06-40Council File # V� � �� h 3Q29122 RESOLUTION Green S eet # OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Right of Way management ordinances require a permit fee structure which covers city costs, degradation costs, and disruption costs, and WHEREAS, in enacting the current £ee structure, the City Council resolved that the fee structure should be reviewed on an annual basis, and WHEREAS, the current fee structure was adopted in 1999, and the adopted 2006 Budget includes a five percent increase in the fee structure, and WHEREAS, the current fee structure does not adequately differentiate fees between local streets and collector/arterial streets for disruption costs and city costs to administer the ordinances, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached "EXCAVATION/OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE" and its attachments are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, that the new fee structure shall become effective on Apri1 1, 2006. Yeas enanaS � os ro� ,i arri� ,i He ae� � Lantry ,i Montgomery ,/ un� J Absent Requested by Department of: , ub i Wo s BY: Recommended by Office of Services Dixector: 7 d o � Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Fox B �'' //� ///�//�!�s�n By: Approved By M . D e j,�/ ApF By : B!� Approved by City Attorney: Fe�'i by Mayoz �t�/j �� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pW – �L�wodcs Contact Perso» S Phone: Paui St. Martin 26fr6'I'18 Must Be on Council Agen� 17JAN-OG ConhactType: RE-RESOLUiION 5 er P:ECE6VED Total # of Signa re P ages _ (Clip NI L for S re) Action Requested: Resolution setting Rig(tt of Way permit fees for the period 4/1/06 to 3/31/07. Planning Commission CIB Committee CiNI Senice Commission ������ I Green Sheet NO: 19-DEC-0S �-�ty 3029122 -' Deoar6�nt SentToPerson 0 ti al a ' 0.ssign 1 ' W o ' Number 2 n Por Routing 3 Order a on ' Personal S¢rvice 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�sr xrorked under a cont2ct for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er heen a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persort/firtn possess a skill rrot nortnally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiatfng Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Saint Paul Right of Way management oxdinances require a petmit fee structure which covers city wsts, degradarion costs, and dismption costs. In enacting the waent fee structure, the Ciry Council resolved that the fee struc[ure should be reviewed on an annual basis. The current fee structure was approved in 1999, and the adopted 2006 Budget includes a five percent increase in the fee shucture. Advanqges NApproved: The proposed fee shucture will more adequately differentiate fees between local and collector/arterial streets disruprion costs and ciry costs to administer the ordinances. Disadvanfages IF Approved: None. � � {�i � � ZQ�� Disadvantages B Not Approvetl: Right of Way fees wiil not increase in accordance with the adopted 20Q6 Budget. iocaiwmoumor $51,000 Trensaction: Funding Source: RigM of Way fUnd CostlRevanue Buclgeted: Activity Number. 12015 Financial Infortnabon: Based on the number of permi[s issued per yeaz, this fee increase will raise permit fees five percent overall (�P��) (approximately $51,000 on total revenues of $1,025,000). � S�i �i��P.�'.'r.a F`,crsFr�v DEC 2 3 20�5 December 99, 20D5 10:02 AM Page 1 ;; City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Right-of-Way Rates Proposed 2006 Rates (4/1/2006-- 3/31/200'� Permit Twe Pazking Lane Fee (per day) Not Downtown Dovmtown Pazking Meter Fee Driving Lane Fee (per day) Detour Distance Detour Rate Sidewalk Blvd Fee (per 20 foot incremenu) Not Downtown Downtown Alley Fee (per day) Detow Distance Detour Rate Disruption Fee Hooding Charge (per day) Pazking Meter Fee New Construction Fee Base Fee - Local streets Base Fee - Collector/Arterial SVeets Permit Rate (per day) New Ufiliry OH Fee Base Fee - Local streets Base Fee - Collector/Arterial Streets Utility Rate (per foot, fust 25' free, cligging) Utility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no digging, new) Utility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no digging existing) Partial Alley Fee (per day) Not Downtown Downtown House Service Fee Base Fee (per connection, up to 6) Addirional Connecrion Rate (after 6) Utiliry Inst OH Fee Base Fee - Local streets Base Fee - Collector/Arterial Streeu Utility Rate (per foot, fust 25' free, digging) Utility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no digging, new) Ufiliry Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no digging, existing) Current 2005 4.00 8.00 2.00 0.13 0310 4.00 8.00 0.13 0310 2.00 152.00 31.50 152.00 2.15 0.50 0.11 : �� 1 152.Q0 52.00 152.00 2.15 0.50 0.11 Proposed 2006 5.00 10.00 4.00 0.13 0.445 5.00 10.00 0.13 0.445 4.00 156.00 232.00 32.00 156.00 232.00 225 0.55 0.12 5.00 10.00 156.00 56.00 156.00 232.00 225 0.55 0.12 (� - `-� b Percent Chanee 25.00% 25.00% 100.00% O.OU% 43.55% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 43.55% 100.00% 2.63% NEW 1.59% 2.63% NEW 4.65% - 10.00°l0 9.09% 25.00% 25.00% 2.63% 7.69% 2.63% NEW 4.65% 10.00% 9.09% 2005 Right-of-Way Permit Rates Page 1 of 2 12/16l2005 - JJB � City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Right-of-Way Rates Proposed 2006 Rates (4/1/2006 -- 3/31/200'n Permit Twe Geoprobe Soil Bore Fee Base Fee - Local streets Base Fee - Collector/Arterial Sheets Hole / Device Rate Wireless Comm Fee Base Fee - Local sh�eets Base Fee - Collector/Arterial Streets Hole / Device Rate Full Block Conshvction Fee Base Fee - Local sh�eets Base Fee - Collector/Arterial Streets Permit Rate (per day) Monitor Well Fee Base Fee - Local streets Base Fee - Collector/Arterial Streets Monthly Rate (per day) Sewer Fee Base Fee Various Locations (per month) Monthly Rate Excavation Fee Base Fee - Local sh Base Fee - Collector/Arterial Streets Utility Rate (per foot, fust 25' free, digging) Utility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no digging, new) Utility Rate (per faot, fust 25' &ee, no diggmg eaisting) .� Obstruction Fee Monitoring Well Monthly Rate Various Locarions Monthly Rate Transportation Fee Base Fee Yealry Fee Meter Fee Labor Rate (per half hour) Current 2005 152.00 11.00 152.00 I1.00 152.00 31.50 152.00 21.00 52.00 L`Y��D] 152.00 2.15 0.50 O.l l 21.00 92.00 20.00 100.00 32.24 Proposed 2006 156.00 232.00 12.00 156.00 232.00 I2.00 156.00 232.00 32.00 156.00 232.00 22.00 56.00 95.00 156.00 232.00 2.25 0.55 0.12 22.00 95.00 21.00 105.00 33.25 Percent Chanee 2.63% NEW 9.09% 2.63% NEW 9.09% 2.63% NE W 1.59% 2.63% NEW 4.76% 7.69% 326% 2.63% NEW 4.65% 10.00% 9.09% 4.76% 3.26% 5.00% 5.00% 3.13% 2005 Right-of-Way Permit Rates Page 2 of 2 12/ib/2005 - JJB p� `�D EXCAVATION�/ OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE A. ESCAVATION PERMITS: Cost Components include "City cost" (administration, inspection, and records), Pavement Degradation, and Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legislative code, chapter 135). Meter hooding charges are extra. 1) $156 per hole on local streets*, $232 on collector/arterial streets* (includes up to 25 feet of excavation), plus $2.25 per foot of excavation >25'; plus additional disruption cost fees £or street closure sesulting in detours, permittee delays in project completion, or other similar conditions. 2) For house service connections, $156 per connection for the first six per block, and $56 per connection for the rest in that block. $56 for joint sewer service/right of way permit. 3) Degradation to be calculated separately based on Public Otilities Commission Rules if proper restoration is not proposed or completed. 4) The Disruption Cost Basis based on the attached Grace Period Matrix and Disruption cost basis charts; calculated using the length of excavation in feet; number of lanes occupied (sidewalk/ boulevard; parking lane; 1, 2, 3, or 4 traffic lanes); average daily traffic count (ADT) for the street segment(s) in which the permitted work will occur; and time of day (24 hour; daytime; 6 PM to 6 AM; or 9 AM to 3 PM). B. OBSTRUCTION PERMITS: Cost Components include "City cost" (administration, inspection, and records), and Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legislative code, chapter 135). Meter hooding charges are extra. 1) Various locations permits may be issued for individual vehicles at a monthly rate of $95. Specific conditions apply. This permit may be issued for up to one year at the specified rate. This is not for utility work. 2) For new overhead utility installation $156 on local streets, $232 on collector/arterial streets plus $0.55 per foot of installation. There will be no disruption charge for work in any block not exceeding five working days. 3) For lashing new cable onto existing cable by the same owner, $156 on local streets, $232 on collector/arterial streets plus $0.12 per foot. 4) For replacing existing cable with new cable in the same location vertically and horizontally, $156 on local streets, $232 on collector/arterial streets plus $0.12 per foot. 5) For placing or replacing cable in existing conduit whexe no digging is necessary, $156 on local streets, $232 on collectorlarterial streets plus $0.12 per foot. 6) For geoprobes or soil borings for a specific site, $156 on local streets, $232 on collector/arterial streets plus $12 per ho1e. 7) For wireless telecommunications devices mounted on existing poles with a minimum of 12 feet clearance from the ground, $156 on local streets, $232 on collector/arterial streets plus $12 per device. 8) For monitoring wells for a specific site, $156 on local streets, $232 on collector/arterial streets plus $22 per month per we11. 9) For full block construction, $156 on local streets, $232 on collector/arterial streets plus $32 per day per block face for sidewalk and parking lane, if any. Use of traffic lanes calculated according to the Disruption Cost Basis (traffic count for affected street segments). 10) Dumpster permits $5 per day outside downtown and $10 per day downtown, plus meter hooding charges. 11) For overweight/oversize transportation permits $21 per single permit, $105 for annual permit_ *Note: Collector/arterial streets are defined in the City of Saint Paul Transportation Policy Plan. All other streets are considered local. ���� DISRiJPTION COST BASIS Parking Lane with meters: $4.00 per meter per day plus lost meter revenue and a hooding charge. The hooding charge is a labor charge for hooding and unhooding meters. No grace period applies. Parking Lane without meters: $5.00 pez calendar day for each 20 feet of length outside of the downtown business district. $10.00 per day within the downtown business district. Note: If this is in a"Rush Hour" zone, the parking lane rate would apply only if it is not used during the "Rush Hour" period. Driving Lanes: Basic formula — Average Daily Traffic x.Number of calendar days x Detour distance in miles x$0.445 per mile For each direction: (one way ADT = 50% of total ADT) Loss of all traffic lanes: 100% of one way ADT L.oss of one of two traffic lanes: 40% of one way ADT Loss of one of three traffic lanes: 20% of one way ADT Loss of two of three traffic lanes: 60% of one way ADT NOTE: For work between 9 AM and 3 PM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 50% of the above will apply. For work between 6 PM and 6 AM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 30% of the above will apply. Noise ordinance restrictions will continue to be enforced. Sidewalk / Boulevard Areas: for each 20 foot increment Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Commercial- $10.00 per calendar day Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Residential- $5.00 per calendar day Pedestrian traffic maintained- No Charge Alleys: Use basic formula with ADT = 200, and length of alley = detour distance. Tum Lanes, Bus Stops: Treated as loss of through lane. Disruption wst begins after the grace period for utility work. Intersections: Treat each street separately. No disruption cost for utility work in areas closed to tr�c for City Construction projects. 12/15/OS-RP 1 2/1 410 5-RP �'4l� � o�,o�, o�o�� z � o cv o c� cs w o c� � � c ( � , a c n o, n a n a� = 2 c9 4 cQ i� c7 iLl CI �q ' 4 G c R S R t�G A c'J (V Q O � s� a a a a v -o a o a n 3 + + + + + � + + � n n in n m m o'� u� J Q � o o C o W N � M � � � C�'J � M 6 n p Q o. o- Q sa' Q� � � � [� �' [O N st N Q R R � � � R m � ('3 tV O O O Y .� V � .p . SS .d - p " u'� .- � � �,- -- � r � o J 3 + + + + s � a * , O �[f} r d' � N "� N O- U �°' o o b �° o�° o. J y �.L� � �Sf lfl 1i3 : Q >, � � - 7- G m o. n m a. ° O. - m � Z �fi 1� cO tn N C N d� T �` q �` T �` p. T t`� N O O a - 'i ¢ �O � � a ° ti ' a � � ¢ 3 � + `� : r � + � ^ � � � Q � a . Q ¢ Q ¢ � L^I ID Rti H tLI �11 I[T i(1 � lp � l!1 �f} �f1 �(} 1[) �C/ .�L Z Z Z VI A YI A VI A N A VI A �'i n VI l� vl N � } m r Y N .� � .� w N �. m � 0 y F� m � � L m L m L m L m � �W G 0 . C y . C y G y C N � y � v° `� � a .$ a u a �¢ �¢ H � � � ` � � � � � � � � � w ¢ m � U � G a _ � _ _ _ z = R "' Z � V � z f .__ o � > W A 0 � m � � a a c � % v � E Y U Q s � m r C L d O � z 0 R x ro O -0 m c `m v N � a O � � O � 0 m a � 3 O m d ° v � � L i-- N A � m t G .. s O � 0 �