221504Original ,to City Cleric Y ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. C • PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance I No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Section 12 and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 12 INSPECTION OF EXAMINATION PAPERS -- A Except in the case of 4`standardizedWcopyrighted tests, every competitor shall be given an opportunity to review the "short answerW questions and answers used in the examination. Every competitor shall also be given 'an opportunity to review the scoring of his papers. Such review of the questions and answers, and of the scoring, shall be made at such times as the Civil rig 4- yrB A •manifest incorrect answer maybe corrected if brought to the attention of the Civil Service Bureau not later than ten days following the day the .co,mpetitor examined the questions and answers used'in the examination; provided, however, that if any change is made in any Icandidatets papers, the papers of all other participants in the examination shall also be,reviewed; and further provided, that no person theretofore certified and appointed from such list shall be displaced by ; xeason ,of such correction."!" k { Section Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: i son Sery Co er Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss - Meredith (2 Peterson Rosen Mr.President (VaV is) Attest: IM "2 City Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel Passed by the Council Tn Favor SAY 2 6 �g6a MAY 2 9 1965 CITY CLERK apt ' 4OUACO 940 000 22300.4 whith its 04 tdb"l9* -No# -3000 161MOUS& *dwwstrauvil Or 4446 ouang to t6o tip 60t ea. Surou lot .00 Ouvor 84W O 46jvv*vuw VAO' Aaovuno toffs *Ad 4*0-outumo **Wonll Apps MM4 Co"*4 FU* Ma 281504 it IWO* 6*000d b y at**bg 00 puapalb, t"dus as legowst US A zuAO00 JACOmOv4swet "gy be cotuatod, It *jf*ft'bt 140 tho attondan of OkO. -C" SOV406 400*42 04 Utz 040 VA. 1,111 th day twaompot.1wr *Xauftod- aaOV:;! uoa� in th6 *u4; by, isubsOU49V ia Us% thotoot lbo. fbUPw$ftV s A va*4w4t =*r bo COV44*04 If bVOU& 0 00 4&ttfttwb ld *0 Olva 60"100 A041ma not sitar 9-" "a *y* fbuowtog trio , Oy tho *Ompottor 4c Q* q"40040 404, Sus "o used in ths O"rauatloolpr4*14K it any �or e I ' is 0*4*14' our 44M.44000* paper$# the, c'"to af %'argelpon" it tho vamUotfou sb*U, also lAtod fibm Am;b Ust sWl bo 4WOUted by, c**Uftl6A *4d appo reavow Ot 41 App""dt 1 Ist 2nd v f Laid over to— _ J 3rd and app ` — Adopted_ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays � D� Iglish �olland Ho and Loss � Loss Meredith 22 1_jo .4 Meredith Peterson Peterson Rosen l\ Rose! Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis 1