221579i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK >� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO -' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER MILTON ROSEN COMM DATE January 21, 19 0� __t 0 1 0 WHEREAS, Additions which• might prove 'to, be necessary in the ImprovenBnt described as the Grading and Paving of HAZEL STREET from Stillwater Avenue to Mechanic Avenue, Comptrollert,s Contract L -6684, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the specifications, and WHEREAS, it has been ,found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS 115.0 lin. ft. of cyclone fence removed and salvaged :, . ,. Labor 5.7 sq. ft. of 20 bituminous walk $0.25 V.0 lin. ft. of permanent type barricade in lieu of crash rail . . AR. $15.00 Removal of existing asphalt surfacing to meet the new grade . . . . . Lump Sum Revision of driveway at Station 18 plus 50 necessitating regrading work. .Lump Sum Revision of Sewer at the N.E. _C.orner_ of Case Ave. and Hazel St. .Lump Sum Total 876.30• and, 29.73 133.43• 600.00.. 25.54• 53.86 - WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has agred.d v�ith the above named Contractor that the sum of $ 876.30 is the correct amount to Abe added to the above contract, therefore be it s t RESOLVED, that tli�%1,Eiyty of St. Paul through its City, Council approves the f ore goring Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the, sum of $ 876.,30, said amount to be added to the consideration named in.the contract, known as Comptrollerts Contract L -6684, and which amount is to be financed from Minnesota State Aid Funds. JAN4211965 Adopted by the Council 19— COUNCILMEN . , Yeas Nays4 i ` JAN 21;1965 Holland, / Approved q 19 Loss Tn Favor ' Meredith Peterson ..6868 . t .......y. ...................... ^.....�..;� ei2I1Ir ��Pcesidenc;;EYavo�iss� Mr. Vice President (Rosen) 10M 6-64 Against ACt1 n# Mayor wwwo �Q�' JAM 2M "�d"" DURLICAT[ TO MINT= CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL N 2 5 O2-1 - PR COMESMIENTED SSIONSY MTLTAN RORRN DATE anuary 21, 1Q65 WHEREAS, Additions which might t prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the Grading end Paving of HAZEL STREET from Stillwater Avenue to Mechanic Avenue, Comptroller's Contract L -6684, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the specifioations, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS 115.0 lin. ft. of cyclone fence removed and salvaged . . . Labor $ 29.73 5 3.7 sq. ft. of 20 bituminous walk x.25 133.43 V0.0 lin. ft. of permanent type barricade In lieu of crash rail . . . #. $15.00 600.00 Removal of existing asphalt suAkeing to most the new grade . . . . . Lump Sum 25.54 Revision of driveway at Station 18 plus 50 necessitating regrading Rork. .Lump Sum 53.86 Revision of Sewer at the N.E. Corner of Case Ave. and Hazel St. . .Lump Sum Total „A 8' and, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has agredd with the above named Contractor that the sum of $ 876.30 is the correct amount to be added to the above oontraot, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $ 876.30, said amount to be added to the consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller0 s Contract L -6684, and which amount is to be financed from Minnesota State Aid Funds. aA� 21 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays D&19ffS1T-- Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Mr. Vice President (Rosen) IOU $-a Tn Favor V Against Adopted by the Council 19_ JAN 211965 Approved 19— Mayor