221475J f+� OR[+CIN CITY CLERK , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL REbICt�LUTION— GENERAL FORM FILE NO _�75 WHEREAS, There is presently pending before the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota, a petition by the Soo Line Railroad Company requesting authority to discontinue its passenger train service presently operating between Saint Paul and Noyes, Minnesota which passenger train service serves a number of communities In the State of Minnesota, and is the only railroad passenger-train service between communities such as Buffalo, Paynesville�Mahnomen and serves other communities such as Thief River Falls, Detroit Lakes, Alexandria and Glenwood; and WHEREAS The proposed abandonment of service, if allowed, would eliminate passenger - train service for many communities which would be a great inconvenience to the communities of the State of Minnesota and to the City of Saint Paul, the City of Saint Paul has a vital interest in the continued operation of said passenger train; and WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul has an interest in the mainf.'e ance of railroad passenger service as adequate and complete -as possible and feasible and, specifically, the continuance of said passenger trains nos. 9 and 10; therefore, be it /JPR0V,ED !1% Asst. Corporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis r. ions ass RESOLVED: 1. That -the City of Saint Paul pub of record its opposition to the proposed elimination of the Soo Line Railroad Company passenger trains nos. 9 and 10 on the ground, among other reasons, that such service is vital to public convenience and necessity; that it would impair the accessibility of the City of Saint Paul, its cultural, tourist and business attractions; and that it would impair the economic and social growth of the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota at large; In Favor Against ^ Adopted by the Council 19— T Approved 19— Mayor e ORIGIN TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Page 2. COUNCIL 2241-475 FILE NO 2. That the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul be d6signated to represent the Cityts interests at the hearing before the Railroad and Warehouse Commission and intervene in opposition to such petition before the Railroad and Warehouse Commission and present evidence, including this resolution, in opposition tosuch petition at the hearing to be held in the City of Saint Paul on January 26, 1965; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be directed to forward copies of this Resolution to the Governor of the State of Minnesota, the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota the Soo Line Railroad Company and to each Senator and Representative in the City of Saint Paul, in the State Legislature. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson v.-44e& n_ �loV'•...... • .....,,... �11•K4 @94�'C� .� i fi 11iiL ,fix: yic:e �r�sic�Ien ' .• osoa) ions e-2 Adopted by the Counci]JAN 14 1965 19— JAN 141965 Approve 19— In Favor Against Acting Mayor PUBLISHED JAM 16 1965 ``"� •' - c max•.. •- 'r ;i -i F _ � Y -_ ... �_ -. x.-- ,� -. - - -1, - _ - -- - - •- !' roc r,a 4 .,, •'- - F- _ - r -t_-- _ - '. L!- - y- � Y , -�.+— _ _ juhmry 11+,1965 r Capitol _ : St. PaUls Minpesota� ,7• Dear Sir:, ` 4Council ' --The City directed mcs tQ forwar y�ou a copy of a ~resolirioan - adopted by them today, Ca x oi'' , opTing the elmit�stitxi =. n of Soo Railroad C �s pas er Nos, 9 and 10, for the Y r reasons mice -fully set o 'in: -the a ed resolut;.oa. Verytruly yours Wag City Clerk Also. sent to. S oad &. Warehouse Commission,, State- Office Bia'g 's - Soo L e .-Railroad Company., 483 E.- seventh St: • - _ I State'Sen. Claude H. Allen -, _Wendell Anderson Nicholas.- Coleman Karl F. Grittner Edward G. Novak - _ - " '► Clifton Parks ` "• " ' - L _' , - : Leslie Wes tin - = _ State Rep.. John Tracy Anderson i state,Rep. Tom_ Newcome -; Robert 0... Ashbach William O'Brien. ' _ - Ernest A.- Beedle s;_; '" ' " Joseph Prifrel Robert Christense_ n Anthony Podgorski '" • Bruce. Lindahl n " Richard W. Richie a ._ Iwle T. - Farmer " n Vernon L :. Sommerdorf .� obert• W. Johnson Donald D. Wozniak ' • � w� � � }' • ' `- - - INFORMATION SHEET I `� • '� Proposed discontinuance: of Soo Line Railroads passenger. tra'ins 9- ido,, «Minnneapolis- St,.Paul _:, t 1.'T, ,. •• Troyes, Minnesota:'. .. i - - - _... 1,, Soo Line ,trains. :9:_and; 10 ;should be oontinued,.for ,the following seasons:: a. Those trains are being used by the travelling public all along the 400 mile route, V. Therei is not _ad'equate. alternate• service available. 4 � i ' n �. c f-• Ai, •• • "R.: * r.5'} ' � 7R T. - c. These trains are{the last remaining trains on this line and if etition is granted many communities would: be 1eft;;without "any;ro,r K 16 ublio form of transportations ,y thtz pazL;., 1Y d. These trains ,contribute to -the_ economia:.,growth „and, industrlal•�., xpansion of. the �c6mmuhitles' along, the line._ s •. .�.. • ®, Now industries have located along the.line on the strength of continued passenger- train,,operatLon,.r, .1ia .-,,4- ;;, • of t}��; � ;,�,� ,•, � � /r'. . 1_. ^: �. �•''t. f' •/,'r•�.` '"'7ir�k f -..:” t•, - .. +e �'• , many communities along the line are stiowing signs of•populatIon rowth and industrial expansion, therefore there is a great need of hese trains. no Yrltf±tt1[rIn } r g. During severe "'winter weather whole communities would be-isolated - :i7ere it not for the, operation of,. �hesze,�trains;.�.}a.in qpF, D h. At .: ..� «.t�.,n, -- F: � �'n "•ri{:1 `a± {±.`--'r.r•:�•t,�t =.' t.`SjF' i:.�':;''"..� YJ�- t previous hearings,witnesses,-.stated: ,their,preferenoe for train travel' and others 'stated they need this service as they,did not oim an automobile�,_i,,,,c:, t` :� t ;urw'' !co plc fii1 1,tL�a rS.c!:: {.�ry - cy.;9t-�'ti;^- •iF•1" i'�'rs�•lci•••� '=:"'x.'�'tr�r.i;;•�r; �i�'!si ,' `. i. Blood plasma; . surgical• supplie z•,­ and other ?,_�i' hosp'ital needs are handled by these trains. _ Y jo Remains are handled on these trains as are out flowers* k, Mail, baggage and express are handled on these trains.,= I. Many grain samples are transported to the Minneapolis Grain, Exchange on these trains,* . m. Hundreds of people use these trains to attend Major League base- ' ball and football in the Twin Cities,. n. Considerable use is made of these trains by those who transact business in the Twin Cities. o. Entire student bodies have used these trains for excursions.. p. Students from out -state areas use these trains to attend the University of Minnesota and other Twin Cities colleges and sohoolsq ;k q. The Minneapolis Aquatennial, the StQ Paul Winter Carnival, the Guthrie Theater, the Walker Art Center, and other attractions will attract thousands of people, many „who will travel-on these trains,, A r,: The vast urban renewal program in the Twin Cities is result- ing tn multi - million •dollar -•hotels ••ind•L-motelst; among' other business enterprises and. this "wil'l = tend - to -attraot-'thousands , of • people, many who will travel P.on2the,6e s, TheTllin"Cities;= Ias- wel3IVAe all(.the «oommunities'Yaloe they -line s need more and better passenger train service rather than less of this services - pry r> -)"Y T:#;O :•''fit. €3�_;�4, pv>l 'E., to The tremendous population explosion, a higher standard of living, and more leisure timd`° demand = more *and; ','better_tpas "senger train service, rather than less ofyt{h {isS service n {2owj andd/i In-the future* yy .• �fw 1J \.�'i.� '� l,'~5'.1 +, �a 'iL- w "•:i� k~. ��_ {r1t ���:,jy M'i }•. •�li'~ �w` ��A1.. '2 t F1i \�t'F• f,y. - minnesota" cannot y "sit :idly by,and wltness,:the- Wholesale diseontinu- " nce of :its passenger - trains "as has occurred in the past few-years. - v. 1he=-Soo' Lino eti;�oys'a luarAtive3 'rei fit bust e �� terri.. ` s.r• :n' .i.s' ory ana1`they d16 hake' antobllg t5,oxt "`t,t� ^���.,r tt <,> _ F, passenger, service. K =3 , ,%1:- • +•'t .ti:,'� h a 'o lrmnci s':lon" tiro 114'M_ t r 11111 t Tho?`Soo Line has` stated'"theyi�ish to get out of the /passenger lusiness and consequently they have done little or nothing to attract assen�arrs:-,', • •� �'��'> ii.e;t�r��"; �_��_ � �•ta�: �..k`A ��C,y,'��,ui�; �:.i'..L".i?'ry',jC +'�.�. r "3 "_ -x�.9 . th =�rc#`t�s��� theca ie ri wax t d; The Soo" Line does little or no advertising of its p(ssenger _ trains and services. wT`ol -e 511 here is a groat °poteniaZ�for�passe�'ger traiia use if only the Dmoo Line would make a sincere attempt in capturing this business by operating modern' eq:u pinent' }site -V'j �rading��servloeb -.0f or6- Qv. for ,- ;°• -x' ' - "5 ',k i +t %[_$a H•'iS�` ?9,ud �.i:e„ti �dr`.s:tw. 1•t"' ( �i ++/,rv,, rrFF�r S1 '+" < ,!'� ' 'z.'` It' is the 'hoheb�t- opinion of many that more people would ride these trains if its services were upgraded,,suoh a, restating the slEeper�,1'a_nd clinin ' S,ct7ayyrs 3, sL��p . ;�#r� and c�:hQr : o ital i'.1 ..n ;F;.�y:�' i W�xi'. iX d.7.�+� i 4i: i�ri if 'e'ii'.�(•iiri Ci.V Are �4T7.cti" - Fvt.'��i. P _ - ;•�I s- :. .�:�`` u ''-O,.�Sx: v�F:. �C7�},$h� �:i�'{3 •�i °{�Y!s`3�;'f't*%;.� �� '��� �i��.�C�;;'�!�'FI+ � �.. _ �k i , �• _i • "'1i,., -'`''. i3:i 'tx[dCi�� �'sr''i�i�.'ta�if _ �. �_'1.'��r a ... .�_ �i ryas y, aw eye ,j.,. - r. - .r f %�� 7 -• - A t war iii �p 3 U U00 it he -'e -L1 _q C� �.i t Fi .A tl: } i"•.+t.�. C_77 _. e fo:> a17 :girt h iti�+ .. :,r ... diJ �f- :.'rLLi .1 vL}' 7!J ►S' 4+ 7f ( y,O -r-,a y� p b-,' 4 W��S�f:��l !a' ��.. �1` sir im atttdGM bodieS h-Mv0 .y� !'W! or Minneso'b a aril, ether tbf? WaZ.1'.Oa .�iil;��i`,' �a °��u€S'r°# e_?Fa 13t�',.c�Z" �Y�'�i�.'�C_'•i`�':3T:�a'. '�'E�.� • � o/�y,�c� ,a� j y+ S.1p t _ { 4 .r[ .(( q• r ry'M( peopIr V- �17y:Y/Ti�C1• �'I wle•. :t {. L.t���� 1f..:•.1 '�4�^�I�i i,�L��iM1M K•,� COMMISSIONERS: PAUL A. RASMUSSEN HJALMAR PETERSEN RONALD L. ANDERSON �� � � �.-s 3 �$#. 1bu1 551{11 January 18, 1965 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: REFER TO FILE NO. A4140 ADORESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO RAILROAD 9 WAREHOUSE COMMISSION Re: Soo Line Discontinuance of passenger Trains 9 and 10 - Docket No. 8140 We acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 14, 1965, and resolution to intervene in the discontinuance of the above trains. RLN:gn Very truly yours, R. L. Nor and Secret � STATE OF MINNESOTA EXECUTIVE OFFICE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 KARL F. ROLVAAG GOVERNOR Mr, Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Gerber: January 21, 1965 This is to acknowledge receipt of the resolution of the City Council of St. Paul concerning the elimination of service for passenger trains 9 and 10 on the S'bo Line. Si ly yours R r Goff Secretary to the Governor 43