06-416Council File # D� '/�/ � Green Sheet # 3030421 MINNESOTA � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Treasury Manager be changed 2 RESOLUTtON from that set forth in Grade 029 to that set forth in Gzade 030 of Bargaining Unit 09, tl�e Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in farce on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Office of Human Resources BY; � i . � -.. . �.� '. : , �' �I�� _ �' � By: Mayor: sy: Date � Form Appro . by ' ' ey B Form App e by M yor fo ubmission t�uncil B � G�\Shared�SPSTEMS.DEVELOPMENT.SEC1'[OI�TOrg. Design\Consulhn4 Williams�Sheila'sClassWork�TreasuryMe &THwleyStudy\TreasuryMg� Resolution.da[ Adopted by Date ��// Council: // ( � �7/ 6 Adoprion Certified by Council Secreta � DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCI,I.: DATE INITIATED _ EN SnL` ET No.: 3030421 HumanResources 4/14J06 - ,6 CONTACT PERSON & PHOPIE: INITInL/DATE M1TIeV,lDATE Sheila Williams 266-6520 1 DEPAIRMENT DIR = �i s carwu�+cu. LeeAnn Turchin, 266-6517 4CC icr�n 3 CITY ATCORNEY 6 C[TY CLERIC NUIIBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 2 F[tvaNCwcsEtrv nnt F[[.ANCIALSERV/ACCIG ORDER 4NAYOR(ORASST.) TOTAL # OF SIGTIATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriorr xEQUES'rEn: Approval of a resolurion changing the rate of pay for the Treasury Manager classification, re-assigning the position from Grade 029 to Grade 030 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization. RECObIl�IENDAITONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TIiE FOLLOW[NG QUESTIONS: l. HasNtispersoNSrtneverwo`tcedimderacontractforthudeparhnent? PLANNING COMMISSION Yes No CIB COMMIITEE 2. Has this persodCvm ever been a city e�loyee? C[VILSERVICECOMMISSION Yas No 3. Does this persod5m� possess a sidll not oormzlly possessed by any curren[ city employee? Yes No 4. Is this penodfinn a qrgeted vrndoP Yes No Explain all yu answers on aeparate sheet and attaCh to green sheet �iT�namc rxosLEM, issu�, orrox2vivi� �wna, wnar, wnea, wne«, wn The Office of Financial Services requested a study of the duties of the Treasury Manager position to determine the appropriate compensation for the position. Financial Services has restructured some of the core functions of the office and defined the current scope of responsibilities for this position. This title is responsible for the City's investment management, debt issuance, and cash management functions and represents the City, internally and externally, on related matters. The assigned functions support the business efforts of depariments and the City as a whole by providing direction for short and long term financial solvency. nnvnnTACES iF nrrxovEV: Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and responsibilities of the positions will be established. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NOT10. nisnnvan races � xar arrxovEn: Equitable compensation will not be established. TOTAL aMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $75,590.82-$103,97430, yearly salary range C�ST/REVENUE B�C�i�+ TED: � FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVTTY NUMBER: � �� � � � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAiI� �ECEIVED �P� ± � ��6tF� APR 1 9 2006 ��°�� �°�-�-����� MAYOR'S OFFIGE G:�SharedlClassiflCLASS\T'EMPLATE�GREENSHT.WPD "`—��--� �'---....�.. ..-` . � � -�� ��" � 1 k . .. L . .� �'A� �� � � � � ��, � � � � � � � �� �� � , � ' ROUTING ORDER: ' , „ � Below are correct routings faa the six m'ost frequent types ofdocuments: . . OUI3GSI; RESOLUTION smend bn a t' CONTRACTS (assumes authonzed bnclget exists) , C C d8?� �P Si��) 1�. patsFdeAgeuay, � � 1 I7epaz#mentiDuector � � 2',S�aztmentDuector Z O�ceofFmsn�isESuvicesDuector � � 3. CityAtt,omey � i. ` 3 C�:Sttoiuey� `, � er i , 4.,ISTayorPAss�stanY(forconttactsoven$25000), 4 May�/Asststant' ' s: ��xu��� Eror qont��r� o���so 0001 " 5� ��� � �, ��:� ��� � , 6.' Offxce of Financial Servi'ces -�iccounhng,, 6' Offcce ofFinsncial Serviczs r,A«;ountmg , ADMfNIIS1T2AT'IVEORDERS(BudgetRev�sion) COi7I3QI.RESOLiJTION(allotheasaud''Qrdwances), � �� l � L, tictivi eYOr�D,ep " ccountant, 1. a�entDs � � � �� � �� i3'Mana& mtmentA' Dep ector � � 2., Ih�arhmee�f IJtrector �' �� , ° � , � 2 � City,'Att°mey ' i `��, � � � . , 3.''OffiCebEEinanciat'Seii%ieesD"uectoL 3 Ma}Fqr/P,ss�staut;^ � P,a �' ¢, C � C � , 4. C� Coimcil, i � 5. O�ce ofFinancial �esvices'- Accounting cu oxvaz �� � sTxr,itvE oiznEas au �tvE anr� ( ) ' � 1:;`Deeazfm'�tDsecto= � Y neQactmeacn;iecfor , � 2.;�CitpAtf'orney �� "�� , 7- C{t}',Attwne}' .; � 3. OfficedfEinanciatServicesIhrec4� 3 M�r/a��m,�F"�� � � d � 4: Ci Clak 4. � Ci °Qlerk �, � � � ty � I , � „ $' „ i , ' "�OTAtiNUMSEROESICrISATCJREPAGES du oi f1� eack of tfiese a es. , 7ndicate die # ofpages ou which signat�ses are reguireci mm P, �BFe�P g, P 8 � � ,, �� � �� �� . i � : � ACTION RE'QUESTED , , Descnbewtrat'the,P�l�r�N�seeRs.to�eccomp7ishmeitkecchronologtcefordaorordera��iorY�ce;whichev�is , mostappmtiiiateforthe�s.sue. Donotivntecompletesenteu�ces. Begmeach�tem'wyourlu�kwrtliav�b.', , RECOhMiIENDATI0I3S ' "'` B ; Comglete3ftfie,iss�e;in,qaestioahasbeenpresente�ibefore,a�`,bodY Pu'blicorpnbate. � � � � � „ , � � � �, , ° O CTS: , PERSONAL SII2VICE C NTRA ' Tlris�nformationwillbeusedto,dete�minethe'city'slEabilrty�focworkeiswmpensationclauns,ta�cesandprapercivfl e mi s , secvicehiringmles ' ^' INiTIATINGPROBLEM,dSSUE OPPOR�[JS�7ITY � � I � � 19inYhesiUiationorconditionsfhatcreated"aneedforyourprqectorreqaest ,�� � � � , ADVANfACsES YE Indicate whettiei this ts simply an annual �bud8et Procedm'e reclwred lty latvle6erter or whet5er theie ace spec�c ways m, C atnt ' : � liene&t�fromt}iisprojectFaction ' wlueh the ity af S Pant and rts ertizens will ��., � �� iis � � , � Y}}ISADVA2�1'��GESIF'AFPROVID �� �' � � � , �,�' � toeaashn��� ��', ��� �� ��;� ��'� � Wltat negative e�ects or,ma�or chsn8�' , g�PI� i� m!SirttIus praaect/re4uest Prodnce if iE Ls, gassed , � , �, � �a*q� � �� � , , e.g, tiafficdeiags nrnse;'taz[mcreasesora��7 Tawhom'2 i Whea2Forho , ong7 BISADVANTAGESIF'NOTAPPROVED I ' "�lhakwiltbetlienegative'conseqd�ces�fthepromisedachomisnoteppra�«T`t Inab�lityto " bigh haffic, noise, accident rate? Leiss of reqenue? ? '' . „ i � �, � �FINANQAI.,IIviPACT � � � i r , , , � � � °'� � � Although'youmust tadot the mfonnationyau prooide fiere to aie �ssue}rou are addressuig, an geuerai yw must answer , � . �rirroquestions:'HowmncfiisxtgdingtocosC� Who��syosng�to��pa�I ��� � �� � � � � „ � , ^ � , „ � � � � � � � � „ , „ , � � i � � � ., � � � � , � � ",.� ��r� � ���' � � I,��, � � � � �. � � �� � � � i i � r ,�� � . � � � � � � i � � . � ill � .''; ��i i , , � � . , , ,.. . „ , � i {� i s�'d. , + �.,17 :dr'�d� . ..d�ll: , i� li � . il. � rlifl:': � Iti i i ';2ei I i n�". CITY OF SAINT PAUL ChrismpherB. Coleman, Mayor TO: Matthew Snnith, Director Office of Financial Services OFFICB OF IIUMAI3 RESOURCES Angela S Nalezny, D'uecwr � �} C/�D "� 400CiryHa1[Annes Te[ephone: 651-166-6500 ISWestFOmihSVee1 Job[ine: 651-266-6501 SaintPaul,M"wnerotaSSIOZ-l637 Facsimi[e: 651-292-7656 www.s[paul.gav FROM: Sheila Williams, Human Resources Consultant DATE: April 10, 2006 RE: CLASSIFICATION STUDY RESULT We have completed our study of the Treasury Manager position held by Todd Hurley. We ha�e reviewed relevant job information and discuss the position with you as manager of the position. The position has been compazed with related classes and positions including Chief Budget Analyst, Accounting Manager and Bireetor of Financial Services classifications. This study indicates that the major functions of the position remain aligned with the Treasury Manager classification. However, the classification should be assigned to gade 30 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization bargaining unit salary schedule. Analysis of the position indicates there is significant independence and discretion for the short term and long term debt, investrnent portfolio and cash management responsibilities. This pasition is expected to improve the City's financial status by managing $200 million in investments, leveraging debt, and developing finance plans. These duties require expertise for all core competency levels. Should you choose to reallocate the position, you will need to initiaCe a Reallocation Certificarion, and send it through the required process once there has been City Council approval of the new salary grade. We have notified the incumbent that the study has been completed and directed him to contact the Director within the next two weeks if department administration has not been in communication with him. If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6520. c: Trisha Freiberger An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Page 1 of 2 Title of Class: Treasury Manager � d� �� Description of Work Code: 914 BU: 09 (Salat.��) General Duty Statement Grade: 029 Effective Date: 04/21 /1999 Manages inveshnents, cash flows, and debt issuance for the City of Saint Paul, Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), the Water Utility and the RiverCentre; supervises the receipt, disbursement, banking and protection of all monies and securities received by the City and its above agencies; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received Works under supervision of the Office/Department director. Supervision Exercised Exercises supervision within a section of the Office of Financial Services directly and through subordinate professional, technical, and clerical staff. Typical Duties Performed The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in tYus class. • Manages the treasury secfion; provides leadership, training, procedures, and performance review within the section. . Manages the City of Saint Paul's 200 miliion dollaz or greater investment program to maximize interest earnings as well as to maintain the safety, security, and liquidity of all funds of the City. . Manages ali debt functions for the City and coordinates the work involved 'm the issuance, payment, and administrafion of city debt. . Directs and coordinates the preparation of financial reports for compliance with federal, state, and local statutory requirements. . Develops and administers policies and procedures relating to inveshnent, cash management, debt management, and other treasury related funcrions. . Accounts for the accurate and fimely collecfion of city taxes and other revenue sources. . Serves as City representative on councils and boards, develops treasury-related legislation, and testifies befare the City Council and State legislature. Competencies • Considerable knowledge of investment and financial market principles, and practices. • Considerable knowledge of baniting principles, practices and procedures. . Considerable knowledge of public debt laws, policies, and procedures. e Considerable ability to obtain maxiinum benefit of City funds through short-term and long-term investment strategies. . Considerable ability to plan and supervise the implementarion of a program for the deposit, The City of Saint Paul, Mimiesota Page 2 of 2 disbursement, and protection of public money. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise the work of others. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing and to present and communicate ideas or make formal presentations. Considerabie ability to interact effectively with bankers, investment brokers, credit rating analysts, finance specialists, stafF, and the general pubiic. Requirements A bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, business administration, public administration or a related field and five years of responsible administrative experience iri corporate or public finance, including at least two yeazs of experience in the management of both investment and debt service programs. (No substitution for education) http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/humres/iobciass/titledef.php?code=914 4/7/2006