221788 v ^•) ! � /�1l TO CITY CLHRK � �/,���8 CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa �'� � ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE 1�ILTON ROSEId p„� Februar.y 2, 1965 � I ` � � �I�,AS, Additions whieh might prove to be necessary in the i ` Improvement described as the construction of a Sewer in ��Arr � Street from White_Bear-Av�ue to "B" Street, and in "B"-"Street � i from "A" Street, thence south�5.0 fee t, Comptroller� s_Contrac t � � L-6712, _Robert . ''T� p� y, contrac tor have been �-�Vloo�e Com an , provided � ' for in tha Specifications, and � WFIEI�AS, it has been found necessary to make the following Add i ti on e: ADD IT IONS 184.0 eu. yds. of trench excavation . . � �..00 � z36.00 17.0 treea removed . . . . . . . . . . � 50.00 � �f 0.00 and Total Addition 1, 586.00, � � - — i � ,� 1KfiERE9S, the Co�muissioner of Public Works has agreed with th.e � above named Contractor that ths �ke- amount of � 1,586.00 is the � i corre ct sum to be added to the above c ontrac t,• now there f ore be � it � � ��' - . - - - � RESOLVED, that the City of St. �sul tlhrough its City Council � � approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifi� i cations in the amount of � l,586.00, sai d sum to be adde d to the� ; consideration narro d in the contrac t, known a s Comptrollert e Contract L-6712, and which sum is to be financed fx�m assessment� against the benefited property. � . � � i �Eg �3 196� � COIJNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas� Nays ' � � Dal lish FEB 3 � � g � Holland pproved 19! Los s Fsvor Meredith ' Peterson �ByOr ! � Against S Rosen ^ � Mr. PI esident, Vavoulis PUBUSHED FE9 6 ��� iont e-as t � � � � OUrLICAT[TO rRINTlR �� �''' ClTY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �' ' OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY �LERK COUNCIL RESOL'llTION--GENERbL FORM rRESENYED�Y MIyTON RQSFAT _p�� FebruarY 2, 196� _ COMMISSIONE� WHEFEAS, Additiona whiah mSght prove to be ne�aea�ary in the Improvemen� de�cx3bed a� the aonst�uation o� a S�wer in "A" S�reet grom Wh�te Bear Avenue to "B" Street� �nnd in "B" Street from "A" 3tra�t� thena� south 50 t'eet, Comptroller�� Gontr�a� L-6712t Robert �1. �ioore Compa�n�., contx��ator, hr�ve been prqvfded for in tha spec��ic�.tiona, and tiYHE��S, it har� been f'ound neaee�ery to mal�� the following Additi on�: AI3DITIONS 18�..0 cu. yd�. oP tTencsh. exaave�ion . . � �4.00 $ 36.00 �17.0 treen remored . . + . . . , . . . � y0,00 �. 0.00 To�el Addition , •• and, . . WHEREAB� the Commie�ioner of Publia �lorls� has agreocl wifi�i the � aboee ns.med Contractor th�at t�e the amoun.t oP � l,586.00 i� the eorre ct sum �a be e�dde�. �o the a bove a ori.traG t, now �h�re f are b� it RE�OLVED� �ha� the C�.ty of St* Pau1 t�rou�rh 3ts City Coun.ail �.pprove� the forego3ng Addition mad� in accordanoe with the Sp�cif�,:+��, cs�tion� in tY� �.mount of � �.�y86.00, s�id ewm to be adc� d to the aonaider�.tion namo d 3n the cor�tra4 t� kno�n. a� Comptroll��sr� � Contract T�-�712, and wh3.ch aum is �o be fiz�anam�. from �:�ees��sntr agrainmt the '�enefited propertg. , FEB 3 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish FEB 3 1965 Holland . Approv� 19— Loss „jn FavOr Meredith Peterson /� �AyOr Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iox eas