2214151. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER nATr. YeE Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IOM "2 COUNCIL FILE NO� RESOLVED, That upon the pertinent appeal under the Zoning Code of J. S. Sweitzer & Son, Inc., by J. Russell Sweitzer, as owner of the subject premises situate in the City of Saint Paul described as: "Lots 13 through 23, Block 5, Winterb Addition," v located on the northeast corner of Victoria and Pierce Butler Route, for a permit to use the premises for the temporary storage bftbuitding materials and for a permit to fence the area, that the provisions of said Zoning Code are hereby determined and varied in application as and to the extent necessary therefor and upon the provisions contained herein to which the applicant shall note his acceptance and agreement to comply herewith by signing a conformed copy ::hereof with acceptance noted thereon and filing same with City Clerk to =wit: That a permit is granted for the use of said property as a storage yard for building materials on condition: (a) that the property be fenced with an attractive tight board fence, (b) that the property be screened with evergreen plantings along its frontage on Pierce Butler Route, (c) that the permit granted hereby is for the period of one year from the date of this resolution and will expire by its own terms unless the owner of the premises shall make application in accordance with the Legislative Code of the -City of Saint Paul for rezoning of this property. ZONING APPEAL Vi l be heldv before the C u 11 tyc ,t 10.A.M. on November 19, & City Council Chamber in Sall and Court House, in the the appeal of R T. Sweitzer, iapters 60 to 64 inclusive, St. ,islative Code, Zoning Code, 'racy use of undeveloped land idential area for storage of materials on Lots '13 to 23; Winter's f catre corner and utler Route. November 5, 4964. ROBERT B. GERBER, Jr., (November 7, 1964) Favor D 17. _ Against JAN 121965 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 12 roved 19— Mayor PUBLISHED JAN 16 1965 - " -, `- 'fir_ ^- ,_.- • ` ti , - . 3 ,' ` .' •. • - _ . _' _ _ ..•, - , - -` - : •' - ..- y- - - '" -'� -_ 'yam = _, _. s` ' J. S. Sveitzer' & Sono M Raymond-Aye. • Gentlemen: y. "Eualased i8 Q copjt- of a OlUtion - unCil _Jl6' Na: 22W5, adopted _ by the Council on Jan . i9 grantj.ng ycKW appaeiI for pem,it :for use of y s in as a storege yard for"'bail"ng msteriel.e on aondiiond out In, the resolution. ' - we `call your at requirement for -the filing of an acceptance of the _ end • condition of the resolutict.: W3,11 you ' therefore please the enclosed accep"ce -fora. and -retura it - LL to this office as ow as` yossibla; .i „Very, truly you city clerk” ; ' ng `' :RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL - - %fXt0dk6W. 251- 434 -253 1015 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA ' } , •� November 17, 1964 x Mr. Robert B. Gerber-Jr. City Clerk Y- s Building Dear Sir: t ' This is in reply to the referral of the appeal of J. Russell Sweitzer for a temporary use of.-undeveloped land in a residential area,for the storage of building materials on property located'at the northeast corner of Victoria Street and Pierce Butler Route and described as Lots 13 thru 23, Block 5, Winter's Additions MTh$ property is zoned "B" residence; This is an irregularly shaped tract of land having frontage on Pierce Butler Route, Victoria Street and unimproved Hubbard Avenue and having an area of approximately 1.3-acres. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting on.Ocpober 8, 1964. The staff reported that the proposed use of the property could be properly established if the yard were fenced with an attractive tight board fence and properly-screened along the .Pierce Butler frontage with evergreen planting. It was, however, the staff's opinion that the property should be rezoned before using it for this purpose. The board, after hearing the staff and applicant felt it would be reason- able to grant the temporary use, but that the applicant rezone this property within one year. " Sincerely, B. R. Teig A. P. Recording Secretary Approve BRT :FGI Member, o rd of Zoning Encl. Z. F. 5636 !gmeral (fontract r September 25, 1964 . S. SWEITZER & SON, INC. 777 RAYMOND, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55114 TELEPHONE: 845 -4677 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386, City Hall & Courthouse St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Gentlemen: 1. a. Name of Applicant: J. Russell Sweitzer. •b. Legal description of property; Lots 13 to 23 Block 5 Winters Addition. c. Street, location, i.e.: N. E. Corner of Victoria & Pierce Butler Road. d. Present use of property: Vacant. Public Dump. e. Proposed use of property: Temporary storage of building material. f. Purpose of appeal: To obtain temporary permit for fence. g. Need of appeal: Zoned residential. h. Cite section of Ordinance appealing under: Legislative Code Chapter 64.03 Section Paragraph "d ". 2. If site is vacant, submit two site plans with following information: a. Property lines and dimensions: See drawing. b. Status of present and proposed grades in relation to street or streets: Approximately 1 foot above Pierce Butler, along back to large hole. c. Location and size of proposed buildings: None at present. d. Type of proposed off- street parking e. Area of proposed off - street parking f. Plan to be drawn to scale showing overall dimensions, north arrow, scale, applicant's name, date and legal description. WHERE TO FILE: City Clerk's office, Room 386 Court House. Filing Fee: $20.00 where the appeal involves residential property $30.00 where the appeal involves commercial property. Very truly yours, J. S. SWEITZER c& SON, INC. E E M-1 SEP 2 91964 J. Russell Sweitzer JRS • rt CITY Fi.ALVi�iNV iiUA� spirt pa td, Minnesota + •• w I J City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 November 6, 1964 File 16626, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on November 19, 1964, on the application of J. R. Sweitzer for an appeal for temporary use of undeveloped land in a residential area for storage of building materials on the following described property: Lot 13 to 23, Block 5, Winters Addition. The property is located on the northeast corner of Victoria Street and Pierce Butler Route. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or phone 224 -4612, Extension 2514 JAMES J. DACGLISH Commissioner of Finance Saint .Paul, Minnesota • January 18, 1965 To the Honorable, the City Council: r, ` Saint Paul.,-,Minnesota 4 t • - _ , Gentlemen: We, the undersigned;-do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council-,File No., 221+15, adopted by the Council on January 12, 1965- 2.2 �_ . _.. _ _ { __,. - - - •-• • - ..�__ - .. _ . -- - -- - = - - ,, . - _ - J. S. SWEITZER & SON, INC. BY 77 1r '