221883 . �6� , ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLBRK ��'�Y � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '°�� ��s FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO N I � TION—GENERAL FORM tRESENTED dY 1nLS . COMMISSIONE pAM February 5� 7� _ � � 1�OLYED, .That the Council hereby appraves the award of the Contract C�omm3.ttee therefor �nd hereby awaxds contract for �a..rnishing all la.bor, materials, equip- ment and services necessary �or or reasonably incidental to the-R,emodeling of Room 113,, Finance Department, City Hall and Court House, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard., Saint Pau1, Minnesota, to KARL DIDOLPS;:CONSTRIICTION COMPANY in accordance with 1 City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #L113 of said Ka,rl Dedolph Construction Company for the contract price of $2,362.00, sucYr bid being the lawer and said Ka.rl Dedolph Consti�.ction Compa�y 'being a `!' Y, reasonable and re]3able bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby ris ' -. ., directed to dxaw up the proper fbrm of contract there�or, and the pro�per City _`_: , officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid �1113• . � � FEB 101�5 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays Dalglish FEB �. 01965 Holland � A rove 19— Loss Tn Favor ` . � Meredith Peterson O - '-'. , MAyor AgS1IlSt �/ �t ,�°S�°—, , �ting .� . �l FEB 13 1J65- Mr. Vice�President�(Rosen) " pUBLISHED ions e-sa DUrLICATE TO MINT[R � � - ���.�8 F . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIO�NCIL NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM /RESENTED�Y February 5 1965 COMMISSIONER DA� � �0�, �a,t the Council hereby appraves th� e�ard o� the Contrafi� �o�.ttee � _ I therr��or and hereby a�rards contract for �.u•nishl.ng e11. ]abor, me.te�ia.Ls, equip- _ ment ax�d services necessary for or rea�onably inciden-ta.7. to the R�mode].�ng of I��. 3�, Fines�ce �h�a�ent, dit�t li�.U. end Court House, 15 �Test gellogg Bouleva.z'a., �, Saint Paul,� M�.rnes��a -ta Kt�L DED07.�H C0�'STRS�TIC� 00�'A�Y �.n. �.ccorde,nc� with City p1.en.e and spQC3.�icat3.vns there�or hereto attached �ta.d the Foz�a.l. 8id �].17.3 of sa,3.d �arl 33�dolp�i �onst�uetioa� �om�an�►' �or the contract price of �2,362•04, ' swc�: b3� be� t�.Q �vwer Snd sa�.d K�1 �dc�3.ph C�nst�u.ctiQn �€m�a�r t�ing a reasoa�able an.c't re�.�.ab1e b3dc7�r, �ud -�he Corpax�,�ian Cou�isel 1�e sx�d hereby , ia .. . .�., di�rec�ted, tc, drawr up th� proper £orm o� cantract ther��or, and the pro�er E13ty ' of'i'�,c3,a1s here'b�� a�: auth?z•3�ed � Qxacu� �ai.d c�tx�ac� on behal� irP t.l.�,� �i.ty aP � f3aint P�.uI, . . , . � � 1 �orma�. Bi.d #1113. � � � � � FEB 101965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �EB 1 � ��� { Dalglish � Holland Approved 19� � Loss Tn FSVOr Meredith � Mayor Peterson � Agg�st �� � �. :r:•.,.::•-r-::::r....�,;;;.. , ��i�.c��d��..�$.'•.°�f�4.'..:�`ci Mr. Vice President (Rosen) i0M 66s