221884 . , ,. ORIGINAL'TO CITY CLERK �21884 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �� r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF — WHEREAS, an exasnination is to be given for the position of '�'�Landscape Architect I04, and yPHER.EAS, it is highly unlikely that a suffi.cient list can be esta.blished from among residents of the City of Sai_n.t Faul, and WHEREAS, it is highly dasirable that competition be extended _ to graduates of the University of Minnesota. and other local colleges, , even t�.ough they are not residents of the City of St. Paul: therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the residence requirexnents for admission to this exa.mi.nation as provided i.n Section 10 D of the Civil Service ,Rules are . � hereby waived for the first exa.mination for k'�Landscape Architect I'''' to be held following passage of this resolution; date of the exaxnination to be set .� at the discretion of the Chief Civil Service Examiner. , , � FEB 1 � �� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Dalglish ��B � Q �� Holland Approve 19— Loss � Tn FSV02' %'� �� Meredith � Peterson MAyOr G � Aga�t . A���g ���.'"����.�:::�:�:P� �� J?UBLISHED �E� 1� �96� Mr. Vice President (B.a�ct�j loM Q-04 � CUrLIGT[TO MINTLR � , r CII 1 OF ST� PAUL F,�NCIL NO ► OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM n�ESEr,�n.r . COMMISSIONE� D/1� �yP�iER�A5, �ri e�axr�3�a.tion ia� #o be �given for �he po�f�ion of '�L�n.d�capm Arcl�itect I'R, �ad . . . . . , WI3FF�EAS, it �.s highly unlikely �hat a eufficient list c�n be establiahed from �aong residents of tl�e City of S�#nt Paul, and . , , , , �VHEREAS, �t i�a high�.y dn�ir�.ble th,at competitfcan be extended � � . � � - to gradua.tes o€ the Universityr of I�I�sneaota and other 1oca1 colle�ea� - '° � . even though they are ttot re�idente of the City of St. Pat�l: therefore� be it � 1t�SOLVED, th�.t the re�iden�e requi�ementa� for �.dazia�sion to $hi� � e�a.m�nation a� provided iri Sec�ion la ,L? of t�►e �ivia. Service� Rax�es �.re hermby w�.ived for tlie first examiaatidn far ��Landecape Architect I" to be held #ollo�iag ��.Aaage of tiiia �eso�.ution;; da.te of the ex,arn�aation Ed b¢ �et �t the�discretion of fhe Chief Givil Sero►ice �as�m�er. ' � fEa �. o ��s� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish FE6101955 Holland � Approve� 19— �' Loss �n Favor Meredith Peterson C_7 MByOr --R�� '4 8'alIISt ;��:t�«�4�e uc;,;Yg�vA.��:�9� ..._. _ Mr. Vice President (Rosen) iox s�s