221624221624 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.- Resolution Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon 0 In the matter of the assessment of benefits., costs and expenses for construction or re- storation of sidewalks and work -incidental thereto: Contract 63-M-276., Levy No. 4., District No. 1. 7f- Z71, 2 'Charlev kyenudl both. sided- fr :, Lekingtot- earl ay to, Chatsworth A`4` �,­Uorth a VirgWra St_: to the, 48t, aPProx- '132i �ida from P., e,butiin , ',property, Im 0, i146.'lirgi g own . F.O: #2 55 9 1 1Kar6ha I I Ave, j,b6th-aides from; Fairview Ave. to Wheeler St. F.O. #213236 Blair` Ave:;, both,si� on Wheeler St. toAldine St x'06; '#212856 , _Q§a;io" Ave... b6th-sides frdlqSnelling Ave$ -'to Asbury St. F;O. #213096 , Marshall Avenu6' Ot):t SiAl.-S'J.- from Wilder'st.' to Mob_r"e 'St.. b F'-'O'- #213342 Rbblyn Avenue, 'both"; s le from -C tin re. AVq...t9,ClevelbAd1tAve4 F -0.' #213505 Marshall' tW,Tiide,,.-fjrom Otis Aye.j,:�o,,Cretiii Ave. AVe,*j gqu�_ F',.O. #213237 !Blair'Av�e,.,. both si,46 from -Elfelt St. to Como Ave- '- on the north side. L F-0- #213428 "1 Qrotto� Si. both si46s from! Charles Ave. to Edmund Ave. F ' '- 2?3 2 3 4- ;4- Ma r i Q& - ; S, t 1_ t Ivo t I r6r(w 61, f j �,bw_ T I A 9 arevr.t6% d a b : 1 Vi F.O. i2i3427 - Thohas Ave., both sides from Elfelt St. to Galtier St: bury! St-- =-both1,,-,aTdee-,_,f I - . I. F.0 -421- 2855- - Blaijr'Ave.., both - side6 from .Oxford Sti, to* Lexington-Parkway F.'0- 013 Ave%`pl! 1&'th,, _drW4-P8iff '17 'd'in c ect �Yli wi with 099�.­rCa;rr6l3_ P -Onn F.01 #213238 Galtier Sti both sides, from ity, Ave. to''gherburzle� Ave., 111. 0 AVer" Wwdhii s Ave, nor ppr&Z, 180, "ft. abuttin- g1ot, 13 P B lk., 6i­ R cblya Park Add#ion* acrid found'_ajo gAld as;o srnent satistacto0yt 'ill exolor vr NON-ASSE A13IZ .4% a ai&iL.qpsqrnent be­and -tile" _fiama is hereby is all -reppects Ajqv ved. Cb4 100.! venue�-j:-b6th oide�b',,f:tom,'.J�exibgtdn.,Fa2�kway*, to Chatsworth "St., 1:0.1 #2129,Q4 _­-G- -9tvit-&- I r * ­4 '132'_ -t, l, n03�tlblkia6 'i bt, &PiIiWi'` . . 9, bU- t abutting property kpown:ag 1146 Virginia St.- 2 Z��2MarsbAil Ave.,,-..both,_ Chamber 12559 of i r 'P.O. #213236 $hair Ave'.,; both sides., fr6m Wheeler -St". to Aldine St.;'-' ­r of F VA'h'..Tr id s , f ellin-gIlAvet- d, It r will A 013055 Marshall - Avenue, both Pi ha.. from Wilder'St. to Moore St., T, t j &M eve.` . #213428 -drotto St.., b6th,sjdeq-. ,,,froi, - h lep�_.4ve., C,� -Edmun LO 0 60, bbt1i*'g!d6E1Pf rbid�homas. Ave io I-af ond Ave, Po0,.,,,#2l285- - B1 irAvej, '- ot4 'sides from Oxford St, to L exinoo4 Parkway F. Carroll Ave., .}forth side from Pierce "St. to F17 St. F.0- .#213238 Galtier St., both -aides froz University -Ave, to Sherbuim 6 Ave. #213659 CU t4C east,' side, from Marshall, Ave. north to -the,­a1,1ey,,:9 v=i 6jjRoblyn PaIrk-°., ft. abutting Lot Yeas SAX V ad is ff Coss JAN 2 6 1965 Meredith App. v Peterson Rusem- Mavoulis Tn Favor IjMr3 0 Against V PUBLISHED Form R-2 2M 10-63 8c®o