221443- __�,-- INTERMEDfARY ORDER
File No. 16-47
In the Matter of
�. .
and G ?to dingy Second S% ;f' -Ct: froi1 Fl,nO•t t app_ &:''_.:tcly 150 f-c t
T: St Of' tltc C-0 --.a, l_na oAf Jackson Street t0 Sibley Street by condC.zin_;ng ^crd taking an
Ce^.rC:tt G hi`^,h[7.^Tj Purposes on and c.C_O.>v th �e p. ice s of land, a-1. h tn,'
C_ty O Saint 2uul, County of R=scy and State o= 0ta, CO i�it V ;LGi-9 �i� -1 l to-ds
�'.b No. 35 e�:cept the :iortlu:esterly 20, thereof measured at ris. Zt ." � ,--- 6o y�Q
4ngies to
TJes tc:: t ylino G_ cw d Lot 9.
All o_- that part Of vacated Second S4_eot !rounded by the following describod I-ineae
b:•.�t"-,innin 1 at the i��Ortf."ic- sterly comer O_' Block 1 .St. c Il Proper; t1hance
"9, i, ' i ,� in T;csterly
dirCCti017 along t12a :iOrt`11Crly IiT.a of said Block 39 a distance O'f 22.39 t0 a point; thence
in an easterly d section malting an angle of 350 -119 with the aforementioned northerly line
OL said Block 39 a distance Of 98 feet nor- Cr %ess %O a point On t' -Q cou4h'v este ly like
Of- JacZC-'On Street:; thence southeasterly along the sout°,.illlcutG'3^ly "ride of .T.-LCi:SOrl 5Creet Fi
distance.Gf 31 --eet more Or 9.ess to the face Of will Oil the subF:�ty itnder the elevc" ed
approach trac!:s to the ZJ:1ion repot; thence southwesterly along the face Of --,tie- wall a
Ci.'_.^.if::- q 53 feet more or less to the point t.•here t`h north i_n.^_ of eaid Blook 39
exteDded in an easterly direction intersects the face of said wall;• thence wester l j .alOn s
said northc::_y lire of said Block 39 produced a distance of 32 feet more or less to Via
poir:t O- be-inning.
A11 that part of Blk 30 St. L Proper, and the�P Public Levee � oz ndad by s
L --� Paul Ir•Ji _ Ct. r� -n ttyo
_ollowing described line: __ _•
++ i;aginning at w point on the sott'_:�•; ster1y Ii ^e Of Sibley vtrC ^t, 5.$47 fC:<3t
"{ .aCi3t: ?:4r1y Of e concrete monument in the southuaste ly Pick 02 Sibley Street, said
T'OI:t:'_::c^.I::: LT'.ar. {iF1e; the C'3CtC?'1jT COr'tZoL- of IL:nt} 0=:n3.C'd 'by the £wteSl:iGT: f:0 the iO3t CJffice
and Custc_;1ouse building at St. Pau!, i, a:l.; thence south 440 -359 30" West 10.844 ft. to
a paint in a line 4.75 eet northwesterly from c' e Center lire of saur t=ack, said 4.75
J feet bein i:easur +?d at rim ?it Engles t0 the ccntCr line of the spur track the following
e07 -'rsec and distances: South 360 -35' 30" Crest- 53:5 feet; South 300 -221 30" c,est cis feet;
:7C *ltii 400-Jn6 1,0 s: tr 8t 44 feet; South 1:30 -06' t,,cst 221-feet; South 490 -139 4'ioGt_ 68.24 feet
to a_ *flint -in t`heOsterly side of Jact :son Street, said point ]Yin- 3.75' S 450-46,
<liss t . ' Of cC�^zP,.t j_th?orth?aste northeasterly sid' .k:•On Si?' @et, Sc1id', 7"i! Brit
Izil'in,g -cosn n of the land Occupied by the extension to t's:•e past 0 =-.ice
at St. Paul, _''Jlnr:-sota; th_nce• Uout17C. steriy alcns the no:th-
et:,^,iCryy I.3i.@ 0 Ci:SO.1 Street t0 t °.:8 Z2,1ce of ualY Or the sibvay under the ele-v cd
ul',.D'Mach t=s'c' ►tLS --G the Union Depot:; saj-d face of T,-a j S�}Gir?v G0.1 i:Cet S"450-4-62 2btt L l
G_ 't1::3 - Il:�. ^.:ir .� L1> air ?: � t'- (:i ?a y • _. •;, . - 1Z" r1y - ccr;er o-_ Z t _;._ land occupied by the
th-- rest C:-Ice rlustoz ho se e::te:�:� i�"�a 'a '��• �
_ : 6
� 12 i :.n y 1C':Co a :O:r Face Ot 4311 r-J^ t?° :hit^$44 _ t, ._�.
tin^ or ja l +G:. .� := L'i, to the sou.`.12TS�:.`"--t.Cr1y lane Of Sibley Street; +iCi f1c:
rOi?OSJu fs: `t011Oti91':^ c.ourGe and C,1,:;`..ances: t;:3 WC11 C11i"-1e3 to the left. C,,ith a radius of
793.4�39 f. ac,_- t $t,O .- Ct. "s'-vt. T.;:tOtae tan-ant r".akec an anttf le 0E 330" lui tb the- rorth-
t ..`..sterly ::. -As Of Jac Orr, - Stz -aa` •,., r7 lt t^ ._. St Tray u t.•__ t_:1,_
.I 4...:CV __r,•.a.L t.:rvi:a�1 t._� .,�c!ccon St..eet •1'O �• na-,r � -" e•, Q =.• ^�
traci:s t"O i_::3 Uyl, -1Gi1 'C��Ot` or al distr:n -ce alor,,, i--,s CtZVG Of. 193.61 feet s. id
t 1:: va.a tl::: C d
northea;;.ieily 1?riQ G: .3 cj -,Son St:raoIC; thence aloncr a t+L'nJgert t0 said cii =°.:'v for a distance
Oi' 47.36 �'CCt; .i'_c^.i:::G 4:0 tit?, r2. ;iii: for 4 C1'S:,C :I:w Os 201 alcn� a Li71•r•'. G^.:Cjny 4.2 en�1C •
Oi 1 J0 -',2' 13" Tv_ Che last: M+ ntiO nCd i:t3::Z7,Cnt t o a !point, Sa:'L point beino U:e corner
0_ face Of Wal: 0 said subwzy and tb.e scut1ht:cste_ly I';:re of Sibley Street; thence
nCrt:liw�+ StGrly _� ion_ t:te sout11vestorly lire Of Sibley Street for a distanca of 57.3 feet
to tale point Of 'bc-ilnning.
Also, condeining and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes
on the following described parcel of land: that part of Lots b and 9, Auditor=s
Subdivision P:o. 35 lying southeast of a line commencing at a p0 njt�on the-
easterly line of said Lot $, 3 feet from the most easterly corner thereof,
thence westerly 90.55 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 9,
2.50 feet from the northwest corner of said Lot 9, and lying northwest of
a lire 20 feet southeasterly of•and parallel to the northwest line of said
Lot 9.
793.429 ?:mil tt 8 zC ' _ _ c e5re whose ti Lr''lt " ,_ _ ^ an a tr .,le o= 900 191 33 " ^i t b -
the rorti:-
ca'sterly I_:,3t of .+ackoon straat' thry shy zi-,na Jaciccon Street Silbway under the ^-_.•.• a-Va 'tcd
tracks to %:' : union DC''iOt for a diutcr, t^.." --ion } the c/+�u� v�yy ^^ 193.61 feat r:= til:: £aid
,.l.i i.Ve V� _L�t1 '
northcat ter _y jinn Gc Jar cLson 5tro'et; thence aloes a tan clot to said clir` o for e d stznce
Of 47.36 fce't; tllcnC.C' to the right for a distances O, 207 �alcng a '1'_n.3 Eaa-', in- ail angle
Of t%e 1.^ -.st ,mantioncd i:an3ant to ."-_ paint, said point beinc, tae' Corner
o. -rO. uCC ^ it _ _ Oi ^ said szbTzy and t3:e FOulth,-- ostcrly I3: e of Sibley r,!.r,?0t; thence
north- ,a,Y:storly --lo - the soutjILeptorly lire of Sibley St=ern for a dista_2ca of 57.3 feet
t0 tile iio•int. Of :,!ginning. t
Also; condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes
on the follQwing described parcel of land: that part of Lots 8 and 9, Auditor=s
Subdivision Ko. 35 lying- southeast of a line commencing at a point on the
easterly- line. -of said -Iot 8, _3 - feeet __from the most easterly corner thereof,
thence westerly 90.55 feet to a point on the'westerly -line of_ said Lot 9,
-2.50 ft;et from the northwest corner of said Lot 9, and lying northwest�of
a lire 20 feet southeasterly of,and parallel to the northwest line of said
Lot 9.