221338/1 ORIGIPAL TO CITY CLERK 221338 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSI RESMQEDO that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to establish a trust fund to be known as the "Stadium Real Estate° account. All proceeds from the sale of real property of the stadium complex shall be credited to said account. Expenses incurred due to the sale of the pro- perty shall be charged to this account. All extraordinary major maintenance costs may be charged to this account. With the approval of the Comptroller and the City Councils, all capital improvements may be charged to this account. All funds not immediately needed shall be in- vested by the Sinking Fund Committee. All interest -- earned on said investments shall be credited to the in- terest account-for general debt as long as there is out- standing bonded debt on said Stadium. Be.XT FINALLY RSSO,IVEDO,that the Comptroller, in accordance with Ordinance Number 126000 approved November 20, 1963, is hereby directed to assign the proper account number-to this trust account. FO PROV Asst. Comnration ounsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson �ieae$- . e Pr ". ' 1965 Adopted by the Council AN 6 19— Approved)AW 6 1965 19 In Favor A4,n aa_,� d Actin =g Mayor Against PUBLISHED JM1 1 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No NO !` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to establish a trust fund to be known as the "Stadium Real Estate' account. All proceeds from the sale of real property of the stadium complex shall be credited to said account. Expenses incurred due to the sale of the pro- perty shall be charged to this account. All extraordinary major maintenance costs may be charged to this account. With the approval of the Comptroller and the City Council, all capital improvements may be charged to this account. All funds not immediately needed shall be in-, vested by the Sinking Fund Committee. All interest earned on said investments shall be credited to the in- terest account for general debt as long as there is out- standing bonded debt on said Stadium. Be IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Comptroller,. in accordance with Ordinance Number 12600, approved November 200 1963, is hereby directed to assign the proper account number to this trust; account. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss M-0-j@gMW Meredith Peterson else • ; � wesident, Vavoulis, Mr. Vice •president (Rosen) l0ri 6-62 221338 Adopted by the CounciAN 19— JAN 6 1955 Approved 19— In Favor c> Mayor Against