06-440Suspension - 5/03/06
Councii File # 06-440
Crreen Sheet # 30 3 Q(p ��
Resolution Memorializing the Council Decision to
Grant 30 Days for Completion of the Rehabiliation of the Nuisance Structure at
I897 Feronia Avenue within 30 Days
WHEREAS, the City Counc9l adopted a resolution ordering the repau or removal of the nuisance buildings located at
1897 Feronia Avenue on October 19, 2005 in Council File #OS-947
WIiEREAS, the City Council granted a stay on November 16, 2005 in the implementation of this Order until January
13, 2006, based on a signed agreement reached between the property owner and the CiTy; and
WHEREAS, the City Council received a stafFreport from its Legisiative Heazing Officer indicating that progress did
not meet the terms of the settlement, and there were significant concerns about the owner's abiliTy to mange and finance
the completion of this rehabilitation and the Council should, therefore, allow additional time for the completion of the
rehabilitation only under strict conditions; and
WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on April 19, 2006, where it received the testimony of
numerous neighbors and the area's district council that the progress on the rehabilitation was sporadic at best, that the
neighborhood continued to experience this as a public nuisance, and that the neighbors and district council had lost their
faith in the ability of the current owners to complete the rehabilitation;
WFIEREAS, the City Council provided the owners the opportuniTy to present their revised plans at the Council meeting
on April 26, 2006; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul CiTy Council herewith formally vacates its stay on the order to remove or repair 1897
Feronia Avenue adopted on November 16, 2005 and gants a new stay of 30 days, commencing from the adoption of a
new agreement, under the following terms:
• A$7,500 performance deposit or bond be posted with the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental
Protection (LIEP);
• A sum equaling the maximum amount of the accepted bid for the roof repair shall be deposited in an account
under the supervision of John Hughes, the owner's attomey; and
• The owner must maintain the exterior properry and grounds in compliance with the City's Legislative Code with
the understanding that a violation of this will result in summary abatement proceedings without further notice.
• The owner must apply for and obtain permits for all rehabilitation work which requires permits;
• If it becomes necessary to rent the property, the owner agrees to use a reputable tenant screening agency and
observe the guidelines promulgated by the City's Crime-Free Multi-Housing Program within the Police
Department; and be it
RESOLVED, that this agreement is to be signed within 2 weeks of the adoption of this resolution and that the
ageement requires the approval of the City Council.
1897 Feronia Avenue, Memorialization Resolution on
Council Action Taken 4/26l06
Yeas � Nays � Absent
Adopted by Council: Date �, o J�
Adoption Certified by Co Secretary
BY� //%ir�i�o�,c.�sdiz
Approved by Mayor: Date: � "/ �
By: �/'—�
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
.�� �/�fi
�. Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
LQ - Couecil
Contact Person & Phone:
Jay Benanav
Must Be on Council /�qenda by
Contract Type:
� '
Total # oF Signature Pages _(Clip PJI Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3030650
Depar6nent SentToPerson In"�tiallDate
0 ooncil
1 uocl arhn nt Dir
2 erk (.l' Clerk
Memonlizing [he Councii Decision to Grant 30 Days for complerion of the Rehabilitation of [he Nuisance Sducture at 1897 Feronia
Ave. wlthin 30 days �
Personal Service Contrects MustMswer the Following
Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this departmeM?
CI8 Committee Yes No
Ciul Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee?
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3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
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Page 1
f ,
L. J
DATE: April 19, 2006
TO: Councilmember Jay Benanav ,y
FROM: Mazcia Mcermond, Legislative Hearing Officer a
City of Saint Paul
City Council Research Center
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
651 266-8570
D� . ���
RE: Progress Report and Recommendation on 1897 Feronia Avenue Rehabilitation
April 19, 2006 Council Public Hearing
This memo is intended to provide a progress report and recommendation on the rehabilitation of 1897
Feronia Avenue. The current status is that the time granted by the City Council for completing the
rehabilitation expired January 13, 2006. This resulted in the forfeiture of the bond they posted and the
red-tagging of the building. On February 7 Judy Hanson from the City Attorney's Office and I met with
John Hughes, attorney for Mahmood Hassan, the owner and former resident of the property. Auring this
meeting, Mr. Hughes indicated that Mr. Hassan's standards of rehabilitation may not be as high as those
of the City. Additionally, he said that his client was over-extended financially, specifically, that he was
"upside down" in half the mortgages for his 15 Saint Paul properties, and that he had been using equity
from those properties to complete the rehab of 1897 Feronia. ConsequenUy, he indicated that if the City
were to push the issue with 1897 Feronia Avenue, his client may be forced to file bankruptcy — which he
argues would adversely affect the Ciry because 1897 Feronia would not be completed and the other 15
would fall into disrepair and possibly abandonment. In the weeks which followed our meeting with Mr.
Hughes, both Judy Hanson and I were very occupied with litigation on another vacant building as well as
new orders for remove or repair of buildings, so I apologize for the delay in the preparation of this report.
What follows are are my comments and analysis categorized by the items the Council's considers in
granting time to rehabi]itate buildings.
I. Agreement with City, Dated November I6, 2005
The City Council adopted an agreement with Mr. Mahmood Hassan (attached with comments) which
gave Mr. Hassan untii January 13, 2006 to complete the rehabilitation. There are four key areas where
the terms of the agreement have not been met. First, the exterior of the property was not maintained in a
code compliant manner. The City was obliged to shovel the walk on December 15, 2005 two days after a
complaint was called in and the sidewalk was not yet cleared. Second, permits were not pulled for all
work requuing permits and other work which will require permits had not been initiated as of January 26,
2006. The h areas are building, electrical and mechanical. Third, the outstanding citation to Mr.
Hassan for work without a permit was required to be settled in this agreement. The settlement reached
with the City Attorney's required that the terms of this agreement be met and the rehab completed, in
order for the prosecution of the citation to be stayed. Finaliy, and most importantly, the rehabilitation was
not completed. There is a substantial amount of work to be done according to the attached progress report
to the Council dated January 26, 2006.
2. Condition ofBuilding
Outlined below is the condition of the building at the time of the progress report. Note that work was
ordered to cease after the progress report because the terms of the November 16 agreement with the City,
a� y�o
Progress Report on 1897 Feronia Avenue, Page 2 of 7
adopted in Councii File # OS-829, were not met. The summary focuses on those aspects of the
rehabilitation which aze yet to be done, rather than items that have been completed.
• a. Roof.� west side of dormer not property flashed; also west side lower soffit uneven and not to
b. Exterior Walls: siding has many gaps and cracks allowing water in wall cavity, paint is very thin
with many azeas where it can be seen through.
c. Foundation.� east side open hole into the basement,.
d. Flnors: some floor covering is missing, basement has holes in its floor.
e. Interior Walls and Cezlings: I-hour fire rated wall between house and gazage has holes and parts
of the 5/8" drywall aze missing.
f. Windows: bay window not installed or flashed to code; 2" floor west side-too high to be egress
window, 2 floor landing window needs to have tempered glass.
g. Stairs: no handrail for rear exterior cement stairs.
h. Doors: front door no drip cap and not installed to code, fire door between house and garage does
not have a self-closin� device.
i. Smoke Detectors: 2" floor front bedroom missing smoke detector.
j. Gas and Heating: main gas valve needs to be replaced, gas union needs to be replaced, open
duct supply must be capped or run to a register, flexible duct work needs to be replaced to code
and with a permit, holes in plenum need to be properly patched with sheet metal, heat must be
installed in 2 floor bathroom.
k. Electrical: Permit signed off and closed, but inspector notes it appeazs more work is being done
and no permit was pulled for that.
1. Plumbing: Inspector noted piumbing is not done. See 4/7/OS Code Compliance Inspection
Report (page 3) for items which needed to be done to bring building up to code.
m. Other: 1 floor bathroom is not complete, basement has junk spread all over the floor, the rear
. east-side retaining wall is rotted and needs repair or replacement.
In summary, the items ]isted above could, under normal circumstances, be done within a matter of b-8
weeks and the building be brought back into code compliance. However, past failure to complete these
tasks does not bode well for them being completed in a timely fashion now.
3. Bond
A$2,000 performance deposit for working on a dangerous, nuisance structure was posted with the City
on September 15, 2605. The performance deposit was forfeited on January 24, 2006 when LTEP
determined the terms of the Council Resolution staying the demolition and adopting the agreement for the
building's rehabilitation were not met.
Should the Council choose to stay the existing order to remove or repair, the Legislative Code now
requires that a$5,000 performance deposit be posted. The Council may requue that a up to $10,000 be
posted based on past failure.
4. Work Plan
No work plan has been requested by the City as to how the project would potentially be completed, were
the City Council to grant additional time. The work plan which was adopted as a part of the November
2005 settlement agreement was not followed.
S. Financial Capacity
• It is unclear whether Mr. Hassan has the financial capacity to complete this rehabilitation. The house
itself is mortgaged in excess of $300,000, according to Mr. Hughes. 1lterefore, it is not likely that there is
sufficient equity to finance the completion of the rehabilitation. As mentioned earlier, Mr. Hughes also
indicated Mr. Hassan is "upside down" in about half of the mortgages on his 15 or so Saint Paul
Progess Report on 1897 Feroma Averme, Page 3 of 7
properties. Finaily, he also indicated that the possible demolition of 1897 Feronia Avenue has the
potential to bankrupt Mr. Hassan.
• 6. Competenee to ezecute work plan
There aze a few areas of concem with respect to Mr. Hassan's competence to execute a work plan for this
property's rehabilitation, including his history at this and other properties. Mr. Hassan has had a citation
for working without a permit, as well as a couple of other citations for failure to maintain the exterior of a
property and failure to post ownership. He has also lost the certificate of occupancy on 765 Edgerton
Street for not completing repairs in a timely fashion. A note also appears in the LIEP database that he
installed windows at 686 Bradley Street without permits. The attached pro�ess report denotes many
problerns with the quality of the work at 1897 Feronia Avenue, as well.
Mr. Hassan requested a meeting with Jim Seeger, the code compliance inspection manager in License,
Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP), in which he wanted to learn in greater specificity what
the City expectations are on this rehabilitation. As this meeting was requested after the January 13
deadline from the settlement agreement, it was not granted pending the outcome of the Council hearing
on this matter. A memo from Mr. Hughes on this subject is attached.
Mr. Hassan indicated to inspection staff that he has all of his buildings up for sale and that he plans on
getting out of the business. He has 2 other registered vacant buildings at 603 E Lawson Avenue and 686
Bradley Street. No permits have yet been pulled for work on the Bradley property, and the code
compliance inspection was completed on October 25, 2005. A building and electrical permit have been
pulled on the Lawson property, and they are currently open. The other required permits far this project
have not yet been pulled and the code compliance inspection in this case was completed on October 17,
It is my recommendation that the Ciry Council grant additional time for the completion of this
rehabilitation only under the following conditions.
1. The management of the rehabilitation will need to be taken over by a project manager working
under contract with the owner. The project manager will need to be approved by the City. The
project manager will assume all decision-making responsibility for the rehabilitation and will be
given sufficient funds at the outset to finish the project.
2. The rehabilitation will need to be completed within 90 days.
3. The owner will need to post a$10,000 performance depositJbond.
4. The owner will agree to market and sell the property, under the auspices of the project manager,
who shall obtain at least one appraisal to determine the property's minimum asking price.
5. Maintain the exterior properry and grounds in compliance with the City's Legislative Code with
the understanding that a violation of this will resalt in summary abatament proceedings without
further notice.
6. Apply for and obtain permits for all rehabilitation work which requires permits.
If these conditions are not met within 2-3 weeks, I would recommend the Council not consider a second
stay on the existing order to remove or repair.
. The City Council will be conducting a public hearing on April 19, 2006 to consider its stay on the Order
to Remove or Repair this properry.
Of� -��f b
Pro�ess Report on t 897 Feroma Avenue, Page 4 of 7
I have consulted with Judy Hanson from the City Attorney's Office, and we believe that it is advisable for
the Council to formally vacate the stay it put into place on November 16, 2005. That action should be
• memorialized by resolurion on the next available Council agenda.
Should the Council wish to grant additional time for completing this rehabilitation, the Council could
adopt a motion to that effect, noting its reasons and conditions. This acrion should be memorialized via
the same or another resolution.
If the Council acu to vacate the stay on the order to remove or repair, and does not put another stay into
effect, the City may proceed to demolish the structures on this property, if there is no intervening
appellate court action preventing them from doing so.
Mahmood Hassan, 7735 Teal Road, Woodbury, MN 55125
John Hughes, Hughes & Costello, 1230 Landmazk Tower, 345 St. Peter St., St. Paul, MN 55102-1216
Judith Hanson, City Attorney's Office
Steve Magner, Neighbarhood Housing and Property Improvement
Jim Seeger, License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP)
Progress Report on 1897 Feronia Avenue, Page 5 of 7
Properties Owned by Mahmood U. Hassan:
• 996 Albemarle: single family home, purchased 2004 for $I 15,000, owned with wife Sajda Hassan, ,
tases current, tota] market value 2006 $141,100.
b8b Bradley Street: duplex, became a category 2 vacant building in June 2005, code compliance
inspection 10-17-95, permit notes in LIEP file: 10/25/OS has new roof under valued permit and also new
windows without permits. No permits pulled currently. RC MV $202,900
581 Case Avenue: rental duplex, purchased 2000 for $75,000, Loan Company — Fidelity, 8 complaints in
2005, TISH March 2006, 3/29/06 exterior complaint, present ownership uncleaz as Mohamed A
Mohamed is listed as owner in some places and not in others (probably sale by contract for deed or the
RC records haven't caught up yet, RC MV $243,100
759 Edgerton Street: triplex, some history of code problems, owners Mahmood and Sajida Hassan, RC
MV $268,100, 12 permits 1995-2005 - 4 closed, 6 finaled, 1 expired, 1 withdrawn.
765 Edgerton Street: 5-unit apt bldg, some history of code problems through July 2005, RC MV
$315,000, 11 permits 1995-2003: 5 finaled, 5 closed, 1 expired. C of O revoked September 2004-April
2005 for failure to make repairs.
970 Edgerton Street: duplex, purchased 1998 for $19,000, citation HO 085377 exterior shvcture and
post ownership — found guilty; looks like it sold to Rapheal Mah'ece Carter of Mpls, possibly on contract
for deed because name not showing up in all locations, RC MV $213,900.
1897 Feronia Avenue: Loan Company — Countrywide, purchased 1995 for $65,000, 08/22/2005:
• Changed from Category 2 to Category 3 vacant building.
603 E. Lawson Avenue: duplex. Category 2 vacant building. Code compliance inspection 10/17/O5.
Permits: open electrical and building permits. last sale 1995 for $32,523. RC MV 194,400
1505,1513, 1521 McAfee Street: 3 4-unit buildings, RC MV $997,500, criminal citation for failure to
make repairs dismissed in late Mazch as the unit was vacated through eviction, purchased 2001 $850,000,
possibly also owned by John E Brandt, 1336 Arcade, taxes current, medium size C of O list from
Aug/Sep 'OS on complaint inspection, Wazd 6
547 E. Minnehaha Avenue: duple�c, purchased 2000 for $130,000, 2005 owner Frank Carter of Mpls
(preciously Mahmood and Sajida Hassan) RC MV $223,600, permits: elec 12/6/OS inspected, plmg
1/5/05 finaled, 10 permits 1995-2004: 4 closed, 1 withdrawn, 1 expired, 4 finaled.
1165 E. Minnehaha Avenue: duplex, long history of significant code violations, purchased 2003 for
$63,000, 6 permits between 1995-2000 — 4 finaled, 2 closed.
0 Sherburne (PIN # 362923230261): purchased 2001 for $49,000, apt 1-3 units
500 Sherburne Avenue: 8 units, some history of code violations, not too bad in 2005, has pulled permits
in past, looks like a mechanical permit on gas (piping?) is still open, C of O inspections in Mazch and
April list a number of violations, some of which could be characterized as life-safety. RC MV $440,000.
6 permits 2002 — 2003: 1 active mechanical, 5 finaled.
• Outside of Saint Paul: 1861 Radatz, Maplewood, 5527 Golfview Ave N, Oakdale (homestead), 7735
Teal Road, Woodbury.
Progess Report on 1897 Feronia Avenue, Page 6 Ot 7
Agreement Reached Between Mahmood Hassan and CiTy
Regazding Rehabilitation of 1897 Feronia Avenue
• Adopted by City Council on November 16, 2005
Moermond Follow-Up Comments in Italics
I, Mahmood Hassan of 7735 Teal Road, Woodbury, Minnesota, am the ov✓ner of 1897 Feronia Avenue in
Saint Paul. In order to receive consideration for the opportunity to complete the rehabilitation of 1897
Feronia Avenue, I have completed the following:
1. Applied for and received a Code Compliance Inspection from the Office of License, Inspections
and Environmental Protection, which inspection report indicates the deficiencies in this building
in need of correction to bring it into compliance with minimum property maintenance standards
for the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota;
2. Paid the annual vacant building registration fee on September 23, 2004;
3. Demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City's Legislative Hearing Officer that I have the financial
capacity to complete the rehabilitation of this building; and
4. Demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City's Legislative Heazing Officer that I understand the
scope of the rehabilitation necessary at the property.
I further understand that I must, by the end of business on Friday November 1 l, 2005 complete the
5. Ensure that all delinquent real estate taxes are paid on this property; and
6. Settle the criminal citation (citation number 905177075) for making repairs without a permit (stay
� ofprosecution if he paid $250 and met court ordered deadline for completion of rehabilitation
1/13/06, consistent with City agreement -- he did not and the CAO is prosecuting the cztation,
probably scheduled for hearing 3 or 4` week in March);
Further, I understand that I must also do the following during the course of the rehabilitation of 1897
Feronia Avenue:
7. Maintain the exterior property and grounds in compliance with the City's Legislarive Code and I
understand that a violation of this will result in summary abatement proceedings without further
notice (the City did need to shovel the walk on December I5, two days after a complaint was
called in and the sidewalk was not yet cleared);
8. Apply for and obtain permits for all rehabilitation work which requires permits
Building Permit Issued on 09/IS/2005.• 06/20/2005: No Action - site inspection. 08/18/2005:
Need Added Permits - Stop work order, 09/08/2005: Need Added Permits
�Tim Seeger
Electrical Permit Issued on 09/19/2005 & Amended on 10/26/2005: Correction Letter - Jamie
McNamara & Dan Jambor. Electrical Permit has been finaZec� but it looks as if more electrical
work is being done.
Plumbing /Gasfitting/Inside Water Piping Permit Issued 12/09/2005: — Bernie Arends;
Plumbing work is not done as of I/26/2005.
Mechanical 04/06/2005: Correction Letter - Z7xere are 2 furnaces installed here neither are code
compliant. Both were installed withoutpermits and would never have passed any inspections.
• Many changes reguired see the report sent to Jim. Ol/24/2006: Correction Letter - Some
corrections made many more to make see Jims report. — Bill Daly
Citation (#9051 7 70 75) approved 9/22/OS. Mahmood U. Hassan making roof repairs w/o permit.
(Jim Seeger). Prosecution stayed on November 10, 2005 if 5250.00 fine paid and terms of
�� '��0
Pm�ess Report on 1897 Feronia Avenue, Page 7 of 7
agreement with Ciry (adopted by City Council November 16, 200.i) met.
. 9. Complete the rehabilitation of the properiy and obtain a Certificate of Code Compliance by
January 13, 2006.
Finally, I understand that if I meet the terms outlined above, I will be granted until January 13, 2006 by
the Saint Paul Ciry Council to complete the rehabilitarion of this properry; and that if I do not complete
items 5, 6, 7 and 8, the property may be subject to demolition as outlined in Saint Paul Council File # OS-
947. If the Ciry Council fails to act by November 16, 2005 to grant until January 13, 2005 for this
rehabilitation, I am not bound by these terms. Lastly, I agree to not appeal the order outlined in Saint
Paul Council File # OS-947 or seek other legal recourse against the City of Saint Paul regarding this
property; and I agree to actively market and sell this property upon completion of the rehabilitation. If
during the course of this endeavar I find it necessary to rent the property, I agree to use a reputable tenant
screening agency and observe the guidelines promulgated by the City's Crime-Free Multi-Housing
Program within the Police Department.
606 Ke_ce(tr, Uire<tar
fJ�ruropl+ci B. (;olr�nan, Afayor
S FG!?fIl S[Rtl E[LSf. SW(G ZOO
S� Pm.f. Mwresom Sstn�-la2q
January 26, 200b
Re: 1897 Feronia Avrnue
Filc�#: 04 179617 VB3
�e following is a list of correction items that are not completed or are not up to Codc at the
above-referenced address. The hoase was to be in compliance by Jauuary 13, 2UU6 per City
Council Resolutioa No. OS-1076:
�� ����
teiryhonc: G51-2G6•9090
Fnr_<imile: 651-Zhb-y124
Web: w�w+.licpru
i. 'The roof on the west side of the doimer is not properly flashed to Code.
2. The roof on nc� wcst side,lower soffit area, is vezy unevcn and not to Code.
3. The bay window on the side is not instalieci or flashed to Code.
4. The second floor west side, &ont window is too high off floor.
5. Thc front door has t�o drip cap and is not installcd to Code.
6. There is no handrail instailed at the rear exteziot, concrete stairs.
7. The eut side of the house has an open hole that goes into thc bascment.
S. The sidin ; hds many gaps and cracks wluch allows water infi]tration into wall cauity.
9. Thc first floor bathroom is not complete.
10. Some of the floor covering is nussing.
11. The fire door between the house and garage is not install witl� a self-closing device.
I2. The one hour fue rated wall betwcen house and garage has h�les and pa.cs of 5/S inch
drywall are missing.
13. Thc basement floor has holes and junk spread al l over thc lloor_
14. 'Che second floor, stair Ianding window has not been replaced with tempered glass.
15, The second floor, frant bedroom is missing a smoke detector.
16. The rear, cast side retaining wa11 is rottect.
17. The exterior painrina is very thin and you can see through ii in many areas where it was
AA-ADA-EEO Employec
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JAI�?UARY 26, 20U6
1. The Elsctrical Permit has been finalyd bu[ u aapears �hat morc cJccrrical work is bring
l. Plumbing is not done.
Main gas valvc nccds to be replaced.
Thc gas union nceds to be replaced with black pipe union.
The open duct from supply must be capped or run to a re;is[er.
"Lhe flexibie duct work must be replaced with an approved duc[ connector �vith a perniit.
The hotes in plenum must be pmperly patched �rich sheet metal.
Hcat must bc installcd in thc sccond Iloor bathroom.
Si cerely,
� �J
ames L. Seeger
Code Compliance Officer
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03/UZl'1UU6 '1'HU 13:48 r'�9� 6511'1784'l8 Hug�es and Costello
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57.AAUL.M(NNESOTA 35�02-1216
March 2, 2006
Marcia Moermond
City of Saint Paul Legislative Hearing O�cer
310 Cityr Hall
15 Kellogg Boutevard West
Saint Paui, MN 557 02
RE: 1897 Feronia Avenue/Mahmood U. Hassan
Dear Ms. Moermond:
This letter is in response to our conversation of March 1, 2006, wherein i ca(led you as a follow-
up to my cafi of about iwo weeks ago concerning having Jim Seeger, from the Inspections
• Department, review with Mr. Ftassan those itertts that are incomplete regarding the City's
Code Compliance Order. You intormed me that you have not instructed Mr. Seeger to meet
with Mr. Hassan because Mr. Hassan failed to live up to the earlier agreement, the property is
under a condemnation order, and Mr. Hassan's time has expired. You aiso stated you were
working on a report for Councilman Benanav regarding the properiy and that you were
gathering information and expected the report to be finished by the end of the week. Some of
the information you indicated mighf be in the report is your tinding that Mr. Hassan owns 15
other properties in Saint Paul and he has not paid any of the real estate taxes for Iast year on
these properties. 1 informed you that this was absolutely not true, and asked you to recheck
your sources. Funher, you had a different opinion regarding our meeting of February 1, 2006,
concerning how to proceed to resolve the issues surrounding 1897 Feronia.
First of afl, as I have mentioned ear(ier, Mr. Hassan owns a number of properties in Saint Paui,
hs is not behind in any of his tarces, and he has never missed a mortgage payment on any of
his properties. ! state this because there seems to be a feeling among certain people in the
City that Mr. Hassan is an equity stripper and ihis is, again, absolutely not true. Mr. Hassan has
owned these properties for a number of years, and has been able to purchase more
pr9periies because he had been abie to demonstrate to a number of mortgage companies
that he has never missed a mortgage payment. Most tax payments are part of his mortgage
When we mef in your offics on February 1, 2006, I thought it was for the purpose of trying to
determine how to resoive the repair issues on Feronia in light oE the fact that the inspection that
was done on January 27, 2006, included a significant number of items which were not on the
earlier Code Correction Report. As you know, I complained that the City moved the goal
posts as Mr. Hassan was trying to make the corrections.
• !n our meeting, I gave you information concerning the plumbing and heatirtg contractors who
had worked on the property, and ! even attempted to call the heating contractor from your oifice
u� u� �uub lxu 1�:4s r 5b ti51'L'G'184'L� ri11gIlE5 2AQ �OSLe110
Marcia Moermond
City of Saint Paul Legisla6ve Hearing Otfcer
March 2, 2006
Page No. 2
v� � ��
trying to determine why work for which Mr. Hassan had contracted, had not been completed. 1
also i�former3 you that the plumbing contrador had a plumber at the home thai morning to
review the City's Iist to see why the repairs on that list were not dons when the repairs were
initially reported as being completed. I also reported that the plumbing contractor stated ihat
certain minor repairs could not be completed because the City was in the process of fixing the
water line in front of the house and all of the repairs could not be completed untii the City
finished its work. For your information, the City fiinished that work and all of the plumbing work
has been compieted. Furthermore, ail of tfie heafing work has been completed.
At our rrieeting, �ou were wel! aware that these piumbing and heating repairs were Contracted
for and were be,ng Pinished as we spoke, or wouid be inspected or finished shortly. Despite
this, you gave me no indication that this was not an appropriate way to proceed. When we
discussed the building issues, you informed me that part of the problem with the new matters
on the Ciiy's Correetion List concerned prior repairs that were done by Mr. Hassan. 1
• suggested that one of the ways to quickly resoive this problem was to have Mr. Hassan meet
with J�m Seager from City inspections and have Mr. Seeger point out to Mr. Hassan what the
code requires on an individual repair. At that time, you suggested that pictures could be taken.
Because of this, I thought that we were working together to try and get this property repaired.
As a result, 1 called .lim Seeger, told him about our meekrg and asked him to call you to verify
that this was an acceptable procedure. 1 did not hear back from your oftice, nor Mr. Seeger,
and that was the reason for my unreturned call to you two weeks ago. i now discover that Mr.
Seeger has been instructed not to meet with Mr. Hassan at the house urrtii this matter is fufther
discussed with the City Council.
Despite not having met with Mr. Seeger, Mr. Hassan has continued to make improvements to
the properiy, arid specifical�y, those which appeared on'the January 27` list, of which he was
unaware unti! that list was given to him by me a�ter 1 obtained it from the Ciry in early February.
There are items which still need to he comp)eted, and Mr. Hassan has not done so because
he and I thought that we had reached a level of unders#anding with the City which would permit
him to complete the repairs after receiving specific instructions from Jim Seeger as to the code
requirements for the repairs.
The itms remaining to be repaired in this properiy are not significant enough to warrant the
City tearing it down, and, to do so, would be a travesry. in our conversation, you also
mentioned that i told you that Mr. Hassan was upside down in his mortgage on the property,
and tbat if the City tore the property down, it would have adverse effects on him financially and
on his other properties. That is correct as it would cause Mr. Hassan to file bankruptcy, One of
the reasons Mr. Hassan is upside down on his mortgage, is because the repairs have not been
completsd and the house is under a condemnation order. While certain investors might be
wiiling to purchase a house under condemnation, it would certainly be at a substantial discount,
. and that discount would be sign'rficantiy below the amnunt of the mortgages on the property.
The property could then not be Sold and would be forced to go into foreciosure or be torn
down. Mr. Hassan is attempting to repair the property so that it can be soJd, so that he does
03/02/2006 Tflt1 13:49 F:9� 6�1227842$ g�ghes an� Costello
�oa� 004
Marcia Moermond
City ot Saint Paul Legislative Hearing Officer
March 2, 20Q6
Page No. 3
nofi suffer a significant loss, and so that he does not have to file bankruptcy. The praperiy, as
you know, is tisted for sale with a locat real estate broker.
E am askin� you to again consider what I thought was the workable agreement we had
discussed m our meeting of February j, 2006, to allaw Mr. Hassan to work direcily with Ntr.
Seeger to get the property aff the condemned list so that it can be sofd.
� M �I'r.a+
John M. Hughes
• JMHImn
c_ Mahmood U. Hassan