06-398Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Presented By: Referred to: COUNCIL FILE #: � � ,3 GREEN SHEET #: 3030233 /� Committee Date: I WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its resolutions 03-1064 and 04-1202, approved a spending and financing plan for a 2$1,235,960 Federal TEA-21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21 st Century) grant, a$100,000 MN DNR grant, $335,000 in 3 capital improvement bond funding and a$100,000 contribution from the Lower Phalen Creek Project for the construction of 4 the Lower Phalen Creek Trail, which will connect the Bruce Vento Regional Trail to: Swede Hollow Park, Indian Mounds 5 Park, and Lowertown, and in addition, will provide a trail ]inking the east side of Saint Paul to the Mississippi River and the 6 Samuel H. Morgan Regional Trail, and 8 WHEREAS, current project cost estimates indicate that additional funding is required to complete the Lower Phalen Creek 9 Trail as designed; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a national, nonprofit, land conservation organization with an initiative that 12 includes working in cities and suburbs across America to ensure that everyone in particular, every child�njoys close-to-home 13 access to a parks, playgrounds, or natural areas; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the TPL has determined that the Lower Pha]en Creek Trail Project meets their criteria for assistance; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the TPL has offered to contribute $100,000 towards the completion of said trail; and 18 19 WHEREAS, it is the desire of Parks and Recreation to establish an appropriate spending and financing plan for the TPL 20 contribution; and 21 22 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 23 Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $1�Q,��Q is availahle for appropriation 24 in the 2003 Capital Improvement Budget, and that said 2003 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by Council, is 25 hereby further amended as follows: 26 27 28 24 30 31 FINANCING PLAN: CO3 - Parks Capital Projects 3D041 - Vento Txail & Connectors 6905 - Contributions and Outside Donations CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 100,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 ]00,000 200,000 32 SPENDING PLAN: 33 CO3 - Parks Capital Projects 34 3D041 - Vento Trail & Co�nectors 35 0882 - Improvements to the Land 1,525,960 100,000 1,625,960 36 1,525,960 ]00,000 1,625,960 37 38 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and thanks the Trust for Pub{ic Land foT their 39 contribution towards the Lower Phalen Creek Trail project; and be it 40 41 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper city officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreements 42 as may be necessary to accept and implement this funding on behalf oF the City. GJFMIQil�dcalResolutions,AOs,GreenSheetslResolutionslLowerPhalenCreekTrad-TPLResolution.xls Page:lof2 COUNCIL FILE #: (j�p �3 98 GREEN SHEET #: 3030233 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Adopted by Council: Date: �p� ,�G d?UO� r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� /i�i� � i/�<�Jv� _ Approved by Ma Date: �/�/�� By: ��-�'Ctia Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation B y' _!� � � J �s� Approval Rec�nded by F� ices Director: By: The St. Paul Long - Range �epital Impzovemeno Budget Committee xeceived this request on �rlafe) � �� � ` -_ _ and zecommeads 4d�-D'� ,._____ Sigaed: � ��.•R- G:IFN11Q71�rkalResolutions,AOs, Page. Form Approved by CiTy Attomey � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR — p�andReaearion Contact Person 8 Phone: Jason Wirka 266-G417 13APR-06 Con4actType: oa�m��d_ I Green Sheet NO: 31�1AR-06 � ' Assign (Date): Number For Routing Order AR-RESOLUiION W!$ iRANSAC710N o� -398 3030233 Deoartrnent SentToPerson IniEiallDate 0 arks and Recreation 1 ks and R rea6 n De artm nt D rect r �� 2 nanc al e'c tfice Financial rvi 3 ' A m 4 a or`s ffice Ma r/Assistant 5 ounc ouncil 6 ler le k Total#ofSignaturePages! (ClipAllLOCationsforSignature) Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution authorizing proper City officials to accept a$I OQ000 contribution from the Trust for Public Land to be used towazds the Lower Phalen Creek Trail pmject, and establishing the appropriate budget. �oanons: r�ppro�e �N) or rce�eci �rcy rersonai aervme convacw muscnnswercne ronowing �.tuescions: Planning Commission �, �(his persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? CIB Cammittee Yes No Cieil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill rrot nortnally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantageslfApA��ved: Project will proceed Disadvantapes If Approved: None AP� � 3 2UUti Oisadvantages If Not Approved: Project will be delayed RECENED APR I A 200� TotalAmountof $100,000 Transaction: Funding Source: Cp�tCiblt�lOfl Financial Inkrmatlon: (6cpfain) Activity Number. CQ33D041 # � � _ �� < �s'�=...rd? ��wax� � � �� CostlRevenue Budgeted: N March 31, 2006 11:38 AM Page 1