D001500C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financiai Services - Accounting � j (� (� -RequestingDept. No: �`t`�1`"� Date:� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistentwith the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection to amend the 1997 Budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Office of Financiai Services is authorized to amend said budget as fo�lows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITX AND OSJECT: Office of License, lnspection and Environmentat Protection Operations - New GL Q01-OQ178-0111 GL 001- 00178-0439 GL 001- 00178-0235 • GL 001- 00778-0241 Full Time Permanent Fringes Mileage - Type II Printing CURRENT BUDGET 31Q,119 sz,�ss 9,375 1,500 APPROVED CHANGES 1,119 7,543 (1,800) (862) AMENDED BUDGET 317,238 94,309 7,575 638 413,760 0 473,760 � , �� .� �'� � pared : Activity Manager 'Date ,�0,0 ,� ��,� -�l�/r� �quest� � Department Director Date �� ��� Approved by: Director of Financial Services Date omnnrnm DATS WlIIA'IID ExecutiveAdministration-LIEP � 03/17/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 50�429 �� NNfACI'PtASONdPHONE Ol DFPAATh4NfDIDECRIR � Q[YCOUNW. 7anet Odalen 266-9111 �,� � arrwrmwsr � arrasuc ML6CHEONCWNCLLAGF]9AHY�.1'IR � o �,.�.� � �.�,,,�, O MAYOA(O0.AS4SfAN1) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ONR�114S'fID pproval of 1997 General Fund BudgetRevisions. xFm'a.�alwis nac��GV axqm W YERSONAL SII2VICE C�NTRACIS MUSC ANSWERTFII: FOLLOR'ING QUESL[ONS: n.wem+ccronw�ox _avasxv�mna�ow I.HastlrisP��ewrwo`ked�deracwtactforthedepmlmem? cm cronAUrr� YES NO a_srntF _ 2 Has 8m P��� e�u buu s city employa7 omwcrcouxr YES NO suraoeis mocxcouNrnoatficnvs> s. Doa eris nasodfam Possem a sl7u mt nu�mallY P�%%� b3' am' ��t �Y �P� YES NO (E�Platn all yes aaswers on xP�s1e sM1eet and atlach m geeo s6cet) MI'I'IATPIG PROBIAL ISSUE,OPPoR'NfIIlY(WM1O.R'In4 R'ha� WMC Whyk There is a deficit in the salary and frictge benefit e�cpenditures in the 1997 LIEP General Fund (��l). There are sufficient excess dollar atnounts in other line items which will cover the shortages. This Administrafive Order will balance the 1997 LIEP Crene`al Fund Budget. ADVANTAG6IF APPftOVED: 1997 LIEP General Fund Budget will be ir� balance. � DISADYnNTn661F APPAOY�: RE�EI�lED None MAR 191998 CITY CLERK DISqDVANTAGFSOf NOT APPROVFD: The 1997 LIEP General Fund Budget will not be in balance. TOTALAMOIINTOFiRpNSACIION C0.4lM6VENUEBUDG62ED(COtCLCONE) O NO WGSIXIHCE ACfIVItYM1MB0t CIALINFORMATfON: (ETRIAPI) �� SaY[PaiBUtlyet0l&elF:\41?3Yasonmoawn.WKa) a.axa CTi'Y OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI� MAYOR L AD11'III�'ISTRATIVE ORDER rto: IJtX� I JIJ� • BUDGL�T RE�'ISION Date: �_117� ADMINISTRATTVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority gcanted to the Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and basefl on the request of Director of the Division of Pazks and Recreation to amend ffie 1997 budget of the General fund, the D'uector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authozized to amend said budget in the following manner: Division of Pazks and Recreation General Fund Spending Plan 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 � 1 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 � 001 001 001 001 03100 03100 03100 03100 03100 03100 03100 03100 03101 03101 03101 03101 03102 03102 03102 03102 03102 03102 03102 03103 03103 03103 03103 03103 03103 Q3103 03103 03103 03104 03104 03104 03104 03104 03104 03104 03105 03105 03105 03105 0111 0161 02b1 0341 0370 0439 0547 0856 0111 0241 0368 0439 0117 0270 0271 0299 0370 0438 0813 0111 0161 0219 0255 0256 0299 0368 0439 0529 0111 0141 0299 0344 0439 0831 0837 0131 0256 0389 0439 Current Eu dECf c han¢e Full Time Permanent 365,005.00 Salary Needs 15,576.00 Fire Insurance Preminm 15,103.0(3 Motor Fuel 0.00 EDP Supplies 0.00 Fringe Benefits 106,827.00 Pymt to Sub Contractor 5,500.00 Data Processing Softwaze 4,400.00 Full Time Permanent 43,562.00 Printing 0.00 O�ce Supplies 0.00 Pringe Ben�ts 13,431.00 Trades w/o Benefits 0.00 Elevator Maintenance 3,927.00 Building Repair Service 13,237.00 Miscellaneous Services 39,615.00 EDP Supplies 0.00 Fringe Benefits 44,544.00 Duplicating Machines 0.00 Full Time Permanent 20,997.00 Salary Needs 1,394.00 Fees Other Professional Services7,000.00 Dues 1,319.00 Registration Fees Local 1,350.00 Miscellaneous Services 2,343.00 Off'ice Supplies 489.00 Fzinge Benefits 6,285.00 Other Refunds 449.00 Fu1lTimePermanent 310,194.00 Overtime 0.00 Miscellaneous Services 3,888.00 Parts for Vehicles 172,222.00 Fringe Benefits 89,007.00 Shop Equipment 9,100.00 Lawn Mowers 7,500.00 Certified Temp/Seasonal 2,160.00 Registration Fees Local 1,500.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 2,530.00 Fringe Benefits 2,580.00 (21,766.Q0) (2,939.51) (7,973.13} 321.00 11,799.59 (8,014.29) (5,500.00) (1,618.06) (5,425.92) 237.65 246.83 (2,015.58) 13,216.98 4,750.16 5,266.09 8,988.64 2,285.50 26,851.61 910.19 (1,314.20) (1,394.00) (3,050.00) (1,319.00) (955.00) (1,092.25) (419.50) (669.47) (494.00) 11,206.66 9,513.48 (1,398.41) (18,879.02) 4,497.85 (1,385.40) (6,952.50) (1,480.50) (402.27) (8893� (377.17) Amended Bu agec 343,239.00 12,636.49 7,129.87 321.00 11,799.59 98,812.71 0.00 2,781.94 38,136.08 237.65 246.83 11,415.42 13,216.98 S,b77.16 18,503.09 48,603.64 2,285.50 71,395.61 910.19 19,682.80 0.00 3,950.00 0.00 395.00 1,250.75 69.50 5,615.53 �.0� 321,400.66 9,513.48 2,489.59 153,342.98 93,504.85 7,714.60 547.50 679.50 1,097.73 1,640.64 2,202.83 ��Q�� 001 � 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 �O1 001 fl01 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 � 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 � 0�1 001 001 03105 03108 03108 03108 03108 03108 03108 03108 03108 03108 03108 0312U 03120 03120 03120 03122 03122 03122 03122 03122 Q3122 03122 03124 03124 03124 03124 03124 03126 03131 03131 03131 03131 03131 03131 03131 03132 03132 03132 03132 03132 03132 03135 03170 03170 03170 03170 03170 03170 03170 03170 03170 03170 0578 0133 0241 0275 0285 0286 0289 0370 0439 0815 0857 0111 0221 0344 0439 0141 0215 0219 0299 0356 0439 0848 0111 0141 0279 0372 0439 0241 0131 0141 0229 0271 0389 0439 0851 0111 0273 0371 0376 0439 0821 0255 0121 0283 0285 0289 0293 0357 0371 0373 0389 0439 Safety Allocation 30,000.00 Capitol City Intem 0.00 Printing 9,�00.00 Office Eqmt Mtce Contract 1,088.00 Rental Duplicating Eqmt 593.00 Rental Other Eqmt 0.00 Miscellaneous Services 0.00 EDP Supplies 0.00 Fringe Benefits 90,550.00 Desk-Chairs-Tables 2,000.00 Data Processing Hazdwaze 2,739.55 Full Time Permanent 296,806.00 Postage 756.00 Parts for Vehicles 201.00 Fringe Benefits 85,300.00 Overtime 7,476.00 Medical Fees 9,000.00 Fees Other Professional Services0.00 Miscellaneous Services 4,533.00 Safety Supplies 225.00 Fringe Benefits 193,923.00 Other Specialized Eqmt 4,700.00 Full Time Permanent 181,286.00 Overtime 0.00 Other Repair & Mtce 9,832.00 Oil 7,271.00 Fringe Benefits 53,999.00 Printing 0.00 Certified Temp/Seasonal 41,218.00 Overtime 8,100.00 Other Communications 410.00 Building Repair Service 0.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 1,500.00 Fringe Benefits 25,269.00 Radio Eqmt 1,000.00 Full Time Permanent 878,112.00 Grounds Mtce Service 61,616.00 Electricity 92,556.00 Water 127,025.00 Fringe Benefits 272,864.00 Cazs 0.0a Dues 0.00 Part Time Certified 981,033.00 Rental Vehicles 15,407.00 Rental Duplicating EqmY 19,407.00 Rental Miscellaneous 156,647.00 Sewer Chazges 25,000.00 Athletic/Recreation 24,939.00 Electricity 305,876.00 Gas 197,631.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 717.00 Fringe Benefits 878,958.00 (248.96) 1,02135 9,328.17 2,016.60 6,033.74 1,885.40 2,109.31 790.34 (8,559.91) (2,000.00) (2,641.57) 267.04 187.97 130.16 (1,840.95) 1,484.86 6,217.29 7,488.00 2,715.60 3,968.54 8.08 (3,352.23) 1,946.16 21,425.77 (6,051.58) 13,27231 3,935.93 1,988.90 (1,487.30) (4,965.20) 1,180.05 5,369.00 (843.05) (1,526.28} 214.10 (41,22136) (22,801.06) 30,115.62 7,351.36 (14,562.92) 1,837.79 365.00 (52,178.02) (7,691.90) (7,110.81) (48,578.92) (8,214.54) 11,979.98 18,241.12 12,128.01 19,622.84 {20,000.55) 29,751.04 1,021.35 18,328.17 3,104.60 6,626.74 1,885.40 2,109.31 79034 81,990.09 0.00 97.98 297,073.04 943.97 331.16 83,459.05 8,960.86 15,217.29 7,488.00 7,248.60 4,193.54 193,931.08 1,347.77 183,232.16 21,425.77 3,780.42 20,543.31 57,934.93 1,988.90 39,730.70 3,134.80 1,590.05 5,369.00 656.95 23,742.72 1,214.10 836,890.64 38,814.94 122,671.62 134,376.36 258,301.08 1,837.79 365.00 928,854.98 7,715.10 12,296.19 108,068.08 16,785.46 36,918.98 324,117.12 209,759.01 20,339.84 858,957.45 17Q� i � � 0p1 0pl 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 � 1 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 � 1 001 001 001 03170 03170 03170 03171 03171 03171 03171 03171 03171 03171 03172 03172 03172 03172 03172 03172 03174 03174 03174 03174 03174 03174 03174 03175 03175 03176 03176 03176 03176 03177 03177 03177 03177 03177 03177 03177 03177 03177 03177 03180 03180 03180 03180 03180 03180 03180 03180 03180 03180 03180 03180 0813 0815 0819 0111 0283 0322 0326 0439 0813 0821 011l 0273 0315 0357 0439 0818 Oill 0219 0357 0362 0368 0439 0521 0111 0439 0132 Q357 0439 0521 0121 0219 0283 0344 0357 0362 0364 0368 0439 0857 0132 0221 0222 0241 0245 0251 0252 0253 0256 0286 0299 0315 Duplicating Machines 730.00 Desk-Chairs-Tables 8,300.00 Appliances 2,000.00 Full Time Permanent 316,258.00 Rental Vehicles 90,326.00 Aggregates 58,000.00 Steel 10,000.00 Fringe Benefits 99,771.00 Duplicating Machines 0.00 Cazs 15,000.00 Full Time Permanent 1,054,966.00 Grounds Mtce Service 8,282.00 Supplies - Janitor 23,790.00 Athietic/Recreation 3,241.00 Fringe Benefits 300,b19.00 Other Furniture 2,458.00 Full Time Permanent 41,821.00 Fees Other Professional Services69,995.00 AthleticlRecreation 2,050.00 Duplicating Supplies 1,000.00 O�ce Supplies 500.00 Fringe Benefits 13,135.00 Refunds 0.00 Full Time Permanent 20,880.00 FringeBenefits 45,164.00 Not Certified TemplSeasonal 37,900.00 Athletic(Recreation 22,400.00 Fringe Benefits 4,360.00 Refunds 0.00 Part Time Certified 31,590.00 Fees Other Professional Services1,500.00 Rental Vehicles 14,018.38 Parts for Vehicles 215.00 Athletic/Recreation 2,851.00 Duplicating Supplies 447.00 Letterheads 778.00 Office Supplies 643.00 Fringe Beneffts 104,229.00 Data Processing Hazdware 1,567.00 Not Certified TemplSeasonal 20,888.00 Postage 650.00 Telephone 4,500.00 Printing 2,800.00 Publications & Advertising 100.00 Transportation 400.00 Lodging 1,000.00 Registration Fees Out of Town 600.00 Registration Fees Local 1,500.00 Rental Other Eqmt 200.00 Misceilaneous Services 10,000.00 Supplies - Janitor 2,500.00 5,849.56 15,536.45 3,806.59 (13,964.39) 4,741.64 (11,057.00) (1,173.60) (8,294.87) 484.93 965.42 (36,149.00) (6,835.91) 31,112.72 1,931.43 (20,406.10) 218.53 (10,728.50) 4,401.23 {1,584.90) (814.51) (257.22) (3,215.24) 180.(10 (8,988.16) (1,965.54) (9,570.40) (11,430.01) (1,311.58) 138.04 (12,550.18) (1,290.00) (4,420.86) (166.00) (960.82) (447.00) (732.50) (643.00) (6,007.30) (705.00) 14,346.92 (490.00) (1,128.4b) (527.61) (100.00) (400.00) (1,060.00) (600.00) (1,360.00) (146.89) (1,276.87) 620.41 6,579.56 23,836.45 5,806.59 302,293.61 95,067.64 46,943.00 8,826.40 91,476.13 484.93 15,965.42 1,018,817.00 1,446.09 54,902.72 5,172.43 280,212.90 2,676.53 31,092.50 74,396.23 465.10 185.49 242.78 9,919.76 180.00 11,891.84 43,198.46 28,329.60 10,969.99 3,048.42 138.04 19,039.82 210.00 9,597.52 49.00 1,890.18 0.00 45.50 0.00 98,221.70 862.00 35,234.92 160.00 3,371.54 2,272.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14fl.00 53.11 8,723.13 3,120.41 `���� 001 03180 0439 fl3180 0521 1 03180 0898 001 03181 0132 OOi 03181 0299 001 03181 0312 001 03181 0319 001 03181 0386 001 03181 0439 001 03181 0521 001 03192 0283 001 03194 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 � 001 03194 03194 03194 03194 03194 03195 03195 03195 03195 03195 03195 03195 03195 03195 03195 0121 0133 0299 0321 0439 0814 0132 0141 0219 0221 0291 0356 0439 0738 0848 0857 Fringe Benefits 35,231.00 Refunds 365.00 Building Improvements 9,878.00 Not Certified Temp/Seasonal 10,248.00 Miscellaneaus Services 15,000.00 Supplies - Electricial 3,000.00 Other Supplies 3,000.00 Uniforms 250.00 Fringe Benefits 26,095.00 Refunds 200.00 Rental Vehicles 6,770.00 Part Time Certified O.t10 Capitol City Intern 0.00 Miscellaneous Services 300.00 Horticulture Supplies 530.00 Fringe Benefits 54,055.00 Other Office Eqmt 2,750.00 A1ot Certified Temp/Seasonal 0.00 Overtime 15,OW.00 Fees Other Yrofessional Services8,689.00 Postage 3,444.00 Refuse Disposal 24,926.00 Safety Supplies 3,737.00 FTinge Benefits 378,020.00 Tree Planting 0.00 Other Specialized Eqmt 300,565.00 Data Processing Hardwaze 0.00 Totals (114.11) 439.75 (480.02) 55,167.35 (6,540.18) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (97.94) 4,441.85 (85.00) (2,829.00) 24,895.69 9,996.52 4,183.78 (437.48) 7,539.67 (2,112.06) 44,865.09 16,973.68 (4,367.84) (534.44) (15,259.95) 4,140.20 6,344.18 875.00 8,195.00 6,053.84 9,777,622.93 0.00 35,116.89 804.75 9,39�.98 65,415.35 8,459.82 0.00 0.00 152.06 30,536.85 115.00 3,941.00 24,895.64 9,996.52 4,483.78 92.52 61,594.67 637.94 44,865.09 31,973.68 4,321.16 2,909.56 9,666.05 7,877.20 384,364.18 875.00 308,760.00 6,053.84 9,777,622.93 C �`�K�}'\ n'— \��! Approv by Budget [ot 3 - � -�� Da[e DEPARTMENT/OFFCE/COUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PEASON AND PMONE DATEINITIATFD � GREEN SHEET 3/17 /98 �� �5 INITAL/DATE INITIAUDATE Ily StrOmen 266-6435 � 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOfl _CITVCOUNdI AS9GN MpABQi F CRY ATTOIiNEY 3 CIN CLEAIC MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABYmATfl �� Z flNANCIALSEFiVICESDIR. 4OFSACCOUfIt1IlO _MAYORWRAS95TANn 5 Paacs TOTAL i OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (Glli ALl IACAT10N8 FOX SIfWATIREI ACTION AEQUESTED: Approval of administrative amending the general fund spending plan for Parks and Recreation RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 w Relec[ (W _PLANNINGCOMMISSON �CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF DISTRICT COUNQL SUPPoRTS WHICM COUNCIL OBJECTNE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY IWho, Wheq When, Where, Whyl: P0t80NpL 59MCE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWHt THE FOLLANANO QUESTONS: 1. Xu ttfe pae�rm mm werketl uMer a wntraet for rtua depertme�rt7 YES NO 2. Ha tlus persoNRrm ever been a dty em0loyee> VES NO 3. Does Mis pereoNfirm pmmas a skill ewt normally p�etl by any current ciry employeel VES NO B�pltln tll Yu amwan on wperata aheat and ettech m qraen aMat. Adjustment of general fund spending authority needed to be in compliance with the City's fund sufficiency policy. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: General fund will be in compliance with fund sufficiency policy. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None SI�IF�P N GL/' MAR 2 01998 .;i�"�' (�LERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: General fund will violate fund sufficiency policy. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION FUNdNGSOURCE General fund FlNANCIAL INFORMATION: IEXPLAIN) COSTBEVFNUEBUDOEfm(CWCLEONq VES NO AC7IVITY NUM66t 03100-03195 dW