221924 / ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK 2���� CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ' F�EH��� NO. ISCENSE COP�TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY February 16, 1965 COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS; Dick J. Fin�erholz dba Radio �ab has made Application H�13683 for licenses to operate ten (10) automobiles as ta�.cabs upon the stre°ts of the City of Saint Paul� described as follows: Taxi.cab Noe Make Serial Insurance - , 2 Pl�outh 28?.�1.27388�. National Indemnity Co. Policy � No. AC EE 35�38, expiring 8 Ford 2R32U127278 12:01 A.A'I, ST July 2I�� 1965. . - 9 Plymouth 2821138894 n " u n n • . � - - 10 Plymouth 2'8l�1.1.52632 �� �� ° �� �� 37 Plymouth 2831111085 �� " '� it u 38 Pl�mouth 2831152590 �� �� �► �� n 50 Plymouth 28tR1237970 n � n n n tt • I 6!� Plymouth 28)a.7273886 ° " �� " " "= 70 Ford 2F32U1�7_1.�.8 �� rt ir u u , ----- _�.__ _ _ . . 113 Plymouth 2$27.171935 �� �� �� �� " 1 ' ,J r.r / - � � Z�II�'�REAS: �'�Said �.pplicant �ha`s filed�a'copy of the insurance policy with the �ity of Saint Paul and said. policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel� therefore, be it RE�SOLVID: That licenses to operate said automobiles as ta�.cabs upon the streets of the �3.ty of Sain-� Faul� be and the same are herebJ ;ranted to Dick J, Fingerhol ' clba Radio �ab. �EB 1 ti 19� RENEWAI� _ Address: 530 Stinson Ave COUNCILIvIEN �dopted by the Councii 19 Yeas Nays FEE 16 1965 Dalglish �� Approved 19 � �Tn Favor � I Meredith Peterson � �yOr Q gd1I13t Rosen fl Mr. President, Vavoulis � " . ��jJ�� I�� �y �� ' r. lOM E-bZ ,n .— ' • . � •\ - A [ fin I � y% I f �