221565COUNCIL FILE NO.- CITY OF ST. PAUL By- Resdlation Ratifying Assessment File No. 15804 In the matter of the assessment of be4efit0s costo 1md des .for 3mwrovil2g CLEVELM F AVEM from Wis ss3pPi giver ,Boulevard to St. Pain. AVnue 10y : Vaving, sack curb -� ing the rt*abOd and istrtptt a1UY OAd &1Vtw6Y roturtx; by oonstructins storm water drainage facilitleol by reconstruct Sick ,U �hexe uecess&M by constructing , se r? Mater and gas service conaectiona whore :aecessary and by .dolg all other work vbich is necessary and AucIdental to complete said ro"Ment. under Preliminary Order wmi , approved November 9, 1961 Intermediary Order 209356 , approved Oatob-er 2, 1962 Final Order 209731 , approved October 30t 1969 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in /-0 equal installments. COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays Dalglish .Holland' 1:oss Meredith Peterson ' Rosen Yavoulls N ±. f 1 Form R -2 2M 10 -88 8 r _ 'I Favor V Against JAN 2 p 1965 Adopted by the Council I JAN���� PUBLISHED JAN 2 ��6� - ° -- a -. • _y •_ . l t ` Y_ .♦ z. ' _ , r� . ` - . _ .. _. Feb, 2 1965 ! - Hon. James J.. Dalglish Cc m.sr. of Finanft, _ Building Dear Sirs _ 3r The Council,, by motion of Oamra pi- &fish, odav rroonmidered _ Council_ File 27156',5- apprrnied Jw. . 20 65. " In' or that the a0sops.• - stint roll can-be corrected insofar as_ rel- to. certain p6rc6la. and s ©t a h6aring - on said matter for 1965 in 'order that' - appropriate notioea,be given t er those certain parcals. We assume that you have a_ of the ion - d the attached - _ Exhibit A= however* ..it you o not, plea contact us and me will s . provide Tar with a dopy oft h, V ery truly, yoara, - a A4 /sag CITY OF ST. PAUL A er" OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FIU g �`-- Report of Completion of Assessment - File No.- In the matter of the assessment ofd !"?` "` Ing the + std, Syr 04A 4AWW x6tums , c0WArU0tW8 00m: aster natas*av arA AwAdoul. to eamlota said ov t - under Preliminary'Order , approved Mvember 0, 1361 , Intermediary Order , approved OtWber' 2, 196 , Final Order 731. , approved oatober AS To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs .......................... . Engineering....... ............................... Inspection......... .............................. Postalcards .............................. ..... Publications ...... ............................... Collection costs ... ............................... Court costs for confirmation ...................... TOTAL EXPENDITURES .............. Charge to ...... County, Aid ,(162), , , , , , , , , , , , , .....'...........County, Aid .{�1�?3� .............. NetAssessment ................................... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 70,734.12 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, i identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated December 22, 1964 issioner Financ Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8 'F S MOTIQN ,I I movethat the order of this Council, under C. F. 221565, approved January 20, 1965, ratifying they assessment for improv- ing Cleveland Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to St. Paul Avenue,;be reconsidered and that the assessment roll therefor be corrected insofar as it relates to the parcels legally described in Exhibit A, as shown in the abstract attached hereto and made a part hereof, by reducing the original assessment against said parcels'in the total sum of $430.98 as shown in said abstract,/ this reduction being necessary to conform with the current policy which provides that sidewalks and driveways constructed under permit or by contract shall not be charged if reconstructed within a fifteen'-Year period. Ifurther move that the assessment roll for said project be amended to conform with said Exhibit A attached hereto and made a 'part hereof. i I further move that the Councilts action upon such recon- sideration shall be deferred to February 18, 1965, and that ap- propriate notices be given to the owners of the parcels described ` in said Exhibit A that a public hearing her fixed will be held in the Council Chamber at 1Os00 a.m., on the 18th day of February, 1965. r / i a- r\\ qO 710 i s f cl ° i � orn ' A A �x x j IN N i i 1 i �0 0 i 1 1 I O 0 0 0 N W O A x 0 n c+ 0 A a • w O ON O` P. ~'P.(4 cv °vi C* c+• cr #-AW� kA yo v VJ pR' cam+ NO- fiI �ry`j'O c0+ 0 n+- VlCf r su O �Ap 0 O 0 0 N r to I-t :3' Pr C+ �� ►0t O F' 00 m ~, vwi O 0AO, O � p�� a' 0 F+ p r b F-� H g onab ti r c +-r O r W f— F.• 0 :3 Oc+ O\cc0 c+ 0, t4 L» a L.. \O N w N 00 iQ 0o w w r AC4 C f1 ufl► �G �m-t �° ►i P. 0 0 a a W R, c+ c+ l 0 o g co coo co r w x ' a 0 o°0 w O ON O` O� r 1 r ON w w \4O zo m lJ'l N� co W \0 W O O #-AW� kA v VJ \0 r su V1 O� Vl -cr r ON tQ � � chi• ci* S O wo O � H g N N FO-+ 9 W f— F.• r P6 :3 Oc+ O\cc0 O\ O� 1N' \O N w N 00 iQ 0o w w r AC4 C ufl► �G �m-t �° 0 0 0 -4 � W R, c+ c+ � o 00 co w coo co r w vt ' (� 00 V (61 \0 p V L kn N 00 �o W co co W O N N pO � :t7 co w I w (0 w a O\ O\ O% O\ W A cC+ V't i O O O O O� r 1 r ON w w \4O zo m lJ'l N� co W \0 W O O c+ r o r 9 • 00 ol, 00 �I 0DIzO CC). J, O NI W, O� w W N N �O 00 W N F-� V01 O #-AW� kA v VJ \0 r su O c+ r o r 9 • 00 ol, 00 �I 0DIzO CC). J, O NI W, O� w W N N �O 00 W N F-� V01 #-AW� v VJ tQ � � chi• ci* S O O � H g FO-+ 9 W F.• r P6 :3 Oc+ O\cc0 N N In N — c+ w r AC4 C ufl► �G �m-t �° eceo•�� v¢i � • W R, c+ c+ � r vt (� 00 .4 O\ A (61 P. a $ C+ �o VJ W lV t0 N pO � :t7 fA �Q V1 G (0 w W A cC+