06-414Council Fyle #1L>b -� Green Sheet # 3030460 RESOLUTtON NT PAUL, MINNESOTA rr���a i 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and rarifies the attached 2 7anuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the 3 Intemarional Associarion of Fire Fighters, I.oca121. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date (j� 4�' �< 2 Q Q( Adoprion Certified by Co Il Secretary BY� _ / �' //Gf/ �%E Approve by Date � �� UC� By. uman esou ce By: Form Approv$d b i > ttorne � n B � ��}�✓1 � Form � ov y yor bmi i n to C uncIl By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Hu ��R� Contact Person & Phone: Jason Schmidt 2fi6-6503 Must Be on Council Agentla by Contract Type: RE-RESOLUTION 16APR-06 - / Assign Number For Routing Order O�-y/y Green Sheet NO: 3030460 Departrnent SentToPerson InitiallDate 0 u an esources � � u anResoarc De a entDirecEOr _�� 7`"'— i Att rn 3 a or's OfSce Ma r/ sistant ' 4 uscil 5 i lerk Ci lerk Total # ofSignature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Resolution approving the attached January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2007 Labor Agreement between the City of Sain[ Paul and tt�e Intemarional Association of Fire Fighters, Local 21. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Plannirg Commission CIB Committee QHI Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnaliy possessed by any cufrent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, Whe�, Where, Whyj; The Labor Agreement with the Intemational Association of Fire Fighters, Local 21 has expired. The City of Saint Paul is required negotiate with the bargaining unit. AdvantageslFApproved: An agreement reached through good faith bazgaining will be in place through December 31, 2007. ,��;'�., �`+ ���b DisadvanWges ItApproved: None. _ � �, DisadvanWgeslfNotApproved: The City would be required to re-open negotia[ions with this bargaining unit. The would strain relations with the unit and 'could lead to arbitration. ToW I Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Expiain) Activity Number: � .p �'*�� �°, APR 2 5 2006 ° ""`� APR 2 4 Apri/ 98, 2006 7:13 PM the Following Questions: Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Page 1 ATTACHMENT TO'I'HE GREEN SHEET // Iatemational Association of Firefighters Loca121 �b � 7�� Below is a summary of the changes in the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and IAFF Loca121. Duration: January l, 2006 - December 31, 2007 WaQes: January 1, 2006 (closest pay period) 2.5% January 1, 200� (closest pay period) 2.5% Mazch 1, 2007 (closest pay period) Implement 7-yr step at 2.65% above the 5-yr step; additional3% increase on 15-yr step; and create 20- yr step at 4.5% over the 15-yr step. Eliminate the 6- mth & 2 yr steps, employees in those steps move to the next step. Health Insurance: The insurance contriburion increases follow the same pattern as previously negotiated agreements with other bargaining units for 2006 and 2007. 2006 Single: The City will contribute up to $450.20 per month for single health insurance based on what plan an employee selects. Family: The City will amh $827.40 per month for eligible employees who select family health insurance coverage. 2007 Single: Family: The City will contribute up to $487.05 per month for single health insurance based on what plan an employee selects. The City will contribute $901.86 per month for eligible employees who select family health insurance coverage. Retiree Health Insurance: Effecfive 12/31/07 newly kured employees will be eligible for a$100/mth RHI conh No change for current employees. Sick Leave• The sick leave accrual rate is modified to reflect a reducrion of 16 hours of sick leave. Union Activitv/Release Bank Languaee: Effective 1/1/07 members will have 3 hours of vacation deducted from their vacation balances to provide for a bank of hours to be u6lized by the Union for conducting Union business. Other Lanaua¢e Chanaes: Other language changes were of a housekeeping nature for clarificafion and cleanup. • ��� � � � = D�- �r� � � � � - � � �- � JANU�ARY 1, 2006 - DECElVIBER 3_I, 2007 °,'_ ;. � � � - .. � � � AGREElV�El�T � � " - . . �. � �. _ � BETW�EN � . � � . � „� `. � � � � � � . _ _ , , .. ��E CIT_Y OIi S�Il�F�' FAUL"._ � , � � „ AND- . � � � � TIiE INTERNA�`IONA,L ASSdCIATION C?F EII2E FIGI3TERS , �. _ _ r, � ' -� ..__. `AFL-CIb LE}C�L 21 ; ��, � �� �; ; - � : � ._ �" � " � � � _, � � � � � �_. � ��-u � �! INDEX • ARTICLE TITLE PAGE Preamble ................................................................................................................. ii 1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................1 2 Definitions ...............................................................................................................1 3 Recognition .............................................................................................................2 4 Security ...................................................................................................................2 5 Employer Authority ................................................................................................ 3 6 Employee Rights - Grievance Procedure ................................................................ 3 7 Sauings Clause ........................................................................................................ 6 8 Position Openings ................................................................................................... 6 9 Working Out of Classificarion ................................................................................ 6 10 Seniority ..................................................................................................................6 11 Overtime ................................................................................................................. 9 12 Call Back ............................................................................................................... 10 13 Military Leave of Absence .................................................................................... 10 14 Insuranc e ................................................................................................... . ........... 11 15 Exchange of Tours of Auty ................................................................................... 16 • 16 Vacation/Holidays .................................................................................................16 17 Tour of Duty Holiday ............................................................................................ 18 18 Volunteerism and/or Outside Employment .......................................................... 18 19 Sick Leave and Parental Leavec ............................................................................ 19 20 Fire Fighting Equipment ....................................................................................... 19 21 Station Supplies .................................................................................................... 20 22 Telephones ............................................................................................................ 20 23 Wage Schedule ...................................................................................................... 20 24 Uniform Allowance and Uniform Item List ......................................................... 21 25 Legal Services ....................................................................................................... 21 26 SeverancePay .......................................................................................................21 27 Incapacitation - Injury or Illness ........................................................................... 23 28 City Mileage .......................................................................................................... 23 29 Paid Time Off For Negotiations ........................................................................... 24 30 Maintenance of Standards ..................................................................................... 24 31 Premium Pay for Paramedic and EMTA Assignments ......................................... 24 32 Drug and Alcohol Testing ..................................................................................... 26 33 Discipline ..............................................................................................................29 34 Tuition Reimbursement ........................................................................................ 29 • 35 Duration of Agreement ......................................................................................... 29 Appendix .................................................................................. A-1 Appendix ......................................................... . ... ........... .......... B-1 Appendix .................................................................................. C-1 i c�-U r� r1 � PREAMBLE This Agreement between the City of Saint Pau1, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, • and the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO Local 21, hereinafter referred to as the Union. The Employer and the Union concur that this Agreement has as its basic objecrive the promotion of the mutual interests of the City of Saint Paul and its employees to provide the hi�chest level of services by methods which will best serve the needs of the general public. • ���� • A.RTICLE 1- PURPOSE l.l The Employer and the Union agree that the purpose of entering into this Agreement is to: 1.1(1) 1.1(2) 1.1(3) 11(4) Union: Intemational Associarion of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO Loca121. ARTICLE 2 - DEFINITIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 • 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 • 2.8 �] Employer: The City of Saint Paul. Union Member: A member of the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO Loca121. Employee: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. Vacancy: As deterxnined by the department head, a funded position opening in a class specified in Article 3.2. Position: Any specific office, employment or job in the Fire Department in a class specified in Article 32. Tour of Duty: A. For a fifty-six (56) hour work week employee: The performance of job duties and acceptance of the responsibilities of a position for a consecutive and wninterrupted twenty-four (24) hour period from 8:00 am. on a calendar day to 8:00 a.m. on the following calendar day. B. For a forty (40) hour work week employee: Achieve arderly and peaceful relations. Establish the fu11 understanding of the parties concerning terms and condirions of this Agreement. Establish procedures to orderly and peacefully resolve disputes as to the application or interpretation of this Agreement. Place in written form the parEies' agreement upon terms and conditions of employment for the duration of this Agreement. The performance of job duties and acceptance of the responsibilities of a position for a consecutive and uninterrupted eight (8) hour period within a calendar day. Seniority: An Employee's length of continuous employment in the Employer's Fire Deparhnent. Department: The fire departinent of the City of Saint Paul as established and amended from time to time pursuant to Section 9.01 of the City Charter. ���1� � ARTICLE 2 — DEFINITIONS (Continued) 2.10 Overtime: Work performed by an Employee in excess of the Employee's tour of duty by order of the Employer. • 2.11 Overtime Pay: Overtime pay for the purposes of Articles 11 and 12 will be based on a fifty-six (56) haur work week. 2.12 Work Week: The work week for employees worlang hventy-four (24) hour tours of duty will be an averaged fifty-six (56) hour per calendaz week. The work week for employees worlang twelve (12) or less hour tours of duty will be forty hours per calendaz week. 2.13 Call Back: A call to report for work by the EmpIoyer during an Employee's scheduled off time. ARTICLE 3 — RECOGivITION 3.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative for the purpose of meeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all eligible personnel under Miunesota Statutes. 3.2 Job classes which are witIun the bazgauiuig unit and covered by this Agreement are as follows: EmergencyMedical Services Coordinator Fire Captain Fire Equipment Operator Fire Fighter Fire Training Assistant Fire/Arson Investigator 3.4 In the event the Employer and the Uniott aze unable to agtee as to tfie inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job position, the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for detennination. ARTICLE 4 — SECURITY 4.1 The Employer shall deduct from the wages of Employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly Union dues and assessments. Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the Union. 4.2 C![c] The Union may designate Employees from the bazgainnig unit to act as stewards and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choice. The Employer shall make space available on bulletin boards for posting Union notice(s) and announcement(s). • 4.4 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and a11 • claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the city as a result of any action taken or not taken by the city under the provisions of this article. ��►� . ARTICLE 5 - EMPLOYER AUTHORITY 5.1 The Union recognizes the right of the Employer to opexate and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of appropriate authorities. The rights and authority wluch the Employer has not officially abridged, delegated or inodified by this Agreement aze retained by the Employer. ARTICLE 6- EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 6.1 Definition of Grievance A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the intexpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement. It is specifically understood that any matters govemed by civil service rules or statutory provisions shall not be considered grievances and subject to the grievance procedure hereinafter set forth. All disciplinary action which may be appealed to a civil service authority will be considered a grievance and subj ect to the grievance procedure herein. 6.2 Union Representatives The Employer will recognize Empioyee Representatives designated by the Union as the grievance representatives of the bazgaining unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The Union shall notify the Employer in writing of the names of such Union Representatives and of their successors when so designated. The • Employer shall notify the Union in writing of the name or names of the Employer's grievance representatives and of their successors when so designated. 63 Processing of Grievances It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the Employees and shall therefore be accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such Employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved Empioyee and the Union shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working hours provided the Employee and the I7nion have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Empioyer. 6.4 Procedure Grievances, as defined by Section 6.1, shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: Step 1. An Employee claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall within twenty-one (21) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred present such grievance in writing to the Saint Paul Fire Chief. The Fire Chief or designated representative • will discuss and give an answer in writing to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. (��-�Ef� ARTICLE 6— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed • in writing by the Union setting forth the nahxre of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the Fire Chief or designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Union withiu ten (10) calendaz days shall be considered waived. Step 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented to an@ discussed witk the Employer-designated Step 2 Labor Relations representative. The Employer- designated Labor Relations representative shall give the Union the Employer's Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) catendar days after the receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 by the Union within ten (10) calendaz days following ttie Employer designated representative's final Step 2 ans wer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the Uniott within ten (10) calendar days sha11 be considered waived. Disciplinary acrions defined in Article 33 (Discipline) may be appealed to either a Civil Service Hearing (except for reprunands) or arbitration but not both. The Union's step 3 appeal must specify the venue selected. Tf a venue has not been selected, the grievance will proceed to azbitration. • Optional Mediation Step If Yhe grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 2, either the Union or the Employer may, within ten (10) calendaz days, request mediation. If the parties agree that the grievance is suitable for mediation, the parties sha11 submit a joint requesf to the Mimiesota Bureau of Mediation Services for the assignment of a mediator. Cttievance mediation shall be completed within fluxty (30) days of the assignment. 2. Grievance mediation is an optionai and voluntary part of the grievance resolution process. It is a supplement to, not a substitute for, grievance azbitration. When grievance mediation is invoked, the contractual time limit for moving the grievance to azbitration shall be delayed for the period of inediation. The grievance mediation process shall be informal. Rules of evidence shall not apply, and no record shall be made of the proceeding. Both sides sha11 be provided ample opporhuuty to present the evidence and argtunent to support their case. The mediator may meet with the parties in joint session or in sepazate • caucuses. � �i� ARTICLE 6— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) • 4. At the request of both parties, the mediator may issue an oral recommendation for settlement. Either party may request that the mediator assess how an azbitrator xnight rule in this case. The grievant shall be present at the grievance mediation proceeding. If the grievance is resolved, the grievant shall sign a statement agreeing to accept the outcome. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the outcome shall not be precedential. 6. If the grievance is not resolved and is subsequenfly moved to arbitration, such proceeding shall be de novo. Notlung said or done by the parties or the mediator during grievance mediation with respect to their positions concerning resolution or offers of settlement may be used or referred to during azbitration. Step 3. A grievance unresolved in Step 2 and appealed to 5tep 3 shall be submitted to arbitration by the Union subject to the provisions of the Public Employment Labor 12elations Act of 1971 as amended. The selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accardance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as estabiished by the Bureau of Mediation Services. • A disciplinary grievance unresolved in step 2 and appealed to a Civil Service Hearing shall be processed in accordance with Civil Service Rule 26 IT (B). 6.5 Arbitrator's Authority A. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union, and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. B. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to ar inconsistent with or modifying or vaz�ying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever is later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of the Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne • equally by the Employer and the Union provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desues a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays far the recard. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. o�-�c�l ARTICLE 6— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) 6.6 Waiver If a�ievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered "waived". If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of tlie Employer's lasY answer. If the Employer does not auswer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the Union may elect to treat the grievance as denied at the step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Employer and the Union in each step. ARTICLE 7 — SAVINGS CLAUSE 7.1 In the event any provision of this Agteement shall be held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions sha11 continue in full force and effect. The voided provisions may be renegotiated at the zequest of either pariy. ARTICLE 8 — POSITION OPEIVINGS 8.1 To expedite the filling of vacancies under civil service procedures, the head of the department or designated representafive will: 8.1(1) 8.1(2) Make requisition for certification of eligibles to fill a vacancy within fifteen (15) days after deYerminiug that a vacancy exists. Within fifteen (15) days after the department head has met with the certified eligibles, he will fill a vacancy. 8.1(3) If no eligibility list is in effect when a vacaztcy occurs, the deparnnent head shall within fifteen (15) days request the appropriate civil service officials to conduct an exaxnination for the purposes of establishing an eligibility list. ARTICLE 9— WORHING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 9.1 Any Employee required by the Employer to perform the work dufies and accept the responsibilities of a higher class, wiIl receive the rate of pay for that class for the entire tour of duty, provided that the Employee performs these duties for at least twelve (12) hours of the tour of duty. It is understood that The higher rate shall not apply when an Employee works in the higher class for less than twelve (12) hours of the tour of duty. ARTICLE 10 — SE1vIORITY 10.1 Department Seniorify For the purposes of this Agreement department seniority shall be defined as the length of continuous and uninterrupted employment in the fire deparhnent. • • • c�-4 i� • A.RTICLE 10 — SElVIORITY (Continued) 10.2 Seniority Lists The deparhnent shall maintain at all times during this Agreement seniority lists by deparhnent. 103 Loss of Department Seniority An Employee will lose acquired deparhnent seniority in the following instances: 103(1) Resignation 10.3(2) Discharge 10.3(3) Retirement 10.4 Work Force Reduction In the event of a reduction in the deparhnent work force, such reduction shall occur on the basis of seniority in the department. 10.5 Reduction in Rank Reduction in rank shall be in accordance with the Civil Service Rules as of June 30, 1973. (Except as indicated below) • 10.5(1) 10.5(2) 10.5(3) 10.5(4) Reduction in rank for periods up to but no more than 30 consecutive calendaz days will be by platoon seniority. Reduction in rank for more than 30 consecutive calendar days shall be in accordance with the Personnel Rules as of June 30, 1973. There will be a minunum of 3.6 regular Fire Captains appointed for each engine, squad and ladder company. There will be a minimum of 3.6 regular Fire Equipment Operators appointed for each engine, squad and ladder company. 10.5(5) When promotion positions (Fire Captain - Fize Equipment Operator) fall below minimum requirements (3.6 per position), the Chief of the Fire Department will use existing eligibility lists to fill vacancies within 15 calendar days. 10.5(6) Short Term Demotion: The employee demoted goes to the last rank held and is assigned to the pool. • 2. Vacafion selections will not be affected by short term demotion (i.e., Fire Captain demoted for short term to Fire Fighter will retain his vacation selection in the Fire Captain rank.) 3. Employees who have attained the rank of Fire Equipment Operator (FEO) or Fire Captain as designated in articles 10.5(3) and 10.5(4) will retain such rank and pay when temporarily re-assigned to duties in a previously held lower title. o:�-��c.j ARTICLE 10 — SEI�TIORITY (Continued) 10.5(7) All promoted personnel will be designated a platoon regazdless of assignment. Such platoon assignment will determine their seniority to be followed in cases of reducfion in accordance with Section 10.5(1). 10.6 Job Transfer by Bid System T`he Employer and the Union recognize the principle of seruority. In the event of a job opening due to the promotion, transfer, demotion, retirement or demise of an employee, which the employer determines should be filled by a lateral transfer, such transfer shall be made in accordance with the following provisions. Oaly employees with a minimum of two (2) calendar yeazs service with the St. Paul Fire Departtnent may bid under this section. 10.6(1) All posirions to be filled by lateral transfer shall be announced by bulletin, which shall be posted for a period of thirty (30) days prior to the date service is to commence in the vacant position. Such positions shall be considered open for written bid for the thirty (30) day period. 10.6(2) For the convenience of the employer, temporary assignment to a vacant position may be made during the thirty (30) day period for which the position is open for bid. Any such temporary assignment, however, shall not be of a duration in excess of two (2) days beyond the expiration of the Hurty (30) day bid period. 10.6(3) Employees who desire bulletined positions shall file written applications therefore not later than 2400 hours on the date of expuation of the bid period. Such applications shall be filed by delivery to the employee's Union officer of the original and one copy of the application, both of which shall be time stamped when received. The Union officer shall be responsible for delivering the original application to the employer and all such applications shall be so delivered not later than 1630 hours on the day following the close of the bid period. 10.6(4) 10.6(5) Assigunent to positions for which bids have been received shall be made not later than the second day following the close of the bid period In the event one or more employees submit bids for the same posifion, the position shall be filled in accord with the following: a) Except in those cases contemplated by subpazagraph (b), below, the bidding employee with the greatest seniority shail be transfened to fill the posirion. Provided, however, that in the event that the employer determines that �ansfer of the most senior applicant or less senior applicant(s) is not in the best interest of the Department, another exnployee may be transferred to fill the position. In every such case, however, the employer shall provide to the most senior bidder and any other unsuccessful less senior bidder(s) a written statement of the reasons and factual basis on which the decision not to transfer him to fill the position was based. • • • • ARTICLE 10 — SENIORITY (Continued) C�-�-�► �-f b) In cases where the position to be filled by lateral transfer is such that a paramedic who bid therefore would, if transferred to fill the position, be enabled to make use of his pazamedic slalls and tra.ining, the empioyer may transfer the most senior paramedic who bid to fill the position without regard to the seniority of other applicants, 10.6(6) In the event no bid is received for a posted position, the employer may offer the position to any employee or transfer the most junior employee on the seniority roster to fill the position, or relist on subsequent bulletin. 10.6(7) When an employee bids for and is awarded a bulletined position and in the event the employer determines that the employee's foxxner position is to be filled by lateral transfer, the employee's former position shall be filled in accordance with the terms set forth above. 10.6(8) Employees who have bid for and been awarded a bulletined posifion shall not be pernutted to bid for the vacancy created by their transfer until that vacancy has been filled at least once in the manner set forth herein. � � 10.6(9) Assignment to positions on the rescue squads shall be made in the following manner: a) When a vacancy for Captain occurs, the posirion shali be posted with the other normai vacancies. The Employer shall fill the position with any Captain that has bid for the position without regazd to seniority. b) When a vacancy for Fire Equipment Operator occurs, the normal bid procedure shall be used. c) Three Firefighter positions will be assigned on each rescue squad. Each Firefighter assigned to one of these posifions will remain for a maximum of five years. When a vacancy for Firefighter is filled, the position shall be posted with the other normal vacancies. The Employer shall fill the position with any Firefighter that has bid for the position without regard to seniority. • 10.7 In the event that an employee bidding on a vacancy in a Hazardous Materials Response Unit does not have the required Hazardous Material certification at the time of assignment, he/she shall obtain such certification by satisfactorily completing the next auailable training session offering such certification. ARTIC�E 11— OVERTIME 111 Employees required to wark hours in excess of their assigned tour of duty will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the Employee's normal rate in cash or in compensatory time at the option of the Employer. �`� I �l ARTICLE 11- OVERTIME (Continued) 11.2 (a) Employees working a forty (40) hour work week may accumulate up to a • maximum of forty (40) hours of compensatory time. (b) It is also agreed that Fire Prevention Employees may accumulate up to a ma�cnnum of fifty-six (56) hours of compensatory time. It is understood that compensatory time shall be scheduled only with the prioz approval of management, and that such time shall not be scheduled so as to interfere with operations. Such time shall normally be scheduled in eight (&)-hour segments, except that Fire Prevention Employees may, with the approval of the Fire Chief, take time off in four (4)-hour segments. ARTICLE 12 - CALL BACK 12.1 Employees required to report for work by the Employer during scheduled off-duty time will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the Employee's normal hourly rate. The minimuxn payment under this Article will be four (4) times the Employee's hourly rate. An early report of two (2) hours or less or an e�tension of a normally scheduled tour of dut}�shall not qualify an Employee for this m;n;r„um payment. 12.2 Employees required to appear in court during scheduled off-duty time will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the employee's normal hourly rate for hours worked with a m;nimum of four (4) hours at the employee's normal hourly • rate. The muumum of four (4) hours shall not apply when such court time is an extension of or an eazly report to a scheduled shift. 12.3 Employees required to stand-by for court appeazance during scheduled off-duty tune will be compensated for a minunum of two (2) hours based on the employee's normal hourly rate for each day he/she is required to stand-by, but such compensaiion shall not apply where the employee is called to court for an appearance on the case subj ect to the stand- by request or for any other case. The two hour minimum compensation for stand-by shall not apply if notification is given that the stand-by is canceled prior to 6:00 p.m. of the preceding day. Unless notified to the contrary, stand-by status shall continue for a ma�cimum o£two consecutive days, at which time the employee shall be required to contact the Ciry or County trial Iawyer or his secretary in chazge of scheduIing by I600 hours the day following initiation or stand-by status, who will then continue or cancel stand-by status as required aud maintain an appropriate record of such notification. 12.4 The normal hourly rate for purposes of call back or stand-by compensation shall be based upon the provisions of Article 2 of this Agreement. ARTICLE 13 - MILITARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE 13.1 Pay Allowance Any Employee who shall be a member of the Nationai Guazd, the Naval Militia or any • other component of the militia of the state, now or hereinafter organized or constituted under state or federal Iaw, or who sha11 be a member of the Officer's Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve or any other reserve component of the military or naval force of the United States, now or hereafter l0 o�--u ry ARTICLE 13 — MII.ITARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE (Continued) • organized or constituted under federal law, shall be entitled to leave of absence from employment without loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leave or other benefits for all the time when such Employee is engaged with such organization or component in training or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for state or federal purposes, provided that such leave shall not exceed a total of fifteen (15) days in any calendaz yeaz and fiirther provided that such leave shall be allowed only in case the required military or naval service is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the Employee (1) returns to his position immediately upon being relieved from such military service and not later than the expiration of the time herein limited for such leave, or (2) is prevented from so rehuving by physical or mental disability or other cause not due to such Employee's own fault, or (3) is required by proper authority to continue in such military or naval service beyond the time herein limited for such leave. 13.2 Leave Without Pay Any Employee who engages in active service in tune of war or other emergency declared by proper authority of any of the military or naval forces of the state or of the United States for which leave is not otherwise allowed by law shall be entitled to leave of absence from employment without pay during such service with right of reinstatement and subject to such conditions as are imposed by law. • 133 Such leaves of absence as are granted under Article 13 shall conform to Minnesota Statutes, Section 192, as amended from time to fime and shall confer no additional benefits other than those granted by said statute. ARTICLE 14 — INSURANCE 14.1 Plans The insurance plans, premiums for coverages and benefits contained in the insurance plans offered by the Employer shail be solely controlled by the contracts negotiated by the Employer and the benefit providers. The Bmployer will attempt to prevent any changes in the benefits offered by the benefit providers. However, the employees selecting the offered plans agree to accept any changes in benefits which a specific provider implements. If in any year the number of plans increases, the increase will be based on the average premium. 14.2 De�nition of Full-Time Eligibility for full-time benefits is defined as appearing on the payroll an average of at least sixty-four {64) hours per biweekly pay period for the twelve (12) month period preceding the annual open enrollxnent or special enrollments or the employment period preceding initial eligibility. 14.3 Health Insurance Contribution, 2006 • 14.3(1) Effective for the Januazy 2006 insurance premiuxns, for each eligible employee covered by this agreement who is employed full-time and who selects single employee health insurance coverage provided by the Employer, the Employer agrees to contribute the 2005 single contribution 11 0� GI r� ARTICLE 14 — INSUI2ANCE (Continued) per month, plus 70% of the average increase in the single premium of all plans for 2006. For 2006 only, employees participating in either of the two low-cost plans shall receive an additional $7.26 per month towazd the cost of the two Iow-cost plans, or the fuIl cost of the two plans, wlrichever is less. 14.4 143(2) For each eligible full-time employee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer will conhibute 70% of the average premium of all plans. Health Insurance Contribution, 2007 14.4(1) Effecfive for the January, 2007 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee covered by this agreement who is employed full-time and who selects employee health insurance coverage provided by the Employer, the Employer agrees to contribute the aznount of the 2006 single contribution per month plus 70% of the average increase to the single premium of all plans for 2007. For 2007 only, the Employer agrees to provide an addirional $8.33 per month for employees who select either of the rivo low cost plans or the cost of the two low cost plans, whichever is less. 14.4(2) For each eligible fu11-time employee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer will contribute 70% of the a�erage premium of all plans per month. 14.5 Cafeteria Plan Requirements Effective in 2002 under the Cafeteria Plan, full-time, benefit eligible employees (i.e. 40 hrs/pay period or more) must select at least single health insurance coverage and $10,0001ife insurance coverage. In 2002, the City will contribute the cost of the $10,000 mandatory life insurance as part of the insurance contribution described in Article 14.4. In 2003 the City's coniribution to the $10,000 mandatory life insurance will be a stand-alone contribution sepazate from the health insurance contribution described in Article 14.4(2). 14.5(1) Employees who elect to waive the City conhibution for health insurance may waive participation in the health insurance plan and shall not be eligible for life insurance benefits nor shall they be eligible to participate in any optional insurance coverages or fle�ble spending accounts. 14.5(2) However, an employee whose spouse is also employed by the City of Saint Paul, and is eligible to participate in the City's health insurance plan, will not be required to select mandatory health insurance coverage as long as one of the spouses is pazticipating in the City's insurance plan with family coverage. The mandatory life insurance continues to apply. In this event, $225.00 per month shall be eligible for payment as unused benefit dollars. 14.5(3) Effective for 2002 only, for employees selecting single health insurance, the amount eligible for payment as unused benefit dollars shall be the actual cost of the single heatth insurance premium, less the cost of the • • • 12 �, � ��-i ARTICLE 14 — INSURANCE (Continued) • monthly life insurance premium. Any unused portion of the Employer's contxibution, for which an employee is eligible, is defined as unused benefit dollazs, not salary, and shall be paid to the employee as tasable income. Such payment shall be made during the month of December for the insurance year. 14.6 Fle�ble Spending Account Under the Cafeteria Plan, employees covered by this agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts offered by the Employer. The service fee chazged for employees participating in the Dependent Care Account will be paid by the Employer. The service fee for employees participating in the Medical Expense Account will be paid by the Employer. 14.7 Survivor Insurance In the event of the death of an active employee, the dependents of the employee shall have the option, within thirty (30) days, to continue the current hospitalization and medical benefits, including such plan improvements as may be made from time to time, which said dependents previously had, at the premium and Employer contribution applicable to eligible early retirees. The date of death shall be considered to be the date of retirement. In the event of the death of an early retiree or a regular retiree, the dependents who were • dependants of record at time of retu shall have the option, within tkurty (30) days, to continue the current hospitalization and medical benefits which said dependents previously had, at the premium and Employer contribution accorded to the eligible deceased retiree. In the event of the death of an employee kiiled in the line of duty, the Employer will contribute 100% of the premium far either single or family health insurance coverage for eligible dependents. An eligible dependent who is not enrolled in the City's health insurance program at the time of the employee's death will have an option to enroll at the next annual open enrollment period. It is further understood that coverage shall cease in the event of: 14.7(1) Subsequent remarriage of the surviving spouse of the deceased employee or retiree. 14.7(2) The employment of the surviving spouse or dependent where health insurance is obtained through a group program provided by said Employer. In this event, however, the surviving spouse or dependent shall have the right to maintain City health insurance for the first ninety (90) days of said employment. • 14.8 Retiree Insurance Employees who retu must meet the following conditions in order to be eligible for the Employer contributions listed in Articles 14.9 through 1412 below towazd a health insurance plan offered by the Employer: 13 o�-y1`'1 ARTICLE 14 — INSURANCE (Continued) 14.8(1) Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act covering employees of the City of Saint Paul at the time of retirement, and • 14.8(2) Have severed his/her relationship with the City of Saint Paul under one of the retiree plans, and 14.8(3) Iiave completed at least twenty (20) years of service with the City of Saint Paul excluding service with Independent School District 625 for employees hired after September 1, 1995 or be receiving a disability pension from a public employee retirement act covering employees of the City of Saint Paul and 14.8(4) Have severed Ius/her reIationship with the City of Saint Paui for reasons other than an involuntary teinunation for misconduct. 14.9 Early Retirees This Article shall apply to employees who: 14.9(1) Were appointed on or before December 31, 1995, and 14.9(2) Have not attained age 65 at retirement, and 14.9(3) Meet the terms set forth in Article 14.6 above, attd 14.9(4) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. Until such retirees reach sixty-five (65) yeazs of age, the Employer agrees to conhibute a masimum of $350.00 per month towazd the premium for single or family health insurance coverage. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. When such early retiree attains age 65, the provisions of Article 14.11 shall apply. 14.10 This Article shall apply to employees who: 14.10(1) Were appointed on or after January l, 1996, and 14.10(2) Have not attained age 65 at retirement, and 14.10(3) Meet the terms set forth in Article14.8 above, and 14.10(4) Select a heaIth insurance plan offered by the Employer. Until such retirees reach sixty-five yeazs (65) of age, the Employer agrees to contzibute a maximum of $300.00 per month toward the cost of single or family health insurance coverage. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. When such eazly retiree attains age 65, the provisions of Article 14.12 shall apply. 14.11 This Article shall apply to employees who: 14.11(1) Were appointed on or after December 31, 2007, and 14.11(Z) Have not attained age 65 at retirement, and • � 1 LJ 14 v�-� �� ARTICLE 14 — INSUI2ANCE (Continued) • 14.11(3) Meet the terms set forth in Article 14.8 above, and 14.11(4) Select a health plan offered by the Employer. Until such retirees reach si�cty-five years (65) of age, the Employer agrees to contribute a masimum of $100.00 per month toward the cost of single or family health insurance coverage. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. When such early retiree attains age 65, the provisions of Article 1414 shall appiy. 14.12 Regular Retirees (Age 65 and over) This Article shall apply to employees who: 14.12(1) Were appointed prior to Januazy 1, 1996, and 14.12(2) Have attained age 65 at retirement, and 14.12(3) Meet the terms set forth in Article14.8 above, and 14.12(4) Select a healtb insurance plan offered by the Employer. The Employer agrees to contribute a masimum of $550.00 per month towazd the premium for single ar family health insurance coverage offered to regular retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. • This Article shall also apply to early retirees who retired under the provisions of Article 14.9 when such eazly retiree attains age 65. 14.13 This Article shall apply to employees who: 14.13(1) Were appointed on or after 7anuary 1,1996, and 14.13(2) Haue attained age 65 at retirement, and 14.13(3) Meet the terms set forth in Artic1e14.10 above, and 14.13(4) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. The Employer agrees to coniribute a maacimum of $300.00 per month toward the premium for single or family health insurance coverage offered to regular retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. This Article shall also apply to eaziy retirees who retired under the provisions of Article 14.9 when such early retiree attains age 65. 14.14 This Article shall apply to employees who: 14.14(1) Were appointed on or after December 31, 2007, and 14.14(2) Have attained age 65 at retirement, and • 14.14(3) Meet the terms set forth in Article 14.11 above, and 14.14(4) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. 15 - o�,-�ti� AR'�ICLE 14 — INSURANCE (Continued) The Employer agrees to contribute a m�imum of $100.00 per month toward the • premium for single or fanuly heaith insurance coverage offered to regulaz retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. 14.15 The contriburions indicated in Article 14 shall be paid to the Employer's third party adm.inistrator or desi�ated representaTive. 14.16 A retiree's participation in the City's health insurance plan must be continuous. The retiree must be participating in a City healfh insurance plan at tlie time of retirement. If a retiree chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retirement or if a retiree discontinues hislher participation at a later date, such retiree will not be eligible for any future participation or foz any Employer contribution. ARTICLE 15 — EXCHANGE OF TOURS OF DUTY 15.1 Voluntary exchanges of tours of duty shall be gtanted only after approval by the department head or his designated representaiive. 15.2 No Employee shall be entitled to worldng out of classification pay under Article 9 as a result of any voluntary exchange of tours of duty. 153 All voluntary exchange of tours of duty shall be in accordance with 29 CFR 553.31- • Substitution — section 7(p) (3). ARTICLE 16 — VACATION/HOLIDAYS 16.1 For employees who work a foriy hour schedule vacation shall be granted as follows: Employees shall be granted in each fiscal yeaz vacation at the rate of two and six-tenths (2.6) times the number of hours designated as-the work week. After five (5) years of continuous employment in Employer's fire department, Employees shall be granted vacation at the rate of three and six-tenths (3.6) times the number of hours designated as the work week. After fifteen (15) years of continuous employment in Employer's fire department, Employees shail be granted vacation at the rate of four and eight-tenths (4.8) times tha number of hours designated as the work week. After twenty-five (25) years of continuous employment in Employer's fire deparknent, Employees shall be granted vacafion at the rate of five (5) times the number of hours designated as the work week. For 40 hour employees floating holidays aze included in the vacation schedule. For 40 hour employees designated holitdays shall be handled in accordance with the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation (St. Paul Ordinance No. 6446). For employees who work a fifty-si�c (56) hour work schedule vacation shall be granted as follows: Employees shall be granted in each fiscat yeaz vacation at the rate of four attd six-tenths (4.6) times the number of hours designated as the work week. After five (5) yeazs of continuous employment in Employer's fire department, Employees shall be • granted vacation at the rate of five and six-tenths (5.6) times the number of hours designated as the work week. After fifteen (15) years of continuous employment in Employer's fire deparLment, Employees shall be granted vacation at the rate of six and eight-tenths (6.8) times the number of hours designated as the work week. After twenty- 16 � � �� ARTICLE 16 - VACATION/HOLIDAYS (Continued) • five (25) years of continuous employment in Employer's fire deparhnent, Employees shall be granted vacation at the rate of seven (7) tunes the number of hours designated as the work week. For 56 hour employees all floating and designated holidays aze included in the vacarion schedule. The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to the Saint Paui Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, Section I, Subdivision H, unless the contract provisions directly conflict with the Salary Plan. In such cases, the language of the contract shall supercede/replace the conflicting language of the Salary Plan. Effective January 1, 2007, vacation accrual shall be based on employment date. 16.2 The department head may permit Employees to carry over into the following fiscal yeaz vacation time equivalent to two work weeks. Vacation schedules shall be fixed by the deparhnent head. An Employee not working full-time shall be granted vacation on a pro- rata basis. 163 Employees separated from employment by reason of resignation shall be granted such vacation pay as has been eamed and remains unused at the time of sepazation, provided notification of resignation has been sent to the department head, in writing, at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date of resignation. Employees separated from employment by reason of dischazge, retirement or death shali be g�anted such vacataon • pay as has been eamed and remains unused at the time of separation. Employees granted mare vacation time than earned at the rime of separation from employxnent shall pay the Employer for such unearned vacation. 16.4 This article shail not apply to temporary or emergency employees. 16.5 For purposes of this article, New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4 Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christxnas Day are considered major holidays. Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Veterans Day and the day after Thanksgiving are considered minor holidays. 16.6 Vacation Sell Back Employees may request compensation in cash for up to two (2) days (48 hours for 56 hour employees, 16 hours far 40 hour employees) of accrued, unused vacation within each IRS payroll reporting year. Payment will be at the discrerion of the Aepartment Head and additionally, limited by the availability of funds in the Department's Budget. Such election must be made in writing on or before Decembar 1 of each year. If the employee elects to sell vacation, the payment for such sold vacation shall be made in a lump sum in the nearest full payroil period following the election date. The payment shall be in an amount equal to the number of hours sold times the employees regular rate of pay in effect as of the date of such election. Article 16.6 shall not be subj ect to the provisions of Article 6 of this Agreement. • 16.6(1) Invoking the use of sick leave to vacation conversion as provided for in Article 19.2 at any time within the II2S payroll reporting year will prohibit the use of 16.6 above. 17 �C�-�fl� ARTICLE 16 — VACATION/HOLIDAYS (Continued) 16.7 Union Activity/Release Bank . Effective the first payroll of each year (starting in 200'�, each member of the Union will have his/her vacation balance reduced by three (3) hours to establish a Uniott Release Bank. The total nuxnber of hours shaA be based on the employee count as of the first pay period of the yeaz. Union officers shall be allowed to use this release time ar allocate time to union members to fill in for union officers on official business. Union officers will noti£y the deparhnent in writing of use of this provision three days prior to use. Should use of this provision result in overtime, the union bank will be reduced accordingly. ARTICLE 17 — TOUR OF DUTY AOLIDAY 17.1 Tour of Duty Holiday 17.1(1) One tour of duty holiday will be provided to Fire Equipment Operators, Fire Captains, Emergency Medical Services Coordinator, Fire Training Assistants and Fire/Arson Investigators. 17.1(2) Employees in the titles listed in Article 17.1(1) with a m;n;m� of 15 yeazs of service will be provided one additional tour of duty holiday. 17.1(3) Employees in the title of Fire Fighter, with a minim�n of three (3) yeazs of service in the Fire Department, will be provided the tour of duty holiday listed in 17.1(1). • 17.1(4) A tour of duty holiday may, at the option of the employee: (1) be added to his/her vacation schedule, or (2) the employee may choose to receive payment at his or her regular rate of pay for the tour of duty holiday. The Employer must receive and have approved the employee's request for the tour of duty day as vacation time off by November 15 of each calendaz year. If the request is not so received by the Employer, the Employee will forfeit his or her option to add the day as vacation. For Employees who choose the payment option the Employer will make the payment no later than the Iast regularly scheduled pay day of the calendaz yeaz. 17.2 For those employees assigned to a work week other than Monday through Friday, the holiday shall be observed on the calendaz date of the holiday. ARTICLE 18 — VOLUNTEERISM AND/OR OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT 18.1 As a conc3ition of employment, any position represented by the union as covered in the contract, will be prohibited from membership in any fire deparhnent ather than the Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services. In additiott, other outside employment • related to fire suppression must be approved by the fire chief. fF:3 ��� � LJ • ARTICLE 19 - SICK LEAVE AND PARENTAL LEAVE 19.1 As provided in City of Saint Paul Civi1 Service Rules Section 20. Effective December 31, 2007, sick lea�e shall accrue at the rate of .0500 for employees working a 40 hour per week schedule and shall accrue at the rate of .0520 for employees working a 56 hour per week schedule. In addition to the relatives listed in Secrion 20.B of the Civil Service Rules, accumulated sick leave credits may be granted in the event of the death of the employee's steppazent or stepchild and one day of sick leave to attend the funeral of the employee's �andpazent or grandchild. 19.2 If an employee has an accumulation of sick leave credits in excess of one-hundred and eip�ty days, he/she may convert any part of such excess to vacation at the rate of one-half day's vacation far each day of sick leaue credit. No employee may convert mare than ten (10) days of sick leave in each fiscal year under this provision. 19.3 In the case of a serious illness or disability of an employee's child, pazent or household member, the head of the department shall grant leave with pay in order for the employee to care far or make arrangements for the care of such sick or disabled persons. Such paid leave shall be drawn from the employee's accumulated sick leave credits. Use of such sick leave shall be lixnited to the number of hours designated to be the employee's wark week per incident. 19.4 Maternity and Parental Leave. Pregnant employees of the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for the use of paid sick leave and unpaid leave of absence in the same manner as any other disabled or ill City employee. Such paid sick leave eligibility shall begin upon certification by the employee's attending physician that the employee is disabled in terms of her ability to perform the duties of her position or any duties assigned by the Employer. A twelve (12) month Parental leave of absence without pay shall be granted to a nahxral parent or an adoptive parent, who requests such leave in conjunction with the birth or adoption of a child. Such leaue may be extended an additional twelve (12) months by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer. Refusal on the part of the Employer to grant an extension of such leave shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 6 of this Agreement. Employees who return following such leaves of absence shall be placed in a position of equivalent salary and tenure as the one held just prior to the beginsiing of their leave. • ARTICLE 20 - FII2E FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 20.1 The Employer will provide the following firefighting personal protective equipment for the individual Employee: 19 0� �l , ARTICLE 20 — FI12� FIGHTING EQIJIPMENT (Continued) National Rire Protection Association (NFPA) compliant personal protective equipment • will consist of: NFPA Fire Helmet NFPA Firefighting Coat NFPA Firefighting Bunker Pants NFPA H-Back Suspenders NFPA Firefighting Gloves NFPA Firefighting Choppers NFPA Firefighting Boots NFPA Nomex Hoods Initial Issue Standazd Flashlight with Batteries (Pelican Super Saberlight or equivalent) Spanner Wrench ARTICLE 21- STATION SUPPLIES 21.1 The Employer will provide station supplies such as: Refrigeratars Stoves Tables Chairs Soap Brass Polish Cleaning Rags Light Bulbs Chamois ARTICLE 22 — TELEPHONES/EMAIL 22.1 The Employer will provide a public telephone as a back-up to the alarm system. 22.2 Telepkones installed for individual Employees or groups of Employees will be at the Employees' e�cpense. All such telephones must be approved prior to installation by the departrnent head or his designated representative. 22.3 The Employer will allow the Union President to send notifications of ineetings or other special events through the City's e-mail System. The sending of such e-mails must be appmved by the Fire Chief or designee. ARTICLE 23 - WAGE SCHEDULE r1 LJ 23.1 The wage schedule for the purpose of this Agreement shall be Appendiac A attached hereto. • 23.2 Forty (40) hour work week Employees regulazly assigned to night duty (e.g. inspectors) will receive night differential in accordance with existing City rules and policies. 20 QO"�1y • A.RTICLE 24 - iJNIFORM A.LLOWANCE AND UIVIFORM ITEM I:IST 24.1 The 1972 base of One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00) as a clothing allowance on a voucher system will be increased January 1, 1974, and each year thereafter on the basis of a yearly study of the increased cost of the defined uniform. The 1972 base cost of the uniform is stipulated and attached as Appendix B. For the yeu 1999 only, the Employer will provide an additional payment of $250.00. 24.2 Changes to the depariment's list identifying uniform items allowable for purchase, will be initiated by recommendations from the department and Loca12] Labor-Management Committee. The recommendations will be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief and the Employer's Director of Labor Relations. A.RTICLE 25 - LEGAL SERVICES 25.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect of duty, the Employer shall defend, sa�e harxnless and indemnify an Employee, and/or his/her estate, against any claim or demand, whether groundless ar othenvise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the performance and scope of the Employee's duties. 25.2 Notwithstanding Article 25.1, the employer shall not be responsible for paying any legal service fee or for providing any legal service arising from any legal action where the • employee is the Plaintiff. ARTICLE 26 - SEVERANCE PAY 26.1 The Employer shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Article 26. Employees are not eligible for severance plans listed in City Ordinance No.11490. 26.2 To be eligible far the severance pay program, an employee must meet the following requirements: 26.2(1) The employee must be voluntarily separated from City employment or have been subject to separation by lay-off or compulsory retirement. Those employees who are discharged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency, or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for the City severance pay program. 26.2(2) The employee must file a waiver of reemployment with the Human Resources Director, which will clearly indicate that by requesting severance pay, the employee waives a11 claims to reinstatement or reemployment (of any type), with the City or with Independent School District No. 625. • 26.2(3) The employee must have an accumulated balance of at least eighty (80) days of sick leave credits at the time of his/her separation from service. 21 ��--� J`�ARTICLE 26 - SEVERENCE PAY (Continued) 263 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility • requirements set forth above, he/she will be granted severance pay in an amount equal to one-half of the daily rate of pay for the position held by the employee on the date of separation for each day of accmed sick leave subject to a maximum as shown below based on the number of years of service with the Fire Department. Years of Service Ma;timum With the City Severance Pay At Least 20 $5,000 21 $6,000 22 $7,000 23 $8,000 24 $9,000 25 $10,000 However, any employee sepazated from City employment on or after June 30, 1992 who has an accumulated balance of at least one thousand eight hundred fifly (1,850) hours of sick leave credits and at least 25 yeazs o£ service in the City of Saint Paul at the time of Ius/her sepazation from service sha11 be granted severance pay in the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). Employee with twenty (20) or more years of service who is ruled disabled and is • receiving a disability pension and who has 1850 hours of accumulated sick lea�e shall be allowed the ma;timum severance benefit of $30,000. The mantter of payment of such severance pay shall be made in three consecutive equal annuat payments of fen fhousand dollazs ($10,000) each. The annual payments shall be made in February of each yeaz. The first payment shall be made during the month of February in the yeaz following the year in which the employee separates his/her employment. 26.4 For the purpose of this severance program, a death of an employee shall be considered as sepazation of employment, and if the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth above, at the time of his/her death, payment of the severance pay may be made to the employee's estate or spouse. 26.5 For the purpose of this severance program, a transfer from the City of Saint Paul employment to Independent School District No. 625 employment is not considered a sepazation of employment, and such transferee shall not be eligible for the City severance program. 26.6 The manner of payment of severance in amounts of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or less shall be made in accordance with tke provisions of City Ordinance No. 11490. • 26.7 This severance pay program shall be subject to and govemed bq the provisions of City Ordinance No. I I490 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this article conflict with said ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control. `�� c�` ►y • ARTICLE 27 - INCAPACITATION - INJURY OR ILLNESS 27.1 Any physical � incapacitated Employee unable to perform normal work duties may be assigned at the direction of the department head to perforxn the duries of Fire Alann Dispatcher I, Fire Alarm Dispatcher II, Fue Inspector ,* Fite Tnvestigator * or Fixe Training Assistant. Employees so assigned by the deparhnent head will receive their regular rate of pay for a period not to exceed one hundred and eighty (180) days. After one hundred and eighty (180) days, Employees sa assigned will receive their regular pay rate or the Fire Alazxn Dispatcher II pay rate, whichever is lower. 27.2 Notwithstanding Article 27.1, any physically incapacitated employee appointed to a titie covered by this Agreement prior to January 1, 1990 who is unable to perform normal work duties may be assigned at the direction of the deparhnent head to perform the duties of Fire Alann Dispatcher I, Fire Alann Dispatcher II, Fire Inspector, * Fire Investigator* or Fire Training Assistant. Employees so assigned by the department head will receive their regular rate of pay for the period of such assignment. 273 Fire Fighters, Fire Equipment Operators, Fire Captains or members who have previously held one of these titles with the Employer injured during the course of employment and thereby rendered incapable of performing job duties and responsibilities shall receive full wages during the period of incapacity, not to exceed the period equal to twelve (12) months plus accumulated sick leave. It is understood that in such cases, the twelve (12) • month period shall first be utilized and only when same is exhausted shall accuxnulated sick leave be applicable. 27.4 Fire Fighters, Fire Equipment Operators, Fire Captains or members who have previously held one of these titles with the Employer disabled through injury or sickness other than specified in Section 27.3 above shall receive full wages for a period equal to accumulated sick leave, plus six (6) months as provided herein. It is understood that in such cases, accumulated sick leave shall first be utilized befare the six (6) months, or any part thereof, shall be applicable. It is further understood that the six (6) month period shall be available only in those years where the last available Annual Report of the City Civil Service office shall sliow average sick leave used per Fire Department Employee (based on the 1972 Annual Report method of calculating same), of eight (8) days or less. 27.5 Employees injured ar incapacitated by illnesses in the line of duty shall be entitled to reinstatement at any time within five (5) years from the date of injury or incapacity provided they are physically capable of resuming their job. 27.6 Except as specifically provided in this Article, all iliness and incapacity rules and policies previously in effect shall continue. * These titles are viable only for the purpose of assigxunents pursuant to these sections. • ARTICLE 28 - CITY MILEAGE 28.1 Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Administrative code shall be superceded for members of this bargaining unit by this article. 23 ARTICLE 28 — CITY MII.EAGE (Continued) �"�f (�{ 28.2 Method of Computation • To be eligible for such reimbursement, all officers and emp2oyees must receive written authorization from the Department Head. When an employee is required to use Ius/her personal automobile to conduct authorized City business, the City shall reimburse the employee at the then cunent Federal I.R.S. mileage reimbursement rate on the most direct route. (Mileage rate for 2002 is 36.5 cents/mile) 28.3 The City will provide parking at a location and manner of the Employer's choice within a reasonable distance of the work site for City employees on the above mentioned reimbursement plan who are required to have theiz personal car auailable for City business. Such parkiag will be provided only for the days the employee is required to have hislher own personal caz available. ARTICLE 29 - PAID TIlVIE OFF FOR NEGOTIATIONS ! 29.1.1 Employees elected to office in Loca121 shall be granted reasonable time off to meet with City officials for contract negotiations without loss of pay. The number of employees pemutted to attend such negotiations shall be limited to two at any one meeting and such employee shall give prior reasonable norice for such absence and receive approval of the employee's designated supervisor. ARTICLE 30 - MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS 30.1 The parties agree that all conditions of employment relating specifically to wages, hours of work, vacations, holidays and sick leave except as modified by this agreement shall be maintained at not less than the m;n;mum standard as set forth in the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul, (Resolution No. 3250) and Resolution No. 6446 at the tune of the signing of this Agreement, and these conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for unprovement ara made elsewhere in this Agreement. It is specifically agreed that the Civil Service Rules set forth above are not a part of this contract and that these rules shall only be axnended by the present legislative process by the Civil Service Commission and the City Council. ARTICLE 31— PREMIUM PAY FOR PARAMEDIC AND EMTA ASSIGNMENTS 311 The prexnium pays as defined in this Article 31 shall be lunited to employees covered by this agreement who have at least three (3) yeazs of service with the Department. The Employer reserves the right to pay such premiums to employees with less than three years of service in the Deparhnent providing such employee holds the required certification. • 31.2 Premium Pay for Paramedic • Any employee who is assigned to an advanced life support unit as a Paramedic shall be paid a differential of ten and four-tenths percent (10.4%) of his/her regulaz base rate. 24 A.RTICLE 31— PREMIUM PAY FOR PARAMEDIC AND EMTA �Q-4 f"i ASSIGNMENTS (Continued) • Oniy employees who have satisfactorily completed all required Pazamedic training shall be eligible for such assignment and pay differential. The following amendment is added to this secfion: +2% (12.4%) a$er 5 years in program +1% (13.4%) after 10 yeazs in program +1% (14.4%) after 15 yeazs inprogram 313 Premium Pay for EMT AIl employees in all fitles will be required to become certified as an EMT and to maintain such certification as a term and condition of employment. However, any employee originally appointed to a title covered by this Agreement prior to January 1, 1980 who is not certified as an EMT shall not be required to become certified. Such employees may choose to become certified. Once certified such employee must maintain their EMT certification as a term and condition of employment. Any employee who was originally appointed prior to January 1, 1980 to a title covered by tlus Agreement who is certified as an EMT must maintain their certification as a term and condition of employment. Any employee who is assigned to an advanced life support unit or a basic life support unit as an Emergency Medical Technician-Assigned (EMTA) shall be paid a differential • of six and one-quarter percent (6.25%) of his/her regular base rate. Employees certified as an EMT but who are not assigned to an ambulance unit shall receive a differential of three and one-eighth percent (3125%) of his/her regular base rate. Only employees who have satisfactorily completed all required EMT training shall be eligible for such assigrunent and pay differential. Any employee who is assigned to a unit as an EMT-UD shall be paid a differential of eight percent (8%) of his/her regular base rate. Effective January 1, 2001, Fire Fighter, Fire Equipment Operator and Captain EMT's with five (5) consecutive years assigned to a paramedic engine company, shall be paid a differential of two percent (2%) of his/her regular base rate. Article 31.5 shall not apply to this two percent (2%) differenrial. 31.4 Premium Pay for Hazardous Materials Any employee who is assigned to a designated hazazdous materials response unit or a designated advanced technical rescue unit or who is permanently appointed as a Fire Training Assistant shall be paid a differential of eight and three-tenths (83 %) of his/her regular base rate. • 31.5 Qualified Pool personnel shall be eligible for the EMT and Paramedic premium pay on the same basis as qualified assigned personnel. 31.6 It is understood that no premium pay shall be applied on any other premium pay. �7 U�''-F i `t ARTICLE 31— PREMIUM PAY FOR PARAMFDIC AND EMTA ASSIGNMENTS (Continued) 31.7 Effective the first full pay period in 1996, employees shall receive a one percent (1%) • premium for the maintenance of EMT Certification. Article 31.6 does not apply to tkus provision. Articie 31.1 would remain in effect for this provision. ARTICLE 32 — DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING 32.1 Policy The Fire Department recognizes illegal drug and alcohol usage as a threat to the public welfare and the employees of the department. Thus, the Fire Department will take the necessary steps, including drug and alcohol testing, to elinunate illegal usage. It is the goal of this policy to prevent and rehabilitate rather than terminate the employment of workers who are abusing drugs or alcohol. No member of the Fire Department shall be dischazged for illegal drug ar alcohol use without first having been offered the opporliuiity to discontinue use either through personal choice or by treatment for chemical dependency, if such treatment is needed. The Union agrees, at the Employer's request, to re-open negotiations of this Article duriug fhe ternt of this Agreement. 32.2 Informing Employees About Drug and Alcohol Testing All employees will be fully informed of the Fire Depattment's drug testing policy before testing is administered. Employees will be provided with information concexning the impact of the use of drugs or alcohol on job perforxnance. In addition, the employer shall infoxm the employees of how the tests aze conducted, how well the tests perform, when • the tests will be conducted, what the tests can deteimine, and the consequences of testing positive for drug or alcohol use. All newly hired employees will be provided with this in£ormation on their initial date of hire. No employee shall be tested until this information is provided to lum/her. 323 Employee Testing No employee will be tested for drug or alcohol abuse unless reasonable suspicion exists that an employee is under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. At least two supervisors must determiue that "reasonable suspicion" exists. Random or mass testing is prohibited. No such testing may be conducted without the written approval of the officer in charge of the unit. The officer in charge must document in writing who is to be tested and why the testing was ordered. Failure to follow any of these procedures shall resuit in the elimination of the test results as if no test had been administered. The test results shall be destroyed and no discipiine shall be levied against the employee. 32.4 Urine collection shalI be conducted in a manner which results in a legally acceptable sample as well as providing a high degree of security for the sample, freedom from adulteration of the sample, the highest possible accuracy of the clinical resuits while at the same time preserving the dignity of the employee. Administrative procedures shall be such as to prevent the submission of fraudulent tests. When appropriate, biologic testing of the samples may be included as part of such administrative procedures. In testing which could result in employee discipline, if the test result is positive, a split sample shall • be reserved for independent analysis which shall be perfoxmed at the request of the affected employee. Upon request, an employee shall be entitled to the presence of a nni representative before testing is admiiristered. 26 c���� ARTICLE 32 — DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING (Continued) • 32.5 Testing Procedures All samples shall be tested for Chemical Adulteration, Nazcofics, Cannabis, PCP, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Alcohol and Sedatives. The testing sha11 be done by a Selected Laboratory and the following standards shall be used: Drug Testing S#andards Alcohol .02 concentration as shown by an analysis of urine Drug or Initial Test GC/MS Dru� Group metabolite detected level n2/ml Confirmation Amphetamine Amphetamine Methamphetamine Cocaine metabolites Benzoylecgonine • • Marijuana metabolites delta-9-THC-9-COOH Opiate metabolites Phencyclidine Barbiturates Benzodiazepine metabolites �I��� .�'S'iT-a Methaqualone Propoxyphene Codeine Tota1 Morphine PCP Secobarbitai Pentobazbital Phenobarbital Butabarbital Oxazepam Methadone Methaqualone Propoxyphene Noxpropoxyphene 1,000 nglml 1,000 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 15 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 25 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 1,004 ng1m1 3,000 ng/ml 1,000 ng/ml 300 ngJml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 500 nglml 500 ng/ml 150 ng/ml 15 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 25 ng/ml 1,000 ng/ml 1,d00 ngJml 1,000 ng/ml 1,000 ng/ml 30Q ngfml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ngJml Any sample which has been adulterated or is shown to be a substance other than urine sha11 be reported as such. All samples which test positive on a screening test shall be confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry, and no records of unconfirmed positive tests shall be released or retained by the laboratory. Tesfing shall be conducted in a manner to insure that an employee's legal drug use does not affect the test results. All results shall be evaluated by a suitably trained occupational physician or occupational nurse prior to being reported. 27 o�-y +�f ARTICLE 32 - DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING (Continued) Test results shall be treated with the same confidentiality as other employee medical records. The test results shall not be reported outside the Fire Department. 32.6 Chemical Dependency Program Each person whose urine tests posirive for illicit drugs shall be medically evaluated, counseled and treated for rehabilitarion, if required. In addition, at any tixne an employee may voluntarily enter the chemical dependency program without £ear of disciplinary actions against him. This Program is designated to provide caze and treatment to employees who are in need of rehabilitation. Details concerning treatment any employee receives at this Program shali remain confidential and shall not be released to the public. The employee shall be responsible for the cost of treatment. No employee shall be relieved or transferred to other than his/her usual duties on the basis of one test result aithough the employee may be re-evaluated for his/her duty assignment. When undergoing treatment and evaluation employees shall receive the usual compensation and fringe benefits provided at their assigned position. 32.7 Right of Appeal Each employee has fhe right to challenge the results of drug or alcohol testing in the same manner that he/she may grieve any managerial action. 32.8 Duty Assignmeut After Treatment Once an employee successfully completes rehabilitation, he/she shall be retumed to his/her regulaz duty assignment. Employee reassiaunent during treatment shall be based on each individuaPs circumstances. If follow-up care is prescribed after treatment, tlus may be a condition of employment. Once treaUnent and any follow-up caze is completed, at tke end of two years the records of treatrnent and positive drug or alcohol test results shall be retired to a closed medical record. The employee shall be given a fresh start with a clean administrative record. 32.9 Right of Union Participation At any time, the Union, upon request, will have the right to inspect and observe any aspect of the drug and alcohol testing prograzn with the exception of individual test results. The Union may inspect individual test results if the release of this information is authorizad by the employee involved. 32.10 Union Held Harmless This drug and alcohol testing program is solely initiated at the behest of the employer. The Fire Department shall be solely liable for any legal obligarions and costs arising out of the provisions and/or application of this collective bargaining agreement relating to drug or alcohol testing. The Union shall be held hannless for the violation of any worker rights arising from the aclmuuslsation of the drug or alcohoi testing program. 32.11 Conflict with Other Laws This Article is in no way intended to supersede or waive an employee's federal or state constitutional rights. • � • m ��i� • ART'ICLE 33 - DISCIPLINE 33.1 The Employer may discipline employees in any of the forms listed below: Oral reprimand Written reprimand Suspension Demotion Dischazge The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only and in accordance with the concept of progressive discipline. Employees who aze disciplined pursuant to the tetms of this Article may appeal the Employer's disciplinary action through the grievance procedure set forth in Article 6 of this Agreement. ARTICLE 34 - TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 34.1 Effective January 1, 2000, an employee who has successfully completed a course in the required Apprenticeship Program will be reimbursed for the cdurse upon successful completion. The maximum amount ofreimbursement shall be $1500.00 over the three • (3) years of the Apprenticeship Program, Effective January 1, 2001, the masimum amount of reimbursement shall be $1550.00 over the three (3) years of the Apprenticeship Program. ARTICLE 35 - DURATION OF AGREEMENT r 1 U 35.1 Unless otherwise specifically noted herein, this Agreement is effective the date of signing by the Employer and the Union and shall continue in full force and effect through the 31 st day of December, 2005 and thereafter until modified or amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Either party desiring to amend or modify this Agreement shall notify the other in writing so as to comply with the provisions'of the Minnesota Public Employment Labor I2elations Act of 1984. Retroactive pay adjushnents shall apply to all employees of the bargaining unit who are active employees on the date of signing of the agreement except those who have been terminated for cause. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� O� ason Sc Date Labor Relations Manager INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL NO. 21 '�"��/�4 . � �.� �-1 � -- a � Patrick Flanagan �� C� Date President 29 � U � , I u � E � � W 3 F�1 � f � H 1� W � d' 3 � � p 3 � � N p � ti N � N bA �i A � '� S�-� > O � 1~- O N � .R � � � � i-r � � � � � � � � y h Y �� t `--1 I � i-I N _��± � i3 S��a � U �' •� � � � M F-i C. � O m � � N � � � � � i + Vl h � � � � � � � y N vi O � � y � � � N � N � N CJ � ��.' � s�. � � � '� '� �+5�.' 0 0 � .� 0 0 � � V1 Vl a.� � N N � � •� �J W '^ 'b � � O O 0 r�i� . y .� I"i �LC�.�� C� R1 � � --1 � � � � y N Y � y � � � � O O 0 O U U V 0 F. o ��.�i � Vl �O I� �-' �' � O N �N O � � N � T T'"� y .L" � c�d � N ti h � � � ? .ti .; � U V U U W W 4 4y - R7 W W W � �-�i� c � � � z � � � o � o � o m o 0 N N N N N cV N ai vs f» vs ers o v m o n m m rn n m r ��o rn r ��o ry q p m m �o � ni v, � �` N W } a O n } � N O Y N W m 1[1 N N If� M d' V In IA cO I� tf1 1� h N � N N N �"' N N N � N N N �' N N fV HT fA Vl 43 Ef) M f1J U3 U3 EA E9 6? � a�n �n d. N v � ��? m m Q . m v M }` n� � rn v v Y o m c"o �' � N N O O N M t'� O�� N O c0 I� 1� N N N N N N N N N � N N N fA 63 Ui V3 � Vi Vi f9 M V3 H3 VT � � �. � �. � Q�. �y } N } OJ } O Y (O N � (D r � n � n � n � � Q1 N N �� 01 L'J �� O O o � N 1` 1� � I� M 1� I� O t�J (� "'� LL r c t � LL� 0'1 r F lL � m M � LL M m m . � . � 1 O O O� N N Z C'J V eY '„� � h N U � � �3 � � V3 � F � � � � V3 �M � � a � ' � � w � � ` LLJ � Z 1� O O a � N N 7 i� N N CC O (O (D W M 1� i� � M M Z N h I� CQ W U W r � r w � W°' v � Z z ti! m a� Z W� m rn F- W rn rn rn p, o Q Z c� m ro v v a l� C7 N � ifa ia � �» �» � a � e�s �» �� �» s�-a N » o LL? w c� E- ¢ N I IL IL m a � o� ll. li �� tL o rn O � m m � m o � � N � i+> � N �» c » �» � � � s�s � N O� N (O � st f0 t!J � t"J O O ry�n �n c� in m m co M m U h N W U tn �� CS CJ (O N N I` W N W t�i W U O � r �"� N N N fV (V cV N cV fV E9 N V9 Vi b3 43 VJ 43 fA (A M f9 < u� � °' a N ° � m c��o � m W m m O o m � � V) f/i f9 E9 f9 fA fA VT M< � � � n � m c m n r N � � a co m c�o Q r W m Q rn a v Q N r r __ ^ r r m rn m o 0 0 N N N 6Y M EA V3 yj V3 VT d! 69 M f9 V3 j�n n n j�O h. r j N n I� j uJ I� h . o O o .� O O o ._ O O O . o O O y N o o .Q N o o y N o o y N o 0 W � o o W � o o W � o o W � o 0 � � N � � b �.�+ � U � � .� � y W . e� �t .� � 0 a � � � � � 3 � O �F' � .� � � � �.' � � � �+ � N Y O � N k � N � N � .-�-i � O V O � � � � ~ y O .y � U � y � � E'-� l � * N ¢ �-y ��f r1 U � • APPENDIX B- UNIFORM ITEM LIST ................... ................... ................... ................... Regulation "West PoinY' long sleeve police shirt ....................................................................$ 7.00 Regulation "West PoinY' short sleeve police shirt ...................................................................$ 6.A5 Rauking Officer's wlute uniform shirt, long sle�ve, West Point 7500C .................................$ 6.50 Ranking Officer's white unifoxm shirt, short sleeve, West Point 7500C ................................$ 6.Q0 Jersey type long sleeve sweat shirt, navy blue - Wilson 8632 .................................................$ 330 Jersey type 3/4 sleeve sweat shirt, navy blue - Wilson 8632 ...................................................$ 3.30 Fechheimer Bros. navyblue trousers 32200 ............................................................................$ 8.75 Fechheimer Bros. navy blue trousers 32250 ............................................................................$ 8.25 7acket - Light weight, waist style Fechheimer #32100 ...........................................................$10.00 Surcoat - Energy 100FD - Sizes 48-50 add 10%, - longs add 10% ........................................$30.75 Parka - Navy - Butwin i11SP Regular 34-46 .................................................................................................................$39.00 Extra sizes 48 ..........................................................................................................................$42.90 50 .............................................................................................................................................$44.85 52 .............................................................................................................................................$49.00 Long ........................................................................................................................................$42.90 Liners for sununer uniform fire fighter jacket - Fechheimer Bros. 32704 ..............................$ 5.60 SEWING COSTS: No cost when ordered with jacket otherwise ...........................................$ 1.00 Caps Trooper Cap ...................................... Chiefs Navy-5tyle Midwest-N.W..... S pt. Midwest-N.W . .......................... Belts - leather - black - 1.5 inch........ .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. Shoes Wedge style oxford - Red Wing shoe #101 ....................... Slip on style oxford - FLOAT-AWAYS #J5347 ............... Slip on style oxford - FLOAT-AWAYS #J5318 ............... Lace style oxford - FLOAT-AWAYS Z5096 .................... Slip on style oxford Weinbrenner 1635 ............................. Slip on style oxford Weinbrenner 1435 ............................. Lace style oxford T5152 Mocc toe .................................... Lace style oxford Weinbrenner 1225 ................................. Lace style oxford Weinbrenner 1250 ................................. Socks Munsingwear #40 .................................... Munsingv✓eaz #415 - stretch style........... Ties - black, 4-in-hand, or snap-on style. Unit Price ....$ 4.95 ....$ 6.25 ....$ 4.25 ....$ 1.45 .....................................................$ 4.95 .................................................... $15.50 ....................................................$14.50 .................................................... $14.50 .................................................... $15.95 ....................................................$12.00 ....................................................$16.50 ....................:............................... $16. 5 0 .................................................... $16. 5 0 ...............................................................................$ .65 ...............................................................................$ .65 ............................................................................... $1.00 � C� i f-f • APPENDIX C - VACATION/HOLIDAY The following chart illustrates the total vacation/holiday hours in an alternative format for ease of vacation/holiday hours deteimination. This chart does not add to or detract from the total hours auailable as specified in Article 16. This appendix is not subject to Azticle 6 of this agreement. In each fiscal yeaz, each Full-tnne employee shaJl be granted vacation according to the following schedule: Yeazs of Service 0 - 5 years After 5 yeazs After 15 years After 25 years 40 hour Employees 104 hours (13 days) (.0518) 144 hours (18 days) (.0692) 192 hours (24 days) (.0923) 200 hours (25 days) (.0962) For 40 hour employees floating holidays aze included in the vacation schedule. Designated holidays shall be handled in accordance with the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensation (St. Paul Ordinance No. 6446). Yeazs of Service 4-Syrs • After 5 yrs A£ter 15 yrs A$er 25 yrs 56 hous Emplovees 257.6 hours (10 shifts, 17 hrs, 30 min)* 313.6 hours (13 shifts, 1 hr, 30 min)** 380.8 hours (15 shi$s, 21 hrs)*** 392.0 hours (16 shifrs, 8 hrs)**** For 56 hour employees a11 floafing and designated holidays are included in the vacation schedule. One shift sha11 be the equivalent of 24 hours. +� *x�+ �*** 4.6 x designated wark week 5.6 x designated work week 6.8 x designated work week 7.0 x designated work week The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensafion, Section I, Subdivision H, unless the contract provisions directly conflict with the Salary Plan. In such cases, the language of the contract shall supercedeheplace the conflicting language ofthe SalaryPlan. � C-1