221409Orisinal to City Clerk 0
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled:
"An ordinance fixing the duties" and responsibilities
and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of
,positions in the Classified Service of the City,"
approved February 13, 1935, as amended.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13,
1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking
out the specifications for the following titles:
Playground Aide
Public Buildings Technician n
Public Works Laborer
Recreation Leader
and, by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following specifications:
Original to City Clark
2}3 49
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on
the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its
passage, approval, and publication.
2nd C
Laid over to
3rd and app V
_— Adopted 1
Yeas Nays
Yeas Nays
\ Loss
\ Meredith
\ Peterson
Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Loss A j
tM President (Vavoulis)
Attest: -�
ity Jerk
IM e.e2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By
Passed by the Counci� >tnnl 1965
Tn Favor
O A dwt
SAN Z2 7
Approved: _
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to supervise the work of an assigned
to command a shift of uniformed personnel; to be in
police work during an evening or night shift; and to
lated work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
unit or units;
charge of all
perform re-
To direct the activities of uniformed police during an assigned shift.
To assign uniformed personnel where they are needed.
To take charge of special investigations.
To be responsible for inspections at the roll calls.
To direct the operations of the traffic division.
To be in charge of the functions of the Police planning section.
To be in charge of the Police training section.
To supervise and direct the activities.of detectives and other assigned
personnel in such organized special details as homicide, juvenile,
morals, sex, robbery, .burglary, fraud and forgery, or auto theft
To command all personnel assigned on evening or night watch.
To be responsible for necessary records and to prepare reports.
To be in charge of and to coordinate the work of the -Identification,
the Records, the Communications and the Data Processing sections
To inspect operations, personnel, equipment and facilities under
his control.
To insure that proper station and field functions are being discharged
To prepare operational plans, recommend policies and procedures.
To plan, control and direct planning for tactical operations.
To review operations and performance records.
To be responsible for the investigation of complaints relative to
service or personnel.
To make recommendations regarding appointments, discipline,
transfer and dismissal.
To maintain press relations.
To direct performance evaluation for unit or units he commands.
To control and coordinate the activities of subordinates.
To patrol with subordinates to observe, supervise and instruct
subordinate personnel.
To insure that cases are properly prepared for court.
To supervise investigations, interviews and interrogations.
To make surveys of criminal incidents for selective enforcement
To act for superior during his absence.
To perform duties of Lieutenant whenever necessary.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and three years' experience in the position and
holding the title of Detective, Police Lieutenant, or Lieutenant in the
St. Paul Police Department; or high school graduation and six years'
experience in the position and holding the title of Police Sergeant.
Title of class:
221- 409
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, in a nonprofessional capacity to direct play
and other recreational activities; and to perform related work
as assigned. (Employees under- this title are hired on an hourly
basis for part,-time work only.)
Examples of work. performed:
To direct play and other activities at a play field, playground,
school ground or school building.
To administer first aid.
To maintain order and discipline.
To flood and maintain 'ice skating rinks.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation. Must be at least 21 years of age.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine engineering or architectural
work in surveying, drafting, plan checking, and inspection of
public and private buildings and facilities; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To review the less complex plans and specifications to determine
conformance with the codes.
To make routine inspections of buildings under construction and
the installation of equipment and facilities.
To prepare detailed drawings and renderings of public buildings
and facilities.
To assist in preparing cost estimates and specifications.
To make surveys for the Department of Parks and Recreation
and Public Buildings.
To make basic computations to determine safe loads and the
strength of various parts of buildings.
To make inspections of buildings to determine the legality of
proposed architectural and structural changes.
To make investigations and reports on explosions. fires, floods,
etc., which may occur in the City.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and at least 30 credit hours acceptable
toward the basic engineering certificate as given by the
University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for
those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of
such substitute courses is maintained in the Civil Service
Bureau); and three years' experience as an Architectural Draftsman II
or equivalent (no substitution for education); or three years'
experience as a Public Buildings Technician II.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
r;2_9n �
Under supervision, to perform semi- skilled manual labor in
connection with the construction and repair of streets, alleys,
curbs, sidewalks, sewers, catch - basins, manholes and culverts;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To handle aggregates for concrete and asphalt.mixes.
To place, spread and tamp concrete.
To excavate trenches for curbs to line and grade.
To help in the setting of forms for concrete curbs to lines and grades.
To shovel hot asphalt dumped from trucks, and to place it for
asphalt rakers.
To shovel hot asphalt from truck or paver.
To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it into trucks.
To set.and remove forms for sewers.
To drive sheathing.
To lay sewer or drainage pipes.
To prepare asphalt surfaces for repair work and to apply tack
coating material.
To do labor work in connection with grading work on streets and
alleys and to set intermediate grade stakes.
To operate water jetting lines on sewer and paving jobs.
To do labor work in connection with earth boring and testing.
To make bituminous sidewalk and curb repairs.
To operate asphalt curbing machine loader, pumps, portable
generators, mowers, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Three months' experience as an Unskilled Laborer in the Bureau
of Construction and Repair of the Public Works Department
working on the construction, maintenance and repair of streets,
sewers, sidewalks, etc..
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to assist the director of a recreation center in
carrying out the program of the center; to be in charge of a
summer playground or athletic field; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To lead, teach skills and conduct playground activities such as
low organized games, arts and crafts, bikes, nature activities,
folk dancing, group discussion, music, social recreation, drama,
or individual and team games and sports.
To act as club leader.
To assist in organizing special events such as playground circuses,
community nights, pet shows, festivals, socials or dances.
To supervise activities at a sandbox or wading pool or at other
To care for equipment, supplies and facilities.
To flood and maintain ice skating rinks.
To administer first aid and to maintain order and discipline.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation. Applicants must be not less than nineteen
years of age.
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Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under direction, to„ supervise the work of an assigned
to command a shift of uniformed personnel; to be in
police work during an evening or night shift; and to
lated work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
unit or units;
charge of all
perform re-
To direct the activities of uniformed police during an assigned shift.
To assign uniformed personnel where they are needed.
To take charge of special investigations.
To be responsible for inspections. at the roll calls.
To direct the operations of the traffic division.
To.be in charge- of the functions of the Police planning section.
To be in charge of the Police training section.
To supervise• and direct the activities of detectives and other assigned
personnel in such organized special details as homicide, juvenile,
morals, sex, robbery, -burglary, fraud and forgery, or auto theft
To command all personnel assigned on evening or night watch.
To be responsible for necessary records and to prepare reports.
To be in charge of and to coordinate the work of the Identification,
the Records, the Communications and the Data Processing sections
_ To inspect operations, personnel, equipment and facilities under
.. his control.
To insure that proper station and field functions are being discharged
To prepare operational plans, recommend policies and procedures.
To plan, control and direct planning for tactical operations.
To review operations and performance records.
To be responsible for the investigation of complaints relative to
service or personnel.
To make recommendations regarding appointments, discipline,
transfer and dismissal.
To maintain press relations.
To direct performance. evaluation for unit or units he commands.
To control and coordinate the activities of subordinates.
To patrol with subordinates to observe, supervise and instruct
subordinate personnel.
To insure that cases are properly prepared for court.
To supervise investigations, interviews and interrogations.
To make surveys of criminal incidents for selective enforcement
To act for superior during his absence.
To perform duties of Lieutenant- whenever necessary.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and three years' experience in the position and
holding the title of Detective, Police Lieutenant, or Lieutenant in the
St. Paul Police Department; or high school graduation and six years'
experience in the position and holding the title of Police Sergeant.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, in a. nonprofessional capacity to direct play
and other recreational activities; and to perform related work
as assigned. (Employees under this title are hired on an hourly
basis for part-time work only.)
Examples of work performed:
To direct play and other activities at a play field, playground,
school ground or school building.
To administer first aid.
To maintain order and discipline.
To flood and maintain 'ice skating rinks.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation. Must be at least 21 years of age.
2 ?1409
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine engineering or architectural
work in surveying, drafting, plan checking, and inspection of
public and private buildings and facilities; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To review the less complex plans and specifications to determine
conformance with the codes.
To make routine inspections of buildings under construction and
the installation of equipment and facilities.
To prepare detailed drawings and renderings of public buildings
and facilities.
To assist in preparing cost estimates and specifications.
To make surveys for the Department of Parks and Recreation
and Public Buildings.
To make basic computations to determine safe loads and the
strength of various parts of buildings.
To make inspections of buildings to determine the legality of
proposed architectural and structural changes.
To make investigations and reports on explosions, fires, floods,
etc., which may occur in the City.
Minimum qualifications:'
High school graduation and at least 30 credit hours acceptable
toward the basic engineering certificate as given by the
University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for
those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of
such substitute courses is maintained in the Civil Service
Bureau); and three years' experience as an Architectural Draftsman iI
or equivalent (no substitution for education); or three years'
experience as a Public Buildings Technician II.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform semi - skilled manual labor in
connection with the construction and repair of streets, alleys,
curbs, sidewalks, sewers, catch - basins, manholes and culverts;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To handle aggregates for concrete and asphalt mixes.
To place, spread and tamp concrete.
To excavate trenches for curbs to line and grade.
To help in the setting of forms for concrete curbs to lines and grades.
To shovel hot asphalt dumped from trucks, and to place it for
asphalt rakers.
To shovel hot asphalt from truck or paver.
To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it. into trucks.
To set and remove forms for sewers. _
To drive sheathing.
To lay sewer or drainage pipes.
To prepare asphalt, surfaces for repair work and to apply tack
coating material.
T,o do labor work in connection with grading work on streets and
alleys and to set intermediate grade stakes-: --r- ---
To operate water jetting lines ,on sewer an_d paving jobs. --1_,_—
To do labor work in conriectionwith'ga-rth boring and testing.- = ----
To make bituminous sidewalk and curb repairs.
To operate asphalt, curbing machine loader, pumps, portable
generators, mowers, etc.
Minimum qualifications:
Three months' experience as an Unskilled Laborer in the Bureau
of Construction and Repair of the Public Works Department
working on the construction, maintenance and repair of streets,
s' ewers, sidewalks, etc.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
2-2 409
Under supervision, to assist the director of a recreation center in
carrying out the program of the center; to be in charge of a
summer playground or athletic field; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To lead, teach skills and conduct playground activities such as
low organized games, arts and crafts, hikes, nature activities,
folk dancing, group discussion, music, social recreation, drama,
or individual and team games and sports.
To act as club leader.
To assist in organizing special events such as playground circuses,
community nights, pet' shows, festivals, socials or dances.
To supervise activities at a sandbox or wading pool or at other
To care for equipment, supplies and facilities.
To flood and maintain ice skating rinks.
To administer first aid and to maintain order and discipline.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation. Applicants must be not less than nineteen
years of age.
.:A 1
I st 1 _
2nd C
Laid over to
3rd and app (
— Adopted
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
\Dalglish �Dalglish
�olland Holland
\ Loss
\ Meredith
- eredith
\ Peterson
Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis