221561221561 ORI OINAL TO CITY CLERK i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIDE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERALI FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS DATE I I } RESOLVED, That the Council of the Cit of Saint Paul hereby concurs in and approves the action of the Hospital Facility Building Commission, approving the following specifications relative to equipment for the new City - County Hospital: 1. Bid 501 - X -Ray Accessories 2. Bid 502 - Mobile X -Ray Units 3. Bid 601 - Dietetics Dept. Equipment being further described in the letter of October 23, 1964, to Robert B. Gerber, City Clerk, from Francis M. Tompkins, Executive Secretary of the Hospital Facility Building Commission. f i I � i I a i FOR PPROV D A s . Corporation Counsel i JHIV i y COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish I JAN 191965 Holland A proved 19— Loss Favor Meredith J Mayor Peterson Rosen A $ain3t PUBLISHED Mr. President, Vavous .�Ai� 2 li ions 6.62 221 ®spital ' lac ' Buildinq C ®MmissiDn . o f the MEMBERS • . Francis M. Tompkins Edward K. Delaney City of St. Paul and County of Hamsey Executive Secretary Chairman F Public Health Center Frank D. Marzitelli Vice Chairman 555 Cedar Street Robert F. Peterson Saint Paul 1, Minnesota Secretary CApital 4 -7661 John E. Daubney Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan ` Rev. Theodore Goehle OctobeA 23, 1964 Jerome Loberg ; Frank L. Loss Clifton Parks Anthony Podgorski Donald M. Steimer Mn. Robent B. Genben, City C.eeAk 1 The City o4 Saint Paut City HaU and Coun thou6 e Saint Paut, M,i.nne6ota 55102 Dean Wt. GenbeA: The Ho.6p.i taZ Facit -ity Buitd.ing Conni.6.6 ion, at .c tb tegutaot bu6.ine .6 meeting he.Cd on October 14, 1964, approved the Sottow,.ing;zpeci4icati,on6: 1. Bid 501 - X -Ray Acce66onie6 2. Bid 502 - Mobite X -Ray Unit6 3. Bid 601 - Dietetic6 Dept. Equipment l' I J I The Commis"on ne6pecat4uP,Cy neque6t6 that the City Counc it o4 the City o6 Saint PauZ approve the above action undeA the pn6vi6.ion6 o4 Law6 19579 Chapter 938. You,u very ttuCy, ' ,, FnanciA If. To Pfu.n6 Executive Seae tarry Ip LA A Y ` 9