06-467Council File # O(� — /
Green Sheet # ��O 0
Presented by
1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
2 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Sheet Metal Workers International
3 Association, Local #10 for the 2006 Wage and Fringe Adjustment.
Adopted by Council: Date �, a�D�
Adoption Certified by Council5ecret
BY _� i�SOe�
Approvedb r. Date .5'"�'��
Requested by Department of:
Hu an Re ources
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Form Appr ved City Attom
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Form Appr ed b Ma r fo ibmissio o C uncil
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Resolution approving the attached Memorandum of Agreement behveeu tLe City of Saint Paul and the Sheet Metal Workeis
Intemational Associarion, Local #10, 2006 Wage and Fringe Adjustment.
Wations: Appro�e (A) w Reject (R):
Plannirg Commission
CIB Canmittee
(hil Service Commission
7. Has this persorJfimi e�er v,aked under a caM2ct for this department?
Yes No
2. Has ttus persacJTum e�w been a city ampbyce?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirtn possess a 5ki11 rat nortnally possessed by any
curtent city employee? �
Yes No
F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Inidating Problem, Issues, OppoAunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The amount of the increase for 2006 was determined in the May 1, 2005 through April 30, 2008 Maintenance Labor Agreement.
distribution of the increase between wages and fringe benefits is determined each year by the bazgaining unit.
Advanpges HApproved: �
Bazgaining unit members would be paid the wages and fringe benefits agreed to in the Maintenance Labor Agreement.
DisadvanWges IfApproved:
Disadvantages N Not Approved:
It would be considered a violafion of the agreed upon tetms of the Maintenance Labot Agreemenk
Funding Source:
Financial Ipformatiun:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Aetivity Number.
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May 8, 2006 8:18 PM Page 1
Memorandum of Agreement
The City of Saint Paul
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The Sheet Metal Workers International Association, Local 10
2006 Wage and Fringe Adjustment
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The basic hourly wage rate for temporary employees appointed to the following classes shall be:
Sheet Metal Worker
I.ead Sheet Metal Worker
Sheet 1VIeta1 Inspector
1 st Step
2nd Step
Senior Mechanical Inspector-Sheet Metal
The basic hourly wage rates for temporary emptoyees whose length of service and eamings require that they be
subject to Public Employees Retirement Associarion (PERA) contriburions shall be the temporary rate divided
by 1.06 effecrive January 1, 2006. This rate is subject to further increase or decrease by the State of Minnesota.
The basic hourly wage rate for provisional, regulaz, and probarionary employees appointed to the following
classes shall be:
Sheet Metal Worker
Lead Sheet Metal Worker
Sheet Metal Inspector
1 st Step
2nd Step
Senior Mechanical Inspector-Sheet Metal
APPENDIX C (Continaed}
If legislation is passed which prohibits employces from participating in PERA, or gives current employees an
option to discontinue participating in PERA, the following rates shall be effecrive. These rates aze for
employees not participating in PERA:
Sheet Metal Worker
Lead Sheet Metal Worker
Sheet Metal Inspector
1�` step
2 step
Senior Mechanical Inspector - Sheet Metal
Effective May 1, 2006 (or closest payroll period), there will be an additional $1.90 per hour increase added to the
total package. The parties will agree prior to that date regarding the distribution of the $1.90 between wages and
fringes. This amount will be decreased by any increase in industry funds.
This rate includes the $2.68 ta�cable Credit Union deduction which includes the $0.40 ta,zable Mazket
Recovery Fund deducfion.
** Effecfive April 26, 1997, this rate includes the above taJtable deductions in addirion to 72 hours of paid
holidays and 160 hours ofpaid vacation per fiscal year. Vacation carry over shall be paid in accordance with
Section I H ofthe Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensa6on. Vacarion must be approved bythe Head
of the Department.
After appearing on the payroll for 1040 hours in the first step, an employee in the Sheet Metal Inspector
classification may be granted a wage increase to the second step.
If the Union elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may
adjust the above applicable rates for participating employees in such a way that the total cost of the package
(wage rate plus conh remains constant.
Bffective May l, 2006 the Employer shall:
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(i) contribute to a Welfare Fand 55.80 per hour for all hours worked byparticipating employees as detmed in
Articles 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 of this Agreement.
(2) con�ibute to a Local Pension Fund $2,69 per hour for all hours worked by participating employees, as
defined above.
(3) conttibute to a Natioaal Pension Fixnd $2.27 per hour for a11 hours worked by participating employees, as
defined above.
(4) deduct and forward to a Vacation Fund $2.68 per hour for all hours worked by participating employees, as
defined above which inciudes the $0.40 taxable Market Reeovery Fund deduction.
(5) contribute to the Local Training Fund $ 0.47 per hour for all hours worked byparticipating cmployees, as
defined above.
(6) confibute to the Narional Scholarship and SHOMI Fnnd $0.03 per hour for all hours worked by
participating empioyees, as defined above.
(7) contribute and forwazd to the Labor/Management Committee Fnnd $0.06 per hour for all hours worked by
participating employees, as defined above.
The Einployer will not make the above coniributions for Holidays or vacaiion.
The above contributions may be increased or decreased as long as the applicable hourly rates in Appendix C for
participatuag employees are decreased or increased by the same total amount.
All contributions and deductions made in accordance with this Appendix shall be forwarded to depositories as
directed Uy the Union.
The Employer shall establish Wozkers' Compensalion and Unemployment Compensation programs as required by
Minnesota Statutes.
The Employer's fringe benefit obligation to employcES is limited to the contributions and/or deductions established
by this Agreement. The actual level of benefts provided to employees shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of
flie various funds to which thc Employer has forwarded contrabutions and/or deductions.
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Labor Relations Susiness Representative
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Labor Relatia nager
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