216244ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK LIdNSE (X)MM PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONE . I CO NO. 21-6244 ' RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Samuel Glassman Council File No 216244 —By Robert F. Butcher Peterson — Milton Rosen — CITY( Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached Grocery COu to, this resolution be and the same are FILE OFFICE OF hereby granted, and the City Clerk is " instructed to issue such licenses upon RESOLthe payment into the City treasury of the required fees. n / Adopted by the Council January 16, Cigarette 1964. It n Approved January 16, 1964. bllc (January 18, 1964) 1018 Randolph NO. 21-6244 ' RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Samuel Glassman 791 Grand Butcher App.5900Renewal R. Goodman & Co. 791 Grand Grocery " 5940" n " Off Sale Malt It It " n " Cigarette " It n Edna Potter 1018 Randolph Beauty Shop " 6118" Thelma & George P. Anderson 54 S. Syndicate Beauty Shop " 6148" Edith Hobart 514 University Beauty Shop " 6267" Curling Club of St. Paul, Inc. 470 Selby On Sale Malt " 6277" n " Cigarette " " it Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of Mpls. & St. Paul 1340 University Bev.Al.&NA1." 6367" " 9V #722 -730 n n n �� " Private Gas Pump" n n Walter E. Swanson 1307 Thomas Foods MPDW " 6424" " n 17#826 n " It Henry E. Pabst 330 E. 6th Foods MPDW if 6425" It " 20 #827 -828 n n tt Joseph Knoedgen tt 616 Rice Grocery It 6426" " Butcher " it n Foods MPDW n n n n � " 1V #829 n n n 1 I Herbert L. Howe 202 Concord Foodstuff " 6486 ti " Off Bale Malt " " Renewal " n Cigarette n n n Frank E. $lites 27 W. 6th Rental Hosp.Equip." 6511" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IoM 6-62 Tn Favor Against Approved 19— i Mayor i C i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 21_6 /�". ,44 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. a F� LICENSE COMMITTEE- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 'COMMISSIONER DATE January 16, 1964 Contd. Page 2 + " Lester Fournier 1841 Sargent Tree Trimmer & 1V #1093 2V )I A 6 2 Re 1 109 1095 PP• 5 3 newa Robert A. Siegel 651 S. Snelling Catering n 6524" Eibert- Continental Coffee Co. 826 Berry Foods MPDW " 6549" " - " 2V #1111 -1112 +r n n L. W. Clark 2525 W. 7th Gas Sta. 6P " 6579" n n Vend. Mach. mac. n n n n " Cigarette ++ n n Anheuser- Busch, Inc. 2264 University Foods MPDW " 6582" 2P #1149 -1150 St. Paul Milk Co. 203 Ryan Milk Past. Plt. " 6595" If " lstV #1157 n n n if n 2nd.V#1158 n n n " " 42V#1159 -1200 a n n Carl P. Watrud 2040 Ford Pkwy. Florist -N. " 66150 Midwest Coffee Co. 1300 S. Washington Foods MPDW " 6632" 11 it Mpls. 3V #1224 -1226 n n n Alexander Dist. Co., Inc. 2002 Ames Ave. N. Bev.Al.&NAL. if 6633" it Mpls. 2V#1227 -1228 " " " Continental Baking Co. 1200- 3rd.Ave.So. Foods MPDW it 6634" " Mpls. 20V#1229 -1248 " If " John Stiepen 1759 Selby Catering 6638" 2V #1250 -1951 n n it 2 Cigarette If 6639" Olson & Keough Co., Inca 300 E. 6th Foods MPDW " 6645" 2V#1263 -1264 n n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Wglish Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor ' -- against ' Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-82 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL ��.�2 + � COUNCIL NO. A i LICENSE 00MMITTEE' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ e ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM SSIONER DATE January 16, 1964 ! Contd. Page 4 Vincent F. Strauss 1036 Grand Gas Sta..4P App.6707Renewal 11 a Gen.Rep. arage If " " Vend.Mach.Ioc. Cigarette Alex Kubitschek Jr. & Walter J. Kubitschek 1141 -3 Rice Restaurant " 6713" " " On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt a n n Cigarette " IT " James F. O'Gara 164 N. Snelling Restaurant It 6732" if " Oigarette If " " John J. & Amadel A..Anzevino 760 Payne Restaurant it 6740" ° If On Sale Malt If Off Sale Malt u " Bowling 8A " Cigarette- Susan H. Lavell & Michael Lendway 609 University Restaurant " 6755" ." " On Sale Malt " " If Off Sale Malt " " It " " Cigarette " " If E. J. Robertson 166 Concord Barber " 6757" Nick Sarafolean 1096 Rice Barber " 6763" James Ricos 617 University Barber " 6764" Joseph W. Pitzl 870 Payne Restaurant it 6770" " On Sale Malt " Off Sale Malt " " " Cigarette ISt. Paul Rent -All, Inc. 1396 Rice Hosp.Equip.Rent." 6788" i Mrs. Clarence Miller & Florence Harrington_ 1665 Rice Orig. Cont. ° 6790" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalghsh Holland Approved 19._ Loss Tn Favor Mortinson , Peterson I Mayor I Rosen Against _ Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 '` ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 21.6244 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE slanmq= 16_ 1964 { RContd. Page 5 i R. Laska Drugs, Inc. 173 N. Western Confectionery I App.6812Renewal? " " Off .Sale Malt If n n " If Cigarette. It n n Lucille Roth admx. est. of Emil Nedved 1385 W. 7th Florist -N. " 6881" 11 " 1V #1390 n n n i Lawrence Lunak 1284 W. 7th Grocery " 6899" " " Butcher if " " Cigarette Melvin L. Lipschultz 1209 W. 7th Restaurant " 6905" " " On Sale Malt " it Off Sale Malt Tavern Bowling 8A n u n Cigarette Matthew Luby 1174 W. 7th Restaurant " 6914" if " Off Sale Malt " it If it " Cigarette n It If Stanley R. Thompson & Ronald M. Narveson 5223 N. Newton Rug Cleaning " 7068" Harry R. Kohn 293 Banfil Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 7206" Henry G. Auge 65 W. Flower " " 7189" Good -Hume Eachus Fed. Courts Bldg. Cigarette " 7214" Ford. Deep Rock Oil Co. 2709 28th Ave.So. Mpls. Fuel Dealer " 7236" JAN 16 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JAN 16 1964 Holland roved 19_ Loss n Favor Peterson gainst Mayor Rosen A Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62