221845 ` �` i �+ • � /"'� O�i1Gl�lAL TO CITY CLERK . 22�845 �`'�� #� ^-- ` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO ; OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DA� WHEREAS� the Public h�nployees Retirement Assoeiation indieate�s that- all govern.inental subdivisions of the state are now covered under the� provisions of Minnesota Statutes� Chapter 353, establishing the Public Employees Ret3r ement Association; and WHEREAS� said Association indicates that it now has a membership of over 42�000 public officials and employees throughout the state� ineludi.ng those from counties� cities� villages� towng and school districts; and W�IEREAS� said Association indicates�hat it provides for a pla.n. which�. in: most eases� assures ad qnate retirement - ann�zities as we�ll as total and permanen dis�bility benefits� and snrvivor benefi"ts� i'or members at a cost which bot,h employees a.nd emp�loyers can afford to pay; and WHEREAS� members in attenda.nce at the Thirt'y.-third Annual A�eeting of the Pnblic Eanployees 8etireme�t Association held in. St. Paul� Minnesota on October 31� 1964� (1) Approved four ma�or changes in the act� designed " to lihera�lize some benefits as followss (a) Amend � -n the savirigs clause to provide that a.ny public y � employee who was a member on June 30� 1957 will ���� be protec�ed thereun.de�� regardless of the nnmber � � � - of-��,rs of allowable service credit at that point; �., ,, .o (b) No limit on salary �fQr deduction purposes; w��,�,.,,� (c) Restoration of buy-back privilege; (d) Provide � :: � for ref`t�nd.ment of deduc�zons� if any in case F'� � recipients of s�rYivor benefits dte '�efore ' '� deductions have been withdrawn, in the way of � ` � annuities and benefits. � ��- t • �:.� , �'�� (2) Opposed any new legislation designed to liquidate �.� tYie presen�t basic pla.n over a period of years in �favor of coo�dinated plan on a.n. optional basis with COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9— � Yeas Nays , Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn F$nOr ' Meredith � Peterson M�yOr . ` A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis – � - - �s lOM E-69 _ ""' �:- � t_. ' .� ' i • • O JAL TO CITY CLERK . � r�%;� ." � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO� 21$45 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTEO QY COMMISSIONEQ DA� Page 2. federal Social 5eeurity; a.nd WHEREAS� 'these proposals have been carefully evaluated a.n.d are concurred in unafl3.monsly by the Board of Trustees and the Legislative Committ�e of PE�� which committee consists of representatives from the general membership as we11 as from the board; and WHE�tEAS� we wish to be on record as givin.g our wholehearted support to an,y and all propos�ls which will strengthen and improve the, present P'PRA plan and assure the contin.ued egistence of the PERA basic glan.� as w�ll as its preser�ation and perpetuation� in con�unction w3.th the proposed Joint Saint Paul a.nd Ra:msey County Supplemental Pension Program; now� therefore� be it ' . RESOL�;D� That the Couneil of the City of SSair�t Paul hereby respectf'�lly petitions the Ramsey County Delegation� at the- 1965 Session of the NTinnesota State Legislature� to a.mend the �ublic Employees Retirement Act accordi.ng to the proposed am.en.dments to be submi�ted by the FERA Board of Trt�s�tees� except as to item 1 (b) above�� which proposal , is include� in t�ie Joint City-Co�.nty F�nployee� Fension Program heretofore recommended to the xamsey Coun,�p Legislative Delegation by t�iis Council; be it � RESOLVED FFTRTHER� tYiat a copy of this resolution be � sent to each member of �Y�e Ramsey County Delegation� and to the Chairm�n of the Eivil Administration Committee of th.e Senate and House of Representatiyes� to the end that they may support the proper legislat3on to carry into effect the pt�rposes and in.tent of this resolution. FEB 9 1965 COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish FEB 9 �96� Holland � Approve 19_ Loss `5 Tn FavOr / � � Meredith � rs on � Mayor A gainst �''�:���:����� PUBLISHED F Eg 1� 1��_ Mxr Vice President (Rosen) ioas aas DUrLICATt(rT0 r/.�NTCR - „ 22184�� "' " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � ' �`' F�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WHERF�Sa the Fublic �nployee� Re�irem�nt Ass�c3.ation indi.oa�e� tha� al]. gove�x�ental �ubdivi�fon� af the gtat� are no� eovered under �he �rovisidns of �Sinr�e�ota Statutes� Chg�t�r 3�3! e�tab�.ishing the �u►bli� �nployee� Retiremex�t Association� and WHFR�AS� �aid AssoCiat�an indica��s tha� �t now ha� a neffibe��h�p of .o�t�ar �+2�00� publ�� of��.Gial� and e�plo�ree� througY�ou� the s�a�e� �.ncSuding tho�� f'rvm coun.t2��y eit3e�� viilage�i towta.� and school d3.�tri�t�; and 'W�R�A�y said As�aci�.tion indicatea t.h�et it provid.eS for a p�a,r� t�hi�h� i.rk �ost e�.�e�� as�ur�� ad�c�ur��e retlr��ent antn�.3ties �� w�ll �.� tot�� an,d per�a.rient dis,�cbil3ty bene#'its� and �urvivor bene�'i��� f'�r meml��r�o a� � oo�t wh�ch both e�ployees and employerg can af�ord to pay; and WH�AS, �embers � a�tendan�e� at the Th�pt,�C.th�rd Annual 3�e�ting of' the Publfc �nplo�ae� �et3.r�ffi�r�t ��a�iation h�l�. i.n. St. P�ua,, M3.nne�ota �s� Oc�ober 31! �.96�t-� - (1) Approved fo'ur �a3or changeffi in the �tlt� desig�.ed ' f to lib�ra].3�e �o�,e bensfit� a� foll.a�ra��s (�). Amend �he �aving� alau�� to pro��,de '�hat any publi� effip�.oy�e �ho wa� a �e�abex Qn J`ux�s 34, 19�� �rill - b� �rote���d theiceunder� regardle�� of the numb�r a� �'s�r� of a2lowable �ervi�� crarli� at th�t po3nt; �b� �o l�it on �a�lary �Qr dedutstiqn PurpoBe�; a �estoratian of b��r�ba�k �rivileg�� , �(d) Provide . for r��"undment of dedt�.��ion�� if any in aas� ���, , �eQipi��.ts. oP '�ur���or benet'�t� ��m :�e�ore � � ded`zction�, have b�em w3�hdr�'wm in the way of ' annu�tie�; �nd b�x�efit�. (2) Qppo��d a.ny n�w legialatiom de�igned to ]�iquidat� the pre�ent ba$3.c plar� over �. period o�` years in favor o�' coordinated plan on �n op��.onaZ i�a�i� with . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn F'SVOP Meredith Peterson �y�r 'Rosen AS'��t Mr. President, Vavoulis ioas a-as DI!/LICAT�,TO rR�T[R � ���Q A� - ", r CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `'ii E OF THE CITY CLERK F�« NO , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONF� DA� r�� �• f�cTeral Soeial ��curi�y; a�ra.� WH�AB� t�ie�e propa�ais have been ca.�ef'�a.�.�.y evalnated and s�r� concurred 3n �.an�.mou�7.� by t�i� Bo�rd of T'ru�tee� and the L��iai�t3.ve �o��tt�e of FPR�43 wh9.ch �o�it�ee �onsis�� of �epre�er�tativ�e� �Y►om tl�e genera� meml�a��h�p a� w�1� as from the boarc�; $�,d W�E�tEA�, �re �ri�h to be an record a� g�.^��.ng ou,r wholehear�ed support to a.n.y and all prop o��l� whiah will �tr�ngt�ien arid impra�e the pre�cn� ��tA plan �nnd a���re the conti�u,ed �xi�ctenc� af the� �'F,�A. basie plan� aa w���. �.s i�� p�e�e�va�iox� �n,d �erpet�a.a��.on.� in con�unetion �ri'th �h� p�apo�ed ,3oint Sain,t paul �.r�.d �iam�ey Cowa.ty aupp�em�a�a� Fen�ior�, Frogra.m; now� tk�e�efore i be �� RB�OLVF�D Tha-t t�e �ou��il of" the City o�' �a3xit k'su1 Y�ereby r�sp�o�f`u�.l� petitiQn� the Ra�sey �ounty I}eleg�.tion� a� the �965 �es��om of the #�ixu3esa�a �tate ����.�la�ur�� to am�nd the Pub13c �mploy�e� i�tir�m.e�tt �ct a��ording to the propos�d amend�en�s to be �ub�titted. by �he PERA Beasd of �ru�tee�� e�caept �s �c� ite�i 1 �b) abo�re� �rh�.�h proposal is i,ncluded Sl1 the �o2nt �i�y-�oun�,ty �mploye� P�ension �ogra� h�xeto�ore x�e�o�.end�cl to the �?antgey Coun�y �,eg�sZat�,ve �lega�ion b� th�.;� Ccrunc3�; ba �.t �50�V.� F'U#��iER tliat �. capy oi� th�s reaolution 'b� a�nt to each m�mber o� the i�a�aa�ey �oun�y �7��ga�ion� anc� to the Chairn�n a►� �he Civi1 �3r�i�tr���o�. Co�3.tt�e of th� 3enate and Houa��� af �epre��n�a�i'�es� tt� tY�� end tha� '�hey may �txpport tY�e proper l���i�lation to �aa��y in�o eg�`eCt the pu�po�es artd interit o3' th�.s re�o�ution. F EB 9 'I9� COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.� Yeas Nays c�g Q 1� Dalglish � � ��+ Holland Approvec� 19— Loss __�_jn Favor Meredith ,����` � Mayor � R���. A gainst r-�,reside t•-V;avoulis.�;5-� "'��ut�i:�::cb�"�i:;::e.�:�:i9:Li:�itR! lo�Tz�ce President (Rosen) . . '� l •' ' ' ^ ' \.+ `-`,t. , .• ��, s . . _ � • . ` <,: ', ' ` i . •.. t• '.. `_ � • -�� _^ ` '- " ' � f �/ ' - r � i. . _ F, . � � . .. . _,R ` . .� t � � � U,��7 '4 _ '_ .Y^ ��` ' f `� 4 " . . ', . - -- . ' Y L'. ^ _ ' _ - • . , ` ;,- � _ � J _ � . . _ ` �.,`y - ' � ' '�'+ �- u .'� � , .. ' - � � �.+ ` �, `• 2 , ' � " � _ .! - -;" . ' - � , �. • : ' . ' , . , - '"f , .. . :�.��/���. _ - ! - _ , � °, ., ' ' '-- ` . ��� -;� � . _ - 1 - , ' 1 t s'. ` �.�``v . .- ' ' _ _ _ , , _ f � ' , _ •� • r. ' • - -' ' - .-.. . ' " . .'� ' - � • ' 4- � . s �:i. • ' ,' y! . - . . _ . �,� , ,-_ ' ' . � . . . . � �_ _ - _ _, . . ' ' _ . ' - - . , �1 ' ` `S.� • ' _ ' � ` ' - _ -` �- , - ` .. ' 'r �• ~ - ' . • . �� _ ._ _ - _ . -� ._ ` , . : ' _ ,;+ _._ � , . _ , •. - . � - . •, i � �� .. _. 'k.. � - , ._ . �..w,f.":5n'�:.,w�«..�-�--„'-'�;...�„'. .�.-t-i: K..- i�'.-r,o . R ,- � - :i � ' + +. ' • .. `, - `-r� �- .. .ms _ ':s./...- ��,.,.r.r: rv_vr�c:�'sa^ ,�....., t�' >r.. �.y. ,a^.. 'F+- _ . - ` �� . . y. � . . _ ' . _ ;. _ 'k. , .' , .., _� t _ .`, .. ' ' i • ` ' _ - - • � 4r ' � -- � . , - ' _r - " _ � �, ' ' . 1 � s • : •�+ , • _ ' `Y.�+ } - •�•• ' Y ' . ` ' • ' .. ` .. �f-. . �' • -`. . :. ,' .. 4 ` , _.'"' _;�� _" � ., • , - . • � ' • _ � • . `�' — - ` ` : s • ,.` _- -, ' � • , . .e � , _ � _ _ �•_•. ' 4 .- _ , '. . . . � � _ � . - - � -� - - _ , . •. � " . � - ' ". ��br��,y, 9� 1965-_ . ..� �-';:- . _ v; - . ' ._-i`" - ;~. .' _.�,_ . -' ' _ � - ' .' • ,' . • ' .. .- , - ' - ,`. - -- �, , _ .. _ 1 ,. .r-�- , -- �.•s � .'i} . _ � , � . _ .4 � r� .4 \ _�• •a- . `A •Y; . _ •� 1 - ' - � : � � ' - + - �� � r ` _ • ' -� - , _ . '� _ • . • - _ ��'. � �' . . . • Y, • � ' , A " . �a. { 4 . • _ � [ -, .� � �S ��+ �6 �" � � ��� �-� _ , � � - - ; . • � ' - .� CHA3RI�T 0�' '� QIV'IL Al�lII�IB`�RP,2'IlO� CO�I't'�' °- _ . . . � :- . . � '- - .• QF ��-SffiG�� A1tD,TH� 80t�� C�'` _ s - � ' . _ � , . ' . � � _ `;' , . (�ent].�e�1 s�' . , �-. . �r , `. , ' " , _ � _ � - , , .. . . ° :- w �aloaed is � copy o� a re ion, � �St. Paul_City Cottnail ` . _ . . - •_ - - . . - : � - �� •- . � • - _ ' - � - - -� � �- urg�g yoii "to amend, th�s•.Public �np Re "t Act �according tq the- -': ; � � �•�z� .. " . a . . . . . .. � _ _ .-. � ' ' - - ' , , . � �,y.�• � . n ' ._" ` >. - ; Proposed. aneudment.a to be's tiy 1 :EaR�A. Bo�.`rd. of �7�ct�t►ee�� .. ._ - _ � - - . _ � . k ` : . _ . . :f -' . , - � : � - � ; } excep� as 'Go Item l (b) as more, � out ia the reaolutico�. _ � � - _ - . _ ~�� ' - . � , _ _� - �- :.. . _ - .`'� I VQ� `�'�,Y yo�s; . .� � - - � - ' i - _, : _ - l -� - " . , � - � , . _- =. - � ; - _ "�' ` �. ' _ '� � _ - ,s / . .s s ,. - � � .. i- . - - Ci�'fyI,�'i�I"it .. � ." ' � '� . ' '�� � ` , , _ 'I ` - • • n . .. --_ . '• F . _ � ' - ' - _, f'7`• � _ . ' � _ ' .' • _ _ _ - -� ,'_ . .,_. `, ` ' ._.. � '.` - 1 �. ' � : � �entto: ` , : } ' � _ '- -- " ' f �' ', - ' • . : _ � `, . - . • .. . �. . , _� :,_, -;_�. , .. , . f : ' ` � - State Senator;Claude H,- Allen, � �. � � ,� ' : �State �Representative' Richard W. Richie _ _ - , State Senator�Wendell Anderson� - �` � +` � �State`�F�epreseritative..Vernon�L.Sanmerdorf - - "•- Sta.te Senator Nicholas coleman • ' ' ' '� �- . �State Representative Do�ald D.,- Wozniak "";��� - "State Senator ISarl''F. �Grittner � - � Hon.�Henry M.� �iarren, Chairman, Civil _ , _ _ State Senator-Edward�G. Novak -- - _ - _ � - �,:�Adm3.nistration Codn.' of the S`'enate. � ,_ - t - State Senator Clifton Parks' - ' - � -- - ` ` ' : Hon. George A._�French,-Chairman, Civ31 ` - -. State Senator- I,eslie Westin =- . � � . , , •, .Administration Com. of•the Hou�e of � �. � , State_Senator John Tracy Anderson � � ,'. ,- , " ' ;Represent�atines.� - � -�� , _ - " ' � State Representative Robert 0� Ashbach ��-- :,, � • _ ` -_ � . ' _ - _ . � ' - t �"State Representat�ve Err�est A-. Beedle� . " ,� , �- .. _' � _ _ � - _ _ - � _ - � � State �Representative Robert Cliristensen�� r" _ -- . `, � ' - - -,' - _ � -� St2t.e Repxesentat3.ve Bruce l4�ndahl .,� - ,. ' . - � . - � -- = � �; . .. . � - ,. ' 1-' ' 1� ' ° • -�_ St-ate :Rspresentative Lyle .T. Farmer. -� ,i � " ,. ~�� : � _ _ ' , . : _ -, � � State °Representative Robert W.''Johnson �-�� _ � ` - ' •? • ��. ' �� � � � , S�tate Repr.esentative-Tom Newcome , ' - " , � `: � - • - � -•�+ . � ': _ - State Representative Win: 0�Brien:. ' � - � - - _ - _ _ _' .� � , -. --- � _ �� - � " � _ ��. �State Represent�tive Joseph Prifrel- = � �.• ° . _ � - �, - -_ _ � - ' - . _ � _ • State`Representative Anthoriy Podgorski ; , - - _� . - ' _._ • � � , _':. ,_ , , a�i ��-� .; <<.��� . : . . _L44�; _�; , ": ,�ILLIAM J. O'BRIEN ?!i<<"=''•' CoMMrn'EFS: t`�:"- ...., 45TH DIS�RICT - `.�'�'•`r���r CITIES OF THE FIRS� AND SECOND CLASS, , RAMSEY COUNTY �`��#=� VICE-CHAIRMAN 1531 SUMMIT AVENUE ■� �' FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND SECURITIES ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA �' � 1,�` GAME AND FISH �., �+G� HEALTH AND WELFARE _r-�--__, Tn,xEs -- •' - - --- ....�=t,��"-"—��=�� ��Q�e 0�,'TCtI7.1ZQS0�Q HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES L. L. DUXBURY, JR., Speaker i February 16, 1965 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Bob: Thank you for sending me the resolution of the Council on the P.E.R.A.. question. I don't know how this �rhole thing �rill come out this Session, but I certainly will keep the Council's position in mind when, as� and if I get a chance to vote on the issue. Sincerely yours, . WJO'B:ek � , � �'i� -.� u