06-405Council �le # �i ' y�. Green Sheet # 3030175 RESOLUTION a3 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 WfIEREAS, the Deparhuent of Public Works is prepazing to commence work on the Suimnit Avenue rewiring project, and WHEREAS, this project was originally adopted by Council on CF 00-1167, and WHEREAS, addirional5nancing is needed to fiilly fund the work that needs to be done, and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Department of Public Works to fund this with ROW Maintenance assessment dollars, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Coimcil of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendarion of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $321,000 is available for appropriation in the 2006 Capital Improvement Budget, as here[ofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the Improvement Budget, in the following particulars: Current Budget Amended Change Budget FINANCING PLAN Snmmit Avenue Wiring Update coi-2sos8 MSA Trf from ROW Mtce Fund 299,000.00 299,000.00 321.000.00 321000.00 321,000.00 62Q000.00 299,000.00 SPENDING PLAN Summit Avenue Wiring Update cm-zsoss Conshuction 299.000.00 299,000.00 321000.00 620.000.00 321,000.00 62Q000.00 `1'he St. Paul Long-Range C;apital Improvemer�� $udget Committee received this requesf on �tlafe) ���d �Ob _ � and recommenas � 0. � ��O�J� . r�Y. k o Signed: � Requested b: Depamnent of Public Works PTK/jaif� � 27/06 By: Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By: ' Approved M�y : D �7 By: Form By: i Form B ��: Adopted by CouncIl: Date ���� y�,� U�� . �inct,rl.cia� Se�J7CES �_ , �. _. ... �. Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Greeh Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � D�o'�� , Depar6nentlofficelewnel: DateNitia6ed: Pw -��w� �-�� Green Sheet NO: 3030175 Contaet Person 8 Phone: Paul KuAz 2866203 ContradType: AR-RESOLUiK7N W/$ iiiANSACTION � , Assign Number For Roufing Order Total # of Signafure Pages _(Clip M Loeallons for Signature) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DeoaMrent Sent7oPerson ' Wo De t ' r � _3�L'f?� _ A�q � T�y'��� OYfavor's 06ce Ma /Asdistant rk i Qe Approve attached Resolution amending the speading and financing plans of the Snmmit Ave Wiring Update project by adding ROW Maiiatenance Assessntent Fund finaacing. xlations: Approee (A) or Reject (R} Pianning Commission CIB Canmittee Citil Senrice Commission 1. F1as this person/8rtn e�er wwked untler a contract for this de��tment? Yes No 2. Flas this parsonlfirtn e�er been a city emptoyce? Yes No 3. Does this pwsoNfirtn possess a skill not nrnmally possessetl by any curtent city empioyee? Yes No Euplain all yes answers on separaM shcet and aHach W green sheet .Mitiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Public R'orks is preparing to commence work on ihe Sua�qut Avenue rewiring project. Additional fmancing needed to fu1ly fund the work that needs to be done. It is tfie iutent of the Department of Public Works to fund Uus with ROW Maintenance assessment dollars. Advantages If Approved: e et-vr,..e r �..0 There will be sufficient funding W commence the work to update wiring on Summit tivenue. A P� � $ Z0�6 Disadvantages ffApproved: None. Disadvaetas�es ffNotApproved: � �� � � � 0 There wauld not be sufficient funding to commence fhe work to update wiring on S�mmit Avenue. p � 3 9 +p p1,5 . �C €i i c) LQUU TotalAmountof �21,0�0 CostlRevenueBUdgeted: r.���: FundingSource: ROW Mtce. ActiviHNumber. Cp1-ZS088 FirtancPal Informatton: Assessment Fund (225) (Exptain) .. �3c�n:�n^� �;�+Rpu� .. , a; 11, M3ich 27, 2006 90:49 Al1A Paqe 1