221847 �]�}Ms�� ORIGINAL._TO CITY CLHRK ����AI' ,I _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO- �� g `` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � � C MM SS�IONEQ MILTON ROSEN p„� February 9, 196� � � � W.�REAS, in the matter of Comptrollert s Contract L-6666, for the � Grading and Paving of PELH.AM BOULEVARD from Interatate Highway No. 9�. to IIniversity Avenue, Palda and Sons, Incorporated, con- tractor, ' the specified completion date is November 15, �964, and WHEREAS, the south limit of the work under this contract ad�oins , the north limit of a contract let by the Minnesota Highway Depart- ment for the construction o� bridgea over said Interst�e Highavay at Pelham Boulevar.�l, and WHEREAS, in order to coordinate the work of this contract with the Highvuay Department work, coupled with the necessity of keeping ' Pelham Boulevard open to traffie pending completion of the Mise- isaippi River Boulevard Paving Project, it was necessary to post- pone commencement of the work, and as a result, it was not possibl'e for said contrac tor to complete the contract by said date of com- , letion,- therefore be it � • �_ � RESOLVID, _ that the prope.r .city of fic�r s be and they are- hereby -.-. � �- `; authorized and directed to execute an a.mendment to said contract ; � extending the time of completion to OCTOBER l, 1965, provided hov�ever, that. this resolution shall have no force or effe ct unless� the sureties on tbe contractor� s bond consent thereto in writing, __ and file such consent with the- City Comptroller, an.d be it FIIRTHER RESOLV�sD, that the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages, and that no engineering and inspection cost s on this pro�e ct will be charged to the Contrac tor on ac count� ' of such eatended period. - 'FEB 9 � `�� COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council _ 19_ Yeas Nays ��� 9 �� . Dalglish .� . ; �-.,..� ` Hollaad � Approved 19— Loss V �III Favor ` Metedith (J � ����� ACtl�D� Mayor A gainst i�,!M° �, .�alvc8 ,�.l. C�. ....�. � :�. ,. . ....: ',.. �. � pueusH�n FEB 13 1� ialk�t'•�e P�•^�, � � ,sen � , ��J 5 DUrLICATC�,TO rRIHT[R w^���� ✓ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�NCIL NO ti d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ►RESENTED�Y �IyTON RQSFN Febr��v 9,. ].Q�.� COMMISSIONE� �A� . a—.—. a RBEREAS, in the mat ter ot Cqmptrollerx � Contrao� L-6666, f or the C�rwci ing �nd P�v ing of P�L�M BOULEV�RD from �nter state Highw� No.' 91�. to T�n3v�r�ity' Avenue, Palda aad Sona, Tncorpora'�ed, con- tr�atb�, th� $pecifiec� aompletion dat• �a ��ovember 15, 196l�, and WSEREA3., t}.� aouth limit o� tY� work under th.ia aontr�Q� ad�oina the nor�h limit o� a. oontrs�et 1et by the I[irine�ota �3�hu�g A�part- ment for �h� Qonatruatso� oP bridge� over �aZd In�er�t�e HigYiway at Pel}a�m Boulev�r�, and WHEREAS, �n oFdor to c�oordinat� tl� work of thia csontx+s�at w3th the Highw�y Dep��men.t r►orl�, aoup�.ed w3th the neae��ity of keeping Pell�.e.m Boulev�rd open to traff3a pending aompleticn of the M1��- 3s�9.ppi River Boulev�►rd �'avin� Pro�eat, it w�a neQe�mary to pobt}. pone commena�m�nt of the work, and a� � regul�, it w�� not poaffiible for s�id eontractor to Qomplete the aontr�at by eaa.id date o1' aom- let�.on, there�ore be 3t RE�OLVED, that the proper ait� affic�� be �nd thay are he�eby �uthorisecl and direat�d to ezeQUte an amendrr�nt t� ffiaid contraet eatend3ng the t3.rr�a o�' ao�pletion to 4CTOBER l, �965� provided ' howev�►ra �hat t�.is re�Qlution shnll ha�e no fqrae or e�fe at unleffis the aureti�es on tme Qant�c�or� a bond consent the�eto �.n writ9.ng, and f�.le �u,ch con�ent w3th the City Comptroller, and be it FIIRTI�R RESOI,VED� �hAt th� City� of St. P�u�. her�b� waive� �].l cla3.m Por liquidated de�.ge�, and that no engineering and in$peation cogt� on this pro�ect wi�.l be charged to the Contraotor on �acount of suoh eztended period. FEB 9 1965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays � DalBliSb FEg g 1965 ; Holland � ApprovP� 19— Loss , Tn F'SV02' Meredith � Mayor .��-�^-`c�cr�u�, _ . A g8inst os—I�en^ �4::�eE:���y:����i.i� Mr. Vice President (Rosen) io�t e�s