06-403Council File #_� ��0;3 GreenSheet# 30301�1 RESOLUTION CITY SAfNT PAl7L, MINNESOTA a� Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 1$ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has let bids for reconstruction of Dale Street from Minnehaha to Aatch, and WfIEREAS, the work was originally adopted by City Council Resolutioa 04-I174, Imown as Log #SU-5501106, and WHEREAS, the bids came in higher than anticipazed, necessiiating additional MSA and County fu¢ding in order to award the contract, and WfIEREAS, Shepard Road from Ontazio to Jackson project has an available surplus of MSA funding that can be transferred to the Dale Street project, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Satint Paul, upon recommendallon of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $3?A,869.43 is available for appropria6on in the 2005 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby furfher amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the following particulazs: Cutrent Budget FINANCING PLAN Shepazd Rd-Ontario-Jackson CO2-2S062 MSA Ramsey County Triu�k Highway Sewer Service Fund 3,796,791.b7 4,250,OQ0.00 108,000.00 SOQ.�OQ.�O 8,654,791.67 Change -318,869.43 -318,869.43 Amended Budget 3,477,922.24 4,250,OOQ.00 108,000.00 S�Q.000.00 8,335,922.24 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Rd-Ontario-Jackson W2-2S062 Construction 8.654,791.67 8,654,791.67 -318.869.43 -318,869.43 8.335,922.24 8,335,922.24 FINANCING PLAN Dale Street Redesign COS-2S091 MSA Ramsey County Assessment CIB 2005 200,000.00 216,000.00 162,000.00 791.000.00 1,369,000.00 318,869.43 6,000.00 324,869.43 518,369.43 222,000.00 162,000.00 791,000.00 1,693,869.43 53 54 55 56 57 58 SPENDING PLAN Da1e Street Redesign COS-2S091 Construction 0�-�03 1.693,869.43 1,693,869.43 �� $an9e C.ap�tat ImPtovemgaE ; � y � yeceived this ieque�t on i�e St. � epds �udgBt � � _ and xecomm mate) � --r' _ .--- _ ��.���¢� � Benanav Bostrom Thune Adopted by Council: Date 1369.000.00 324.869.43 1,369,000.00 324,869.43 . - , ° , -, , , , .' i��' �. �.�.��� � //1// , �T�1r� ��� , ... , . , ,_ �,� �l l�r� : � -%,�.� —� --- '— ' Adoption Certified by Counc'1 Secretary BY� �i__///� �fo//.� � - Approve y yor �Date � J 2�� (�( B Y' ���1 '� �� Form Ap¢ro d Ma for a' sio to Council By: � .. � F;nanetaA SeYV'�ees � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pWw -r�n,;cworxs Confact Person & Phone: Paui Kurtz 266-6203 Comract Type: AR RESOLU'iION W!$ TRANSACIION � ��: 2�-n�ncaas � ' Assign Number For Routing Order Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signaiure) Green Sheet NO: Deoartrnent 06 - �fa3 3030171 0 '�Pu6Gc Wm�ks I Paol %ur� I 1 bticWorks De tD'aector 2 ua1 ceFnancialServi 3 Is Attornev .. 4 �7avor's 06ee I Mavor/Asdsfant t 5 uncil 6 ia7 6 ' Clerk (S Qerk Approve attached Resolution amending the spending and financing plans of the Dale Street Redesign project by hansferring MSA funding from the Shepazd Rd. Ontario to Jackson project and adding Ramsey County funding. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject Planning Commission CIB Canmittce Gl'til Sen9ce Commission Personal Service the Following Questions: 1. Fias this personlfirtn e�er worketl under a contract forthis departmeM? Yes No 2. Has ihis personlfimi eaer been a cily employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persor✓firm possess a skill not nom'ially possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain aflyes answers on sepamte sheetand attach W green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, OpportunHy (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Public Works has let bids for the reconsauction of Dale Street from Minnehaha to HatcL. The bids came in higher ihan anticipated, necessitating additional MSA and CounTy funding in order to award tFte coniract. Shepazd Road from Ontario to Jackson has available surplus MSA funding that can be transfened to the Dale Street pmject Advantages KApproved: - Conhact for the reconstruction of Dale Street from Minnehaha to Hatch can be awarded and work can proceed. Disadvantages IFApproved: Surplus MSA from the Shepazd Road project will not be available for use on other MSA eligble capital projects. Disadvanta�es If NotApproved: The connact for the Dale Street project will not be awazded and the constructi�will� de ��.�I�ISA funding is found. �� �r v � � Total Amount of �24 869 43 Transaction: Fundins� Souree: MSA and Ramsey FinanciallMOrmation: � «�e��� CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y `" '� � V �� __ �� � p �q p� S I l•m Activity Number. Cp2-2S062 & CA5-2S091 4 � $••� RECEIVED APR 1 g 20�6 Maroh 27, 2006 10:31 AM MAYOR'S OFFICE Page 1 APR a_ 3 "cQti6 � � �i