06-397COL7?�CII, FILE n: OG _3g 7 GREEN SHEET #: 3030354 RESOLUTION I WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Public School District (ISD #625) has initiated the reconstruction and renovarion of the 2 Waslvngton Middle School; and 3 4 WFIEREAS, ffie City of Saint Paul, thzough a joint use agreement occupies space in Washington Middle School as part 5 of the operation of Rice Recreation Center and North End Mulri-Seroice Center; and 6 7 WHEREAS, ISD 625 has a need for addirional space for use by the Washington Middle School and wishes to remodel 8 e�sting space and also reconfigure the space used by the City; and 9 10 WHEREAS, as a result of the ISD 625 pro}ect, improvements will be made to the Rice Recrearion Centes, including I 1 new offices and reception azeas, renovated activiry and meeting rooms, and generally upgraded conditions, that will 12 result in enhanced seroices for the City managed recrearion program; and 13 14 WHEREAS, a developxnent agreement between the City and ISD 625, wlrich will allow the project to proceed, requires I S approval of the Ciry Council; 16 17 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the Mayor and proper 18 Ciry officials aze hereby authorized to execute the referenced development agreement, and other agreements which 19 may be necessary to implement this project. Requested by: Division of Pazks and RecreaAOn "' �A��'��--- i��—�.� Approval Recommended by Financial Services D'uector: By: � �� Form Approved by City Attorne� ,' l B� � �"���� Appioye y� ay c foc Sub� cil t � Sy: � Washington&Rice Rec.040706.x/S Page: 1 of 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � � _ g7 Department/office/council: Date Initiated: PR - PazksandRecreatipn o�-,�R-� Green Sheet NO: 3030354 CoMact Person & Phone: Mike Hahm 266-64A4 Must Be on Council qgenda by � Assi9n Number For Routing Order 0 ar n rea " n � 1 ar and R reatioo De artment Di or Z i A rne 3 a or's ffice a oN istan 4 ounci 5 ' Clerk ' CI k Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Initial�Date Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution authorizing the propeT City offiicals to erner into an ageement with ISD b25 to renovate W ashington Middle School (Rice Recrearion Center) and also reconfigure the use of some azeas. idations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Answer the Following 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffvm passess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ISD 625 has indicated a redevelopment of Washington Middle School, a joint use site with Rice Recreafion Center. The p]an that was developed that best serves the community required changes of use and related improvements. Advanta5�es If Approved: Rice Recreafion Center will be renovated and improved as part of the Washington Middle School improvements and ISD 625 can proceed with improvements. This will effectively close the North End Mulfi Ser/vice Centex func�tions at this site. The center was shuggling to retain tenants and would have required costly xepairs/mwagement in the future. Disadvantastc�s If Approved: None RECEIU�D APR 1 4 Zppg DisadvantageslfNotApproved: N�H�u� J Ur'r�VL The ISD 625 funded improvements to Rice Recreation Center will not occur or be delayed. The ISD 625 desired improvements to Washington Middle School will not occur as proposed ToWI Amount of TrenSaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activitfs'NutnbePt-_ .-___,_-.,� ._ _--- — FI�R � J ���� �� � G��;���Y ������� Saint Paul PUBLIC SGHU�LS Operations ��p � / 7 3G0 Colbome Saeet /ndependent Schoo/ Disfrict 625 Saiac Paul, MN 55102-3299 Telephone: (651) 7G7-8143 • Faa: (b51) 767-8349 • www.spps.org Apri13,2006 Mr. Mike Hahm City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4�' Street Saint Paul, MN. 55102 RE: Construction Agreement Dear Mike: Enclosed please find three original copies of the Washington Middle Schooi — Rice Recreational Center — North End Muiti-Service Center Construcfion Agreement signed by the Board of Education. Upon execution by the City, please retum one fully signed copy of the Agreement to me. Sincerely, a k. Quinn, A.I.A., P Execurive Director, Schooi Services Vutiition P/ant Planning & Maintenance Safety & Security T�ansportation WASHIIVGTON1v�DLE SCHOOL- � —3g�J RICE RECREATION CENTER- / NORTH END MULTI-SERVICE CENTER CONSTRUCTION AGREEM�;NT _ This Aa eement is entered into this _ day of 2066, between Independern School District # 625, a public cotporation (heteinafter "DistricY'), representing Washinb�ton Middte School, and the City of Saint Paul, a municipal Corporation, (hereinafter "Cit}�'), represeirting Rice Recreation Center and Noith End Multi-Service Center. WFIEREAS, the City through a lease and joint use agreement occupies space in Washington Middle School as part of the operarion of Rice Recrearion Centez and North End Multi-Service Center, as further detailed and set for in E�ibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the Dishict is in need of additional space for use by Washington Middle School and wishes to remodel �isting space and reconfigure the space used by the City; and Wf3EREAS, parties aclmowledge that the cooperation of the parties in providing said space will ma�e the benefits to the citizens of Saint Paul by providing inereased educational space and remodeled City office facilities; Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth, parties agree as follows: 1. Scope of Agreement: The Dishict intends to initiate construction and remodeling of the compiex known as Washington Middle School, Rice Recrearion Center and North End Muki-Service Center ("ProjecY') at a site bounded by Cook Avenue, vacated Marion Street, I,awson Avenue and Galtier Street, as generally detailed in E�ibit B, attached hereto and incozporated herein by zeference. Construction of the Pro}ect is e�pected to begin by spring of 2006 with completion estimated by Fall of 2008. Parties agree that these dates aze targets and are subject to change as the Project develops. The City wishes to pazticipate in the construction and remodeling to the extent necessary to ackrieve the construction of the Project, which will include remodeled office space for the City in retum for an overall reduction in and reconfiguration of existing leased space. To this end, the City has wmmitted to vacate the space within the Project for the period of consttuction and has agreed to a reducrion in the azea leased bg the City at the conclusion of the Project, as generatly detailed 'm B�ibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Property Ownership: All land and buildings involved in the proposed Project aze currently owned by the District, and a portion of the building is currently leased to the City. Parties understand and agree that the relinquishment of occupancy rights for the period of construction will not transfer title to the underlying property or any portion of the structure, nor will it interfere witfi the lease and occupancy rigkts of the City, but will enritle the City to a continuation of the e�sting lease and use agreements, as modified at the completion of the Project. These modified lease and use rights will be the subject of separate agreements. 3. Project Fundine: The Dishict capital bonds will pay for the Project. Parties envision a ProjeEt in which the recreation center will be made an integal part of the school. Exact design specifications and scope of the Froject will be deteimined once the design phase has been completed, but it is understood that the design will generally reflect E�ibit B. °�' q7 The District will reimburse the City for the value of the rent abatement for its tenant, Equity Services, at the rate of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) per month to a maYimum of Bighteen ThonSand Dollars ($18,000). The rent abatement will commence on December l, 2005. The City agrees tttat the latest date of vacation by this tenant will be May 31, 2006. The City ag;ees that relocation of this tenant is the responsibility of the City and the tenant and no fnrtl�er acrion on the part of the District is required and no further claim for relocation cost reimbursement will be made by the City or its tenant_ 4. Proiect ManaEement: The Project will at all times he a District Project, and the I3ishiet shall be the contracring enfity for all work associated with the Project. Solicitation and award of bids associafed with the Project shall be in compliance with the District bidding requirements. City agrees to execute any agreement, documents or authorizations necessary to allow the District to perform as the contracting entity for the City's portion of the Project. "City's portion of the Project" st�all mean that portion of the remodeling of e�sting space being done by the District in return for rent abatement and vacation of the premises, and parties understand the City is not expending new money on construction or remodeling. The Steering Committee will provide advice on the general scope of the Project. A member of the Pazk: and Recrearion Division is a participating representafive on the Steering Committee and shall consult on all matters related to the Recreation Center and ancillaty areas. The City will be given progress reports on the construction, wi11 be advised of any changes to the work that may affect the layout, function, usability, or schedule of the Recreation Center, will be allowed to review site progress, and xnay make requests of the District with respect to the Recreation Center but will not direct or control the design or construction or the acrions of the contractors. 5. Failure to Perfotm: If either Party fails to perform its obligations in a timely manner as detailed in paragraph 6 with respect to the commencement or conduct of the Project, the other Party may tem�uiate this Agreement by giving written notice. If written notice is given, the defaulting party will be responsible for all applicable costs, fees and admiuistration expenses that aze associated with the City portion of the Pro}ect Nofice shall be delivered in person or by first ciass mail to the following addresses: City: District: Manager of Reereation Services Saint Paul Public Schools 300 City Hall Annex Executive Director of Operations 25 West Fourth Street 360 Colbome Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Saint Paul, MN 55102 6. Event of Default: Any of the following events shall be consider an Event of Default: 6.1. District Default: a} If the District: 1) fails to include the Recreation Center with the design of the Proj ect; or 2) reduces the scope in a manner wlrich is not reasonably proportional to a lack of funds; or 3) changes the design in a way that the result does not meet the City's needs contemplated in E�ibit C; or 4) does not construct the City space to the-sazne level and quality of construcfion as the District space. 6.2. City Default: a) ff the City fails to vacate the leased space in a tunely inanner or fails to cause its te�ant to vacate its space and make if avaitable for the Project. b) ff the City fails to make timely decisions or relocate its tenant in a timely manner. �� 3 �'7 In the event of a Default by the Distsict, in addition to any other remedies available at 1aw to it, the City is entitled to pursue damages for the remainder value of its Jeasehold interest under the exisrino lease and joint use agreements less the value of the leasehold interest received as the City's portion of the Project. TN VJI'I'NESS WE�REOF, the parties have set their t�ands the date first written above. Approved as to form: CTTY OF SAINT' PAUL Assistant City Attorney Mayor City Clerk Director of Finaneial Services SAINT PAUL Pt3BLIC SCHOOL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT # 625 �� ` ���.� Approved as to form: -'Ghairperson, �oazd of Fducation �- i /!' / � � (�.O /.v�t/v�- . �f , by i Jeffr�. a, General Counsel Clerk, Board of Education ' y; or� -�i Eghibit A Washtngton Middle Schoal First Floor Page i of 2 �:iry on tiugust 1 b, 1 y/y. 0(� Eghibit A - Washington Midc�le School , ,,----- �--- _. -- - -- ; ` . — ___. r-,. : ; �, ; , � �� �- '_ _' I , in -- - -, , ._.� .i:�._,__ t j . ; ., -_.� ..�n . � i .3 • ; �.. , ._ :_"�."'_'_—_�._ ( � _ : s � ._�,::: : ::,��....: y . _ _. manw, ?_�� � ... � - =,--±}--� ��. � DiSTRiCT L4�tD + ` ~ ~� -�=? �'! � c fY f0¢ GGNST = - ( �==---- = - ---� •�� RV<7��N oF rH� } ` ---• - -- --_._._ ' ,j MVLT� - ! : ' � L_-••' ; ',' S E xYfLE j,! � GENTLA. � — �—�- �:- --..._"::., !il ' ., � ' S � � ' ' �i! ::� � � ,,`;:, : � ';� • . - j i: ; . �' 3�� � . i .; ' ' -� � : . _ : ; ':' ,— � . i '.j - 3 � i �: �� % . 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