06-469Council k'ile # ci{o — �p Green Sheet #3030526 RESOLUTION OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by �� RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Municipal Garage 2 Supervisor I be established at the rate set forth in Grade 018, of Bargaining Unit 09, the Saint Pau1 Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. � Approved b Date � �� Mayoi: By: Requested by Office of Human Resotuces B Form Apg,�ove y F' a'al Serv� _ sy: �— Form Appro ed b ttamey By: � - v— Form Appxo d b ayoz f u missio to Council By: G.\SharedISYSTEMS.DEVELOPMENT.SE�IOMOrg Desig�\Coasu�U�c- GilbertsonV+Lcia's Class Wor}�1BU 03 Fire��RUnicipal Garage SrryervisorI and Il�Coiscil ftesolurion for MGS I.doc Adopted by Date Council: �� adG��_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary /�!_ —L11„ °l f�`.. .,u jr i ��T pEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE AVITTATEA GREEN SHEET No.: 3030526 Human Resources 04/26/06 CO�TACTPERSOY3&PHOIVE: — IN WuDATE WITInLmArE Alicia Gilbertson, 266-6477 I DEPARTMENT Dllt 5 �rrY�o��L MUST EE ON COUNCIL ACENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGiYBD 3 CITY ATfORi�'EY 6 cm' c�EaK NUMBER FOR ROUTL�'G 2 FINANCLILSERVDIlL Fl�1ANWLSERVfACCI'G ORDER q MAYOR (OR AS51'.) TOTAL k OF SIGNATQIiE PACES_t (CLIP ALL LOCATIO�S FOR SIG\ATURE) nCTiOn �Q[nsTEA: Approval of the new classification of Municipal Garage Supezvisor I in Crrade 018 of Saint Paul Supervisors Oiganization, Sazgaining Unit 09 Salary Schedule. RECOhIMENDATiONS- Approve (A) or Rejecc (R) RERSOttAL SERYICE COiYTRACTS MUST ANSWER'CHE FOGLO WtNG QUESTIONS: 7. FIas tltis pe�soNf¢m ever worked �mder a contrac[ for eds deparh�xn@ PLANNMG COMMISSIOV Yes Na - CIB COMMiCCEE 2. Has this persod�irm ever been a ciry employee? CNIL SERVICE WMMISSION Yes No 3. Does ihis persodfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No 4. Is B�is pe�soNSm� a prgeted vendot> Yes No Enplain al! yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green Sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): In January 2006, Human Resources was asked by the Fire Department to conduct a job study for a vacant position. A detemunation was made by HR that the creation of a Municipal Garage Supervisor I classification was appropriate. The Saint Paul Supervisors Organization, SPSO, Bazgaining Unit Q9, was norified that the class of Municipal Garage Supervisor I was created and they had no obj ecrions. nnvaxTwcES iF arrxov�n: The Fire Department's organizational siructure will be properly shuctured to manage the work being accomplished. An individual will be able to perform the duries and responsibilities of the Municipal Garage Supervisor T and will be appropriately compensated. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NOIle. nis.Anv.atJrncES � Nor ArPxovEV: Duties and responsibilities would need to be absorbed by cunent employees. The result would be delays in work and services completed by current employees. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: ��4 ,289/year C�ST��v��'�T�!. BUDCr�'TE�: YCS FUNDING SOURCE: 505 ACTIVITY NUMBER: 15001 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIii� The Fire Department will cover the additional expenses for an employee's salary, approximately $54,289.Q0 per yeaz within its existing adopted budget. �a a G'�Shared�SYSTEMS.DEVELOPMENLSECTIOMOrg. Design\COnsultant-Gilbertsfln�A(icia's Class Work�BU .,3 r a�e Supervisor 1 and ll�Cirernsheettor Mumc�pa� liamge supernsor t acc <,�; � � ��#�0 �� � ROL7TING ORBER: Be1ow are correct mufings for fhe six mostfrequent types of documents: CONIRACTS (a.csumes auThorized budget e�sts) 1. Outside Age¢cy 2: DepaituientDirector 3. Gity Attomey 4, Mayor/Assistant (for cotttracts over $25;000) 5. Hunaan Rights (for coniracts over $50,000) 6. Office ofFinancial Services - Accounting COUNCII.RESOLUTION {amend budgets/accept g�ants) 1. Dep�entDirector 2. Oflice.ofFinancial Services Dsector 3. City Attnmey 4. Mayor/Assistant ' 5: City Couacit 6. Office ofFinanciai 5etvices - Accoimtiug ADMII�TESTRATIVE ORDERS (BndgetRevisioa) 1. ActiviLyManagerorDepmtmentAcconutaut 2. DepaztmentDirec�r 3. Office afFinancial ServicesD'uector 4. City Clerk 5. Office of Financiai Services - Accounting ADMII3IS'IRATIVE ORDERS (all� otheis) 1. DeparhuentDirector 2. City Attomey 3. dfliceofFinancial5ervicesDireetos 4. City Clerk COU23CII.RESOLUTION (all ot}iers and Ordinences) 1. Deg�tcuentI?itactor 2. City Attomey 3. Mayo;%Assistant 4. City Council EXECUTIVE ORDER I. Depar�ntD'uector 2. Gtity Attomey , 3. MaporlAssistaat 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATC7RE PAGES Indicate the # of pages on which sigaa4ires aze iequired �d gapemlip ar flag each ofthese pagea ACTIONREQUESTID Descnbe wfiatthe projecUreqaest seeks to accomplisfi in either chronologicai order or orcfer of importance„tvhichever is most appropriateforthe issue. Do notwrite complete seutences. Begin each item inyour ]ist with averb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in questionhas been presented before anY �Y, Pubiic or private. PERSONAL SERVICE CO23TRACTS: 'I'6is iufoxmationwill be used' to deternune �e city's fiability for workeis compensation claims, Yaxes and proper civil service hirin� rules. INITIATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'FUNITY Exglain the situation or condifions t6at cxeated a need for yaar pmject or request. ADVANTAGES IF`APPROVED 7ndicate cvhather this is s"smpty a¢ annusl budget procednre requirac2 bylaw/charter or whefher fhere are specific ways in wluch the City of Saint Psui and its cifizens will, benefitfrom t5is projecUaction. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED , Whatnegative effects ot major changes to existing or past processes might this project/req+zest psoduce if iYis passed (e.g., h�c delays, noise, taic incteases or assessments}2 To whom7 WhenT For how Iong? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVID W(iat will be tfie negative oomsequences 'ff fhe promised action is not,approved? Inabi�ity tu deliver servcce? Continue high h noise, accident rate? I,oss of revenue? FINANCL4L AxPACT � � � �� Atthoughyou masttailor'the iuEormationyou provide hae to the, issue you are, addressiug, in generat you must answer, two questions: How much is it going to cost? Who is going to pay? ' / � Title of Class: MUNICIPAL GARAGE SUPERVISOR I Description of Work Code: 307B BU: 09 (Salary Info) General Duty Statement Grade: 018 Effective Date: 04/25/2006 Performs work required far the management of a Municipal Garage including; fund management, budgeting, equipment purchasing and disposal and all fleet services functions. Provides responsible management and supervisory work in directing, coordinating and evaluating the resources, services, and projects of a large functional section or multiple units of a Municipal Garage. Directs the operation of the Garage by providing training and guidance to staff, analyzing cost-effective procedures, establishing standazds, measuring productivity, setting priorities, and formulating goals and objectives. Performs other duties as assigned. Supervision Received Works under the general direction of a department head or division head. Supervision Exercised Exercises general technical and administrative supervision ofpersonnel assigned to a Municipal Garage. Competencies • Demonstrates an advanced-level understanding of the full range of current technology used in managing a fleet, an understanding of how to apply technological advances to work applications and lead others in applying them. Demonstrates an ability to use common soflware such as spreadsheets, word processing, database management, and Internet search tools in the performance of the work. • Demonstrates an ability to evaluate technological needs and select appropriate technological tools, applications, and advances in work methods to meet those needs. Demonstrates an abilit� to manage and lead staff involved in applying same. Demonstrates a working knowledge of the mechanical and operational aspects of vehicles and equipment and has an advanced -1eve1 ability to apply this knowledge to write equipment specifications for specialized equipment, establishes policies for preventive maintenance and replacement, and directs the maintenance, repair, and use of speciali2ed equipment Demonstrates an advanced-level ability to effectively coordinate the preparation, submission, and management of a budget. o�-��� Demonstrates an advanced-level ahility to prioritize own work and work of others, expertly plamiing and managing multiple complex projects that may have changing priorities. Demonstrates an ability to direct the development and implementation of work plans, protocols, standards, and appropriately define and measure results. Demonstrates an advanced-level ability to effecrively listen, speak, write, and interact tactfully in a wark group, with the public, and City officials. Demonstrates an ability to influence decision making of City management. Demonstrates verbal and written ability to appropriately respond to information requests and complaints, and demonstrates skills in publicly presenting information to community groups including elected officials. Demonstrates effective advanced-level leadership of the work group and subordinates by promoting the mission and vision of the Department and the City, and by reinforcing desired employee work behaviors. Demonstrates an advanced-level ability to facilitate group problem-solving processes, recognizing positive results, managing conflict, and negotiating satisfactory outcomes. Demonstrates an ability to select staff best suited for the assigned functional area and demonstrates an ability to effectively manage employee performance by setting expectations and coaching employees to meet those expectations. Demonstrates an advanced-level ability to direct others in conducting customer service needs analysis and the development of customer service standards. Demonstrates respect for customers, employees and co-workers including diverse customers, employees and caworkers. Demonstrates a commihnent to customer service, an understanding of services provided, and sets the service standard. Demonstrates an ability to identify and anticipate customer service needs and to appropriately respond to the most complex and difficult customer issues. Requirements Eight years of administrative experience in a municipal, fleet, or garage services environment to include a majority of the following: planning, reporting, budgeting and supervising, and sixty semester credits. OR, A Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Management or a related field, and four years of administrative experience in a municipal or fleet services environment. Some positions within this classification may be required to have past experience writing equipment specifications for specialized equipment within a public works, water, fire, or police operation.