06-44Council File # � ' �Y Green Sheet # 3029275 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA of Saint Paul to submit a new Pay Equity Implementation Report by January 31, 2006, and 4 .� WHEREAS, the Minnesota Comxnissioner of Employee Relations has required that the goveming body of each poli6cal subdivision review and approve the Implementation Report prior 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 to its submission; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul has reviewed the information contained in the attached Pay Equity Implementation Report and hereby certifies, that, to the best of its lrnowledge, the information therein, as presented by the Office of Human Resources, is accurate and complete. Requested by Department of: Harris Helgen Adopted by Council: Date ✓ 0 � � Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary // BY� / / //ifLr�ili%ilSDs-i _ Approve��kg�3� D te P /��/ b fo By: � e . WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Employee Relations (DOER) has asked the City Office of H an Resources By: Y r; � - �? f DEPARTMENC/OFFICEJCOUNCQ.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 3029275 ,y fIuman Resources � 1/4/06 ��' "� CONTACT PERSOPI & YHONE: IAiJDATE INITIAL/DATE LeeAttu Turchin, 266-6517 � aeennr�rr nm .��"^%' a axr cwwcn. Sheila Willi3ms, 266-6520 ,�ICxeo 2C17'YATfORNEY an'��RK iVOMBER FOR MIJST BE OIV COUNCII. AGEHIDA BY (DATE� ROUTING rvvartcw. s�ev om twu+cu�. smviaccic ORDER 3 MAYOR (OR ASSC.) 1/11/06 TOTAL # OF SIGNaTURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCAITONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncT[ox xEQuES'1'En: Tbis resolution approves fhe attached Pay Equity Implementation Report as to completeness and accuracy. RECOMMENDAiIONS: Appm�e (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MiJST ANSWER TEIE FOI.LOWIIVG QUESTIO[VS: 1. Hasthispersod5[meverworkedunderacontrac[fortltisdepaltrnent? PLANNING COMMISSION Yw No CIgCpMMI1TEg 2. HasUtispeisod5xmeverbernatirye�layee4 CiV[I.SERV[CECOMMISSION Ya Na , — 3. Dou this persrn✓Scmpossess a sl¢Q not normaLLy possessed by any cuirent city emp7oyee? — Yes No — 4. Is tfiis persodfum a targeced vendatl — Yes No Esplain all yes answers on separate Sh¢et and attaCh to green Sheet INITIAI'INGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR1T1N1TY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Minnesota Department of Employee Relations (DOER) requires the City to submit a new Pay Equity Implementation Report by January 31, 2006. The Compliance Report must be reviewed and approved by the goveming body of the locai jurisdiction that is submitting the report. (See attached letter from DOER.) ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City will be complying with the requirements for completing the Pay Equity Report form. In addition, the information cornained in the Report has been entered into the State's compliance software and it indicates that the City has passed all the requaed tests. Compliance was reached, in part, by salary grade adjushnents that address underpayments to female-dominated classifications. (See attached MOAs.) Consequenfly, the City should be found in compliance with the Local Government Pay Equity Act. (See attached Compliance Report.) DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: If the City of Saint Paul is found out of compliance with fl�e State Pay Equiry Act, a penalry of up to five percent (5%) of tlie Cit}�s Local Govem�nent Assistance (LGA) retroactive to December 31, 2005 could be inciured. A complete and accurate Pay Equity Implementation Report must be submitted by Januazy 31, 2006. Tornt, aMOUivr oF TxnNSncnoN: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPLAII� �Pa�°!,;1. �^^='� "'"��"=� JAN 0 4 20� G:\Users�Freiberg\CW-PE-QES\Report to State information�2005 Report to State Info�2006 State PE Green Sheet.doc ._ - � ROUTING ORDER: �. , � �� � � � � � �� ' Below�zcoaectroutingsfor„tfie,si�cmostfrequenttypesofdoc�eeoLS � � , CONTRACTS (e�ssrm+a m�hoived budget etusts) COL7NCII. RESOLi1TfON Camend liudgets/accept grenfs) � � 1 � Oukside Agency ' � � 1, Dep,azsmentI�ector �, � � � � � � � � 2':��Depa;hmntD'nector�� , � 2-„Qffice'i°fEmaacielSe�vicesD'sect�'''� � � , � 3. C¢Y Attomey � � � � 3. �, C�` Atto�eSr ' , � � � 000� 4 � �racts over 25 A�i.st�t' Assist�t' for $ 4. MaY�'� C � � > ), . Ma�rl � � � 5. H�snRights(forcontractsover$50;000} 5. City^Coimcil'," , . 6. Office,ofFiasncislSecvices-Accoffiting 6. ,O�ceofFinancialServices-Accoimting" av�rsixE.x� oizn�s �Sua�cx�;�� courreti, x�.sor,vlzorr<au `a% �a o�a,��a�j ' , 1. Qdivitylviauaga�nep�tAcconntsnf' 1: Dep�imentb;iecfor � 2. DepaztmenYD"aectoc; �' � � � 2:��CnyAUaney', � � � � � � 3.�Office�ofFinanctal�SesaicesDicECtor 3.Ivfajor/Ac� � � , 4. CitpClak ' 4. Citp.Coimci'I ' � � �5. � O�ce afFiasnciat Services - Acxoanting � � � AD�STRATTVE ORDII2S (aIl othets) �CU7TVE ORDER„ , i. DepeitmentDirecm'r' 1. DepmtmentDgectq� " , „ 2. CitgAttoine9 ' 2. CitgpAttomey �, 3.� O�ce ofBmen�aet Services D"q' ectar� �� 3. MayorlAs�stai�t �''. � �� .� � � � � �� 4. CilpClerk'�, � � 4.' QiCyCi�ic �,�, � � � � �", TOTALIQ[IMBERO " ` , � , � F SIGNAT[TRE.PA� ' �� � � � � � � � � � � � � . Iralicate 6ie # ofpages'ou wliich sSn�� ��1�� � P�mbP orfiag each oEfhesepagea: � ACTiONREQ�7ESTED� ��: � � ' � � ,� � � , � : �;� ' � Descnbe whaktLe Pml,ectim4uest s�s?o acx�lisfi m eatUec clsconological a:der or ac�' of mmport�e, whibhev� ss � � �� � • m , � verb' , , is�- Do , ,, � � y� mostapprapriatefarihe notwntecompldcsen�ce.c $egineach�Fem' lusfwithe � � REC'OI�L�II3f�TIONS; ' � � � � � � � � � � � � ', Completeiffbeissue,,inqoestionhasbeenpre�tedbefa�effiY�3' P���Pn��e• PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS: " `' ,'' This �� will'be used to determine tfie citg's liab�tyfor Quoc�Cers compensati�'claims, taxes �d ptoper etvik .', , servicebitingrdtes:' � � � , � � �. , INfffATlNGPROBI� ISSUE, OPPORTUNTfY � anee8for "edor�' � , EacplaintdesibiBtion'orco�3ifionsttiatc�ated Y�'P�l � , � , � . , VED � ADVANT'A4�SIEAPPRO,, , � �� �!` `�` ; ,��� � ���� , � , 7ndicate'whether this is simPtY�,snnusl bvdS�P�� re4a¢ed by law/ctaiter or wfietiier fheie are speciGc ways �n '' d!hidt,tfie,Git.yo€SaintP�tand'itscitizeoswilibene6tfro�ttiisprojecYlactian. ' � �� ., , .,', ' "' ��� � DISADVANTAGESIRAPPROVED,' ` What �gative effects oriner� cbanges to e�stinS� P� P�� �6�t� Prol�=�4� P�ff rtzs'g'sssed (e•&,1reffia delaYs, noise; t�c increases a�r as�e�ts)7 To who�2 Wh�? For hocvTong2 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT AEPROVBD , ce? ,Co�nae ' the achon�snot ved7 7nab to dehver sern „ ,Wliatw3llbefhenegafiveaonseqaencesff , Plomised ePPra �Y , � q � , �, � , � � ?' OfiCVCrtUC. � i � fi8ffiC IIO1SC flCC(dCIIt28tE. �TAS.4 � , , � „ > , � ,� � � I „ � � - ' � ' , � � , ' , , , , „ . �, � , . , ' � , � � , FINP:I3CIAL IMBt1C , 'de tothe�ssue are ia u� answer o:maf[on vi bere mmst tailor the inf A1 8��&t Y� two qucch'o�.s: Hrnrmuc2t is it . to �� : gomg pey l � Y� .' go�ng c�st? VVL�o ts to , „ , . . . ' � „ � , � � � „ , . „ „ � . � , � , . , � � � , ' � � „ i ' � � / i , � �:�, �, �, � � �'� �� � � .� � �� , v , , M!�n.i ,,,�.. .. -_,�i,n ,i,,.'... ._, ,.F ,i � x�Minn i_.l�i✓Lwki�. irm � .�i. '_I�, . � i. , r.� I .�u�lu� i va.. �I _... 12/20/2005 TUE 10:02 F.9X � OU3/003 �Q� �� MEM�RAIVDiM OF AGREEIVIENT` EETW7EEN THE CPTY dF SATiVT PAUL AND THE CITY OF SAINT P?iUL PROFESSIONAY� EMPLOXEES ASSOCLbiTIQN This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA} is entered into by the City of Saint Paui (City) and the Professional Employees Association (Union), for the purpose of raising the grade and incseasing the rate of pay for the Administrative/Legislative Assistcnzt-PED classification represented by the Union. This adjustment is due to a recent ctassificazion and compensation study by the City and wiIl help maintain the City's compliance with the Nfinnesota Pay Equity Act. The City and Union agree that the grade for the Administrafive/Legislative tlssist�rrrt PED classification wilI be increased from i4 to i'7 effective with the si�ning of tius MOA. This MOA shall affect only the classification listed above and witl not sef any precedent. FOR THE CITY: son Schmi Labor Relations Manager Date: /0 �O ES� FO UNIOIV: �.� � ��� � David Peterson Association President Date: {�- ( °( _ D S G:LSiuredlLFLCOb[YfONVASOi�T�Pay Iynity4MOA Pay Fquity Admin I.eg Assit-PEA.doc DEC-2a-20a5 10�01 95i P.03 �-�a MEMORANDUM OF AGI'cEEMENT • BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINI' PAUL AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLASSIF'IED CONFIDENL�L EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Classified Confidential Empioyees Association (Union), for the purpose of raising the grade and increasing the rate of pay for the Workers Comperrsation Claims Processor classification represented by the Union. This adjustrnent is due to a recent classification and compensation study by the City and will help maintain the City's compliance with the Minnesota Pay Equity Act. The City and Union agree that the grade for the Workers Compensation Claims Processor classification will be increased from 18 to 21 effecrive with the signing of this MOA. This MOA shall affect only the classificafion listed above and will not set any precedent. FOR T'HE CITY: � / �/ J�/i�� � /�• ; ... '- •� .�.•- Date: � d'O U.j FOR TF� TJNION: , n rom Sakpeider Association President Date: l Zs/ u'U S G:�Shared�LRCOMMONUASOMPay EquiryVvlOA Pay Equity Work Comp Claims.doc �a' �� MEMORANLUM OF AGREEMENT , BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAIN'P PAUL AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CI.ASSII+'IED CONFIDElVIAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Classified Confidentiai Employees Association (Union), for the purpose of raising the grade and increasing the rate of pay for the Human Resowces Conrultant III classification represented by the Union. This adjustment is due to a recent classification and compensation study by the City and will help maintain the City's compliance with the Minnesota Pay Equity Act. The City and Union agree that the grade for the Human Resources Consultant III classification will be increased from 14 to 15 effective with the signing of this MOA. This MOA shall affect only the classification listed above and will not set any precedent. • • `I•r • ` / // / / � �� �� : :. .,.. ... - •� .�.•- Date: /o � �- FOR T'HE UNION: l' rom�e Sakpeider Association President Date: Zc Z G:\Shared�LRCOMMONVASOMPay Equity�MOA Pay Equiry HIi Cons III.doc �IEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ' BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLASSIFIED CONF'IDENLAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCTATION This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Classified Conf dential Bmployees Association (LTnionj, for the purpose of raising the grade and increasing the rate of pay for the Human Resources Consultant I classification represented by the Union. This adjustment is due to a recent classification and compensation study by the City and will help maintain the City's compliance with the Minnesota Pay Equity Act. The City and Union agree that the grade for the Human Resourees Consultant I classification will be increased from 7 to 8 effective with the signing of tlus MOA. o�-�ta This MOA sha11 affect only the classification listed above and will not set any precedent. FOR TI� CITY: / / / ,.i% . . � .� i�.- ... - .� - Date: /o�' 3D o..� FOR TI� UNION: 1 �� � ero e Sakpeider Association President Date: ( 2 20 /',� 5 G:�Shazed�LYCOMMONUASON�Pay EquityVvlOA Pay Equity HR Cons I.doc 12/20/2005 TUE 10:02 FA� MEit'fORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CTTY OF SAIIQT PAIIL PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEE3 ASSOC7ATI�N This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is entued into by the City of Saint Paui (City} and the Professional Employees Association (Union), for the purpose of raising the grade and increasing the rate of pay for the Human Resources Consultcmt III class�cation represented by the Union. This adjustment is due to a reeent classification and compensation study by the City and will help maintain the City's compliance witk the Minnesota Pay Equity Act. The City and Union a�ee that the grade for the Hnman Resources Consultant III classification will be increased from 14 to 15 effeciive wiitt the signing of this MOA. Tt�is MOA shaIi affect only the classification listed above and wiil not set any precedent. FOR THE CITY: ., ason Sch �d Labor Relations Manager FO IJ�ON: j �S� � �. �� � David Peterson Association President Date: /oZ 30 O,� Date: � a ` � � � � S G:1Shared\LRCO1vfMONVASON\Pay EquitylM'OA Pay EquityHR C�is III-PEAdoc � U�L/UU3 Ol�� y� DEC-20-20a5 10�01 95i P.02 � W O F—i Depar��ent of Employee Relations � DATE: November 15, 2005 200 Centennial Office Building 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55155-1603 651.2593637 TTI' 651.282.2699 www. doer. state.mn.us TO: Local Govemment Officials City Clerk, Administrator or Manager Superintendent of Schoois � County Personnel D'uector or Auditor FROM: Faith Zwemke � �,�/ � � Pay Equitg Coo:c�inator PHONE: (651) 259-3761 RE: PAY EQUITY REPORT FORMS . ot�- �� Thank you for your previous cooperation in meeting requirements to comply with the 1984 Local Government Pay Equity Act As you lmow, your jurisdiction was found to be in compliance based on your previous report, and now your next report is due January 31, 2006. This report must show data in place as of December 31, 2005. This packet contains the material you will need to ffie your 2006 Pay Equity Implementation Report. (Only one-third of all jurisdictions are reporting in 2006, so your neighboring jurisdictions may have other reporting dates.) This report is required by the Local Government Pay Equity Act, M.S. 471.991-471.999 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 3920. The material enclosed is: • Pay Implementation ReportForm • Notice — 2006 Pay Equity Report • Checklist to Avoid Common Reporting Errors In previous yeazs, we have included the "Guide to Understanding Pay Equity Compliance & Computer Reports" and the "Instructions for Completing Pay Equity Implementation Repo� " If you do not have a copy of the guide or the instructions from previous years, they can be found on DOER's webpage at www doer state.mn.us/Lr-oe4tv/Resource.him. If you are unable to download either the Guide or the Instructions or do not have access to the Internet, please contact Ann Maile at 651-259-3750 so materials can be sent to you. Equal Employment Opportunity Minnesota Department of Employee Relations November 15, 2005 Page 2 ��n' vl� Piease mail, e-mail or hand deliver your report to the Department of Employee Relations on or before 3anuary 31, 2006. Instructions on e-mailing your report can be found in the software instructions at www.doerstate.mn.us/ir-peqty/lr-�eq .t�htm. Any reports not postmazked or received by DOER on or before that date will be found out of campliance. There aze no provisions in the law for any exceptions to the deadline. When the review of your report is complete, you will receive a notice informing you whether your jurisdiction is "in compliance" or "out of compliance." Although most notices aze sent out in the spring and summer, it takes most of the yeaz to review all the reports so some jurisdictions may not receive a notice until neaz the end of 2006. Please be assured that you will be informed promptly when the review is complete, and no penatties or ottier negative consequences will occur before you receive that notice. Jurisdictions receiving an "out of compliance" notice will have an opportunity to make adjustments and come into compliance. However, any jurisdiction which does not come into compliance within the time allotted by DOER to make adjustments will receive a second "out of compliance" notice and will be subject to a penalty. The penalty is a 5 percent reduction in state aid payments or $100 per day, wlrichever is greater. The guide and instructions warrant cazeful reading as they contain answers to many questions commonly asked about the program. If after downloading the materials you still have a question, please contact me. If you aze hear'sng impaired or deaf, please call our Telecommunications for the Deaf (TTI� line at (651) 282-2699. Please be patient if you call us and receive a recorded message. We will respond as soon as possible. Enclosures payequidgenerdUM-Pay Equity Report Focros Send completed report to: c 0 � _ _ o � ','' •: u �� � ;, .. L Qro �— m a e 't�'. R w �L d � � .� w O 0� i a St. Paul, MN 55155-16Q3 (651) 25&3761 Noice) or (651) 282-2699 (TTI� ann.maile@state.mn.us Pay Equity Coordinator Department of Employee Relations 200 Centennial Building 658 Cedar Street Name of Jurisdiction Citv of Saint Paul For Department Use Only �� yy � � Postmark Date ofi Report � Jurisdiction ID Number ❑ School ❑ Other: Address C 25 W. Fourth Street, 400 City Hall Anne Contact Person Phone LeeAnn Turchin (651 O The job evaluation system used measured skili, effort, responsibility and working conditions and the same system was used for all classes of employees. Check the system used: ❑ State Job Match ❑ Designed Own (specify) �] ConsultanYs System (specify) Q.E. S. (combinat of Point—Fa tnr and Fa o— omparison) ii � �, « ���F ay� m�m e~`°� �?m.�.m �na�gE � ° u a$ a W m J L N " W a�a Result from Salary Range ❑ Other (specify) Consultant—Halcrest, Crave 0 An oflicial notice has been posted at and Associates City Hall/Courthouse Building Bulletii fprominentlocation) Board 0 hlealth insurence benefits for male and female classes of informing employees that the Pay Equity Implementation comparable value have been evaluated and: Report has been filed and is available to employees upon request. A copy of the notice has been sent to each ❑ There is no difference and female classes are not at a exclusive representative, if any, and also to the public Iibrary. disadvantage The report was approved by: �I "fhere is a difference and the maximum salaries reported include the monthly amount paid by the employer for health insurance. �❑ Information in this report is complete and accurate. QQ' 0 The repert includ2s all cla�s2s of empioyeas over which the jurisdiction has final budgetary approval authority. Saint Paul ►�1:IIS7rl State Zip MN 55102 Fax ��551 �266-6495 No salary ranges(performance differences ❑ Leave blank unless BOTH of the following apply: a. Jurisdiction does not have a salary range for any job class b. Upon request, jurisdiction will supply documentation showing that inequities between male and female classes are due to performance differences. Note: Do not include any documentation reGarding performance with this form. Saint Paul City Council (goveming body) 1�nn MuiV�o�(a--�,.s� C2..�FoFSt�� �l✓'�-y � c � elected offrcial, pnn� (chief elected ofificial, signawre) I�ayor �/�v /�6 111. 37 % is the resuit of average years to salary range maximum for male classes divided by the average years to salary range maximum for female classes. Results from Exceptronal Service Pay Worksheet ❑ 20% or less of male classes receive ESP. 178.50 % is the result of the percentage of female classes receiving ESP divided by the percentage of is the annual payroli for the calendar year just ended December 31. F on O � O W C r. y A U � "� LL � � � .0 U F .�-+ � F'i �O G I v � a ^ a � � � o �p L' v � � � � "'I 7 N a N M V � G +-1 � I S 7 L G � ro � v �I . E I W � o� � 6 � V � % N In � � �, `o R � S $$� o ��� �sr es ev us �a av +n sv v3 sv .n vi .n vi en vt E a, e y `� � c o � � � � y T N T �Aa L T � F A �] T .+ O � � F. O d N � m a � � O O T � m O O � 6 � 6 6� E � E U3,n „ � m p U �' ¢. � e i x � ° c 6 � � � x t� N U O ti O �1 O Vl � N t� i� O ri m m ro N G P+ a+ C � 'r'� J J '�a C .0 •ri ,� L N � }a ,-I � o � O N W � W Ra O '� yi a� o � �.�i I U � N � V] ? � n N .t � U D � m n U ��9 e f� H z m o � d s" m '�- z Q ss cs sv cv cv ss ss e� vn ea � �a es » » Fq I b v � U � L � N N � ry I I I I I I I I I I — I I ( I I I o ^ � ^ v U — cv M v vi .c t� � c� — — ��Q' �,� � � ti � E C m O O 'V h � y � � �. e � m E "o m �- c N �b (] cry N C�N Y N N v 3 �n�n N �� � � ° U � o � _ o � � C d Compliance Report Jurisdiction: City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources Contact: LeeAnn Turchin Systems Development Insurance Added? Job Evaluation System Used: 01 /04/200E � �a Phone: (651) 266�517 The statistical analysis, salary range and exceptional service pay test results are shown below. Part I is general information from your pay equity Report data. Parts II, III and IV give you the test results. For more detail on each test, refer to the guidebook. I. GENERAL JOB CLASS INFORMATION # Job Classes # Employees Avg. Max Monthly Pay per Employee Male Female Balanced All Job Classes Classes Classes Classes 204 1633 $5,279.07 140 658 $4,44422 80 748 424 3039 $5,056.63 II. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS TEST Male Female A. UNDERPAYMENT RATIO =$� 4 * Classes Classes a. # at or above Predicted Pay 97 56 b. # Below Predicted Pay 107 84 c. TOTAL 204 1A0 d. % Below Predicted Pay 52.45 60.00 (b divided by c = d) *(Result is % of male classes below predicted pay divided by % of female classes below predicted pay) B. T -TEST RESULTS Degrees of Freedom (DF) = 2289 Value of T= a. Avg. diff. in pay from predicted pay for male jobs = b. Avg. diff. in pay from predicted pay for female jobs = III. SALARY RANGE TEST = 111.37 %(Result is A divided by B) A. Avg. # of years to max salary for male jobs = 6.45 B. Avg. # of years to max salary for female johs = 5.80 IV. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE PAY TEST 178.50 A. % of male classes receiving ESP 39.22 B. % of female classes receiving ESP 70.00 *(if 20% or less, test result will be 0.00) 15.459 $8 -$205 Predicted Pay Report for City of Saint Paul O�ce of Human Resources Case: Pay Equity Report to State 2005 Job Male Female Total Work Nbr JobsTiUe Empl Empl Empl Sex Points 1 `a 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 CLERKI SERVICE WORKER II MAINT-TECH TRAINEE CUSTODIAN-LIGHT DUTY PARTS RUNNER ATTENDANT CUSTODIAN PARKS WORKERI RECREATIONLEADER BRIDGE WORKER UTILITY AIDE 'GROUNDSWORKER PARK SECURITY OFFICER CLERK II COMM TECH HELPER ACCOUNTING CLERK I CUSTODIAN-ENGR I METER READER VIDEO PRODUCTION ASST CLERK-TYPIS7 I I PARKS WORKER II WORKERS COMP CLAIMS PROCES; ASSISTANT AQUATICS FAC SUPV PARKING ENF OFFICER ENGINEERING AIDE I WATER UTILITY WORKER I GARDENS WORKER VEH MAINT WKR-HVY PRIOR 7/1/91 CLERK III NUTRITION ASST I *DRIVER-OPERATOR TRAFFIC MTC WKR-AFTER 7/1/91 TRAFFIC MTC WKR-PRIOR 7/1/91 `CLERK-STENOGRAPHER II ADAPTNE REC ASST PARKING METER COIL II REFECTORY SUPERVISOR CODE ENFORCEMENT AIDE LOAN SPECIALIST ASST-BILINGUAL VIDEO PRODUCTION TECH DUPLICATING EQUIP OPR PARKS WORKER-GOLF 17 2 3 3 � '17 4 4 56 4 1 7 6 5 1 2 10 4 1 5 20 0 1 :1 1 34 0 t 5 0 34 3 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 1 7 46 2 0 1 0 13 2 1 27 0 0 1 1 24 0 7 1 1 0 49 7 1 2 6 1 1 7 0 7 9 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 t 1 1 0 1 63 F 4 B 3 M 4 B i�JA 30 6 5 83 4 1 8 7 29 1 9 11 5 1 54 27 t 3 15 2 35 7 1 12 9 34 3 5 t 2 1 5 1 1 4 t 8 B B M B M M M M F M F M M M F B F B B B M F M B F M M M F F F B F F B M M 1075 1075 1080 1105 1115 1725 1130 1155 1205 1225 1225 1230 1230 1240 1250 1265 1300 1300 1305 1315 1315 1315 1320 1330 1335 1345 1350 1360 1370 1370 1390 1390 1390 1400 1400 1400 1410 1415 1420 1425 1430 1430 Max Mo. Predicted Salary Pay 52,9'i9.31 $3,102.50 52,955.89 53,102.50 $2,833.76 53,'115.85 33,126.87 53.'184.57 53,333.95 $3,21'1.76 $2,510.78 $3,239.45 $3,904.11 $3,252.80 $2,460.52 $3,321.52 $3,047.61 53,458.47 $4,228.18 $3,513 35 $3,323.56 $3,513.35 $4,020.22 $3,526.70 $2,867.78 $3,526.70 $3,308.59 $3,554.39 $3,333.95 $3,581.58 $3,516.45 $3,622.62 $4,24378 $3,718.53 $3,906 62 $3,718.53 $3,266 96 $3,732 37 $3,448.05 $3,759.57 $3,323.56 $3,759.57 $3,687.38 $3,759.57 $2,718.74 $3,773.41 $3,377.01 $3,800.60 $3,724.32 $3,814.45 $4,12940 $3,84164 $3,249 04 $3,855.48 $4,252.44 $3,882.67 $3,815.47 $3,910.36 $3,724.32 $3,910.36 $4,177.93 $3,96524 $3,938.77 $3,965.24 $4,252.44 $3,96524 $3,661.72 $3,992.43 $3,724.32 $3,992.43 $4,077.45 $3,992.43 $3,661.72 $4,019.62 $3,896.12 $4,033.47 $4,015.07 $4,047.31 $4,120.95 $4.061.15 $4,341.71 $4,074.50 $3,555.78 $4,074.50 01I04I2006 ���� Pay Difference 5-183.19 5-146.61 5-282.09 5-57.70 $122.19 $-728.67 $651.31 $-861.00 $-4'10.86 $714.83 $-7 89 79 $493.52 $-658.92 $-245.80 $-247.63 $-106.17 $52525 $188.09 $-465.41 $-311.52 $�36.01 $-72.19 $-1,054.67 $-423.59 $-90.73 $287.76 $-606.44 $369 77 $-94.89 $-186.04 $212.69 $-26.47 $28720 $-330.71 $-268.11 $85.02 $357.90 $-137.35 $3224 $59.80 $267.21 $-518.72 Page 1 of 11 Predicted Pay Report for City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources Case: Pay Equity Report to SWte 2005 Job Male Female Total Work Nbr Jobs TiUe Empl Empl Empl Sex Points 43 PROPERTY-STORES CLERK 44 ENVIRONMENTALRESOURCE TECH 45 AQUATICS FACILITY SUPV 46 COMMUNITY LIAISON OFFICER 47 WATER UTILITY WORKER II 48 ASST RECREATION CTR DIR 49 CITY PLANNING AIDE 50 HEALTH AND EDUC ASST 51 `CIERKSTENOGRAPHER III 52 MEDICALASSISTANT 53 WATER PLANT WORKER 54 PAYROLL CLERK 55 ARCH/LAND ARCH/CIVIL ENG TRNEE 56 IS SYS SUPPORT SPEC II 57 PLAN EXAMINERI 58 CLERK-NPIST III 59 LIEP INSPECTOR I 60 SECURITYlSAFETY OFR - �!B 61 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 62 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP 63 ENGINEERING AIDE II 64 PAYROLLAUDITOR 65 VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR 66 lAW CLERK 67 GOLF WORKER III 68 PARKS WORKER III 69 EQUIPMENT REPAIRER 70 CHILD CARE ENRICH INSTR 71 UTILITYTECHNICIANI 72 CASHIER 73 SEWER SERVICES WORKER 74 STREET SERVICES WORKER 75 WATER SYSTEM WORKER 11 76 IS INFO/TECH ANAL I 77 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECH 78 WATER METER TECHNICIAN 79 CHILD CARE PROG COORD 80 •LIBR4RYSPECIALIST 81 GARDENER 82 LIBRARYASSOCIATE 83 ZOO KEEPER 84 MAINTENANCE WORKER 9 1 1 1 9 2 1 t 0 0 8 0 1 1 1 4 0 1 5 0 8 0 0 2 3 22 2 0 5 0 19 42 12 1 0 9 0 1 3 13 8 5 7 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 5 0 9 0 1 0 59 1 0 0 8 8 t 2 2 0 0 0 5 4 1 0 3 0 0 2 0 2 13 4 36 12 0 16 1 2 2 10 4 B M B B M B 1 M 7�:1 1 5 8 9 1 2 1 63 1 1 5 8 16 1 2 4 3 22 2 5 9 1 19 45 72 1 2 9 2 14 7 49 20 5 F F M F M B M F F M M F B F F 8 M M M F B F M M M M F M F F B F B M Page 2 of 11 1430 1435 1450 1455 1455 1460 1465 1465 1470 1470 1470 1475 1485 1485 1485 1500 1500 1505 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1520 1530 1535 1540 1545 1545 1550 1560 1565 1570 1575 1575 1575 1580 1585 1585 1585 1585 1590 Max Mo. Predicted Salary Pay $3,749.98 $4,074.50 54,015_07 54,088.35 $2,999.49 S4,'133.94 $3,787.78 54,147.39 $4,236.85 54,147.39 $3,869.76 $4,160.36 $3,724.32 $4,173.52 $3,724.32 $4,173.52 $3,975.01 $4,186.67 $3,92529 $4,786.67 $4,361.62 �4,186.67 $4,291.03 $4,199.83 $4,199.44 $4,22529 $4,180.00 $4,225.29 $3,92529 $4,22529 $3,906.62 $4,263.92 $4,120.95 $4,263.92 $3,832.94 $4,276 76 $4,385.15 $4,301.95 $3,975.01 $4,301.95 $4,015 07 $4,301.95 $4,385.15 $4,301.95 $4,512.60 $4,301.95 $4,522.59 $4,33421 $4,129.40 $4,358.36 $4,129.40 $4,370.67 $4,252.44 $4,382.95 $4,094.87 $4,394.81 $4,300.54 $4,394.81 $4,180.00 $4,407.10 $4,191.79 $4,43126 $4,129.40 $4,443.55 $4,40322 $4,455.58 $4,300.54 $4,46720 $4,300 54 $4,46720 $4,300.54 $4,467.20 $4,301.00 $4,475.93 $4,301.00 $4,491.10 $4,122.47 $4,491.10 $4,120.95 $4,491.10 $4,297.03 $4,491.10 $4,588.65 $4,497 67 01/04I2006 o���a Pay Difference $324.52 5-7325 S-1,134.45 $-359.61 $89.46 �-290.60 $-449.20 $�4920 $-211.66 $-267.38 $174.95 $91.20 $-25.85 $-4529 $300.00 $-357.30 $-142.97 $-443.82 $8320 $-326.94 $-286.88 $8320 $210.65 $188.68 $-228.96 $-24127 $-130.51 $-299 94 $-94.27 $-227 10 $-239 47 $374.15 $-52 36 $-166.66 $-166.66 $-166.66 $-177.93 $-190.10 $368.63 $-370.15 $-200.07 $90.98 Predicted Pay Report for City of Saint Paul ovoarzoos O�ce of Human Resources N_-t�l� Case: Pay Equity Report to State 2005 �J� Job Male Female Total Work Max Mo. Predicted Pay Nbr Jobs TiUe Empl Emp! Empl Sex Points Salary Pay Difference 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 ti7 7ia 719 120 121 122 123 124 �25 126 SEWER PUMPING STA OPR FIRE BUILDING REPAIRER BUILDING LIBRARY LICENSE CLERK TREE WORKER ACCOUNTING TECH I LABORATORYTECHII PRACTICAL NURSE CITY PLANNER I HUMAN RES IS TECHNICIAN MANAGEMENTASSTI DUPLICATING EQUIP OPR-2 COLOR WELDER STOREKEEPER BRIDGE CREW LEADER GROUNDS CREW LEADER *CITIZEN SERVICE ANALYST PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST TRAINI PUMPING TREATMENT PLANT OPEF ASST GOLF COURSE SUPT HUM RES ADMIN SUPPORT COORD CUSTOMER SERVICE SENIOR REP LEGALSECRETARY BENEFITS SPECIALIST GOLF COURSE SUPER WATERSHEDSUPERVISORI LIEP PROCEDURES COORDINATOR CLERK IV VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CLERK PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST ACCOUNTANTI BRICKLAYER PAINTER PAYROLLSYSTEM SUPV VEHICLE MECHANIC HEAVY EQUIP OPERATOR JE7 SEWER CLEANER OPR LEAD GARDENER PROJECT MANAGERI BUDGET ASSISTANT HEALTH LAB TECH II LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT I WATER SERVICE WORKER-CTRL DE 1 2 0 21 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 3 9 0 0 11 5 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 1 1 3 1 5 0 z� 17 3 1 1 1 0 1 4 0 0 8 0 5 0 1 7 1 3 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 1 1 2 4 2 t 0 1 31 0 2 3 0 1 6 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 � 2 8 21 7 1 7 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 12 2 1 11 6 1 2 4 2 3 3 1 33 1 3 6 1 6 6 s� 18 3 2 3 1 2 1 4 M M F M F M F F F F M M M M B F F M M F F F F B M F F M B B M M F M M M B B M F M M 1590 1595 1600 1600 1605 1605 1605 1615 1615 1615 1620 1620 1630 1635 1635 1640 1640 1640 1645 1660 1665 1665 1670 1670 1670 1675 1680 1680 1690 1700 1700 1700 1705 mo 1715 1720 1720 1720 1725 1725 1725 1735 54,891.92 $4.252.44 54,481.9"I 54,35123 $4,300.54 $4,387.91 $4,488 35 $4,512.60 $4,715.07 $4,512 60 $4,213.47 $4, 703.02 $4,180.00 $4,541.86 $4,314.83 $4,213.47 $4,385.15 $4,732.49 $4,453.47 $4,509.88 $4,701.20 $4,105.96 $4,729 82 $5,199.47 $5,199.47 $4.701.20 $4,291.03 $4,70120 $4,590 16 $4,743.98 $5,933.79 $5,287.38 $4,7�120 $4,703.02 $4,748.08 $4,748.08 $4,415.35 $4,743.98 $4,764.84 $4,792 39 $4,986.84 $4,411.88 �4,497.67 $4,5'15.54 54,526.94 $4,526.94 $4,551.01 $4,551.01 $4,551.01 $4,578.99 $4,578.89 $4,578.99 $4,592.90 $4,592_90 $4,62021 $4,634.12 $4,634.12 $4,646.82 $4,646.82 $4,646.82 $4,660 12 $4,655 29 $4,657.36 $4,657.36 $4,669.35 $4,669.35 $4,669 35 $4,679.74 $4,689.86 $4,689.86 $4.708.97 $4,729 25 $4,72925 $4.72925 $4,739.72 $4,740.18 $4,751 73 $4,762.50 $4,762 50 $4,762.50 $4,772 73 $4.772.73 $4,77273 $4,793.80 $39425 $-263.10 $-45.03 $-175.71 5-250.47 �-163.10 $62.66 $-66.39 $136.08 $-66.39 $-379.43 $110.12 $-440 21 $-92.26 $-31929 $-433.35 $-261.67 $85.67 $-206.65 $-145.41 $43.84 $-551.40 $60.47 $530.12 $530 12 $21.46 $398.83 $11.34 $-118.81 $14.73 $1,204.54 $558.13 $38.52 $37.16 $3.65 $-14.42 $347.15 $-18.52 $-7.89 $19.66 $214.11 $381.92 Page 3 of 11 Predicted�Pay Report for City of Saint Paul O�ce of Human Resources Case: Pay Equity Report to State 2005 Job Maie Femafe Totai Work Nbr Jobs TiUe Empl Empl Empi Sex Points 127 128 t29 130 131 132 133 i34 135 136 137 138 139 740 74� 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 759 180 i61 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 CUSTODIAN-ENGR II UTtLITY TECHNICIAN II SEWER CREW LEADER HOUSING REHAB ADVISOR I METER TECH LEAD WORKER OPERATING ENGINEER CHIEF METER READER SAFETY EQUIP DES WKR CARPENTER CHEM FEED SYS REPAIRER HUMAN RES CONSULTANT I MANAGEMENTASSTII PIPEFITTER PLUMBER PRINT PRODUCTION LEAD WKR STOREROOM SUPERVfSOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE ENGINEEF FORESTRY CREW LEADER LIBRARY VOLUNTEER COORD *SECRETARY STENO ECC TELECOMMUNICATOR IOAN SPECfAUST I-BILINGUAL REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST SECRETARY ELECTRICIAN IS SYS SUPPORT SPEC III CLWIC NURSE FIRE FIGHTER WATER QUALITY SPEC I CODE ENFORCEMENTINSPI COORD OF ADMIN SUPPORT ACCOUNTING TECH 11 SENIOR ZOO KEEPER ASPHALT PLANT OPERATOR MANAGEMENT ASST III COMMUN(CATIONS TECHNICIAN MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR VEHICLE MECHANIC LEAD WORKEF F1RE PREY INSPECTOR I LIEP INSPECTOR II PUBLIC INFO SPEC I RESEARCH ANALYSTI 9 14 6 3 1 5 0 1 5 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 5 1 0 0 24 10 0 199 1 16 0 1 0 2 5 5 8 4 4 5 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 � 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 7 7 25 0 1 12 0 7 1 6 0 4 4 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 4 7 2 2 9 19 s 3 1 5 1 1 5 2 1 6 1 1 1 5 1 4 1 7 30 1 1 12 24 17 1 205 1 20 4 4 1 2 7 5 8 4 8 6 2 4 M B M M M M F M M M F B M M M F M M F F F M F F M B F M M M F F F M B M M M B M F 8 1745 1750 1755 1760 1750 7760 1765 1765 1775 1775 1775 1775 1780 1780 1780 1780 1785 1785 1785 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1795 1795 1800 1800 1815 1820 1825 1840 1840 9845 1845 1850 1850 1855 �860 1865 7865 7865 Max Mo. Predicted Salary Pay 54,367.62 ,�4,686.62 $4,52626 S4,4S8.35 54,686.62 $4,732.49 54,481.91 $4,703.02 $5,562.93 $4,83820 $4,883.33 $4,986.84 $5,724 70 $5,854.07 $4,686.62 $4,590.16 $4,593.85 $4,758.48 $4,743.98 $4,59Q.16 $4,696.58 $4,488.35 $4,903.43 $4,481.91 $6,189.77 $4,903.43 $4,575.57 $5,063.'IS $4,986.84 $4,792.39 $4,812 25 $4,686.62 $5,015.05 $4,748.08 $5,517 47 $4,903.43 $5,199.47 $4,879.79 $4,792.39 $4,903.43 $4.743.98 $4,743.98 54,8i5.14 54,825.57 E4,826.77 $4,837.93 $4,837.93 54.837.93 $4,848.67 $4,848.67 $4,870.98 $4,870.98 $4,870.98 $4,870.98 $4,881.96 $4,887.96 $4,88'I.96 $4,881.96 $4,893.36 $4,893 36 $4,893.36 $4,904.58 $4,904.58 $4,904.55 $4,904.58 $4,904.58 $4,922.56 $4,922.56 $4,933.70 $4,933.70 $4,965 81 $4,977.16 $4,98825 $5,020.10 $5,020.70 $5,030.83 $5,030 83 $5,042.38 $5,042.38 $5,053.49 $5,064.60 $5,07523 $5,075.23 $5,07523 0110412006 � �a Pay Difference g�453.52 5-138,95 5300.5'I $349.58 $-151.31 $-7 05.44 $-366.76 $-74b.65 $691.95 $32.78 $12.35 $175.86 $842.14 $972.11 $-195.34 $-29i.80 $-299.51 $-134.88 $-149.38 $-314.42 $-208.00 $-41623 $'t.i5 $-422.67 $1,24721 $-19.13 $-358.13 $91948 $21.03 $-184.77 $-176.00 $-333.48 $5.05 $-282.75 $486 64 $-138 95 $157.09 $-173.70 $-27221 $-177.80 $-331 25 $-331.25 Page 4 of 11 Predicted Pay Report for City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources Case: Pay Equity Report fo Sfate 2005 Job Male Femaie Total Work Nbr Jobs TiUe Empl Empl Empl Sex Points 169 170 171 172 773 774 175 176 177 178 179 180 189 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 790 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 CUSTODIAN-ENGR 1!I 1S INFOlfECH ANAL 11 ADAPTIVE REC DIRECTOR DESIGN ASSOCIATE II PARK FACILITY SUPERVISOR PARK MAINT PK WKR SEWER SUPV ENVIRONMENTAL COORD HOUSING COUNSELOR VALUATION & ASSE55 TECH II LEGAL ASSiSTANT II CIRCULATlON COORDINATOR IMPOUND LOT NIGHT SUPVR OFFICE MANAGER SURVEY CREW LEADER TOOLMAKER-WATER UTILITY RESEARCH ANALYSTII ASST TO THE MAYOR I HEALTH & FITNESS SPEC LIBRARIAN I BUSINESS ASSISTANCE SPECIALIS� CITY PLANNER II GR4NTS ASSISTANT GRAPHIC ARTIST II NUTRITIONIST I-WIC CUSTODIAN ENGR-PUB SAFTY BLLI� HOUSING REHAB ADVISOR II BRIDGE MAINTENANCE SUPV ! LOAN SPECIALIST II PLAN EXAMINER II RECREATION CENTER DIRECTOR ECC POLICE DISPATCHER PROJECT NIANAGER II COMMUNITY ED/REC COORDINATOI ECC FIRE DISPATCHER I PUBLIC WORKS SEWER SUPV II 'LEAD COMM TECH ACCOUNTANTII BUILDING INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ELEVATORINSPECTOR FIRE SPRINKLER INSPEC INFO & CNTRL SYS 7ECH 2 2 1 t 1 17 1 2 2 1 0 � 0 2 1 1 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 � 1 1 D 3 17 2 0 � 4 5 1 2 9 7 3 1 0 0 4 2 0 1 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 10 0 0 0 2 1 11 1 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 18 15 t 1 9 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 1 2 6 3 1 2 7s 1 4 3 3 y 1 10 2 1 1 6 1 15 1 4 1 t 2 t 1 1 2 3 35 17 1 8 13 5 1 5 9 9 3 2 1 M B B M B M M B B B F M F M M M B F F F F F F F M M M F M B F F M B M M B M B M B F 1570 1870 1875 1875 1875 1875 1880 1880 1880 1885 7890 raso 1890 1890 1890 1900 1910 1910 1910 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1930 1930 1935 1935 1935 1935 1945 1950 isso 1960 1960 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 Max Mo. Predicted Salary Pay 34,621.57 55,08678 �4,903_43 $5.08678 $4,903.43 $5,097.86 $5,5'17.47 $5,097.86 $4,864.97 $5,097.86 $5,199.47 $5,097.86 55,240.83 55,10820 $4,792.39 $5,10820 $4,792.39 $5,10820 $5,250.82 $5.1'I921 $5,334.93 $5,130.93 $5,095.91 $5,130.93 $5,334.93 $5,130.93 $4,903.43 $5,130.93 $5,018.43 $5,130.93 $5,108.18 $5,158.06 $4,590.51 $5,180.03 $5,108.1$ $5,180.03 $4,862.32 $5,180.03 $4,862.32 $5,201.39 $5J08.18 $5,201.39 $4,986.84 $5,201.39 $4,986.84 $5,201,39 $5,108.18 $5,201.39 $5,054.82 $5,236.34 $4,903.43 $5,236.34 $5,452.42 $5,247.50 $5,360.76 $5,247.50 $4,792.39 $5,247.50 $4,903.43 $5,247.50 $5,012.00 $5,267.95 $5,108.'18 $5.27729 $5,195.05 $5,298.86 $5,288.49 $5,298.86 $5,452.42 $5,298.86 $5,549.75 $5,310 76 $5,240.83 $5,310.76 $6,633.92 $5,310.76 $6,510.52 $5,31076 $7,455.05 $5,310.�6 $7.124.37 $5.370.76 $5,115.05 $5,310.76 07l0412006 o�-y�t Pay Difference $-46521 5-'183.35 $-194 43 5419.6� $-232.89 5101.61 $132_63 $315.81 $•315.81 $131.61 $204.00 $-35.02 $204.00 $-227.50 $-112.50 $d9.88 $-589 52 $-71.85 $-317.71 $339.07 $-9321 $-274.55 $-214.55 $-9321 $-184.52 $-332.91 $204.92 $113.26 $-455.11 $-344.07 $-255.95 $-189.11 $-183.81 $-10.37 $153.56 $238.99 $-69.93 $'1,323.16 $1.199.76 $2,14429 $1,873.61 $-195J7 Page 5 of 11 Predicted�Pay Report for City of Saint Paul ovosnoos Office of Human Resources O�'�a Case: Pay Equity Report to STate 2005 Job Mate Female Totai Work Mau Mo. Predicted Pay Nbr Jobs Title Empl Empt Empl Sex Points Salary Pay Diflerence 217 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR PLUMBING INSPECTOR SHEET METALINSPECTOR WATER PLANT PROD SUPVR HUMAN RES CONSULTANT II PROJECT FACILITATOR I WATER QUALITY SPEC li ARBORIST FiNANCiAL ANALYST FORESTRY SUPERVISOR I POLICY ANALYST VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPV I PAYROLLSYSTEM TECH POLICE OFFICER BUtLDiNG SUPERINTENDENT IS SYS SUPPORT SPEC IV UTILITY TECHNICIAN III LIBRARY TRG & OD COORD SUPV SOCIAL WORKER GOLF PRO/MAfYAGER METER OPERATIONS SUPV ASST TO THE MAYOR II LEGAL ASSISTANT 111 LEGISLATIVE AIDE SUPERVISOR OF AQUATICS WATERSHED II WTR UTIL MNS SUP' FIRE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR HEALTH EDUCATOR II ASST CITY CLERK CRIME PREV COORDINATOR VALUATION & ASSESS TECH III BRIDGE MAINTENANCE SUPV II SPECIAL EVENTS COORD EM/IRONMENTAL HEALTH INSP SUF HUMAN RIGHTS SPECIALIST SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR SENIOR ELEC INSPECTOR SENIOR MECH 1NSP-SHEET ME7AL SENIOR PLUMBING INSP BUSINESS ASST PROG SUPV IS INFOlfECH ANAL III NURSE PRACTITIONR OBGYN 5 7 7 1 3 0 2 0 i 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 D 341 1 6 18 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 6 86 0 0 0 1 1 1 6 4 1 4 1 1 0 2 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 70 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 3 5 1 0 6 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 6 8 3 2 4 � 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 411 1 7 21 1 1 3 1 1 3 7 1 6 92 2 1 3 1 1 1 6 6 � 1 1 1 1 4 1 M M M M F F B M M M B M F M M M M F F B M M F F F M M F F F M M M M B M M M M F B F 1965 1965 1965 1965 �sas 1990 1995 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2D05 2020 2030 2035 2050 2055 2055 2060 2060 2065 2065 2065 2065 2070 2073 2085 2090 2090 2095 2100 2100 2110 2115 2115 2115 2115 2115 2i20 2120 2120 $6,143.48 56,273.46 56,216.27 �5,735.47 �y5,262.22 $5,115.05 $5,577.47 $5,108.18 $5,767.21 $5,199.47 $5,76721 $5,452.42 $5,281.51 $5,272.79 $5,334 93 $5,360.76 $5,115.05 $5,733.41 $5,655.85 $5,464.36 $5,452.42 $5,969.46 $5,811.58 $5,663.68 $5,464.36 $5,452.42 $5, 584.27 $5,517.47 $5,593.36 $5,240.83 $5,115.05 $5,877.00 $6,030.77 $5,360.76 $5,373.62 $7.219.67 $6.680.89 $6,363.57 $6,512,61 $5,733.41 $5,360.76 $5,655.85 $5,370.76 $5,31076 $5,310.76 �5,310.76 �s,sas.za �5,354.07 $5,366,89 $5,376.18 $5,376.18 $5,376 18 $5,376.18 $5,376 18 $5,385.15 $5,412.40 $5,429.10 $5,438.49 $5,465.98 $5,475 16 $5,475.16 $5,484.08 $5,484.08 $5,491.80 $5,491.80 $5,491 80 $5,491.80 $5,502.06 $5,508.52 $5,530.02 $5,538 85 $5,538.85 $5,547.36 $5,556 34 $5,556.34 $5,574.65 $5,582.88 $5,582.88 $5,582.88 $5,582.88 $5,582.88 $5,591.40 $5,591.40 $5,591 40 5532.72 $962.70 $905.51 3424.71 $-83.06 $-239.02 $'150.58 $-268.00 5391.03 $-176.71 $391.03 $76 24 $-103.64 $-139.61 $-94.17 $-7773 $350,93 $25825 $180.69 $-19.72 $-31.66 $477.66 $319.78 $177 88 $-27.44 $-49.64 $75.75 $-12.55 $54 51 $-298.02 $-432.31 $320.66 $474.43 $-213.89 $-20926 $1,636 79 $1,098.01 $780_69 $929.73 $742.01 $-230.64 $64.45 Page 6 of 17 Predicted�Pay Report for City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources Case: Pay Equity Report Yo StaYe 2005 Job Male Female 7otal Work Nbr Jobs Title Empl Empl Empl Sex Points 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 26I 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 27i 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 285 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 OFFICE ADMIN-TRAFFIC DIVISION LEAD PAINTER MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST LEAD PIPEFITTER LEAD PtUMBER PARK MAIN7 SUPVR II PUBLIC WORKS SEWER SUPV III RESEARCH ANALYST III RECREATION DIRECTOR II SAFETY OFFICER BUDGET ANALYST CITY PLANNER III ECON DEVLMNT SPEC II ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPEC II ARCHITECT II PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE ANIMAL CONTROL SUPV GRANTS SPECIALIST LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT II ACCOUNTANT 111 BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPV-FIRI LEAD ELECTRICIAN LIEP INSPECTOR III PUBLIC ED OFFlCER FIRE FIRE PREV INSPECTOR II CIVIL ENGINEER II LIBRARIAN II HUMAN RES CONSULTANT III HUMAN RES CONSULTANT III CRIMINALIST II DUPLICATING SNOP MGR ADMINISTRATIVE ASST HISTORIC PRESERVTN SPEC ENVIRONMENTAL HLTH ADMN ANAI ENGINEERING TECH SUPV LABOR RELATIONS SPECIALIST I FIRE TRAINING ASSISTANT ACCOUNTING TECH IV EMPLOYEE BENEFITS COORD HEAL7H EDUC-ADMIN ASST IS SYS CONSULTANT I WATER QUALITY SPEC III 0 t 0 7 1 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 4 3 0 3 9 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 8 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 3 i 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 1 i 1 1 2 i � 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 2 3 1 1 1 5 1 4 4 7 4 10 16 2 2 2 1 t 1 1 9 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 13 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 F M F M M M M F F M F F M B B F M M F B M M B F B M F B F M M F F PA M M M F F F B F 2120 2125 2135 2140 2140 2145 2145 2145 2155 2160 2165 2165 2165 2165 2170 2170 2175 2175 2175 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180 2195 2200 2215 2215 2215 2225 2230 2235 2235 2245 2250 2255 zzso 2275 2275 2275 2285 2290 Max Mo. Predicfed Salary Pay $5,593.36 $5,591.40 55,45Q.28 55,59974 g5,517_47 55,617.15 56,143.48 $5,625.66 $6,273.46 $5,625.66 $5,735.47 $5,633.88 $5,877.00 $5,633.88 $5,655.85 $5,633.88 $5,373.62 $5,650.49 $5,577_47 $5,662.99 $5,539.16 $5,676.55 $5,655.85 $5,676,55 $5,108.18 $5,676.55 $5,517.47 $5,676.55 $5,799.74 $5,687.00 $5,655.85 $5,687.00 $5,452.42 $5,697.44 $5,517.47 $5,697.44 $5,799.74 $5,697.44 $5,79974 $5,707.54 $6.167.99 $5,707.54 $6,510.52 $5,707.54 $5,614.59 $5,707.54 $5,799.74 $5,707.54 $5,485.02 $5,73725 $5,799.74 $5,747.46 $5,655 85 $5,777.71 $5,799 74 $5,777.71 $5,82178 $5,77771 $5.799.74 $5,797.48 $5,868.13 $5,80726 $6,315.79 $5,816.51 $5,79974 $5,816.51 $5,799.74 $5,841.53 $6,008.68 $5,851.83 $6,033.49 $5,861.54 $6,288.63 $5,863.66 $5,581.59 $5.893 41 $5,964.26 $5,893.41 $5,799.74 $5,893.41 $5,472.43 $5,917.95 $6,271.18 $5,928.10 01/04/2006 �_�� Pay Difference 51.96 y-149.45 5-99.68 �5�7.82 §647.80 $101.�9 5243.12 $21.97 $-27&.87 $-145.52 $-137 39 $-20.70 $-568.37 $-159.08 $112.74 $-31.i5 $-245.02 $-179.97 $902 30 $9220 $460.45 $802.98 $-92.95 $9220 $-25223 $5228 $-121.86 $22.03 $44.07 $2 26 $60.87 $49928 $-16.77 $-41 ]9 $156.85 $171.95 $424.97 $-11.82 $70.85 $-93.67 $-445.52 $343.08 Page 7 of'11 Pred'+cted�Pay Report for City of Saint Paul O�ce of Human Resources Case: Pay Equity Report to State 2005 Job Male Female 7ota1 Work Nbr Jobs Title Empl Empl Empl Sex Points 295 29fi 29� 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 376 31� 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 ARBORlST SUPERVlSOR MANAGEMENTASSTIV ARTS PROGRAM COORDINATOR ECC SHIFT SUPERVISOR LIBRARY INFO RESOURCE COORD SERGEANT BUILDING MAINT SUPV-PKS & REC SAFETY COORDINATOR SUPERVISOR OF TRAFFIC MAINT IS INFO/TECH ANAL IV ADMIN ASST-HUMAN RIGHTS ADMIN/LEGISLN ASST-PED COMMUNICATNS SVS & MNTC SUPI RISK ANALYST VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPVR ASST TO THE MAYOR III FIRE CAPTAIN PROJECT MGR III PROGRAM COOR( CIVIL ENGINEER 111 HEALTH INFO ADMINISTRATOR PROJECT FACILITATOR II GENERALLEAD ELECIN CHARGE CABLE COMM OFFICER PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTING COOI VEHICIE MECHANIC SUPV If ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPEC 111 LIBRARIAN Ilf-AFTER 7/7/88 LIBRARIAN 111-BEFORE 7f7188 PARK & REC PROG COORD FIRE ARSON INVESTIGATOR MEDICAL TECH SUPV EPIDEMIOLOGIST fIRE PROTECTION ENGIN WORKERS COMP CLAIMS ADMIN STRUCTURALENGINEER SENIOR BUOGET ANALYST ACCOUNTANTIV CONSERVATORY MANAGER ECON DEVLMNT SPEC IV PAYROLL MANAGER IS INFO/TECH ANAL V CHIEF SURVEYOR 7 0 1 1 t 96 2 7 1 72 2 0 1 1 1 1 90 2 7 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 0 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 6 0 27 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 7 0 D 1 2 7 7 0 123 2 2 1 14 2 1 1 1 1 2 94 3 it 1 1 t � 1 2 1 t 7 S 3 1 2 t 1 7 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 M F M F M B M 6 M M M F M M M B M B B F M M M F M M F F B M F F F M M B B F M F M M 2295 2300 2305 23i0 2315 2375 2320 2320 2320 2335 2340 2340 2340 2340 2345 2355 2355 2360 2365 2380 2390 2395 2400 2400 2400 2415 2415 2415 2425 2430 2435 2440 2455 2470 2495 2510 2555 2555 2555 2570 2590 2600 Max Mo. Predfcfed Salary Pay $6,159.60 85,937.91 $5,955.00 $5,946.89 55,955.OD 55,956_97 $5,854.75 55,967.05 $6,437.67 55,976.77 $6,i69.36 $5,976.77 $6,505.49 $5,986.85 $6,159.60 $5,986.85 $6,308.04 $5,986.85 $5,881.59 $6,078.49 $5,955.00 $6,09092 $6,707_51 $6,090.92 $6,065.01 $6,090.92 $5,821.78 $6,090.92 $6,159,60 $6,103 34 $6,798.83 $6,'f27.74 $6,02747 $6,127.74 $5,955.00 $6,140.16 $6,60426 $6,15226 $5,955.00 $6,189.t4 $5,614.59 $6,209.59 $6,85126 $6,220.65 $7,506.64 $6,231.16 $6,308.04 $6,231.16 $5,735.47 $6,231.16 $6,277.i8 $6,265.15 $6,467.36 $6,265.15 $6,79168 $6,265.15 $6,308.04 $6,285.68 $6,366,98 $6,337.32 $6,46736 $6,341.3i $6,271.18 $6,353.17 $6,604.28 $6,399.55 $6,460.44 $6,426.49 $6,604.26 $6,479.61 $6,460.44 $6,513.90 $6,791.68 $6,623.68 $6,791.68 $6,623.68 $6,60426 $6,623.68 $6,467.36 $6,699.10 $6,604.26 $6,751.01 $6,959.52 $6,779.40 O7l0412006 � `� Pay Difference $221.69 58.7 1 $-7.97 S-i 12.30 $460.90 $192.59 5518.fi4 $172.75 $321.19 $-196.90 $-i 35.92 $16.59 $-25.91 $-269.14 $56.26 $671.09 $-10027 $-185.16 $452 00 $-234.14 $-595.00 $630.61 $1,275.48 $76.88 $-495.69 $6.03 $202.21 $526.53 $22.36 $29.66 $126.05 $-81 99 $212.71 $33.95 $124_65 $-53.46 $168.00 $168.00 $-19.42 $-231 J4 $-146 75 $180.12 Page S of 77 Predicfed Pay Report for City of Saint Pauf Office of Human Resources Case: Pay Equiry Report fo Sfate 2005 Job Male Pemale Total Nbr Jobs TiUe Empi Empi Empi Sex 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 SENIOR PLAN EXAMINER SUPERVISOR OF REHAB WIC PROGRAM MANAGER FIRE EMERG MGMT & COMM CHIEF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT III PUBLIC SERV MGR WATER IS SYS CONSULTANT II FIRE DISTRICT CHIEF ZONING MANAGER ANIMAL CURATOR ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY PROJECT MANAGER IV CITY PLANNER IV IS SYS CONSUITANT III FIRE TRAINING OFFICER CITY COUNCIL CHIEF BUDGET ANAI COMMANDER ADMINISTRATIVE COORD CIVIL ENGWEER IV ACCOUNTANTV INFORMATION SERV MGR-WATER LIBRARY FACILITIES MGR CENTRAL LIB PUB SRV COORD GIS SYSTEMS DEVELOPER PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SUPV ASST TO THE MAYOR IV IS SYSTEMS CONSULTANT IV MUNICIPAL GARAGE SUPV RIGHT-OF-WAY SUPERVISOR HUMAN RES SR CNSULT MGR SENIOR CONSUL7ANT-BUS CONS S CLAIMS MANAGER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IV DEPU7Y F(RE CHIEF ZOO DIRECTOR PRINCIPAI DESIGNER CHIEF BUOGET ANALYST PRWCIPAL PLANNER PROGR.4M ADMINISTR4TOR POLICE RESEARCH & GRANTS MGR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MANAGE WATER QUALITY SUPV 1 0 0 1 5 0 3 9 0 2 2 7 1 5 1 0 19 1 6 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 D 0 0 1 3 1 0 7 2 5 0 1 1 0 1 7 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 4 5 2 2 0 1 2 0 2 3 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 7 1 t 6 1 5 9 1 2 6 72 3 7 t 1 21 1 8 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 t 3 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 t 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 M F F M M F B M F M B B 6 B M F M M B B f M F M F F F M M F F F M M M F M M M F M M Work Mau Mo. Points Salary 2620 $5,485.02 2620 57,316.87 2620 $6,959.52 2640 $7,36172 2640 56,60426 2650 $6,791.68 2655 $6,60426 2685 $7,36172 2685 $7,3'I6.87 2690 $6,791.68 2690 $7,724.82 2715 $6,957.02 2740 $6,604.26 2745 $6,957.02 2765 $7,361J2 2780 $7,801.53 2790 $7,287.73 2805 $7,620.63 2810 $7,693.41 2825 $7,316 87 2825 $7,506.64 2835 $7,693.41 2840 $7,693.41 2845 $6,957.02 2845 $7,506.64 2855 $7,694.45 2855 $7,508.64 2885 $7,693.41 2885 $6,959.52 2890 $7,093.37 2890 $7,093.37 2970 $7,760.33 2915 $7,506.64 2920 $5,582.37 2935 $7,316.87 2960 $7.893.99 2975 $7,760.33 2990 $8,097.13 2990 $7,893.99 3005 $7,893.99 3030 $7,506.64 3040 $7,693.41 0'1104f2006 �� �� Pretlicted Pay Pay Difference 56,837.0'I 56,837.09 $6,837.01 �6,886.38 $6,886.38 5Q91170 $6,924.50 $7,008.59 $7,008.59 $7,022.64 $7,022.64 $7,089.84 $7,159.08 $7.173.84 $7,229.46 $7,300.07 $7,300.07 $7,345.31 $7,359 88 $7,403.04 $7,403.04 $7,431.64 $7,446.40 $7,460.99 $7,460.99 $7,489.68 $7,489.68 $7,b74.40 $7,574.40 $7,535.43 $7,535.43 $7,606.09 $7,618.49 $7,631 36 $7,64fi.99 $7,714.34 $7,755.11 $7,805.89 $7,805.89 $7.846.99 $7,915.86 $7,943.72 5-1,351.99 3479.86 5122.51 $475.34 $-282.12 $-120A2 5-32024 $353.13 $308.28 $•230.96 $702.18 $-132.82 $-554.82 $-216.82 $13226 $50Y.46 $-12.34 $275.32 $333.53 $-86.17 $103.60 $261.77 $247.01 $-503.97 $45.65 $2D4.77 $16.96 $119.01 $-614.88 $-442.06 $-442.06 $15424 $-111.85 $951.01 $-33Q. 12 $179.C5 $522 $29724 $88.10 $47.00 $-409 22 $-249.77 Page 9 of 11 Predicted Pay Report for City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources Case: Pay Equity Report to State 2005 Job Male Female Total Work Nbr Jobs TiUe Empl Empi Empl Sex AoinS 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 473 474 415 416 417 418 419 420 CITIZEN SERV PROG DIR FIRE MARSHALL PARKS REC MANAGER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERV CHIEF PARKS 8, RECREATION DESIGN MGI TECHNOLOGY MANAGER DEPUTY DIR LIEP F/l P CS HEALTH ADMIN MANAGER LABOR REIATIONS MANAGER DEPUTY DIR - PARKS $ REC REALESTATE MANAGER RISK MANAGER TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERV MGR CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL PURCHASING SYSTEMS MGR ATfORNEY TREASURY MANAGER INFORMATION SERV MGR ASST TO THE MAYOR V ASST CI7Y ENGINEER DIRECTOR MED SVC-PRIOR 1/i/90 ASST FIRE CHIEF DIVISION MGR - SPRWS ASST TO THE MAY6R VI VALUATION & ASSESS ENGR DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS DIRECTOR OF NHPI ASST CHIEF OF POLICE ATTORNEY VIII SENIOR AITORNEY DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY LIBRARY DIRECTOR PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR CHIEF ENGINEER-SPRWS DIRECTOR OF LIEP HUMAN RES DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF CITY COUNCIL OPER qTY ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF PED DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVS qTY ATTORNEY 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 D 1 0 1 1 0 7 0 8 7 0 1 7 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 7 1 9 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 t 1 1 1 1 0 � 0 0 1 0 1 10 0 t 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 5 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 7 0 0 1 1 3 1 1 7 1 1 t � 1 1 1 1 1 ya 1 1 1 7 1 2 3 3 1 7 1 z 1 14 1 2 1 1 9 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 M M M F F F F F M F M M F M F s M F M M M M M B M M M s M B F B F M M F F F M F M M 3050 3060 3065 3075 3075 3105 3110 3130 3960 3165 3165 3765 3170 3215 3225 3235 3270 3400 3425 3430 3495 3515 3520 3550 3570 3580 3595 3600 3700 3700 3825 3850 3850 3860 3885 3915 3925 3945 4230 4540 4575 4580 Ma�c Mo. Pretlicted Salary Pay �8,387.10 57,970.47 $7,908.56 57,998.62 $7,&93.99 58A�2.06 $8,582.37 $8,039.80 $7,893 99 58,039.80 $7,893.99 $8,121.37 $8,303.56 $8,134.49 $7,893_99 $8,186_46 $8,387.10 $8,254.4'1 $9,�34.12 $8,249.19 $7,693.41 $8,249.79 $8,605.32 $8,249.19 $8,097.13 $8,261.87 $8,743.13 $5,374.52 $8,523.79 $5,39959 $9,436.71 $8,424.78 $8,523.19 $8,512.58 $8,743.13 $8,803.09 $9,034.t2 $8,86426 $8,743 t3 $8,876.58 $11,07136 $9,029.11 $9,265.43 $8,990.42 $8,743.13 $8,966.45 $9,990.10 $9,033.2$ $8,743.13 $9,061.09 $9,497.42 $9,08313 $9,034.12 $9,116.08 $10,182.00 $9,126.80 $10,245 55 $9,325 84 $10,97521 $9,325.84 $11,063.D9 $9,597_62 $10,515.95 $9,651.74 $9,737.08 �y9,651.74 $9,737.08 $9.673.71 $9,452.79 $9,727.83 $9,990.10 $9,793.32 $10,250.77 $9,814.9D $5,813.10 $9,858.43 $10,250.77 $10,477.69 $11,063.09 $17,151.08 $9.990.10 $1i,227.77 $11,651.60 $91,238.75 ovoaizooe lJ� �� ` Pay Difference $416.63 $-90.06 $-1'18.07 5542.57 5-145.81 $-227.38 $169.07 $-292.47 $132.69 $784.93 $-555.78 $356.13 $-964.74 $368.61 $723.30 $1,011.93 $10.61 $-59.96 $169.86 $-133.45 $2,042.25 $275.01 $-223.32 $956.82 $317.96 $41429 $-81.96 $1,055.20 $919.71 $1,649,37 $1,465_47 $86421 $85.34 $63.37 $-275.04 $196.78 $435.88 $-1,045.33 $-226.92 $-87.99 $-1,237.07 $413.45 Page YO of'11 Preclicted Pay Report for City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources Case: Pay Equity Report to State 2005 Job Male Female Totaf Nbr Jobs Titfe Emp( Empl Empl S ex 421 UTILITY DIRECTOR 2 0 2 M 422 EXEC ASST TO THE AMYOR 1 1 p g 423 FIRE CHIEF 1 p � M 424 CHIEF OF POLICE 1 0 � M 01/04/2006 C� Work Mau Mo. Predided Pay Points Satary Pay Difference 4600 $'11,063.09 $ti,281.68 S-2'I8.59 4610 $11,063,09 511,303.25 5-240.16 4635 511,063.09 $11,357.37 S-29428 4685 9i1,063.09 511,466.40 $1t03.31 Page 11 of 71