06-429Council I�tile # (76 — /y� o�, � Green Sheet# 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Wf�REAS, Council File No. 92-1401 established Residential Permit Parldng in the azea adjacent to or near the Lincoln/Victoria intersection, and the residents have now submitted a peririon to expand residenrial permit parldng in accordance with Chapter 168 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code; and WIIEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the aforemenrioned residenrial area does not have sufficient off-street pazldng to safely accommodate the needs of both residents and non-residents. The Council fisther finds the frequent parldng of vehicles in this residenfial azea by non-residents has created problems of a safety, environmental and aestheric nahse within this residenfial azea; and THEREFORE, to enhance the quality of life in residenrial areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter; to reduce air pollurion and other environmental factors, and to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians; to preserve the character of this dishict as a residential district and to protect the residents of these areas from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their residences; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following parldng regulations shall be in effect in the residential area neaz the Lincoln/Victoria intersecfion: 1. Except by Permit or unless otherwise posted, "No Parking ll a.m. — 2 am., Area 9" on the following streest: Both sides of Goodrich Avenue from Victoria Street to Milton Street. 2. Four vehicle permits and two guest permits will be made available to each household. No permits will be available to owners or employees of commercial or office buildings. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these parking regulations will be in effect and enforced 30 days after City Council approval. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ,/ Bostrom ,/ Harris ,/ Helgen ,i Lantry ,/ Montgomery �/ Thune ,/ � � Adopted by Council: Date � U� Adoprion Certified by Council Secret BY: i � Approved b�yor: Date �S — g—G�i> By: Requested by Deparknent of: � � Forxn Ap� ved y May for u �ss' a ro Council By: ���i � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pW - Publicworks Contad Person 8 Phone: LirWa Murphy 26G-6205 Must Be on Council Agen IXi-MAY-06 `� i.. Contract Type: RE-F�SOLUTION 11 APR-06 �I 0 pssign 1 Number 2 For 3 Routing Order 4 5 � �uBL,c ffEA�k� iC'�qv�k�D Green Sheet NO: 3030391(,��-�d,� Deoartrnent SentToPerson InitiaUDate blicWorks PaW tMartin 5 -1�-�6 . kublicWorks Deoar� tDirecbor ���K ��( Attorne Lisa Veifh I or' Offire Ma od ssisfant I nnul Dave me Clerk Ci erk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Establish'No Pazking, 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. on both sides of Goodrich Aveue between Victoria and MIlton S[reets. Recommendations: Apprrne (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee - CiHI Service Commission — s}a�f 5. Has this persoNfirm e�.er worked urnler a contract for this depa�tmeM? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e� been a city emp�oyee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill rrot nortnally possessed by any cufrent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet �', '' � M0ialing Problem, lssues, OppoAunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Pazking by employees and customers of Grand Ave. businesses on [his'block has created pazking, litter, noise and excessive haffic r`` issues for residents of this block. 68% (15 out of 22) owners in this block signed the petition to expand residential pemut pazking t s,�; their block. AdvanpgeslfApproved: Residents along Hus block and their visitors will be able to pazk in fron[ of or neaz their residence. Should also increase the residential quality of this block by reducing the amount of tra�c, li[ter, noise and pollution. �,� ���� �� n Disadvantages IfApproved: p , Employees and customers of Crrand Ave. businesses will have to find somewhere else to pazk. �� � 1����@ — r- DisadvanWgeslfNotApproved: Residents along [his block will continue to have pazking problems. ToplAmountof $O Trensaction: Fundin9 Source: {�Jq Financial Infortnation: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: /iCtIVf1Y {'Y111TbEf: . ; �,a . � APR 1 8 2�06 MAYOR'S OFFICE April 19, 2006 12:42 PM Page 1 � o�-�a�q Permit Parking Area 9 � No Parking 11am-2am ee t b Pertni ��� No parking Spm-2am bc pt by Permit — No Parking Anykime Vehicle / 2 Visitor Permit: nly 1 Vehiele / 1 Visitor PE Grand Ave Apartments � Permits will be Availabl� of Commereial or O�i F x � O 3 w F 6 n Uptlatetl 3N7/2006 Jphk � N Owners or Employees SUMMIT AVE y o e m ao "- °,� m m m mH 5] n m m .... N n O 1�0 1�0 N H� O m�m m m m m'm a m�m m a a m m m ° m n n N e�i °� o m m m m m w N m � p O � m W 0 0 0 0 m nn N O f F m rroa n � n n nnn n n n�n u a m m a m w m� m e� n n nm m � n w n FAIRMOUNT AVE � d� Gregory Cruz 872 Goodrich Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55105 Telephone 651-690-2828 Facsimile 651-690-2323 �regc _ru2(cr�,msn.com February 1, 2006 Linda Murphy Public Works Traffic Engineering 800_ City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street Saint Paul, NIlV 55102 Dear Linda, �a�o This is a formal request to the department�f Public War to extend the area 9 permit parking area. Attached are petitions from"�of 22 ( /o) property owners with properties facing Goodrich Ave. between Victoria St. and Milton Street. Also enclosed is a map of the block illustrating participafion by each property owner and vazious supporting materials. The petition and procedure is in accordance with Chapter 168, St. Paul Residenfial Permit Parking - Guidelines and Regulations (City of Saint Paul Legislative Code Ordinance #17042, adopted Aug. 2, 1983). A little background as to why we are presenting the petitions at this time - On September 15, 2005 there was a public meeting at the Linwood Recreation Center to share information from the Informal Parking Task Force and gather public input as to the parking problem "Along and Around Grand Ave.". Several residents of Goodrich Ave. living in the block between Milton and Victoria attended and provided specific input as to the parking situation on that block of Goodrich Ave. Those concerns / issues included the following: 1). Lack ofparking near the residence (for both property owners and renters). It is frequently difficult for many residents to find a convenient pazking spot near their home. This problem is most pronounced at the intersection of Goodrich and Victoria proceeding west toward Milton. This azea is naturally closer for Crrand Ave. workers and other non- residents wallcing to Grand Ave. This transient pazking ties up parking spots for 6-8 hours or more at a time. �'o�-�a� 2). Concerns of safety and noise. There is increased "trolling" for pazking spots, aggressive driving and vehicle contact while attempting to park (as witnessed by myself on numerous occasions), more autos looking for pazking creating more auto tra�ic noise (including stationary vehicles idling and rewing their engines for ea-tended periods of time) and pollution, loitering in the street azea by area workers (talking to each other and on their cell phones) and patrons at all hours including loud voices and loud car stereos. You can tell the tune of day by noticing restaurant employees. Employees show up in the morning, in the afternoon, and get off in the late evening (you can tell by the color of the shirt they happen to be wearing or cairyiug. It's not that di€ficult to pinpoiat a major cat�se of the park�g situation). Most of the time cars aze parked right next to the fire hydrant in the middle of the north side of the block without being ticketed. That surely is a safety issue for our block. Even the two people who did not sign the petition enlightened me to that fact. 3). Litter left in the gutter, street, sidewalks, and boulevard including beer bottles, soft drink and food wrappers. It is doubtful that residents or their visitors would allow this to happen. 4). An overall deterioration in the residential character of Goodrich Ave. west of Victoria. All you haue to do is to stand at Victoria and look east on Goodrich (wYuch already has area 9 permit parking) and compare that with Goodrich to the west. This block has become less of a residential sh�eet for property owners and renters and more of a parking lot for the employees and patrons of Grand Ave. It's clear to most everyone that Grand Ave has long had a parking problem. It is also clear that much of the problem is that the workers from Grand Ave. businesses always gravitate to the closest and most convenient parking in the Summit Hill neighbarhood (though, according to the Grand Ave. Business Associafion othex arrangements l�ave been made for thexn, such as churs� parking lots). The emplogers' response is-that-the employees can not be made to park anywhere in particular and that the employees haue a right to park on any street they wish. We a11 support the ('rrand Ave. businesses. For the owners to say "It's always been this way" is only part of the story. Grand Ave. not only serves area residents (whom mainiy walk to the establishments) but also people from the suburbs, outlying areas and visitors. c����-�a� Crrand Ave. has become a destinafion location (why else would stores such as Pottery Barn, J. Crew, Smith and Hawken, Restoration Hazdwaze, and restaurants locate there?) The area's popularity exacts a price in residential parking and the character of out neighborhood — the residents pay the price (as outlined eazlier); the business owners profit and shrug their shoulders. VJhy should they take substantive steps to aileviate our (residents) concerns? They do not perceive the problem as being theirs. It has become our burden. The bottom line is that the non-residents who utilize our street as their parking lot do not respect the fact that this is first and foremost a residential area (that's how our properties aze classified per the county). The only remedy we see is to ea�tend azea 9 permit parking (it was created as a remedy for the property owners for these specific reasons). There are many reasons why there is pressure on our block. The pressure falls upon Goodrich west of Victoria now that Lincoln Ave. east and west of Victoria is permit pazking as well as Goodrich Ave. east of Victoria. While long established restaurants such as Cafe Latte draw regular crowds (and their employees with them) newer establishments such as Axel's Bonfire bring even greater numbers (patrons and employees both) combined with crowds at later hours. The pressure will only get worse once Restoration Hardware relocates to the former locafion of Sydney's restaurant to malce way for a Lunds grocery. Our block also has the distinction of hauing 36.4% multi-unit residences (dupiexes, 4 plexes, a group home with 6 people plus shifts of social workers). This includes the 4-plex at 115 Victoria St. which is eligible for area 9 permit parking already but the tenants pazk on our end of Goodrich. The property has no off-street parking. I'm sure the city can research to see how many people from that building actually have purchased pazking permits. This does not take into account their guests, visitors, or any of the guests or visitors from any of the other mu16-unit properties on the block, on Victoria adjacent to 115 Victoria or other multi-unit properties on V ictoria St. South. Combine these with Grand Ave. employees and patrons — iY s no wonder there's a problem. It's no wonder that Goodrich east of Vactoria went permit parking long ago (essenrially the same area). � d� - �Fo2 � Important numbers: 22 properties face or aze adjacent of Goodrich between Victoria and Milton 63.6% of property owners have submitted signed petitions requesting permit parking 36.4% of all properties are multi-unit / multi-occupant (includes the group home at 917 and 4-plex at 115 Victoria) (not including other multi-unit properties on Victoria) 50% of the multi-unit properties are non-owner occupied (owner does not live at the property) — 0% of those have signed (or even responded `yes' or `no' to the petition) The above numbers are made more real when you take a look at the map of Goodrich Ave. which shows who submitted the petitions and where they are. Green lughlighted properties have submitted petitions; pink highlighted properties are non-owner occupied multi-unit which haue not or will not respond to mailings, telephone calls, visits, etc. I have only received two `2�0" answers regarding the petition (908 and 909 Goodrich — their reasons being that they think pernut parking represents some sort of eli6sm). I don't see how wanting a clean, safe, quiet and convenient parking sihxa$on makes the majority of our block "elitists". We did not expect every owner to see things the sazne anyway. 911 and 912 are the only owner-occupiers who have not responded in any way to my letters, visits or ca11s. The above information basically paints a picture that the owner-occupied properties (63.6% of everyone) from Vactoria heading west to Milton think there's a problem and want to do something about it. The non-owner occupied properiy owners (18.2% of everyone; 50% of all multi-unit) are not interested (why should they be — they don't live here and are not affected personally. But pernut parking would help their tenants not to haue to walk the block for parking- especially for a building that has no off street parking such as 115 Victoria), and the only resident owners who otherwise aze not interested in the pefition live at the far west end of Goodrich (represented by i&.2% of everyone) where parking is not as often as critical as the east end - plus there is parking available on Milton. I still see plenty of garbage at that end of the block, though. Yesterday I noticed a beer bottle, wire hanger and someone's shower head distributed on the boulevard between 911 and 909 and an empty kitty litter container in the gutter at 918 and beverage cups and food wrappers in the street in front of 897. The only conclusion I can draw is that we (the petitionezs) regularly pick up the garbage in front of our homes. I walk up and down Goodrich daily and I don't remember seeing any garbage like that on Goodrich east of Victoria (area 9 permit parking). � o�-�a.� Again —(ratio as compazed to all properties) 63.6% of owners want permit pazking 18.2 % of non-owner occupied multi-unit/tenant - no response 91 % of owners said "No" 9.1 % of owners (1 owner occupied duplex and 1 single family) no response 100.0 % of Goodrich Ave. and 115 Victoria Parking problems are most pronounced during spring through the end of December. Evenings and weekends constihxte the greatest pressure times. Right now - during the daytime and some Mon-Wed evenings - parking availability is not bad. After all, iY s January — it's only natural to expect less pressure during the coldest time of yeaz. We still have noise (evenings) and garbage, though. It will only increase with the coming of spring. We are requesting that you consider and 'vnplement the extension of azea 9 permit parking for implementation as soon as possible. Ali properiy owners (those who have signed the petition and those who have not) have been supplied with the City of Saint Paul "Policy & Procedure For Residential Permit Parking Areas (9/1/OS-8/1/06) inforxnation sheet and a map of the Area 9 permit parking azea. Please let me Irnow when I can help verify the petitions and/or otherwise help expedite the progress. We are looking forward to your assistance to help us make the future of our street safe, clean, quiet, and more convenient for those who live here. Sinc y, � Gregory Cruz n ! :�:;.:�,�c-�s �, �, � � � � r�'�ww�ww� � c����-�a q Goodrich Ave: Grand Avenue's Parking Lot "Hey, sorry I woke you from your nap! Do you want to hang out here in the street and kill time before going to work?" LePs meet back here at midnight, after our shifts to hang out some more! Why is that guy taking our photo? "So much for my nap and hangin' with my buddy. I think I'I! change my clothes here in the street (as usual) and go to work on Grand Ave." OK. The bottom two photos featuring Grand Ave, workers may come off as snide and, perhaps a little "over the top." But it is the everyday reality of the situation and helps fiighiight a main reason for the lack of parking {plus safety, trash, noise, etc.) 1 have empathy for anyone trying to park on Goodrich - but residents need to come first. it's � neighborhood, not everyone else's parking lot. Morning of Thanksgiving Nov. 24, 2005 Morning of the next day, Nov. 25, 2005 Primarily residents Workers, Grand Ave. customers, and residents � o� -�a�q 2:00 P.M. Feb 2nd just before i head to the Public Works Traffic office to drop off the petitions. The left photo shows Goodrich Ave. facing wesf at Victoria. The right photo showsGoodrich Ave. facing east at Victoria (that side of Goodrich is area 9 permit parking). Quite a difference at the one intersectian. Morning of January 30th - De-icer jug at Victoria and Goodrich (which was picked up by the next day by someone - most likely a resident). A kitty litter jug at the east end of Goodrich (which was stillf in front of the rental property as of Feb 1 st. i have a very har time believing any resident much less resident owner wouid leave things like this in the gutter or street in front of their homes. ____�� � As of 2:00 P.M. on 2/2/06 my garbage survey included a beer bottle, candy bar wrap; with beverage cup toward the west end and middie of the block and an empty milk c at the east end in the crosswalk. There were other empty soda pop cans and minor in the street also.