221621Council File No. 221621 —By Frank L. Loss, by request — Resolved, That upon the petition of Battle Creek Development Company, that section of public street hereinafter described be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as public street, viz. Rounds Avenue between the ,west line of McKnight Road and the east line of Winthrop Street in Block 16, Battle Creek Heights Plat 2 and Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 20, Battle Creek Heights Plat 3; subject expressly to the following con- ditions and reservations: 1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Section I 228 of the Legislative Code regulat- ing the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of pub- lic grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paul; 2. That the petitioners pay to the su City the m of $5,000.00 as com- pensation for the vacation and pro- vide the City with a bond in the amount of $1,000.00; and be it Resolved Further, That this Resolu- Ion shall be deemed to supersede the )rior Resolution of the Council of the 21017, f approved Paul, Council File No. )ertainingptov he December ame subj ct,1964, racation of the hereinabove described ection of public alley. Adopted by the Council January 26. 965. Approved January 26, 1965. (January 30, 1965)