W per mouth tca the service charge; and 2hip' would pay for the bags as v.3all as; the hangers over a two year period:., On the other hared, if the hous.ghol.der is forced to purchase the bags and hangers, this could. brood not only a costly item, but' also a vdal burden to *many people Who am on lost incomnc or on pepssioaa. Marry of :hose people can puLchgpp a granbage can every year or ywm faL a couple of dollars; but to y °d; ";find it ext?emely difficult to pugch ase as hanger for 410.00 or $15.00 and then sp nd an sadditlo%iaal $A.00 p;.:,G year, or more for bags. The officials in charge asf garba.go collection its the City of St'.' Paul fool that sa posasible solution in St, Paul would bp to Phaxfj ea Mty Ordinance to mal:e the papar garb 'ag b bag legal and then havo the paper egmpn aios place the bags. and hangers on the market In local' ha.rdw are stares, super a aeactsa a tfd Like plpeesi. This would, give Ume householder a cIzsange to choose the type of container he wants to uGe. Tea only other alternative that the officials in St. Paul feel they have at tho present timo would Tae to establish an eatiroly 'dlffeaasat aystem on a city -wido basis, with tho city forces possibly collecting cozbined garbage and rubbloN, with a definite limit placed on the typo and amount of rubbish that would be collected at each household. A service charge of perhaps 41.50 or $2.00 per month would pay for bhe collection costs plus tho cost of the bags and hsangews. Coveve,r, the City of St. Paul has been very hesitant in establishing any syotem which may o;reaato an added financial burden for the home oEvners. It - 5 - ti A is hopad that a solue:ion may ba worked out by the Departmotnt of Public Works or •the City 03chnicanl Com. - niittloe which will prove of benefit to the City rrgaxbago collect-1-on system and at the smme Lime not adversely affect tha hc►aase£? ©lciers. Xt is defi nitely ogreead by lino majority of the houncholdars, viho have pnrticipated In the trial progoamv as wool as by 1104-3 gaAbago col.lectorsd the Saaitation Foremen and the city officcys rosponssible for Liao gar - baae collection In St. haul that thte paper bag system has a groat ream to recommend it. khae bars are durable, they ara Much more-sanitary than the metal garbage coantulnaro, Choy raducc complaints of housaholders pertaining to amiee or da maap d conxtaineLs,- and trtey reftee the amount of woi.ghtt which mast ae lifted or carried by the garbago mars each day. The greatest single problem for prr -ctica lly any city contemplating theeirr use is f nasa.cing. Jhiy city off$clal inatezosted in establishing she paper bag system In his own city must be read, to place a g.-Leaat deal of study into how his city will finer e i t. The collection t;im with the Sag system can be considerably less than with the matal cans. `Phis time saving elomdnt may be groat enough In some cities to actually pay for the cost of the bsago and hangers. $rn sotae cities the time sav- ing element may not be gr3zAt enough to pay for any part of it. Each city. has its orm individual problem and each c? ty has its own way of solving the problem. It iz, therefore, necessary for cane city official to try to determine whether the sgotern will save enough in mains -hours to pay for it or whether• the city wanes to add to its collection costs On^ whether the 'city %- -cants to isnaugu3a ate a service chaay;�e for garbage collection, or posaibly a4d to s present service charge. ?Ue trial program in St. Paul began as a 10 -voch trial period; but at the end of the 10-vie-oh period the St. Regis Paper Company requested an extension of time say that the system could be tried throur,hout the ma- jor portion of tho winmor seeson. After soma discussion in a meeting in tbe office o3 the Commissioner of Public Wo:&z, it was agreed that an additional pariod mf time would lac granted to bring the progzam up to the month of ra- bruary, 1965. X; is belt by the officials in chabCo of gaabngo collection in the City of St. Paul $hale a fair and thorough trial- of tho paper bag system has ntovi been completed. u'ho City, h`n©vaeves, has nnot adop?, the system; neither have they condemned It. Xt is really a matter Low of deciding mh& aer tho city will change its entire pyst;om or vhsthev they arill try tea -_ %aaiugurate a piecom- al system by ch=ging one route at an time or vihather they will Just change the ordinance to brake the paper baff s l.e- gas, and allow. them to be ' sold in the locail. atoms. Do2lni toly, the paper bags have a lot to recommend therm; but as with every new ventaaa*e, they aloo pivsent a problem. OMM r st °� #` +/►- 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app.2,— Adopted 3 Ye s Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland ��-"'olland Loss +�.►' Loss 2 \ Meredith eredith Peterson V rson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis