221466ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO-921-466. FILE LICENSE COMTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM BY COMMIESENT DIONE DATE January 14., 1965 WHEREAS: Proper notice has been received of change of officers and stockholder in Conroyls, Inca holders of an On Sale Liquor License No. 6429, expiriig January 31, 1965, at 2210 Hudson Road, therefore, be it RESOLVED= That due to the death of George Conroyp President; Erna S. Conroy becomes President, retaining the office of Treasurer, but relinquishing the office of Secretary, Ruxton R. Strong becomes the Secretary and additional office of Vice - president being held by Patricia S. Strong; and the stock held by George Conroy (decegsdd) is transferred to the estate, be and the same is hereby approved. OnSale Liquor Establishment (change officers and stockholder) Informally approved by Council January 12, 1965 Yeas COUNCILMEN Dalglish Holland Nays Loss Meredith Peterson Akmven- M3 L P.se'si'deaf -- Avii ,i Mr. Vice President (Romm) ions &52 b Tn Favor G Against JAN 14 1965 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 14 ESS Approve 19— Acting Mayor PUBLISHED JAN 16 1965