06-402Council File # 0� "' ��� Green Sheet # 3030009 r�, .: Presented By Referred To AUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 WEIEREA5, the Department of Public Works has awarded a contract for construction of residential street paving and lighting in the Baker/Sellows pro}eet of the 2005 Residential Street Vits]ity Program, and Wf1EREAS, this work was originally adopted by City Council Resolution 04-ll74, known as Log #SU-6600816, and WfiEREAS, appmvai to use funding from 2006 eapital improvement budget to fvnd this project over two years was adopted by City Council Resolution 05-338, and WI�EREAS, spending for tlus project is taking place in the 2005 capital improvement budget, requiring a transfer of fian.ding from the 2006 capital improvement budget kack to 2005, and WfiEftEAS, the fmancing has been adopted by City CouncIl Resolution 05-1163, known as Log#SU-6600516, Residential Street Vitality Paving pmgram, and WHEREAS, Dodd Road and Stryker Avenue Reconstruction, adopted by Councit 05-1163, known as Log#SU 0301302, is being done as part of the BakerBellowa project and the budget needs to be transfened back to the 2005 capital improvement budget as well, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Impmvement Budget Committee, that $3,991,032.46 is available for appropriation in the 2005 Capital Impmvement Budgets, as heretoFoxe adopted and amended � by this Council, be hereby fiu•ther amended in We Improvement Budgets, in the following particulars: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN Residential Street Paving - 05 CO5-2T559 Assessment Bond 2,065,000.00 2,065,000.00 Street Imprv. Bonds 0.00 3,991,032.46 3,991,032.46 MSA 1,296,000.00 1,276,000.00 Faleon Heights 463,285.95 463,285.95 Capital Ren on Watershed Dist 352,147.23 362,14723 WaterUtility 798,709.59 795,709.59 West Saint Paul 98,060.00 98,000.00 Sewer Service Fund 2,606,594.68 2,606,544.68 CIB20Q5 .7,525,OOQ.00 7,525,OQOAQ 15,184,957.'15 3,991,032.46 19,176,020.21 SPENDING PI,AN Residential Street Paving - 05 CO5-2T559 Construction 15,184,987.75 3,991,032.46 19,176,02021 15,184,987.75 3,991,032.46 19,176,020.21 ob - �}o� 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 FINANCING PLAN Residential Street Paving - 06 C06-2T560 Stzeet Imprv. Sonds 9,913,�00.00 -2,525,032.46 7,357,967.54 9,913,000.00 -2,525,032.46 7,387,967.54 SPENDING PLAN- Residential �Street Pavivg - 06 C06-2T560 - Construction FINANCING PT AN Dodd Road & Str9ker Avenue C06-2CO35 Street Imprv. Bonds SPENDING PLAN Dodd Road & Stryker Avenue CO&2CO35 Construction 9,913,000.00 -2,525,032.46 7,387,967.54 9,913,000.00 -2,525,032.46 9,387,967.54 1,466,000.00 -1466,000.00 0.00 1,466,000.00 -1,46$,000.00 0.00 1,466,000.00 -1,466,000.00 0.00 1,466,000.00 -1,466,000.00 0.00 �e'�t. Faul Lottg•���l���ital Tmproveme�af ad et �"ctmmitta SE�'� this xeq��st on � 4- �ate! '��IO�aG „�,,,m-�»s�ndracomm� ,,., �...s .. �-� ����� �` ��° � � Requested by Department of• Publ' Works K 'ab� /1Oj06 By: �doption Certified by Council Secretary y� �LE��� �sd� pprav d� r: Date ����� r: Approval Recommended by Office of Financial� Se�vices Directo : \ 1 y B �„ Yt \, Form Appro Cit� tjor�ey: By: %v Approved I�y yor for Submission to Council: I /! n ` ��/' A���-�� B (- �dopted by Council: Date �i%��..aDOG � Green SheebGreen Sheet Green Sheet Green $heet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � �O — �a2.► Departrnenf/otfice7counciL• Date Mitiated: . Pw -�,li�w� ��-� Green Sheet NO: 3030009 ContaU Person & Pbone: PaW Kwtr 26fa6203 ContractType: AR-RESOLifT10N W/$ "fRANSACiION �� Assign NumBer Far Routing Qder Topl # of Signature Pages _(Clip RUI Lxations for Signature) Action Requestetl: Approval of attached Councfl Resolution amending the spendiug and financing plans of the 2005 Residential Street Vitality Program by transfeiring funds from the 2006 Residential Street Vitality Progam aud the Dodd Road and Stryker Ave Reconstrucdon project. �datioris: Appra.e (A) w F Planning Commissiott CIB Committee Civil 5enice Commission � APR I g 2006 Mifiating Problem, Issues, OppurtuniTy (Who, What, When, Where,lNhy):' � " � ' The Depaimient of Public VJorks has awarded a contract for conshvction of the BakerJBellows RSVP project. Appmval to use funding from che 2006 ca�ital improvemenk budget to fund diis project over nvo years was adopted on Resolurion OS-338. Spending for t6is project is taking place in the 2005 capital improvement budget, requiruig a �sansfer of funding from 2006 back to 2005. Dodd Road Shyker Ave reconstruction is being done as part of the BakerlBellows project, the budget for this work wu adopted in the 2006 CIP hudget and needs w be transfetted back to 2005 as well. AdvantaSles If Approved: Completion of the BakeriBellows RSVP project in 2Q06 can proceed. Funding will be in the same year as spending for this project. DisadvaMapes IfAuaraved: None. MAYOR'S OFF{CE ��� � � ���� � . �. Disadva�Hages B Not Apuroved: There will no# be sufFicient budget tti the 2005 RSVP program to cAmplete the BakerBellows project. TotalAmountof ��,��� Transaction: Funtlin� Source: SYfeet ImpfoV. BOnds Financiai information: (Explain) Iarch 10, 2006 9;20 AM CosURevenue Budgeted: y 0 �uWic Works I I 1 eutDireetor 2 ce 3 �itv Aifornec r 4 so['s Otfice MavoUAssispnt � 5 u¢e�7 Ci 6 ' Clerk Ci C7 MustMswerfhe following Quesfions: 7. Nas this person/firtn e�er wnrketl under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. F�s this personlfimi eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Qoes this persoNfircn possess a skiil not normally possessed by any curcent cfty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet a�d attach W green sheet Acti��itv Number. Cp�pT559, C06-2CO35; C06-2T560 Page 1 � � i �'3 v�?vrl'�'uY