06-418, r��°✓,��� ��/d� RESOLUT{ON CITY OF Green Sheet # _ 3o3o,�a3 PAUL, MINNESOTA �L'J Committee Date City Council Resolution [Regions Hospital Pazldng Ramp Project] �/:1�1.7.I_F.`A 2 1. The Port Authority of the City Saint Paul (the "Port Authorit}�') has given its approval to the 3 issuance of its tax-exempt or taxable revenue bo (the `Bonds"), in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000 to 4 fmance the acquisition and construction by the Port thority or its affiliate Capital City Properties of hvo pazldng 5 ramps (the "ProjecY') located on real estate located in City of Saint Paul and part of, or adjacent to, the Reglons 6 Hospital campus, and leased to Regions Hospital ("Reg Hospital"); and 7 2. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.084, Sub 11, provides that any issue of revenue Bonds 8 authorized by the Port Authority shall be issued only with the co ent of the City Council ofthe City of Saint Paul, 9 by resolution adopted in accordance with law; and 10 3. Approval of the issuance of the proposed Bonds by th City Council is also required by Section 11 147(fl ofthe Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; and 12 4. To meet the requirements of both state and federallaw, the rt Auffiority has requested ttiat the 13 City Council gives its requisite approval to the issuance of the proposed Bon y the Port Authority, subject to 14 final approval of the issuance and details of said Bonds by the Port Authority. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED by the Council of the City of S t Paul d�at, in accoidance with the requirements of SecUOn 147( fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amen and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.084, Subd. 11, the City Council hereby approves the is ce of the aforesaid Bonds by the Port Authority for the purposes described in the Port Authority resolution adopt April 25, 2006, the exact details of which, uicluding but not limited to, provisions relating to principal amount, turities, interest rates, discount, redemption, and the issuance of additional Bonds aze to be determined by th ort Authoriry, Regions Hospital and the purchaser of the Bonds, and the City Council hereby authorizes the i ance of any additional Bonds (including iefunding Bonds) by the Port Authority foundby the Port Authority to be cessazy for cairying out the purposes for which the aforedescribed Bonds aze issued. 24 Adopted: May 3, 2006 C�aG -�r� Council File # 36308.v 1 Adopted: Benanav B osfrom Harcis Yeas Absent Requeste by Dep ent of. -----;�---- � -- ---- — - � Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date � Form Ap r ved by City Attomey By:C/ c"—'� � � �/— 6.6 Approved y M, or or Si sdssion uncil r By: 36308.vt � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � C�O� , PA - PortAutliority � Confact Person & Phone: , Peter M Klein � Must Be on Council Agenda by (Dafe): 03MAY-06 ContractType: AR-RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSACTION CosURevenue Budgeted: Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Location f or S ignaW re) Action Requested: Approval of the issuance of not more than $50,000,000 of conduit tax emempt lease revenue bonds for the Port Authority's construction of two parking facilitites to service Regions Hospital. idations: Appm�e (A) or Re�ect Planning Commission CIB Cammittee CiHI Sen�ce Commission Green Sheet NO: 3030503 rersonai 5ervice contracts rvws[answertne rouowmg Giuesnons: 1 Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this departmerR? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curreM city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Whq What, When, Where, Why): HealthPar[ners is going to expand and refurbish Regions Hospital and has requested that the Port Authority conshuct two pazking facilities that will service the hospital. AdvantaAeslfApproved: The issuance of ffie bonds will allow Regions Aospital to improve the medical services piovided to Saint Paul residents, cceate 400 new jobs, and retain 4,000 jobs in Saint Paul. Disadvantages MApproved: None. Disadvantages fl Not Approved: The expansion of Regions Hospital might not occur. rota�Amountof $50,OOQ000 Transaction: Fundiny source: Port Authority conduit Financiallnfortnation: taX (Explain) Apnl 24, 2006 1:34 PM ' � ueoarvnenc senc � o rerson mmaware � - �0 Rort Aathoritv I ; _ ____ _.- — � i Number ,, 2 �FSnancialServices �Ofl"iceFtinancialServi � For ! Routin 3 CiN Attomev I i Order 9 �! 4 Mayor's Office Mavor/Assis�nt � ! � 5 :Council � CiN Counc� I I 6 itv Clerk Ciro Clerk I Activity Number: Page 1 � 1900 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510Z-1667 pOR? �.�' 9 Q' a a = r � o Zb s t- April 18, 2006 Mr. Tony Schertfer, Acting Director Planning & Economic Development Department 1300 City Haii Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: REGIONS HOSPITAL Dear Mr.�i er: � Tel: 651-224-5686 Fax: 651-223-5195 Toll Free: 800-328-8477 wwwsppa.wm Ct� D� - �/� We submit for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council, and City Attorney's ofFice, details pertaining to the issuance of conduit lease revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000 to finance the Port Authority's construction of two parking facilities. The City of Saint Paul's entitlement aflocation wili not be afFected by this appiication. In addition to the staff memorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City Council Resolution and a copy of the Resolution conducting the required public hearing and authorizing the safe of the lease revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000 that will be considered by the Port Authority's Board on April 25, 2006. City Council action will be required after the Port Authority's Board meeting of April 25, 2006. Your expeditious handling of this matter wiii be appreciated. Sincerely, /�� ' Kenneth R. Johnson President KRJ:ah Attachment cc: Mayor Coleman Pete Kiein 36212.v1 SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY MEMO.RANDUM --- - -- - -- -Tp: -_ __ _BEaard o��e��issioners _ _ __-- -- _ (Meeting of April 25, 2006) FROM: PeterM.Klein�/ Laurie J. Hansen Lorrie J. Louder Kenneth R. John C� D� - �i� - DATE: - pn T9, 2006 SUSJECT: REGIONS HOSPITAL / HEALTHPARTNERS PUBLIC HEARING PRELIMINARY AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CONDUIT LEASE REVENUE BONDS AND THE EXECUTION OF RELATED DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING GROUND LEASES AND LEASE AND PURCHASE OPTION AGREEMENTS, AND THE SALE OF PROPER7tES TO REGIONS RESOLUTION NO. 4168 Action Requested: Preliminary approvai for the Port Authority to: • Issue conduit, taxable and/or tax-exempt lease revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000 to finance the construction of two parking facilities and the related costs of issuance. • Either disburse Bond proceeds directly, or enter into a loan agreement with Capital City Properties ("CCP"} by which CCP would borrow and disburse Bond proceeds to finance the consfruction of the ramps and to work with Regions, IiealthPartners and Ramsey County to facilitate the financing and construction of the ramps. Public Purpose: Approval of this transaction wil( strengthen Regions' financia4 positian and allow it to go forward with a$157,000,000 expansion of its facility in downtown Saint Paul. The involvement of the Port Authority will allow Regions to improve the medical care provided to the Saint Paul region and add 400 health care jobs. Business Subsidv: Not applicable. Backqround: Last month, the Credit Committee gave its preliminary approval to issue approximately $40,000,000 of tax-exempt bonds for the construction of parking facilities to be used in connection with 12egions Hospital. Although we believe that the final costs of the project wiil be cfoser to $40,000,000, the construction costs have not been finalized and we are now asking for the approval for an amount not to exceed $50,OOO,DOQ. Regions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit company that provides medical services primarily to residents of Saint Paul and the East Metro. 363�6.v1 Board of Commissioners —April 25, 2006 Regions Hospital Parking Faalities P2ge 2 Regions is planning a major expansion of ifs primary Saint Paul hospital. Th �O�_��v ---- .---. ----ara.a-#cvaer t#�a�v�il}great�#�arid its bed capacityand iwo paPtiirig �amps: The parking facilities would be owned by CCP/Port Authority and leased back to Regions. The first ramp will have approximately 430 parking spaces and will be located on the Regions campus, beneath the new patienf bed tower. The second ramp will have approximately 950 parking spaces, will be located off-campus, and be utilized by Regions' employees. Proposal: 1. Description of the Transaction: The Port Authoritys involvement was requested by Regions so that the project financing could be accompiished on a tax-exempt basis and without having a detrimental effect on Region's credit ratings. The tax-exempt financing has a lower interest rate associated with it and a much {onger amortization period, both of which translate into reduced annual expenditures. Although there will are some differences, this transaction will be similar to the HealthEast Midway Campus and the two State O�ce Building financings. Fee title to the project land is expected to remain in Ramsey County and/or Regions. Regions and the County will enter into a long-term ground leases with CCP(Port Authority which will, in turn, enter into an operating lease with Regions providing for the construction and operation of the ramps. 2. The Ground Lease Lessor: Lessee: Lease Term: Rentai Payments: Regions / County CCP ! Port Authority 32 years plus renewal options. $1.00 per year — passed back to Regions as an operating cost. 3. The Operatinq Lease: Lessor: Lessee: Lease Term: CCP / Port Authority Regions Approximately 22 years Rentai Payments: Regions will make payments sufficient to cover all debt service on the bonds due during the 22 year term, and all other costs associated with the occupancy of the property. 36306.v1 Board of Commissioners — April 25, 2006 Re9ions Hospitat Parking Faciiities Page 3 C�=D�-yi$ Option to Purchase: At any time during the Lease Term, Regions may purchase the leasehoid improvements from the CCP/Port Authority for the greater of fair market value (as defined in the documenfs) or the outstanding debt on the bonds plus related expenditures. Lease End .�_ _---- -_ - ravisier�s: ---- ---- RegieFlS may: -- - - ----- --- 1. Renew for eight-year term. 2. Purchase the facility at the greater of the fair market vaiue, as defined in the documents, or the amount of the outstanding debt. 3. Vacate and surrender fhe property (including the underlying land of the employee parking facilify) to CCP/Port Authority. If Regions chose fo surrender the property, CCP/Port Authority (or Ramsey County, if payments are made under the moral obligation pledge described below) would retain ownership of the property for either continued leasing or sale. 4. The Financinq: Bond Issue: Not to exceed $50,000,000 Type of Bonds: Rate: The bonds wil� be conduit tax-exempt lease revenue bonds. Approximately 6.25°/o for tax-exempt fixed. Security: First mortgage in the facility(s). Assignment of all operating lease and purchase option payments. Debt Service Reserve — TBD. A lease guarantee from HealthPartners A proposed moral obVigation from Ramsey County under which Ramsey County wiil agree to consider (on an annual basis) making payments equal to any deficiency in Regions payments under the Operating Lease and principal and interest due on the bonds (including the outstanding principal at the end of the Operating Lease term). Term: Issuer: Issuer Fee: Underwriter: Bond Counsel Undenvriter's Counsel: Guarantor: Trustee: 36306.v1 30 years Saint Paul PoR Authority Approximately $50,000 at inception and 1/8` of 1% annually on the outstanding balance of the bonds. Piper Jaffray Leonard, Street and Deinard Kennedy and Graven HealthPartners Care System S&P — BBB+ �r�.: Board of Commissioners —April 25, 2006 Regions Hospifal Parking Facilities Page 4 � ��-�/� Workforce Implications: Approximately 400 new heafth care related jobs will be created by 2013 and 450 construction jobs during the construction period of 3 years_ _Regions currentX_employs oxer_4,0.00-iAdivid�ats:—:-- --- . _ .__. ---- — #ppraxm�atety 't;�IIOTive iri Sf� Paul and 1,500 in Ramsey County. Disclosure: The Port Authflrity Commissioners by SEC rufes are obligated to disclose any risks or facts you may be aware of that would affect the probability of repayment of these bonds. Recommendation: We recommend the preliminary authorization of the issuance of conduit lease revenue bonds and the execution of related documents, including ground leases and fease and purchase option agreements, and the sale of properties to Regions. PMK:ah 36306.v1 CI= 0�-�/� Resolution No. 4 I 6 8 RESOLUTION OF T`HE PORT AUTHORITY OF'Tf� CIT'Y_OF SAINT P.9UI,—_ __.__ __- __ - _ -- -- -- -- (Regions Hospital Parlang Ramp Project] WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the Gity of Saint Paul (the "Authority") has received a request from Regions Hospital of Saint Paul (hereinafter refened to as the "Company") that the Authority (a) consider the issuance of revenue bonds (which may be in the form of one or more notes) to finance the acquisition and construction by the Authority or its affiliate Capital City Properties ("CCP" and, together with the Authority, the "Authority") of the two parking ramps (the "Project") to be located in the City of Saint Pav1 on or adjacent to the Regions Aospital Campus; and � WHEREAS, the Authority desires to facilitate the selective development of the City of Saint Paul and the metro east community, to retain and improve its taY base and to help it provide the range of services and employment opporiunities required by its population, and said Project will assist in achieving that objective by increasing the assessed valuation of the metro east community; helping to maintain a positive relationship between assessed valuation and debt; and enhancing the image and reputation of the metro east community; and WHEREAS, the Project to be financed by revenue bonds will support the proposed expansion of Regions Hospital, providing needed health care services to the City of Saint Paul, and will result in additional employment opportunities in the City of Saint Paul and the metro east community; and WAEREAS, the Authority has been advised by Regions that long term convenrional, commercial financing to pay the capital cost of the Project is available only on a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowing that the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced, and would increase the costs of health care, and that it had been acting to date in anticipation that t1�e Authority would favarably consider this financing proposal; and WHEREAS, the Credit Committee has given its preliminary approval to the proposed Project and the issuance of the requested revenue bonds, and together with staff recommends Board approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paui, as follows: l. On the basis of information available to the Authority it appears, and the Authority hereby finds, that: said Project constitutes properties, used or useful in connection with one or more revenue producing enterprises engaged in any business within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469152 to 469.165 (the "AcP'); the Project fiuthers the putposes stated in the Act; and it is in the best interests of the port district and the people of the City of Saint Paul and in fiutherance of the general plan of development to assist Regions in financing the Project. 36276.v1 �i1= ob - �r�` 2. The Authority hereby indicates its intention to issue its tas-exempt and tasable revenue bonds, in a principal amount of up to approximately $SO,OOQ000, to provide funds to finance the Project, provided that the Authority, Regions and the purchaser of the revenue bonds aze able to reach agreement as to the details of the documents necessary to evidence and effect the financing of the Pr�ect_and_the, issuance of the, revenue__bonds_-__BAnd�iaceeds_�na3�-l�e-��s�d_-to- — -- _ - - _ reimburse the Authority and Regions for costs incurred with regazd to the Project. 3. If issued, the revenue bonds and interest thereon shall not constitute an indebtedness of the Authority or the City of Saint Paul within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitarion and shall not consritute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Authority or the City of Saint Paul or a charge against their general credit or taxing powers and neither the full faith and credit nor the t�ing powers of the Authority or the City of Saint Paul is pledged far the payment of the bonds ar interest thereon. 4. Approval of this resolution is not a commitment from the Authority, and final approvai of ttris Project, and the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the Project, is subject to fiuther review by the Credit Cominittee of the Authority and submission of a full application by Regions and satisfaction of the conditions and approvals described in paragraph 2, above. Adopted: Apri125, 2006. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL B�'v�- ' �-�- j ', ��� Its Chair ATTES : Secre ary 36276.v1