224428 •^' L��� OR161y AL TO CITY CLHRK /,��� - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �"" ��' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED dY J��� ],� ].�5 COMMISSIONE DATF � � �OyYLD, 3�at the Cmm�il hereby approv�es the award of the Purchasing Co�.i.ttee therefor, and hereby a�ards contract fbr �urnishing and del3.vering to the City of Saint Panl, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Muni.cipal Equipm�nt, 891 North Da,l.e, Saint Paul, Minnesota, One Pettibone Speedall ASodel 125A Rubber-tired Shov�el IAader With 1-3�4 Yd. �+ in 1 IIlr3ch Bucket, to PTTTIBOIQE �SOTA COHI'ORATTOA in aceox�ance with City specifications there�or hereto attached and the Formal Bid �1089 oP said Pettibone Mianesota Corporation at a contract price o� $13,160.00, s�ch bid being the lvwest and said Pettibone Minnesota Corpora,tion being a reasonable and reli.able bidder and the Corporation Cotmsel 'be and hereby is suthorized to dra�r up �the proper �orm of contract there�or and the proper City ofYic3als are hereby directed to execute said contract on beha7� of the City o� Saint Paul. Formal Bid �1089. I �AN 12 ��� COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �A� 12196� Holland ppx'ove� 19— Loss Favor t - Meredith � �' Peterson ('1 MAyOr � A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED JAN 16 19�5 ion� e-ds DUrLICAT[TO MtINT[R �� i�j,� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r � _� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO ��_ ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED �Y a,�„� �., i�65 COMMISSIONE� DA� �t 'H�t th� Cou��]. laet*�bY �Pr�►�� -h� �v�. o� �F.�ee P�cha�ing �+o�1.t� '��f'or, e�nd l�r�hy �ds Conti�act fvr �,i,�niehing �nd i�linri3�g tc �e Cii�r o! Sa�nt, �au�., �t c� Pub13c �iprl�, Huree�az af �tm3.eipal �q,u�.pa�ents 891 �'orth �].�, .�int :�e.ul, �.i.ta�esotet, � 1'�tt3`E�a� �pee�].3. )ic'ids� �aA �1�r•�red �l �Aader x�th 1�3 j� �d. h ia J. �Zi�.c�}i �ck,�t¢ to .�'IBO�'�A ��0�' Ifllt 3n i�aCrorc�ace vl.th +�3.�3+' sp�c�i.cu�.�.iaoc� �Fher�-Por her�tv stt�,ch�d: �nd. tbe �'�rea�1. 8�.d �3A89 ot �aid �ett3ba�e l�nn�sot�, Corpor�t�i�q. at �, eqmtre,et priae oP '�33,160.Q0� ��ch bid 't�ei.ng tbe� lc��� and. said �'e-�tiboe�e �innesota� Cvxpor�.ticxi '�3.ng � �oa�,b].� Am.d 2�e7.�.�ebl� bidder an�, t�e Cc�r�or�,tic�. �t�e�. 'b� and. hex�4b� �� �u.thori�d 't,o � 1a� the �ro�r �[ore, aF ac�straat f,h,er�gor� �d, t�aa �rvper Gi�y vf�ici,e�1� �� �risby �3.rect�d. tA e�c�.rte a�.id �c�nt�'�at on b�1f af the �ity o� �a�.n�t �ul. �'a�.]. �i.d ��.c�89. JAN 121965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays p� 1��j�j nalglish �RB�e �� Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn F'gVOP Meredith Peterson �yOr �AgSin3t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e•�