06-465Council File # a�o'�G � Green Sheet # �� CfTY Presented by RESOLUTfON SAINT PAl7L, MINNESOTA � 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of 5aint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum of Agreement beriueen the City of Saint Paul and the United Association of Plumbers I,ocal 3#34 for the 2006 Wage and Fringe Adjustment. Adopted by Council: Date � Od Adoption Czrtified by Council Secr BY� � sc. Approved b or: Date � ..�J21-�o�p By' � Requested by Department of: � Form Approve b Attomey By: Form Ap r ed y yor Sub ssio to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 06 - 'fb � Hu -x�m�n xe�� Gontact Person & Phone: .lasan Sctxnidt 266-6503 Must Be on Council Aaem Contract Type: RE-RESOLlff10N �Y� I Green Sheet NO: 3030672 -' DeodrimeM SeMTOPerson 0 ma A55ign 1 ces e a f'r c Number Z For RoUSng 3 a r' M o t Order 4 n ' 5 erk le Total � of SignaW re Pages _(Clip All Loeations fir Slgnature) Actlon Requested: � � Resolu6on apptoving the attached Memorandum of Agreement behveen the City of Saint Paul and the United Associa6on of Plumbers, Local #34, 2006 Wage and Fringe Adjustment. 1[12t1ons: Appm�B {A) or P Planning Commission CIB Committee Cn.il Service Commission Contracts Must Mswer fhe 1. Has Nis persorJfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes Np 2. Hes this person/firm e�er 6een a city employee7 Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skifl rpt trortnalty possessed by any cu(rent ciry empioyee? Yw No Explain a�l yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet InRiadng Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The amount of the increase for 2006 was determined in the May I, 2005 tluough April 30, 2008 Maintenance Labor Agreement. distribution of the increase between wages and fringe benefits is detemiined each year by tLe bargaining unit. AdvanYages IFApproved: Bazgaining unit members wouid be paid the wages and Fringe benefits agreed to in the Maintenance Labo: Agceement. Disadvantages HApproved: None. Disadvantages KNotApproved: It wouid be considered a violation of the agreed upon terms of the Maintenance I,abor Agreement. iotal Amount of Transaetion: Funding Souroe: Financial Information: (Eaplafn) CoStlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. �'ari`�i i��rnst�,"," � May 8, 2006 3:43 PM Page 1 Memorandnm of Agreement between The City of Saint Paul and The United Association of Plumbers Loca134 2006 Wage and Fringe Adjustment APPENDIX C o� -�� � 1. The basic hourly wage rate for temporary, emergency, provisional, regulaz and probationary employees appointed to the following classes of posirions shall be: Effective OSJ01106 Plumber $33.77* Lead Plumber $36.32* Plumbing Inspector $3632* Plumbing Inspeetor -Water Utility $3632* Senior Plumbing Inspector $37.77* * This rate includes the $3.49 taxable vacation wntriburion. Apprentice 1 �` Year 2 Year $17.98** $21.48** 3'� year 4�' Yeaz 5�' Yeaz $2638** $27.67** $30.43** * This rate 3ncludes the $1.80 tasable vacafion rate for 1� yeaz apprenfice. ** This rate includes the $3.54 ta.zable vacation rate for years 2- 5. 2. The basic hourly wage rate for provisional, regular and probationaay employees appointed to the following classes of posirions and not receiving the fringe benefits listed in Article 12.2 who are eligible to participate in PERA shall be: Plumber I.ead Plumber Plumbing Inspector Plumbing Inspector - Water Utility Senior Plumbing Inspector Effective OS(Ol(06 $31.86* $34.26* $34.26# $34.26* $35.63* * This rate includes the $3.49 tasable vacarion contribution. -Cl- APPENDIX C (Continued) e� - �.s� * Effective January 1, 1998, this nte includes a taacable vacation contriburion Effective May 1, 2006(or closest payroll period), there will be an additional $2.18 per hour increase added to the total package. The parties will agree prior to that date regarding the distribution of the $2.18 between wages and fiinges. This amount will be decreased by any increase in the Industry Fund. If the Union eleets to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the above applicable rates for participating employees in such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant. In the event Local 34 and any plumbing contractor affiliated or not affiliated with Twin Cities Piping Industry Association and doing business in the seven county metropolitan azea agree to a total coxnmercial package different from the above total commercial package such differences shall be immediately applicable to the total compensation paid to employees covered by this Agreement. The State of Minnesota has changed the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) contribution rates for employers and employees to 6.00% effective 01101/2006. This rate is subject to increase or decrease by the State of Minnesota. In May 2000, current employees in this unit were given the one time opportunity to elect to withdraw from participation in PERA or continue participating. The employee's decision is urevocable. Employees hired aRer May 4, 2000 are prohibited from participating in PERA. -C2- APPENDIX D 0���/.S� Unless specifically noted, the contribution levels represent pre-taac amounts. Effective May 1, 2006, for participating employees �vorking :a a title listed under the heading, Group A, in Appendix A, the Employer shall: (I) deduct for a Union designated Credit Union $3.49_per hour, for wluch payroll deductions have been made, for all hours worked by participating employees, as defined in Articles 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 of this A�eement. �Z) (3) (4) (5) contribute to a Health and Welfare Fund $8.8b per hour for all hours worked by participating employees, as defined above which includes $2.07 per hour Retiree Health Trust F`und. contribute to the Pension Funds $6.88 per hour for all hours worked by participating employees, as defined above. contribute to the Journeyman and Apprenticeship Training Fund $0.27 per hour for all hours worked by participating employees, as defined above. contribute to the Internafional Training Fund $0.05 per hour for all hours worked by participating employees, as defined above. The Employer will not make the above contributions for Holidays or vacation. All conhibutions made in accordance with this Appendix D shall be forwarded to the Twin City Pipe Traders Service Association. The Employer shall establish Workers Compensation and Unemployment Compensation pzograms as required by Minnesota Statutes. The Employer's fringe benefit obligation to participating employees as defined in Articles 123, 12.4 and 12.5 is lixnited to the contributions andior deductions established by this Agreement. The actual level of benefits provided to employees shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has forwarded contributions andlor deductions. 4VITNESSES: CITY OF T PA � on Schmi Labor Relations Manager .S Date d es Volimer LR Specialist 5 -- `��`J� Date iJNITED ASSOCIATION OF PL[JMBERS, LOCAL 34 ��2� ��� �Stan Ttieis Business Manager �-�`� vD �i Date D1