221842 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK ' ���J��� �' CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa �� �'' r � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY . COMMISSIONE �� DAT� RESOLVED, that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized to accept the amount of$100.00 in compromise settlement of the City 's lien of $2�3.2�+ identified as Document No. 1.�+53231, dated May 1, 1.958, which lien resulted from the expense of wrecking and removing a building at 121 Minne�onka Street prior to the condemnation of said property by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, '�hat the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute a lien waiver of said lien. � c � cg c 0 > � C� o � ��� 9 19� ti COUNCILi�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays FEB 9 1� Dalglish Holland A prove 19— �- • Loss � Tn Favor � ^ Meredith J � � Mayor �� against �'•��.�:;���'�"��'�� PUBLISHED FEB 1� 196J ���r��°�� _ - ion� e-da DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R � i � CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�UHCIL NO .► OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM fRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONEe DATF RESOLYID, that the proper Ci�y officers be and hereb9 are authorized to aacept the amount of �100.00 in eomprom�.ee set�lement of the OityTs 11en of $2�3.2�F identified as DoQUment No. 1�+5323�, c�a�ed May 1, i958, whiah lien reeulted from the exper�e o�' wreaking and removing a building at 121 Minnetonka 3treet prior to the eondemnation of said property by �he �art Authority of the City of Saint Paul; and be it F[TRTHER RESOLVED, tha.t the proper �ity otficers ar� hereby authorized to exeaute a ].ien Waiver of aaid lien. FEB 9 � COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Councit 19.� Yeas Nays eeB 9 ���� Dalglish < < Holland `� Approved 19— Los s Favor Meredith pp�. Mayor t A ���_ gainst �:. ._- , _.� , ,�s e ��1t��tFres�i�etit:.\/.aviii5lrs� Mr.Vice Presic�ent (Rosen) ioa� e�as