D001492C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Cierk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - ,l tin `� Q� - Requesting Dept. No: I,�Xa Date:� _� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Housing Infortnation Office to amend the 1997 Budget of the Housing Infortnation �ce Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT 8� DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: CURRENT BUDGET APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET Housing Information Office Housing Information Services GL 065- 30131-0771 Full Time Permanent GL 065- 30131-0439 Fringe Beneflts • Mortgage Foreclosure Program 293,666 84,77 5 72,052 20,630 (3,957) 289,709 (1,368) 83,347 3,957 76,009 1,368 21,998 GL 065- 30136-0111 Full-Time Permanent GL 065- 30736-0439 Fringe Benefits pared by: Activity Manager Date �� g Reque e by: epartment Director Date 477,063 0 471,063 '4y�d � l'�t•� Approv by: Financial Services Director m�n D£t.4R'C�lJiiO FICFICOUNCLL DATEpVITIp1Ep �,J� � �r �c� HousingInformationOffice 03/11/98 GREEN SHEET NO. -33845 � COMACfPERSON&PHONE Ol DEPARIMEM'DIRECTOR O CTIYCOUNCII. LoriLee 266-8822 '�'�" � rnvw�rrow�v 0 cm�c�x�c xuueenswa MUSfBEONCO[INCdAGENDABYryA'IE) � O2 FIYpt.TW,yryCDIltECTOR O4 FWANdAL$VCJA'ITG. O MAVOR(ORASSI5iAN'n O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC110NP.F.fjUFS1ED Approval of Administra6ve Order amending the 1997 Budget of the Housing Information Office. RECOhA�NDA]]ONS: Approve (A) orN jca(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MOSC ANSWER 1'HE FOLLOWING QUES7TONS: PLANNINGCOhII.ffSSION _CIVLLSERV[CECOh49S510N 1.HasthispersodfvmeverworkedimderacontrutforUtisdepartwentl cmconmvrsg _ YES NO 2. Haz tivs persodfum evet been a city employee? OUIRICf CO[IRT _ YES NO sueaox'rSw[ucx collNCa oe�CmE+ 3. Does Uvs persoNfvm possess a sldll not nolmally possessed by any curzent city employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) Wl11ATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI"IY (Whq Whaz, When, Where, Why) During the 1997 close out, salazies and fringes of staff budgeted in the Mortgage Foreclosure program reflected a deficit. This intemal transfer will cover this negative vaziance. ADVAM'AGESIFAPPROVED� get will be within the administrative level of control. DISADVAMAGFS Q�' APPROVED None RECEIVED MA� 131�9� CITb' CLERK DISADVANTAGES OF NOT APPROVED: Budget will show deficit spending TOTALAMOUNTOF'1'RANSACf10N_ il3LJ COSi/REVENUEB[IDGEiED(GRCLEONE) O NO N�so�a� 30131 ACTIVPIYNUMBER 30136 rnawCU�m�oa�nnnorv ��aw� aW