221887 � � ORIfi1NAL TO CITY CL6WK ���Q�� ,•" CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa �� ' '`" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO ` , � U CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�iss°orYie o�� Febrttiary 9, 1965 RFBOLVSD� Zhat the Cotuicil hereby coacurs in the action of the Purchas3ng Committee therefor and hereby aaards the sala of the follawing approximate � q�antities of Scrap Netale belong,ing to:the `Nater Department: . • To: SCHNITZIIt IRON & 11�TAL CO11�pNY �Sc'rap at Centerville. Minn. Station) 50 tons Cast Iron � $31.39 net ton 6 tons Steel @ $23.29 net ton making total amount bidder to pay Cfty approar. �1709.24 • To: N. B. BERHODITZ (Scrap at 289 No. Hamline pve.) , 55 tons Cast Iron @ $29.50 net ton making amoant bidder to pay Citq approx. �1622.50� sach bids being the highest received on Formal Bid i�110S. r �I � " FEB 1 p 1� CoUNCILI�N ` Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .. - � �� Dalglish ��B �. Holland Approve 19— Loss f �� � � Tn FavOI' v�%�hX�-� Meredith • Peterson U Ac���g MAYor ��,. A gainst ��"�• '.`�...� FEB 13 1965 �`'' PUBLISHED � .:.��..��' N,ir. Vice President (Rosen) ioa� a�a , DUrL(CAT[TO MINT[R ���[��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoE Nci� N� �% ' OFFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM�MISSDON� nArF �e�11}�2'gl 9� �,�g� _ �E�SO[�VED,� Z9�t t1� Cou�acil Ises�by Conctar� is� tlu aa�ie►n ot th� Pits�chas3n� Cortitte� thsr��ox arxi heraby awttrds th� sals o� tYu fol2owi�g appiroxirt� � qwnti�ies oi Sarap Y�t�l� bi�lo�ging to the i�at�r D�pastyut s Tos BCHN�'s'�ER aR� �C 1.�sT�I, CDl�1�T:' (+Si�rap at C�nterv�,l.l�, Nir�n. $fia�tior�) 60 to� Caet Irqa� • $31.99 aet tom 6 tOTI� $�;Nl ! �2�.29 ?2ft ttiA s�eYiA� total at�e�t bidder tv p'tq Citg �pg�ax. ;17t}9.?A � .Tos K. 8, BSRlLOVl�a (S�� at 289 No. Ra�.ti.ne A�►a�? 55 ttms Caet Iro� ! 5�9.50 n�t tpt� �akfr� a�m� b�.�ldar �o �say C�.ty approot. �ld�t2.lfQ� scteh bi.ds being tha hi�st �cliv+sd oa �'orssl Bid �I105. FEB 1� �9�6� COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays �lglisb . FEB 1019s5 Holland � Approved 19— Loss Tn FAVOr Meredith . � Petersaa Q MRyOr �Rose=� A g��t � r... �;....r:.......�; � ��.���.�s:�:^��::� Mr. Vice President (Rosen) iox sas ' t �