221912 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �' J�0 p�' J CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. 'il `'' ° � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RE OLUTION-G NERAL FORM ./ � PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE p�rE__Februarv l�i 1965 WF�, Ordina.nce No. 3250 authorize s and provide s for payment - for overtime work� and � ��5� the Com�issioner o� Public '�fety has authorized ove� time work in his department (Police & Fire Alarm Bureau) during the per3.od from January 30th to February ]2th� 1965; therefore� be it RESOLVED� -�hat the proper City Officers are he�eby authorized to ' pay the employee s who performed such overtime work in accorda.nce with the provi— sions of Ordina.nce No. 6lFl.6 and No. 3250. t t i I � FF.g 1619b5 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �, 19— � Y�g xays �E� 161965 Dalglish ' �� Approved 19— �J „�yt� Tn Favor � '�9e���� � Peterson Mayor A gainst ' Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ��g���p�p FEB 2 0 1�� ionz s-s2