221716 r , . �i �IGINAL�CITY CLBRK . r ���„1�� i _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � , ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED CY COM M I551 O N E DATF _ . W�iEREAS, the Hospital �'acility Building Commiasion of - of the City of St. Paul and Cour3ty of Ra.msey adopted the � followir�g resolution-on Oatober '28, 1g64: � "WHEREAS the Hospital Facility Building Gommission of the City o�' St. Paul and Oo�nty of Ramsey or� March 3, � 1960, entered�i to a eontraat wit�i Ellerbe a.nd Company `� ��or ar�hitect �vices in the aonstr�uction of a r�ew hospital faai�ity; and � "YiT�REAS paragraph 16� of said aontract provided . that in figing the a.mo�t of monthly ins�allments for �� all phases of service of the archite�t, the computa�ion :�.'�� should b� ma.de u �o� an arbi�ra .r�s P r� cons�ru��ion aost of twelve million dollars (�12,000,000) sub�e�t to sub- sequent ad�ustment to a�tual construetion cost of the ' , pro�ect to be made at the time the eonstruatioa cor�traats � . are exeeuted by the owner; and , `WI�REAS on Oetober 1, 196�+, the Hospi�al Facili�y • had e�tered into aonstruction con�raets in the amount of . �12,698,000 with ad�usted con�raet amounts of $13,�16,781.22; and "W�aEAS paragraph ].6�. proQides fo� a withholding of Qertain of the arehi�e�t�s fees until thir�y days after final payment of the building �onstruation contraators, "NOW� THEREFO�E� BE ��P RESOI,VED `I'hat the a�bitrary - � �onstruction cos� of $12,000,��0 be no�r ad�t�sted to a.ri arbi�rary aonstruc�ion eos'� of $13,000,000 and tY�at Ellerbe and �ompany be paid the sum of $50,000 arehi- �OR pROVE tectura fees at this time upor� the basis of said i Asst. Coroora4ivn Cou s�l COLINCILMEN. Adopted by`the Council 19— , � _, , - � Yeas �Nays • L - - Dalglish � � f � '� . - , � � Holland � Loss . � � n Favor � Meredith � Pete rs on A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e.da • � O_�GIHAL�,�CITY CLERK � �r'�„ , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND ; v � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DA� -2- read�ustment and with a withhoTding of �1�,000 until thirty days after final payment �o the bu3.lding constrnction contracto�s."; now, the�efore, be it � RESOLVED, That the Couneil of the Qity of Saint Paul hereby ratifies, approves arid adopts the aetion of the I�osp�.tal Facility Buildin� �ommission as aforesaid, �a.ken at its regular meeting held October 28, 196�+. FEB 2 1g65 �COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Y Yeas Na s Dalglish FEB 2 19�5'. �,�;_ Holland provea • ', ' ' 19"�` �. ,�•. — �L-ess-� Favor � � L , Mayor Peterson � R n� A g81I1St . 1 Mr. President, Vavoulis - � � ' _ lon� �a� - '-� " ' ' PUBLISHEO FEB 6 � 19�5 . � � . � , :`� . 1 � � _ ; , , � _ . � i � � � . . �2���s ; � . ���p���l �ac' 't� ��d�q ������s��n f , of the MEMBERS Fraridis M. Tompkins i Ci�y �f S�. Pa� �d C�unty of �t�se� ���«�� s�re�.�, ; Edward K. Delaney � - � Chairman Frank D. Marzitelli , ,_. . - Public Health Center vice Chstrmen � "' _ ' - - - . - 665 Cedar Street Robert F. Peterson • -� , �� , "� �'�;� + � ` • Saint Paul 1, �nnesota � Sccrctarv ,-- . - �� CApital4-76b1 John E. Daubney _ `u ' ' ' t Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan OCtOber 29� 1964 ' - . — . , Rev. Theodore Goehle • z . - - Jerome Loberg � • = ' , Frank L. Loss , ; �- , �� Clifton Parks ' ,- �- _ ' � , : Anthony Podgorski " " � " � Donald M. Steimer - ,--- - " . f - P • � ' � I Mr. Robert B. Gerber, City Clerk:; .. - - � ` . f The City of Saint Paul - e u - ' , City Hall and Courthouse � ' Saint Paul, 14innesota 55102 • ` � Dear Mr. Gerber: � On March 3, 1960, the Hospital Facility Building Commission entered into a contract with Ellerbe and Company for architectural services relative to the construction of a new city-county hospital. � I � The above contract provided for payments to Ellerbe and Company based - � � upon an arbitrary construction cost of $12,000,000, with the under- . standing that this figure could be subsequently adjusted to reflect ' actual construction costs. • ' � ; r Construction cost to date reveal that the arbitrary cost figure of � $12,000,000 should now be adjusted as provided in the Architect's ; " Contract. � At its regular business meeting held on October 28, 1964, the Commission ! approved the attached resolution which adjusts the arbitrary construction i cost figure of $12,000,OOOcontained in the Architect's Contract to an ar- � � bitrary figure of $13,000,000. This resolution also provides that based 1 ' on the adjusted figure Ellerbe and Company be paid, at this time, the sum � of $50,000 with a withholding of $10,000 until thirty days after final � payment has been paid to the building construction contractors. ; � � The Commission respectfully requests that the City Council of the City � of Saint Paul approve the above action under the provisions of Laws 1957, � Chapter 938. � . ;;.- , „� � , � . � - Yours very truly� ' z . � - • ��, �' f.3 �'� � ,, � ��-�t �' A � � t 1 / I �� J � l �'�---- � . , " rancis M. To� ki s ti f - �� '� � e��' .: • Executive Secretary ' - ' . � � ..r p, `.. . �"� r�.,, yJ ,�"��r��jl'I,r� �� r� � . .-,.,.. .. _...,. . ._. . . ., •-- • -. . _.,.a._. ._- _ �--\•--- -- •_ �_.,,.... ._. _.,- . ,.._. _.� .,...- - °.--�.- �., . • � " _ ,