06-404Conncil F71e #���` ` °� GreenSheet# ���� RESOLUTION C1TY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented hy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 1$ 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 WHEREAS, the Departmem of Public Works has received Federal funding for a detailed Traffic Study o£the azea bounded by Larpentcur- Snelling-I94-West City Limits, and WfIER&AS, the Ciry needs to provide matching funds of 20% of the total financing for thi.s project, and WHEREAS, the Mirmesota Depaztrnent of Transportffiion will also partioipate in the cost of the Traffic Study, and WHEREAS, there is a snnilaz need for funding for the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the Pierce BuUer route extension project, and WI3EREAS, Shepazd Road from Ontario to Jackson project has an availabie surplus of MSA funding that can be hansferred to both of these projects, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $850,OOQ is available for appropriation in the 2006 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by ihis Council, be hereby further amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the following par[iculars: FINANCING PLAN Shepard Rd-Oniario-Jackson CO2-2S062 MSA Ramsey Couttty Trunk Highway Sewer Service Fund SPENDING PLAN Shepard Rd-Ontario-Jackson w2-2so62 Construction FINANCING PLAN Northwest Traffic Study coe-z�xx Federal TEA-21 �ar MSA Cunent Budget 3,477,422.24 4,250,OQ�.QO l OS,000.00 500.000.00 8,335,922.2A 8.335.922.24 8,335,922.24 Change -264,071.30 -264,071.30 -264.07130 -264,0�130 SOO,OQ0.00 55,928.70 64 07130 650,000.00 6 OS .000.00 650,000.00 Amended Budget 3,213,850.94 4,250,�00.�0 . 108,000.00 500.000.00 8,071,850.94 8.071,850.94 8,Q71,85Q.94 SOQ,OOO.QO 85,928.70 64.071.30 650,000.00 �� � �� SPENDING PLAN Northwest Traffic Study C06-2X3C{X Construction o.00 650.000.00 650,000.00 06 - �o� 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 FINANCING PLAN Pierce BuUer Rte Ext-Ph I co6-zcato MSA 1,000.000.00 i,aoo,000.00 200 000.00 zoo,000.00 1200,000.00 i,2oo,000.00 SPENDING PLAN Pierce Buder Rte Ext-Ph I C06-2G010 construction 1,000.000.00 I,000,000.00 200.000.00 20Q000.00 1,200,000.00 ,'i�s �t. �st� �.orn} • �3riq9 G'aPital Improvemeac �udget CotrtffiitteeYBC�It'2d this xequesf on aate) ����� _ _andxecommen�e �'�� - '— �t�tted: °�'a-°',L � Requested �� • P partment of Public Works PTKJ3a �27J06 By: , ,-.., �. ,.. z �:t�:c..i� /, � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: / � � Approved ay a: Dat '�J By: � ��� �; nO..V�C- to Council Adopted by Council: Date �B� j���dOG � Green Sheet GreenSheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � °-------°--� �• - � .. .a . - ` � �„__ ��_�._ , � -� l pW - PabHCwodcs Cor�hct Person & Phone: PaW Kurtz 266 621Y3 ContractType: AR RESOUJTION W/$ IRANSACTION 27-#AAR-OB �I 0 ilssign _ 1 Number y For 3 Routing OMer 4 5 6 Toql # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locallo�s for SignaW re) Green Sheet NO: 3030173 Deoa�4nent SentToPerson ate a,;�w� �� z7/o6 . 'c W De �7+?. ual ce Finaneial 6 ' Q erk Approve attached Resoludon amending the spending and financing plans of the Pierce Batler Rte Extension project by transferriug MSA from the Shepazd Rd. project and esiablishing a budget for the Northwest Traff'ic Study by transferring MSA from Shepazd Rd. and establishing MnDOT and Federal funding. Wations: Appro�e (A) a Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this person/finn ecer vrorked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Ci�il Senece Commission 2. Has this persadGrtn e�er been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfim'i possess a skill not namally possessed by any , � curteM city empioyee? Yes No" F�cplain all yes answers on separetesheeS and attach to green sheeS inifiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � T1te Department of Public Works has received Federal funding for a detailed Tr,�c Study of the area bounded by LazpenteurSnelling- I94-West City Limits and the City needs to provide matching funds of 20% of the total financing for Uris project. The Minnesota Depart�uent of Transpnitation wilT also ,participate in ihe cost of ffie Traffic Study. There is a similar neecl for funding for the Environmental Assessm8nt Worksheec for llie Pierce Butler Route extension project Shepazd Road from Ontario to Jackson projea has an available surplus of MSA funding that can be transferred to both of tLese projec[s. Advan}aneslfApproved: ' There will be sufficient matching funds for the Northwest TrafFic Smdy and the EAW for Pierce BuUer Route Extension wIll be able proceed. - Disadvanpqes NApproved: Surplus MSA from tUe Shepazd Road project will not be available for use on other MSA eligible capital projeas. DisadvanpgeslfNOtApproved: • The federai funding secured for the Northwest Traffic Study will be lost without the local mafching funds. The EAW for Pierce wonid not be able to proceed. Tofal Amount of � � Trensaction: $2�4 �071.3 CosHRevenue Budgeted: `( � � � _ ._ _ _: _ Fandin�t Source: MSA, MnD"6T"& Federal Activib/ Number. Cp('yZG01Q CA2 2S062 & CO Financial lnformation: D[�CI►/CD (Explain) ... .. U le�= � r�� � v� p�p � 3 2DU6 APR 1 g 2006 March 27, 2006 ?0:94 AM MAYOR'S OFFICE Page 1