06-439Council File # 06-439 RESOLUTION Suspension - 5/03/06 Green Sheet # 3 Q 3 0(�(,+ c/ d PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by CITY Resalution Memorializing the Council Decision to Reinstate the Orders to Remove or Repair 1956 Feronia Avenue within 30 Days 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Wf�REAS, the City Council has a long history of granting time for the rehabilitation of the nuisance structure at 1956 Feronia Avenue and this history includes the foilowing: • Adoption of Council File #03-816 ganting the owner 180 days for the rehabilitarion of the structure - this time period ultunately elapsing with the forfeiture of the performance deposit for lack of progress; • Adoption of Council File #04-459 on July 28, 2004, which authorized the City to demolish the property at 1956 Feronia Avenue if the owner failed to make repairs within 30 days; • Adoption of Council File #04-459 provided the owners of 1956 Feronia another chance to remove or repair this structure which was considered to possess some azchitectural significance, but the aonditions for granting the 180 days were not met and therefore the Council recommended the buildings removal within 30 days; • Adoption of Council File #04-1224 rescinded Council File #04-459, granting the owners 180 days to rehabilitate the properiy, as the following conditions were met 1) providing the City explicit plans for rehabilitating the structure, 2) providing the City materials and documents demonstrating the financial capaciTy of the owners to execute these plans, and 3) posting a performance bond of $25,000 by noon on December 22, 2004 (retumable upon project completion, if completed within 180 days, or 360 days if ea�tension granted); • Receiving a staff report indicating the second 180 day period elapsed with the building inspector reporting only 5% of the project was compiete - when if 50% of the project was complete an addirional 180 days could be granted by the Office of License, Inspecrions and Envuonmental Protecrion; • Granting the owners an additional 90 days for the continued rehabilitation of this property and referred this matter back to the legislative hearing on August 23, 2005 at 10 a.m. for the development of recommendations for the compietion of the project; and • Granting the owners an additional 60 days for the continued rehabilitation of this property on September 21, 2005 to allow them to reach the 50% completion mazk on the rehabilitation of the building. WHEREAS, the City Council received a staff report from its Legislative Heazing Officer indicating that progress on the rehabilitation was woefully inadequate, that the ageed upon work plan provided had been ignored by the contractor, that the options available to the Council were not likely to bring about resolution of this ongoing nuisance situation, and that the Council should, therefore, move to demolish the structure; and WHEREAS, the CiTy Council conducted a public hearing on April 19, 2006, where it received the testimony of numerous neighbors and the area's district council that the progress on the rehabilitation was sporadic at best, that the neighborhood continued to experience this as a public nuisance, and that the neighbors and district council had lost their faith in the ability of the current owners to complete the rehabilitation; WHEREAS, the City Council provided the owners the opportuniTy to present their revised plans at the Council meeting on Apri126, 2006; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council herewith formally vacates the stay on the orders to remove or repair 1956 Feronia Avenue and re-instates the orders to remove or repair outlined in Council File #04-459 and #03-816, allowing the Administration to proceed with demolition 30 day from the adoption of this resolurion. 1956 Feronia Avenue, Memorialization Resolution on Council AcFion Taken 4YL6106 � � / � � � Yeas � Nays � Absent Benanav B ostr o m Harris Helgen Lantry Montgomery Thune � � � � � � � Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certi ed by C ncil Secretary By: /Li/ Jlll,�sdrr Approved by Mayor: Date: 3 — �—�l� By: �/Jn . Requested by Depamnent of: � Forcn Approved by CiTy Attomey Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ��-��y , � Gree.n $heet Green She.et Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet � � - Comcil Confact Person 8 Phone: Jay Senanav ContractSype: RE-RESOLUTION Date Initiated: 03MAY-06 � ' Assign by (Date): Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3030648 Deparhnent 0 IC ncl I t I nc� e a ent 'rec r 2 erk Total # of Signature Pages J (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Memoralizing [he Council Decision to Reinstate the Orders to Remove or Repair 1956 Feronia Avenue within 30 days. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts MustMswerthe Following Questions: Planning Commission ti, µas this personlfifin e�er wio�tced under a confract ta'this department? CIB Committee Yes No Cul Senice Commission 2. Has this personlfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill noi normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, Whak When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages RApproved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial lnformation: (Explain) May 3, 2006 9:17 PM CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. Page 1 r • • • INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: April 19, 2006 TO: Councilmember 3ay Benanav � FILOM: Marcia Moermond, Lea slative Hearing Officer �"" City of Saint Paul City Council Reseazch Center Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 651 266-8570 D�-��% RE: Progress Report and Recommendation on 1956 Feronia Avenue Rehabilitation April 19, 2006 Council Public Hearing A. PROGRESS REPORT This memo is intended to provide a proa ess report and recommendation on the rehabilitation of 1956 Feronia Avenue. The City Council took its most recent action concerning 1956 Feronia Avenue on September 21, 2005. The following is a summary of the history of Council actions on this property. 2003: the City Council adopted Council File #03-816 granting the owner 180 days for the rehabilitation of the shucture - this time period ultimately elapsing with the forfeiture of the performance deposit for lack ofprogress. 2004: the City Council adopted Councit File #04-459 on July 28, 2004, which authorized the City to demolish the properry at 1956 Feronia Avenue if the owner failed to make repairs within 30 days. 2004: Council File #04-459 provided the owners of 1956 Feronia another chance to remove or repair this shvcture which was considered to possess some architectural significance, but the conditions for granting the 180 days were not met and therefore the Cnuncil recommended the building's removal within 3Q days; and 2004: Council File #04-1224 rescinded Council File #04-459 and a anted the owners 180 days to rehabilitate the property, as the following conditions were met: 1) providing the City explicit plans for rehabilitating the shucture, 2) providing the City matarials and documents demonstrating the financial capacity of the owners to execute these plans, and 3) posting a performance bond of $25,000 by noon on December 22, 2004 (returnable upon project completion, if completed within 180 days, or 360 days if extension granted). 2005: the second 180 day period elapsed with the building inspector reporting only 5% of the project was complete - when if 5�°fo of the groject was complete an additional 180 days wuld be granted by the Office of License, Inspections and Envuonmental Protection. 2005: the City of Saint Paul granted the owners an additional 90 days for the continued rehabilitation of this property and referred this matter back to the legislative hearing on August 23, 2005 at 10 a.m. for the development of recommendations for the completion of the project. 2005: On September 21, 2005, the City Council granted the owners of 1956 Feronia Avenue an additiona160 days to reach the 50°/a completion mark on the rehabilitation of the building. The current status is that the time ganted by the City Council for completing SO% of the rehabilitation expired without the building being anycvhere neaz 50% complete. The Council referred the matter back into legislative hearing and a heazing was conducted on March 7, 2006. At this hearing the owners' attorney and contractor spoke and provided an update on the rehabilitation. The dish councii and O(o��'3� Rogess Report on ] 956 Feronia Avenue, Page 2 of 4 several neighbors both wrote to me and spoke at this hearing. Their concems were about the maintenance of this work site and the exorbitant length of time this rehabilitation has taken. The minutes of the • hearing are attached. 2. Conditinn ofBuiiding In August of 2005, 7im Seeger, LIEP, characterized the work on this building as being approximately 5% complete. In reviewing the subsequent progress, he indicated that if work continues at its present rate, the building would likely be completely rehabilitated in 15 years. At this point, the brick work on the exterior is lazgely done, as weil as the interior framing and some foundation and sSabilization work. Outlined below is the work plan provided by the conVactor, Builders of Rochester, Inc. - Zech Sindt - and my notes from the Mazch 7, 2006 on the progress which has been made. Mr. Seeger did note that the quality of the work which is done is good. August 23, 2005 Revised Schedute for Rehab at 1956 Feronia Avenue Historic Building — 12,000 square feet Due to a change in the p�an having to do with the manner in which the building sfrucfure was reinforced at bearing points and leveled, Contractor got behind in the plan by four- six weeks at the front end. However, this change was for the better and will save tremendous time at the back end when installing subfloors. Changes in the work order are ongoing as the little details fit fogether. � LJ Interior framing and subfloors (including joist replacements) — completed no later than October 29, 2005 Plumbing for entire building — to begin in six weeks Pouring of cement basement floor — to occur in eight weeks Heating work — will begin after basement floor is poured in approximately 9 weeks — this is a 4— 6 week job Exterior brick wosk by professionai brick Restoration Company to begin within next three weeks �nished 1 month ago, need to acid wash the building and sandblast once there has been 1 week of 40 degr�ees or above with no rainfall) Electric work will foilowing heating and take approximately 4 weeks to complete Insulation — will be completed after electric work is done — 2 week job complete (usually done after plumbing and electrical complete, which hasn't happened yet) Sheetrock & taping work wil4 take approximately 5-6 weeks (getting close, just finished the framin� All other finishing work — trimming, door hanging, cabinets, counters, painting, and final flooring, • and lighting and piumbing fixture instaliation will realist+ca4ly take at least 3 mo�ths before alI is absolutely complete. After working on this historic building fo� three months, Confractor sees that building will reaiistically take until summer of 2006 before work can be completed. D�- �3� Progress Repor[ on 1956 Feronia Avenue, Page 3 of 4 • Mr. Seeger of LIEP indicated in the hearing that based on his 25+ yeazs of experience, a 4-person crew could finish the work m a 6-8 month time period. Finally, it is important to note that there continues to be neighborhood complaints about the condition of the site, and the Council will note there is a summary abatement t� assessment on the agenda today for this property. 3. Bond A$2,000 performance deposit for working on a dangerous, nuisance sWcture was posted with the City on September 15, 2005. The performance deposit was forfeited on January 24, 2006 when LIEP determined the terms of the Council Resolution staying the demolition and adopting the agreement for the building's rehabilitation were not met. Should the Council choose to stay the existing order to remove or repair, the Legislative Code now requires that a$5,000 performance deposit be posted. The Council may require that a up to $10,000 be posted based on past failure. 4. Work Plan A work plan for the completion of the rehabilitation was provided on Mazch 22 and is attached. The work plan which was provided in August of 2005 was not used in any meaningful way to ensure the progress of this rehabilitation. Additionally, the contractor indicated he did not prepare {his staff did}, he was not familiar with it, and did not want to be pinned down on this project. . 5. Financial Capacity It is unclear to me whether the owners have the financial capacity to complete the project. It is my understanding that they have a$1,000,000 line of credit for this project. Approximately %z of this money had been spent as of March 7, and there have been cost over-runs. 6. Competence to execute work plan There aze two areas of concern with respect to the owners' competence to execute a work plan for this property's rehabilitation. First, the extremely slow progress appeazs to be ongoing problem that has not conected itself in spite of additional chances ganted by the City. Second, the site continues to be maintained in a fashion which not only requires City summary abatement from time to time, but which also continues to be a nuisance building and disheartening to the neighbors. B. RECOMMENDATION The primary interest of the City in this matter is to rid the CiTy of the nuisance building at 1956 Feronia , Avenue, which can be accomplished by the building's rehabilitation or its demolition. Opportunities for the building's rehabilitation have been granted time and again, and the progress has been negligible. Although there may be condi5ons under which the current owners could complete the rehabilitation in a timely fashion, use of the legislative hearing and Counci] processes has not brought this about. Therefore, I would recommend that the Council move forward with the order to remove or repair. ff the owners wish to appeal the decision of the City Council, the City would later have an opportunity to � discuss settlement of the matter and perhaps seek alternatives that aze not available at this time. Df���3�1 Progress Report on 1956 Feronia Avenue, Page 4 of 4 • C. NEXT STEPS The City Council will be conducting a public hearing on April 19, 2006 to consider its stay on the Order to Remove or Repair this property. I have consulted with Judy Hanson from the City Attomey's Office, and we believe that it is advisable for the Council to formally vacate the sta� it put into place on November 16, 2005. That action should be memorialized by resolution on the next available Council agenda. Should the Council wish to grant additional time for completing this rehabilitation, the Council could adopt a motion to that effect, noting its reasons and conditions. This action should be memorialized via the same or anothex resolution. ff the Council acts to vacate the stay on the order to remove or repair, and does not put another stay into effect, a8er consulting with the City Attomey's Office, I would recommend that the Council adopt a motion to re-instate the order to remove or repair outlined in Council File #04-459 and #03-816. This motion should then also be memorialized in a subsequent resolution, noting that no further Council action is necessary for the building to be demolished. With this, the City may proceed to demolish the structures on this property, if there is no intervening appellate court action preventing them from doing so. Copp: Naomi Isaacson, 328 4`� St. 5E, Unit 101, Minneapolis, MN 55414 and 414 7�' Ave. SE, #B 1�4 • Minneapolis, MN 55414 Laureen Marie Ballinger, 328 4�' St. SE, Unit 101, Minneapolis, MN 55414 Rebekah Brown (Owners' Attorney), 1350 S. Frontage Rd., Hastings, MN 55033 Fax: 651-487-8562 Judith Hanson, City Attomey's Office Steve Magner, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement .Cim Seeger, License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) i bi� - �� `� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 2006 Page 3 • with a compliance date of 9-21-05. Pazks cleaned the properry on 10-31-05. Those two assessments make a total of $707. Kevin Pollard, owner, appeazed and stated the fence between his properry and the property in the back have been knocked down. People have been dumping in his yazd. He was in the hospital when he got the correspondence. He spoke to the inspector on numerous occasions and Mr. Pollazd was told he would get time to deal with the issue. He explained he was the owner and there was no one but him to do it. When he came out [of the hospital], it had already been cleaned up. He was told the oversight had been made and nothing could be done. Mr. Betz stated there is a third one that is not in front of the Legislative Hearing Officer yet. Ms. Moermond stated it looks like he got the time: he got the order at the beginning of September and it was supposed to be taken caze of by September 21. The work order did not go through until Halloween, so it looks like an exna six weeks was given. Mr. Pollard responded that the extra time he was given did not happen. Mr. Betz responded that there are no notes for an extension. Ms. Moermond asked the breakdown for the costs of the two cleanups. Mr. Betz responded the second cleanup was $234 plus administrative costs. Ms. Moermond zecommends reducing the assessment from a total of $707 to a total of $607. For • the August one, it does not look like he asked for an extension. For the September one, he was given quite a long period of time. The original orders were September 4, and the cleanup was the beginning of November. He was in the hospital, so she lrnocked off $100 for that. 1956 Feronia Avenue, $1,750.72 (See below.) Ms. Moermond's recommendation is forthcoming. (Ms. Moermond's recommendation is approval of the assessment.) Consideration for addition time to complete 1956 Feronia Avenue. The following appeared: Zech Sindt, 5915 Highway 14 E, Rochester; Rebekah Brown, 1350 Frontage Road South, Hastings. Ms. Moermond stated they were going to talk about the Summary Abatement on this properry and more time to complete the rehabilitation. One of the things they talked about was having invoices related to the cleanup of the property. Zech Sindt stated he has the bill from the 16 for the time period and September 6 and 7 dumping from Vasco. He couldn't find any others. • �1���3� • LEGISLATIVE HEARINCT MII�IUTES OF MARCH 7, 2006 Page 4 (Jim Seeger went over the items on original order.) Mr. Seeger said that he has been in the structure many times. A four man crew should be able to finish it in 6 to 8 months. As of ]ast Thursday, no one was there. Mr. Seeger took pictures of all sides of the building_ It did not look like it was muah further along than when he was there about a month ago. Ms. Moermond asked have all the appropriate permits been pulled. Mr. Seeger responded there would be addiuonal pernuts for work as it gets started. They aze not all pulled at this time. Ms. Moermond asked did he look at the calendaz that was submitted on how long it will take to do the rehab. Mr. Seeger responded that he looked at it, and it is drastically behind. It will appear that this wiil take another couple of years to fuush. In answer to a question, Mr. Magner responded that this building was condemned, the Certificate of Occupancy was revoked in 1998, and it has been vacant since 2-1-99. It was his understanding that the current owners took possession of the building sometime in the summer of 2003. This issue has been in front of the Legislative Hearing Officer and the City Council a number of times seeking resolution to bring the building into compliance. He reviewed the work schedule that was submitted and dated 8-23-05, and none of the items aze close to being in compliance and some items have not been started. Ms. Moermond asked their plans for the completion of the project and does he haue a revised • schedule. Mr. Sindt responded that he did not bring a revised schedule along. The brick work was finished about a month ago. They rebuilt about half the arches on the building. That took a lot longer than originally planned. They can't acid wash the building until it is warmer. He can't install the windows until they acid wash the building. They also want to sandblast it. That can be done when it is 45 degrees for about a week with no rain, although the person doing the brick work would prefer 70 degrees. All the joists were replaced on the third floor that needed it. All the headers aze done on the third floor. The framing is not done until the windows are done. Ms. Moermond asked about the plumbing and heating. Mr. Sindt responded the plumbing is not going in until the framing is done. The insulation usually goes in after all the plumbing, heating, and electrical. Ms. Moermond stated the list has interior framing, subfloors, and joists were to be completed no later than 10-31-05. There aze some big misses here on the calendaz. Mr. Sindt asked to see the calendaz. (Mr. Magner gave him a copy.) After looking at it, Mr. Sindt said he didn't type it. Maybe his secretary threw something together. It may have been done by Hannah who takes caze of his paperwork. Ms. Moermond responded she has problems with Mr. Sindt saying that because tlris was in Councilmember Benanav's records as the commitment made about the calendar. Mr. Sindt stated that everyone wants to pin him down on a date, but he keeps telling everyone he cannot be pinned down. A lot of it is weather related. As there aze more problems, he has to take • care of them. D(r� - �31 LEGISLATIVE HEAILiNG MII�IUTES OF MARCH 7, 2006 Page 5 • Ms. Brown stated that is why Hannah e-mailed his schedule to her. He did not want to be pinned down. They wanted a scheduie and that is the best estimate they could put together at that time. Ms. Moermond asked is this withiu budget. Ms. Brown responded over half of the loan money is still left to be used on the building. Mr. Sindt added that the brick work is a big expense. Ms. Brown added that it is about $80,000. Bob Vanasek, 1892 Feronia Avenue, appeared and stated a few ne3ghbors were seeing this building that has potential and hoping that the progress continues. They have high hopes for the building. Mr. Vanasek purchased his home in June 2005. He interviewed neighbors prior to moving in and it sounded like there was progress being made with some of the properties in the azea. Things have slowed down. Timing-wise, they would like to see something sooner than later. Teresa Hyland, Memam Park Community Council (MPCC), 1684 Selby Avenue, appeared and made a statement on behalf of the executive committae. The committee would like to preserve a building with architectural and historic interests. If this cannot be achieved, then remove it as a problem property. The building sends a negative message to the neighborhood and invites vandalism. Potential home buyers ca11 the council office to see if anything needs to be done about the building. MPCC favors preservation, but this time they fauor that the properiy be sold to a developer to renovate the building or for it to be demolished. Ms. Hyland has been working for • the council for five years, and this building had the attention of the community council prior to that. Every year she has received complaints. They were excited when there was progress shown. Currently, there aze concerns about the owner's ability to finish it. (No one else wished to speak on this matter.) Ms. Moermond stated that she remembers hearing that once the plans were approved, it was going to be 18 months to get the project done. That was when Ms. Isaacson's brother was preparing plans for the rehab. Now, there is another architect and things have changed. It is frustrating to keep coming back. This building is a nuisance. Ms. Brown responded she does not think it is a nuisance anymore. She has not heazd anymore reports. She thought that problems were taken care of. Mr. Sindt asked what is meant by a nuisance. Steve Magner responded the City has adopted an ardinance that states when a building is a nuisance. This building is a nuisance based on the fact that it does not meet the life safety, health, and fire codes so that a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued to the building. The general consensus that has been talcen by the City over two decades is that once a building is declared a nuisance, the nuisance status is not removed until the sign-offs occur and the Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Code Compliance has been issued. The City still has to maintain the building as far as going out there and issuing abatements of broken windows, improper storage, and graffiti. These issues contribute to the building being a nuisance. Ms. Moermond stated the declaration of nuisance status is what triggered the order to remove or • repair the building. She asked were there plans to finish it. Mr. Sindt responded the next step is Df� ��3� • LEGI5LATIVE HEARING NIINUTES OF MARCH 7, 2006 ,..- . • i to acid wash and sandblast the building. They will try to do it at 45 de�ees. As soon as that is done, they will get windows in. Ms. Moermond stated she would like to see a plan on how long to fuush it, and she wouid like Mr. Sindt to finish it this time. He should not have his assistant prepaze it, and then say he cannot be pinned down. That is not fair because the City can ask for a work plan that says the owner knows what he is doing. This work plan was blown in terms of the deadlines. There is an expecta6on that he was giving a true plan as to what he was going to do. The neighbors and City Council aze frustrated. Ms. Brown responded that she understands that this has been a problem for the Council for some yeazs. Ms. Moermond stated she will recommend that the Council not grant anymore time if she determines that the property cannot be done realistically with the current financing and conditions. She would like the owner to prepare someChing to convince her otherwise. It looks bleak otherwase. If the Council does not grant additional Ume, the recourse would be for the owner to appeal to appellate court the oxder of the City Council to remove or repair the building. The other thing is that if the Council considers granting additional time, she would like them to sign a settlement agreement to that effect that they will agree to meet conditions or something else will be done. Ms. Moermond would like a new report from them by 3-22-06 showing how they plan on finishing this rehabilitation. Ms. Brown responded that is fine. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 779 Edmund Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is ordered to remove the building(s). (Laid over from 1-24-06 and inadvertently left off the 3-1-06 agenda.) Ms. Moermond recommends approval, as an appellant did not appear. At the end of the heazing Mr. Magner said the following: They originally heazd this on 1-21-06. A 60 day layover was recommended if a bond was posted and the property maintained. No summary abatements have been issued since then, but Xcel was called to secure a meter that was opened. That may have been strictly vandalism. The 60 days put them to today. Mr. Zielke should have passed that information on. Mr. Magner is unaware of a new owner. The bond was posted. Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the resolution. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 52 Kine Street East. If the owner fails to eomply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is ordered to remove the building(s). (Laid over from 2-28-06) Steve Magner reported that this is a two story wood frame structure and it has been vacant since 5- 4-05. There have been seven suuunary abatement notices issued to clean up the yard. On ll-17- D�a � �3� � -� o N� �c�a.. Mo2.rm�nd �eurv� : au����R's a F �oc�lESr"E.�e, .%nc • Zer-�i �,'nd+ �i4X = ((�5+� a(otv - SS �� � �� = 195� �P.r'�-n,i� Aue- • ���£ : Max 22., Z.00 Cp f,�e.. t��r d��SS c.,n - �, - ~f�e� de:,fQ,c.,e . �o�s�c�! ���ea��h �e�ter ��� ? `�= � � � � � _ _ �.�.- r� -,.,,. , -,r,,,,,.� ,,,.,.,� .,.,,..,r .-__. ,,,.,,�-„ .'� ,r„� D��y�� L Proposed schedule to finish 1956 Feronia Ave ASS(JN�NG GOOD WEATf�ER TO GET STARTED AGAIN! APRTL 3-24: WTLL BE AI,LOTED TO FINISH WAST�ING AND SANBBLA.STINCr TF� REST Ox THE BRICK ON TT�E �ACIC OF Tf� BUII.DING APRII, 24MAY 29: WILL BE ALLOTED TO FIt�TTSH TI�TTERTOR FRAMING AND ORDER WINDO'WS MAY 29-NLY 31: WIT,L BE ALLOTED FOR THE HVAC, ELEC?RTCT,ANS, PT,UMBERS (ASSUMII1Cr NQ C�iANGES BUT THIS IS A CUSTOM JOB�, AND SET'Vi�INAOWS JULY 31-AUGUST 31:1NSY7LATE AND ZtE-ROOF AYIGY7ST 31-SEPTEMBER 30: SHEETROCK, TAPE, TEXI'URE �'JAT,T.S AN17 CIELINCrS SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 31: TRIM, P.AINT, AND STA1N, INSTALL CABINETS . C� . OCTOBER 31-NOVEMBER 30: FINALS ON ELECTRICAL, PLTJMBINCr, TIVAC WE SHOULD BE ABT.E ?'O GET A C/O BY NOVEMBEI2 30 AS LONG AS AT .T . THE SUBS GET IN Ti-TERE ON SC�D'OT,E AND TT�ETtE ARE NO CHANGES TO EXISTII�IG PLANS. BE.AR IN MII�TD THAT THIS TS A CUSTOM JOB AND TO MY KNOWLEDCrE THETt� T�AS NEVER BBEN A CUSTOM HOME WHERE SOME7'HII�1G DIDN'T CHANGE. IT IS THE NATCJRE OF Tf� BUSINESS AND MUST BE D�AI.T WTTH ACCORDINGLY. 7f1 7c1HJ �rvni.i u i ri,.ic rtAIH1Ll ncnn»�rca - rn•nn ccc*lrnirn �:, � � � i. ,<`, i �f,. ; { , [ 1� � �, � �� i �;,t, : �� � � � �� ��•�� � ,y � Q I SL' p ,d� x q ( T�, ��G � Q� 0 7 .�v• �t!e. c s � �"' 6". a� ! �, l ✓ �.. t �� ! . I � r ^ ��~ ��. � ' ..��-� :: � rt� � . --�,� �. 4�°�: _ �----� T'9.m� C°°? 4 �� . u� ,^� �a ^ s Y vc. ; 1, �P�.��1`. �. . �' �u� ; a : � �� i ; i; . t' ;�: , �� ^—." � 17 £ s�� CG � � E er.•:`' . I . <. � y t � e� s � �"`e � �fi �"k���re ... ... . _ . . . . .«��.�» . �� � � n � � �,r � . .. .. � � � _ _ �p¢.� x ^ � • ' � � � � _ sn � A ` �, � � � r � i - � � ),� r ' . . �_ �' k�,i'_ . _� _����� r° ��+°y�h�Ls�i(�� � � . � . � . . `�"�1��Y3���,. �.s� , ' � � . � . �N�� � .. �V . � . '� � �i�� �[-� . . . . . ;,°�� � 1 .�. _ ; , _ . , _ ., �� �:.�. � :_ �_ . �� N. : i : � _ _ t � _. . � � �. �� . # ' '. �i. �� � i .. - .. � � t � ' - , �.,".. r ..� � - � . 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Paul MN 5�103 'h�651)487-8546 Customer: 1000 / CASH CUSTOMERS Truck: REDSUB-TRL Comment: ' Origin ----------------------------- 55103 / ST. PAUL V State: $ I .62 Weighmastex: • JC Wastes & Services -'------'------------'------------------- 200 i C&D PUBLIC PAY DUMP Cash Driver: Page: I of I ��-��� Ticket: 32711i Date: 09/07/2005 Time: 17:2�:39 - 17:37:04 Gross: Tare: �let: Quantiry Rate 0.810�7 � @ $85.00 per Ton 9240 LBS 7620 LBS I620 LBS Amount $68.85 TotalTares: $].62 Total Amount� $70.47 $-100.00 CHANGE: $29.53 • b b ���� • ko Solid Waste - Transfer Station Como Avenue St. Paul, MN jj 103 Phone:(6�1)487-8546 Customer: 1000 / CASH CUSTOMERS Truck: RED Comment: Origin Wastes & Services -----------------'------------------------------------------------ RAMSEY / RAMSEY COUN 105 / MSW RAMSEY CTY - PUBL[ MN State: $4.25 CEC: $7.00 Cash • Weighmaster: JC Driver: Page: 1 of I Ticket: 326838 Date: 09/06/200� Tune: 17:54:59 - 18:0�:05 Gross: Tare: Net: Quantiry Rate -------�---------------------- I.00OU @ $25.OQ per Unit Total Taxes: Total Amount: CHANGE: $Q75 � 0 LBS 0 LBS 0 LBS Amount $25.00 $11.25 $36.25 $-37.00 U�P'���1 • �� � � d x 7 March 2006 :. u Marcia Moertnond Ciry of Saint Paul Leg(siaUve Headng Offlcer 310 Ciry Hall 15 W. Kellogg Btvd. Saint Paul. MN 55102 Rs: 1956 Feronia Dear Ms. Moermond: Merriam Park Community Council 1634 Selby Avenue • St Paul • Mianesota • 55104 mpcc@memam-park.org • www.meniam-park.org tel: 651.645.6887 • fax: 651.917.999I Whife the current status of 1558 Feronla has not been constdered by the futt Wlerttam Park Community Board, the Council's ExecuBve Commlttee agreed that It Is importsnt W offer these comments at the March 7. 2006 Legislative Hearing regarding 1956 Feronia. 7he Merriam Par1c Community Cuuncil Executive Committea has two goals: 1) to preserve as best we can a building with architecturai and historic interest, but if this cennot be achieved then: 2) remove the bullding as a problem property (I.e., one that creates probiems for the neighbors). 7he Mertiem Park Community Council regrets thet the current owner has not be�n able to renovate this building in a timely way. The building sends a negative message to the neighborhood and In fact, fnvites vandalism. Furthermore, potential home buyare have cailed the CouncEl's offlce fo ask ff anything Is being done about the building, so we know iis neglect has an impact on how people view living i� the neighbofiood. Consequently while MPCC favors preservation of this historic building, the Executive Committee encourages St.. Paul Legislative Officer Marcia Moertnond at this 6me fo recommend the immediate sate of 1956 Feronia to a new developer who is able to renovate the building or in the altemative to racommend demolition. Please Contact r, Theresa Heiland, or myself to discuss this metter further If you wish. Tha�k r your assistance. N Ufb, esident Merrlam Park Community Council c: Jay Benanav �`C}�`�'iC;� ��ec"df'E ' :,.r.':`a e�.s � '�-"�'= �' .:�.�i.t� 7i—., , '' -� u�+.�� � �n� �,..,��.,.,rr,, �.,r.,-,�.,��.�.,-. ....�,,,.��.... ,,,�� „, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,._,,._ Concem for vacant properry Page 1 of 2 �t� - �3� .- , , . . , „- . - To: Fohrenkamm, Elsie Date: 4/4/2006 2:39 PM Subject: RE: Concern for vacant properYy CC: Broermann, Carol; Heiland, Theresa; Jay Benanav <jay.benanav@ci.stpaul.mn.us>; Moermond, Marcia Elsie, I have no idea why Jay didn't receive your email, but I have and I will follow up to see why Jay didn't. In any case, the 1956 Feronia property is going to mme before the council for public hearing on April 19, at 5:30 p.m. If you'd like additional details, please let me know. ]ane Prince,651(266-8641 »> "Fohrenkamm, Elsie" <FohrenkammE@kpgraphics.com> 4/4/2006 12:53 PM »> Interestingiy my rep{y did not reach my representative 3av Benana_v? � Is this a junk maii box I sent it to? Jane's original was Feb. 24th this year? Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients. Subject: RE: Concern for vacant property Sent: 4/4/2006 12:47 PM The following recipient(s) couid not be reached: Jay Benanav <jay.benanav@ci.stpaul.mn.us on 4/4/2006 12:47 PM The e-mail account does not exist at the oraanization this mess.age was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or wntact the recipient directty to fnd out the mrrect address. <bosv03excprdOl.amr.wwkpgraphics.com #5.1.1> -----Original Message----- From: Fohrenkamm, Elsie Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 12:47 PM To: 'Jane Prince' Cc: Jay Benanav <jay.benanav@ci.stpaul.mn.us; Theresa Heiland; Laura Madzo (E-mail) Subject: RE: Concern for vacant properry • Hello again, Just wondering what the progress is now that it is April and the final deadline has past. Of course, I have an interest since I live down the block from this buiiding and i feel everyone in the neighborhood has certainly been very patient and hoping for a savior for the buiiding. The present owners and the city (who approved them as developers) have caused a significant blight on our neighborhood and I'd like to be able to follow the next sYeps in file://C:�Documents and Settings\MarciaM�Local Settings\Temp\GW}00003.HTM 4/4/2006 Concern for vacant property Page 2 of 2 D U� y" �� this mess. Can't the lot be cieaned up now and the piles of never used mnstruction materials? . Thank-you for your time, Elsie Fohrenkamm 442 N. Dewey -----Original Message----- From: 3ane Prince [mailto:Jane.Prince@ci.stpaul.mn.us] Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 4:48 PM To: Jane Prince; Fohrenkamm, Elsie Cc: Jay Benanav <jay.benanav@ci.stpaul.mn.us; Theresa Heiland Subject: Re: Concern for vacant property Elsie, Jay had hoped to be able to save this important historic building, and these recent owners adually were able to put together the financing to get it done. However, aRer giving them amp{e opportunities, warnings and actually requiring that they post additional bonds to complete the project, lay has decided to let the process proceed to demolition when the completion deadline comes up in March. This however, will not result in immediate demolition. There is an extensive process that the city must follow to bring about compliance prior to demolition. The process is designed to make the owners realize that they are about to lose an extremely valuable asset. In any case, the final deadline for compliance is in March. At that time, the owners will automatically lose the $2,000 bond that they have posted. We'il keep working on it. Please let us know if you have further `� questions. Jane Prince, Legislative Aide, 651/266-8641 »> "Fohrenkamm, Elsie" <FohrenkammE@kpgraphics.com> 2/24/2006 3:10 PM »> Dear Jay and Jane, I'm am writing once again about my concern for the vacant property in my neighborhood. 1 live at 442 N. Dewey st. and this property is at 1956 Feronia. I was hopeful to see a small amount of work bei�g done on this building last year; however, things have really ground to a hait for the last 5 or 6 months and it is a bigger eyesore than ever. i recentiy calfed about trash and gra�ti which has since been taken care of but we need a long term plan. There is no commitment by these owners to finish the project and it is frustrating that the city of St. Paul would allow this type of foot dragging to go on. Ideally, I'd like to see the building preserved and renovated. The manager of vacant buildings in St. Paul said there was tremendous interest from potential buyers for this site - How did we end up with 5 years of no progress? Isn't there something we / you can do for this problem? Best Regards, Elsie Fohrenkamm 442 Dewey St. Paul, MN 55104 � file://C:�Documents and Settings\MazciaM�Local Settings\Temp\GW}00003.HTM 4/4/2006