221931 , ������ �RIGINAL TO CITY GLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO LI�:�TSE apr�'�; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION— RAL FORM rR�re�er February 16, 1965 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED: That l�censes app?�ed for by the follo�ng persons at the add�sses stated, be and the same are hereby grar�ted. Fr.ito-Lay, Inc. 2312 SnelZ�ng Mpls. Foods MPD4�T App.13500Renewal n " 9V�201-209 n ti n O.M. Droney Beverage Co. 610-15th �ve.S.Mpls. Bev.A1. &NAl. " 13527" n n 6v�z88-z93 n n n Pies, Inc. 908 Centenn�.al Pl.Mpls.Food�s rIPDW " 13572'� u n >V�1�F07-4]1 �� n u Canda Dry Ginger Ale, .Inc. 3530 �• 28th St.Mpls. Bev.Al.&N&�1. " 1357�+" n n ��' ZFV�413--416 n tt n Mid�st Coffee Co. 1300 Washington S.Mp1s.Foods MPI34J " 13587" n n 3V��FFr-�F8 n n n Alcorn Beverage Co. 221 S. Concord Bev.Al.&NA�I. " 1360.5" " . So.St. Patx7.. 5v#346-350 " " n J.P. Besson PO Box 157 Net�port Foods MPDW " 13701" n n 3v�46�464 n u n Standard Brands, Inc. 61 SE Bedford Mpls. Foods MP1�nT " 13705" n n 4V�470-�F73 n n n Standard, Inc. 2364 Aampden Foo3s MPDl�T " 13709" " " 2V�481-482 � n n Sunshine Greamery Co. 2932 Stevens 3ve.S. Foods MFDW " 13712" �� �� 3v#487-�89 9, �� n Mpls. Seven-IIp Bottli.ng Co. 361z E. 4th Bev.191..&Nal. " ` 13736n " �tpZs. 4v�5zo-5z3 " �� �� Gnlgosch & Kane, Inc. 5948 Pleasant Ave.�S. Foods MPDW " 13742" Mpls. �T�.rJ�3-5�7 n n u A O�RIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �/���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa `"�' �� �•` LI�ISE CONA'�CTT� OFFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK . F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY Februar�► ?6, 1965 COMMISSIONE� DATF — Contd. Page 2 � , Gr�.ggs Cooper & Co., Inc. 1821 IIn+versity Bev.Al.&NA1. App.13748Renewal ,� � 3�#559-561 �� �� � orv�.11e �, Br�nk 321�1 Snell�.ng Mp1s. 13ev.A1.&N�1. " 137�+9" n. . " 3V�.5�2��' n n T� � �bbey Rents Co. 2220 S. Lgndale Mp1s.Hosp. & SR Rent. " 13758'� � �� �� 3��5g�_5g5 n �� ii Schl�tz Brewir_g Co. 211-9th :�ge.S.Mpls. Bev.Al.&N�].. " 13768" , �� �� 3��587_589 �� ,� �� Frank P. Schepers 1132 Churchill Foods MPI7W " 13806" n " 2v�617-618 �� n n Winsh�p Frozen Foods, Inc. 711 Vandalia Foods MPI3tn1 " 13807�� ° n 1��619 n n n Northland M�1k & Ice Cream Co. 11 W. 28th St. Mpls. Ice Cream N!&:D " 13810n e " 4v#623-626 " " " .Angelo �Iita].� 2001 Will�.ams St. Bev.A1.&I�l. " ?3813n " Roseville � 1v�638 " " n Fisher Nut Co. 23�2'j Wycl�ff Foods NIPI�GI ° 13825�� ° " 3v�6�2-684 n n rr Paul D. Garafalo 470 N. Cleveland Foods MPI7W " 13828n n n 2F�686-E87 n ° ° M.J3. Coffee Co., Inc. 496-98 N. Prior Foods MPI7fnT " 13894°' " " 2�I;�70"j-8 u n u � Eibert Continental Coffee Co. 81Er-36 Berry Foods MPI�+T " �l�$98n � " " 2V�71�4-715 ° � George R. Herbst �-�98 Lafond - Foods MPD6d " 1�120" n , n 2V#757-758 n n n COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Y9— Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn F'SVOr Meredith Peters on �AyOr /�g81IISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e�.es .� � C1RIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK 2��.�31 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENGL NO ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ��s�''' ��TT� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - � �RESENTED EY p�� February 16, 1965 COMMISSIONEe _ Contd. Page 3 � , Tnlalter E, Swanson 1?�5 N. Aamline Foods MPDW App.14222RenewaZ p �� 1���6 �� ,� „ �ain G`ity Home Jui�ce Co., Inc. 3810 S.ibley Mem.Hwy. Foods MPTJGT " 1�11' n n 7'V�942-948 n n n H. Brooks � Co., Inc. 835 S. �+th Mgls. .Foods MPDW , " 1�423" �� n 9v�j77_9g5 n �� �� Anreuser Busch, Inc. 2264 Universitv . Foods MPDfnT , ° 14431n - ° �" 2`v�998- 999 n n n L and S. Liquors, Inc. 1638 Rice R.estaurant n I�3" � " " �n Sale Malt " " " n " Off Sale Malt �� �� ° n �� • C�garette " " " Eddy's Bak3�ng Co. 32k IIn�.vers�ty SE Mpls. Foods MPDTnI " ��4459" . �� • " . 9g#io5i-1o59 �� �� �� Kruger's, Inc. 2366 �. 7th Foods MPI7W " 1�463" " " 6v�1065-1070 � " � � Canteen Co. of N��nn., Inc. �6310 1'exuz Ave. S. Mpls. Cater�.ng " 14�+67" �� lOV�1090-1099 n n n , Phil Malat Co., Znc. 907 �. 4th Mpls. Foods MPDGJ ° ZL�1.�.7�'� , n tt 3V�'f110G-Z].0$ u u n � Bro�ra'� Ice G�eam Co. n855 E• �a.ke Mpls. Ice cream M & D �� 1.41�.77" ` • - 3�#1119-11z1 ° " " � Will3.am & EYn�.l Dey „215 N. Dale Flori.st-N. " 145�3" � �V�'Z175-�176 n F n Sw�,ft & Co. Union Stock�ards Foods MPT1W " 14516" " So.St. P2t�l, M=12t1, 6V�1180-1185 n n n COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— , Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approvec� 19— i Loss Tn Favo1' Meredith Pete rs on M�yOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IOM E-d9 \ . � J , I'V������ ' pRIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � LICENSE CONL??TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY p,�� Februarv ]_6� 196�i � COMMISSIONE� Contd. Page 4 � ; David Dvorak 725 Vandalia 1V�11.89(Foods) �1pp.14523Renewal Vera Schaffer 97 S• �asso B1vd. Bev.41.&N�1. " 14607" , n a . 3V�1�68-1270 n n n I Continental Baking Co. 1200 3rd. Ave.S. Mpl.s. Foods MPDW " �4647" ' n n • 20V�1282-1301 ° t' ° First Grand A�enue Lic�uors, Inc. 800 Grand Ox�.g.�'oritainer " 14662" ° " Off Sale Ma�t " ° t� ' n n G`�garette n n n , Miles Asp 3178 Hwy.�8 New Bri.ghton Foods �PDGT " 14671° , '► " 1V�1�05 n n n Fred J. Glassing Rt. �10 So.St. Paul Flori�st-N. " 14685" . n n 2V�1311-1312 n n n . Dairy Ho*ne, Inc. 370 IIt�.versity T.ce G`ream MD " 14'j00° " , " 2v�133o-3? n n n Jay Sanders 681 Se1by E1ec.App.Rep. " 14770" Carl T. Grill 377 w• Maryland � Flor�st-N. " �4985' ' " . ° 1V$12F57 u n u � Kletus & V�9�.an We�sner 297 Mar�a Hardware " d 34" ' Norman Marietta 6109 4-Eh Ave.S.Mpls. Br.Veh.�1477 " 76 " � Ed Janssen's L�.cntors, Inc. 777-9 Selby �.garette " 239 " ' St. Joseph's Hosp�tal Auxilary 69 hT. �ttchange ° " ?J+0 " � . ; �EB 16 �5 ; COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays FE� �.� 1965 � Dalglish � �� pproved 19 � � � s s Tn FavOr � Meredith � Peterson � MSyOr # . Against . � Rosen , P�IBLISH�D FEB `� O ���� Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e�s � ;