216298PROPOSAL FOR and `u PRELIMINARY ORDERS ouncil File No. 216298 - By Milton Rosen — Whereas, A written proposal for the caking of the following improvement, instruct storm ewer in VAN U .,,7; 'FIST from, O; a 1Tfy;s^ i R- T PRELIMINARY ORDER. 216298 No....... .. .......... --- PUBLISHED (—L �'' Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: r�t.y,..: .- •`.:'ic,*w...�:�,�: _ ... .,,,. __......,..;..... _. . .. ......... ...... .......... -. .......... ....,......... ...y............. � • - LAS ,+�_ ,.�„- `: .. a•�R++.m Y:.w•.►.v a «.- - .1 ................ :,t ,.. ....._........... .. ...................... .... _ - _" -•Y_•. }?, Construct storm sewer in VAN DYKE STREET from Old Hudson r^.oadrto �--- ••�, �"Con•o�ayv:St.ree -t;` in= L+1ILSON,S= TREE -T. f-rpm .+ Van... Dyke.-- S- t. r- est- Otto _••approxima_tely-:.`. ............ .. r 250 feet west of Van Dyke Street in CONWAY STREET from Van Dyke Street .Dy _.... to " "a " "'proxima'tel " "- "300 "'feet "'we "s't' "of -'Van k 'e "rStree t; "in�LUEhLA' STREET from' - W' -1 o Avenue toLCon.ay Street•• -kµn CONW_A_Y_ ST_REET__ from`L•uella Street to approximately 100 feet west of �Luell r pp y a Street; ;in in HAZEL STREF.T;from.' Wilson � , T.t -f -: ti �. Avenue to East Third Street; in CONWAY ... STREET. f_rom••-Hazel Stree- t-•.to ..................... approximately 300 feet west of Hazel Street; in EAST THIRD STREETrom�i'r'�r Hazel Street to approximately 488 feet west of Hazel Street; in an EASEMENT - -- - -,in Lot 5;- Block -7;- ROBERT L— WARE' S EASTERN HEIGHTS from East- Third Street to Fremont Avenue; in FREMONT AVENUE from the previously mentioned sewer easement to White Bear Avenue;1.iniWFiITE7BEAR3AVENUE from Fremont Avenue to approximately 275 feet north of East Third Street; in a SEWER EASEMENT �' n''tL `ots`7'andtB;fB1 ;ock- ', tROBER ;T'L. {[ ,'ARE'S`'EAS�RN'`HEIGHTS'�f'rom Fremont Avenue to East Fifth Street; and in EAST FIFTH STREET from the previously mentioned sewer easement to a point approximately 300 feet west of, Hazel Street; L` �, VZ--•9 PC A11`6fLLtohich'"is t6' be kfib'wn "asyttie HAZEL -EAST tHI'RD STREET STORM SETJER7SYS1EMt= CONTRACT► B' T!1E T f rc; • : ai, ry %P St rr -c •_ ' , ;pr rr►Yfl " :Q; �9 , �57 o rt -, rfst of ',&n Dy r I crt- t i' Sr,-,I FT �1"r" Vz- '~;`{ti Sti -eet t fcet we =t e4_ "rn Zy Srr,-E t I TaUi'1.I_•� '� #�'"T Wilson Avenue Avenue to Conway Street; in CONWAY STREET from Luella Street to, - thcref;.tc. -ue -y. approximately, 100 "'feet west of Luella Street* in HAZEL STREET from Wilson V'�.11r.:r� 't",n+ a121 �i in - t;nnn- of ,t ?.,. n 1 i- 11�rni sir -� et tr) 1T'�� Avenue�•to {East Thir"ai Street, in C0NVMV STP±E from'-Hazei` S'treeEl to �a Rpr _oxi�mateIyh30.Qcif_e_et 'flaest Cof?rHazel (S ;treet;Ain? EAST_:THiRDvS TREE T from Hazel' .,Street to ap�plreox�ima�e -y X488 „f�eet,Qwe�sti gf iHBz�e�1�, }St �ee;t,� lid an�EASEN1�NTot: in Lot 5, Block 7, ROBERT L. WARE 5 EASTERN HEIGHTS from East Third Street 8 - to ^Foremont' ;AV&irc,f4- -n)rF- REMON'Y AVEN ft, rfr m£rthe previously mentioned sewer 4, easgment tol; -W iiite,1eB.e_a:zxAvenue-:,!,�iri iliHI�M BEE ARiAV .EN.UEti<f-romtF- remon,toAvenue . 8 to, a prox'L ate Ay� #z� FStffoeer� lnojr,,thL oftEaisa CT�Y rd- $tre51t�,i i•naca. SEWER EASEMENT 11 in Lots 7'and 8, Block 6 ROBERT L. WARE'S EASTERN HEIGHTS from Fremont Avenue to East Fifth Street; and in EAST FIFTH-STREET from the previously Atlo. men- tioned'sewer” easement' to"d "po nt'ap'pr'o'ximately 300 feet west of y;Hazel , Street .X (!rX_n ,-Atli, -of wl3i'ch' -i -s, to be known as the' HAZEL -EAST THIRD STREET STORM. SEWER SYSTEMDj 'CON -TRACT ' B' j� +MOr,tinson` ,_? `_4_ �V-6-�"n��y; r_ .�.aM •Peterson* .- �' �•�'}l04 MR..PRiSIDENm' V av9U 1 15 : , „ - ` kC G ' .. t' ',•,yt, '3000 7-54 - 'II"%•.�-� -'F; '..�-.v+r'n•�- *,±.�,a-s- h •. _ ;k,�- L..y:N.7 *. i.�' •• Sr:^[•,`i •,.-.- ..._+- a.,,.•_'_�_� '. .,.�y'h '±, J .c •+•. -• - -.. - s�r�rr -..� ._,r fir.,.... j ,yn„ �r�,`f•, Y ' .t .. 'p _ =�t.� G { i..' '• �ls, •.a.w � ter" ''ss; E ' iw. k � - ^'�� +•1 � � 1, ,[ :�� � ��+ '3- -'+.7f (� .���cr" \ • hL l:'' }� .. m 15•.' 'L - " +i+L L3 .. �. ,'� w:_�1'i:.•Mi� -. '�6o. �flt ' • ;ti