221784 J � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK �1�84 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � N IL E l� ON-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED CY � COMMISSIONE ' DAT� � � i 1 ' RESOLVFD, That upon the report and recommendat3on of the City Valuation Engineer and pursuant to Section 303 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the acquisition of the property l�own as 25� Maple Street and legally deseribed as: t - a Lots six (6) and seven (7), �enned�s Subdivision of � ipart of Block 82 of L. Da.yton�s Addition to St. Pau1, � accord3.ng to the plat thereof on file and of record - in the Office of the xegister of Deeds in and for , Ramsey County, Minnesota; _ t Y�ereby is approved and ratified, and the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay the sum of $18,000.00 to Alfred E. Norris and Edna L. Norris, record fee ow�ers of said property, said sum to be paid to the aforesaid parties from Fund 3700�501, upon their furn3.shing an abstract of title, continued to date, or other documents evidencing good marketable title in said� Alfred E. Norris and Edna L. Norr�.s, and upon tender by said parties of �he,appropriate deed conveying said property to the City free'.from encuriibrance, said property to be used for the proposed Yan �Buren Playground as a replacement for the Bluff Playground which was taken by the State of Minnesota under appropriate con- demnation proceedings, the transfer of title to the City to be effective upon receipt of an appropriate deed from said parties to the City; however, right to possession in the City, by agreement between the City and said parties, shall be deferred until March 15, 1965; and be it RESOLVED FIIRTHER, That the owners shall have the right to remove on or before March 15, 1965, and retain the interior drapes and metal liner from the living room divider and, further, they shall have the right to remove on or before April 1, 1965,and �tain the garage and outdoor plantings, all at their own cost and expense. �Ogn� APPROYEp. 196a ./ ' FEB 3 St. C,QLp � CO CILI�N Adopted by the Council Yg_ Yeas Nays Dalglish �Eg 3 1965 Holland pproved 19_ Loss • � Favor Meredith � ` Peterson v • �8'yOr A gainst � Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ` , ��a�� FE6 6 �� �o� �� # ,