216243P / < /g� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /��/ '" V 21_y6 43 CITY OF ST. PA� cll NO. A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM sen File No. 218243 — By Milton 1 ,�QN` ated y Section 282 of the Charter PRESENTED BY d b That, COMMISSIONER DATE , le City of Saint Paul, wherein the tetl; r=hA11 have adopted a F i n .I �• :' - :'�,a�hD•' rc : r, etic>>. ra^ynst^l :,'_ RESOLVED, That, in each case contemplated by Section 282 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, wherein the Council shall have adopted a Final Order for the construction, recon- struction or repair of a public sidewalk and wherein any owner of any tract or parcel of real property abutting on the line of the subject public improvement shall have :,_elected, in the manner and within the time prescribed and limited by said Section of said Charter, at his own cost and expense, to-',--,- construct, reconstruct or repair the section of thEi'-subject- public sidewalk upon which such tract or parcel of real property abuts, in conformity with such Final Order, and to procure the requisite permit therefor from the Commissioner of Public Works, under said owner's written application therefor, no such permit shall be issued by said Commissioner unless and until the applicable hereinafter prescribed permit fee ;therefor shall have been paid unto said City; that the permit fee, hereby prescribed and required to be paid by the applicant, for any such permit where said Commissioner shall determine that a survey shall be required in connection with said Commissioner's supervision and direction of the subject public sidewalk work, shall be in the amount of $5.00; and that the w_ a -t- fee, hereby -prescribed - -and required_ to be_ paid--_'0y- the.- - applicant, for any such permit where said Commissioner shall determine that no survey shall be necessary in connection with said Commissioner's supervision and direction of the subject public sidewalk work, shall be in the amount of $2.00; and .RESOLVED FURTHER, That no such permit sha any public sidewalk work except that which sha by a "sidewalk contractor ", duly licensed, as in accordance with the requirements of Chapter Saint Paul Legislative lode/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10111 8-82 11 authorize 11 be performed such, under: and 220 of the JpN 161964 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 16 1964 - - -- r Approved 19— In Favor 0 Mayor Against 64 nX DUPLICATE TO PRINTER', 21-6243 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE — RESOLVED, That, in each case contemplated by Section 282 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, wherein the Council shall have adopted a Final Order for the constructions recon- struction or repair of a public sidewalk and wherein any owner of any tract or parcel of real property abutting on the line of the subject public improvement shall have :_elected, in the manner and within the time prescribed and limited by said Section of said Charter, at his own cost and expense, to construct, reconstruct or repair the section of the subject public sidewalk upon which such tract or parcel of real property abuts, in conformity with such Final Order and to procure the requisite permit therefor from the Commissioner of Public Works under said owner's written application therefor, no such permit shall be issued by said Commissioner unless and until the applicable hereinafter prescribed permit fee :therefor shall have been paid unto said City that the permit fee, hereby prescribed and required to be paid by the applicant, for any such permit where said Commissioner shall determine that a survey shall be required in connection with said Commissioner's supervision and direction of the subject public sidewalk work, shall be in the amount of $5.00; and that the permit'fee, hereby prescribed and required to be paid by the applicant, for any such permit where said Commissioner shall determine that no survey shall be necessary in connection with said Commissioner's supervision and direction of the subject public sidewalk work, shall be in the amount of $2.00; and RESOLVED FURTHER, That no such permit shall authorize any public sidewalk work except that which shall be performed by a "sidewalk contractor ", duly licensed, as such, under- and in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 220 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss ,,��s�.. Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis loot 6-62 JAN 16 ISM Adopted by the Council 19— 411 Vn1 163 �T'54 r Approved 19- `J Tn Favor Mayor Against