221747Original to City Cleric ORDINANCE 221747. PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative bode, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the 'Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended:so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from Height District I to Height District II, to -wit: I "Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 11, Brewsterts Addition to St Paul and that part (north 1/2) of vacated Charles Avenue adjoining said Lot 1 ;" situate on property located on the ea side of Park Street at vacated Charles Avenue in the City of Saint Paul.. - -- Sec, 2, This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 3, This Ordinance 'shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. PETITION TO REZONE A petition having been filed request- ing that Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, I St. Paul Legislative Code, Zoning Code, be amended so as to rezone Lots 1, 2 and 3, and part of vacated Charles Ave. adjoining Lot 1, Block, 11, Brewster's Addition, -on the east side of Park St. between Sherburne and Como Aves. ' to Height District II, the Council ox the City of Saint Paul has fixed the 28th day of January, 1965, at ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall of said City, and at said time and place, the Council twill hear all persons and all objections and recommendations relative to said proposed amendment. Dated January 13, 1965. ROBERT B. GERBER, JR., City Clerk. (January 16, 1965) Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Q + Peterson 41"enl Mr.President(Vavoulis) Attest: /l, </, i City Cler 1W 6-62 Form approved Corporation Counsel FES 2 165 Passed by the Council Tn Favor I PUBLISHED Ir tts u 1 IPC - . DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. fi PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative bode, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Pauli as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaces health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1,. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from Height District I to Height District II, to -wits "Lots 1, 29 3, Block 11, Brewster's Addition to St Paul and that part (north 172) of vacated Charles Avenue adjoining said Lot 1 ;" situate on property located on the east side of Park Street at vacated Charles Avenue in the City of Saint Paul. Sea. 2, This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. City f Saint Paul, Minnesota ` PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) ' Date: Dec. 2, 1964 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section'23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we,-the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body'to rezone the- following described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 1, 21:and 3, Block 11, Brewster, s Addition, and that part of vacated Charles Avenue which is adjacent to said Lot 1- 559 Capitol Blvd., St. Paul, Minnesota. from a No. I HEIGHT District to a NO. II HEIGHT District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Board of Social Ministr Owner of all 11 Brewster's Additi of the Minnesota Synod of the Lutheran Church /'.� i' and of vacated Chz Ave. between Ca in America U Boulevard and Pai State of minnesota) County of Ramsey )ss Bernard Spong, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of / pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me ' this 2� s!! �� o�►�.��v� -� December, 1964. Notary /Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission expires May 21, 1970. r_ in .rles .tol ,k Ave. ` ,Bernard pong, rest o l bJ)JtrcL of S cial Ministry 6f the NXnne so Synod the Lutheran Church in Ame ica pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel f � ]Ja1• - i ....... .... ..> : R D OF ZONING, C I T Y, OF SAINT PAUL' "' '' •: kxfiflSi.bN•: 251 -252 -433 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNISOTA A January 27, 1965 Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. 7; City Clerk Building O( 'Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the petition,of the Board of Social Ministry of the Minnesota Synod of the Lutberan`Cburcb of America to rezone. from Height District I to Height District II property located on the east side of Park Street at vacated' Charles Avenue which is described - as Lots 1, 2, 3,-Block 11, Brewsterb AdditioW and that part -(north ) of vacated Charles Avenue adjoining said Lot 1. On December 29, 1964, the Commissioner of Finance reported the petition sufficien "t witb the owners of all of the parcels within the prescribed 100 foot radius having signed the petition. The Board of Zoning considered this petition as its regular meeting on January 7, 1965. The staff reported that the purpose of the re- quest for Heigbt District II was to permit an addition to the existing Betbesda Hospital which would not qualify under Height District I. The property adjoining to the east is now classified in Height District II and the proposed change would, in effect, be an extension of the pre - F sently adjoining Heigbt District II. It did not appear that the proposed change would have a detrimental effect on any of the other properties in the area. The Board of Zoning, tberefore, recommends the changing of the above described property from Height District I to Heigbt District II as requested. Sincerely, B. R. Teig A P Recording Secretary BRT :FGI Encl. Z. F. 5701 J 1 1 1 I k i 1 • 1- �I t ' •. t i r •DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House, 65102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner THOMAS J. KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner December 29, 1964 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: Phone: 224 -4612 Ext. 343 -344 I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 3, and part of vacated Charles Avenue r adjoining Lot 1, Block 11, Brewster's Addition. The property is located on the east side of Park Street between Sherburne Avenue and Como Avenue, from a 1141 Height District" to a '12 Height District " and find that said petition is.sufficient. Yo s very t y, J s J. Dal lisp ommissioner of Finance Re: 16683 c.c. Mr. Ames City Architect Zoning Board I DEC 30 1964 AA Cftl Y'LAA'.:ivLi, -" is0k %i6f ♦• :• k i��•,1 ( inw' -Sota as BERNHARD W. LEVANDER BERNARD G. ZIMPFER PAUL D. TIERNEY MICHAEL L. FLANAGAN Honorable Mayor and City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: LEVANDER, ZIMPFER a TIERNEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW 885 NORTHSTAR CENTER ( PILLSBURY BUILDING) MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 December 2, 1964 Re: Bethesda Lutheran Hospital 1965 Addition. TELEPHONE 339-8841 In support of the Petition of the Board of Social Ministry of the Minnesota Synod of the Lutheran Church in America, parent corporation of Bethesda Lutheran Hospital, requesting reclassification of the real estate upon which the 1965 addition to the Hospital is to be built from Height District No. 1 to Height District No. 2, we respectfully represent and show: "Addition to Contain The proposed addition will contain the following patient care areas and services: Nursing Units, Surgery, X -Ray, Emergency -Out Patient, Laboratories, Physical Therapy, Purchasing- Storage, Mechanical Equipment and an Elevator. "He ight The present propos.e.d addition, facing Park Avenue, will contain seven stories. It will be approximately 81 feet from the finish grade to the main roof level. Two additional stories are being planned which would make the addition eventually the same height as the existing main structure. The additional floors would make the structure approximately 105 feet high from the finish grade to the main roof level. A relatively small mechanical penthouse approximately 17 feet high would be required. "Set Back The main facade of the proposed addition will set back approximately thirty feet from the Park Avenue pr'opeXty line. zX4 N Y� BERNHARD W. LEVANDER BERNARD G. ZIMPFER PAUL D. TIERNEY MICHAEL L. FLANAGAN Honorable Mayor and City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: LEVANDER, ZIMPFER a TIERNEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW 885 NORTHSTAR CENTER ( PILLSBURY BUILDING) MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 December 2, 1964 Re: Bethesda Lutheran Hospital 1965 Addition. TELEPHONE 339-8841 In support of the Petition of the Board of Social Ministry of the Minnesota Synod of the Lutheran Church in America, parent corporation of Bethesda Lutheran Hospital, requesting reclassification of the real estate upon which the 1965 addition to the Hospital is to be built from Height District No. 1 to Height District No. 2, we respectfully represent and show: "Addition to Contain The proposed addition will contain the following patient care areas and services: Nursing Units, Surgery, X -Ray, Emergency -Out Patient, Laboratories, Physical Therapy, Purchasing- Storage, Mechanical Equipment and an Elevator. "He ight The present propos.e.d addition, facing Park Avenue, will contain seven stories. It will be approximately 81 feet from the finish grade to the main roof level. Two additional stories are being planned which would make the addition eventually the same height as the existing main structure. The additional floors would make the structure approximately 105 feet high from the finish grade to the main roof level. A relatively small mechanical penthouse approximately 17 feet high would be required. "Set Back The main facade of the proposed addition will set back approximately thirty feet from the Park Avenue pr'opeXty line. zX4 N Y� • 1 A �I Honorable Mayor and City Council "Size and Dimension - 2 - December 2, 1964 The proposed addition will contain a total of approximately 83, 000 gross square feet. The largest floor would contain approximately 16, 000 gross square feet. The addition would have a frontage of approximately 145 feet on Park Avenue and 128 feet on the vacated Charles Avenue. "Construction "The proposed addition would be of Fireproof Construction. The structural frame would be of reinforced concrete. All exterior walls- and interior partitions would be of masonry. " We are planning to begin construction of this building in the spring or early summer of 1965. If any further information is required, we should be glad to furnish it. Ellerbe_Company, 333 Sibley Street, St. Paul 1, Minnesota, are the supervising' architects. Any additional information relating to construction that may be required or desired will be furnished by the architect. Respectfully submitted, Board of Social Ministry of the Minnesota Synod of the Lutheran Church in America By Its Presi'd6at " " 4 f leo r 4_ • � -s.�� Ilk 'x APPLICANT Board of Social'Ministry of the FILE N0. 5701 Minnesota Synod of the Lutheran :• __ _ __. Church of America" l R -DATE: December 31, 1964 HOUSE NUMBERS:.,— -PURPOSE: Rezone from Hie ight District I to Hgt ,Dst. II -z _ PETITION SIGNERS';- 100% of th-e parcels within 100'- Ssr- - .LE_o- 1_`_ —.� � AREA. UNDER- CONSIDERATION: Prepared by the City Planning Board of 'Saint Paul, Minnesota r CITY OF'. SAINT PA -il MINNESOTA?, ,-'-;, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE House .55102,— ) 4 = January '" " 15�r, -1965t- 7 21 -ij -°cl it. y Tietk P J Fi J il'Z16 w i� hereby - -rfo.tif-ied'�--th-6t::7A---.publi-d-hdarihg-::�wi-11-1 —�l Chaihbers 'f-th`.Tit�,H.�11- C&,�t, H -" 1- (j;u 0 e ou'�ej.al 12, p on the res lic t-=tlfe �fo- ,-bhalrle­s -A*v"c The propel tt 83 Page;%1 L 3 S. lie, - i, -'r pal .f j . Co'rmissioner of Pinance,, L --7 gj� WrlcVa. L Aft too I cx,; rf' J�!" Ar- A i�ai: •:e- Z I ` I st - 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app — Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish �alglish Holland �olland��'`+ Loss w a Meredith Meredith `7 Peterson Peterson 4csurr 4ee b U �e1_ v("t R . yYOkl', r. President Vavo Ois .eats::,.... ort ii` %...:..,0:.: MIX, Vice President (i2osenj