221955 , i ;"CSYFIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ , << ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �j,��' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM IRESENTED EY DA� February 3� �.�5 COMMISSIONEQ I 1�ESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contra,ct �'or furnishing all labor, materials, equip- ment and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the wrecking only of a three story brick a.nd wood frame dwelling a.nd a single cax concrete block garage and removal of steps, walks, clothes poles, miscellaneous concrete and debris located at 557 Maxshall Avenue described as West 33 feet of IAt 5 a.nd West 18 feet o� Lot 7, All of Lot 6, Ramsey County Loan & Trust Company's Subdivision Number One, Saint Paul, Minnesuta, to ALL STATE II�ROVING COMPANY in accordance with City specifica.tions therefor hereto attached and the Infolmal Bid �'790�+ of said All Sta,te Improving Co�any for the contract price of $l,088.00, such bid being the la�west and said ALl Sta,te Improving Com�pany being a reasonable i and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be a.nd hereby is directed to I dra,w up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby axe authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. ` Informal.Bid #7904. � � � ` � � � �� - � � - I FEB 16 �6� COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays FE� 16 1� Dalglish .Ji�l.�a�a�--- �' � Pro 1g— '' �T ^ce � � t Tn FaVOr Meredith Pete rs on � �yOr A gainst Rosen CCB t� 0 � �r�,o rc11� �� � Mt. President, Vavoulis �'�""`• _ - lons aes , Ll{7�LICATE TO rItINT[R 2��.��5, I 7 , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�HCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n��reo �r pA� Febx'u�,�'y 3, 1965 '� COMMISSIONE� I � 1�SOI�D, That the Council hereby appravee the award o£ the Contract Co�ittee there�or ar�d here'by awaxds contract for f�.u�nishing a].l la'bor, materials, equip- ment and services necessary �or or reasana,bly incidental to the wrecking on],y ; , of a three atory brick end wood �r�e dwelling and �, s3ngle cax concrete block I garage and remova]. o� steps, wa,lke, elotheg poles, misce�.ansous concrete and � . � debris loca,ted at 557 Marsha,ll Avenue d�scribed as Hest 33 f�t o� IAt 5 and WeSt 18 ��et o� T,ot 7, �lll of Ir�t 6, .Ra�dsey County IAen 8a Trust Ca�spany's ' 8ubdivis�.on �u�r One, �a,3nt I'au1, Minnesata, to ALL STAT� I�AO� Ctk�A�Y ' �.n accordance with City speci�`ications therefor heretn attached and i�e Infozma7. , Bid. �f90�+ of said All Sta,�te Improving Company �'or the contract price oP $1,088.Ofl, I t such bid be3ng t.he lowest and sa,id A7.]. Sta,te Iffiprov3.ng Com�a,ny being e, reasonab].e ', and. reliable bidder, and the Corporatian Couns�l be and hereby is dlr�cted to draw up the proper foxm of cantra,ct therefor, and the proper City o�ficials here'by are authvrized to execute gaid contract on behe,:L�F o� the C3ty of Saint Pa,ul. i In�orrm,l Bid �790�+. � i � i FEB 16 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii � I9— Yeas Nays FEB 16 f965 � Dalglish �� Approv� 19— � �- � °-�ass— � Favor ; Meredith � ,� Peterson �8yOr A g83I18t � Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis i ion� e�s ' �